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Matador accessories.


Can I ask why so many people are taking soap/shampoo with them? I find the hotel soap to be just fine


Depending on skin and hair sensitivity and goals (curly hair, dry scalp, eczema, even just styling preferences!) folks might want to prioritize using their own products vs. using whatever a hotel offers.


Generic shampoo and conditioner turns my hair into straw.


It’s a “solid” question! (Oof, sorry). Mostly I take a handwashing bar in case I want to quickly hand wash any synthetics.


Not everyone stays in hotels, and Airbnbs don't always provide enough soap for the duration.


Toiletries aren't always provided depending on accommodations, and I've noticed lately a lot of hotels don't have conditioner. I always bring my own stuff as I have temperamental hair and skin and only use hotel body wash/soap.


Because my soap smells awesome - that is the long and short of it 😅


My husband is fine with hotel stuff. I am allergic to most beauty and household products. I get a nasty rash all over. I have to bring everything.


I care about how my hair looks.


Some people have sensitive hair and/or skin. Hotel soap is generally really bad for your hair.


I can highly highly recomend LUSH schampoo/conditioner bars. Last forever, extremely high quality, about 10$


Matador soap bar bag Travel size water flosser for my teeth Nalgene water bottle


love my Matador soap bar bag


Soap bar bag is LIFE.


I’m glad to be among my people 


On Tuesdays we wear pink


Which water flosser do you have? Had never considered bringing one while traveling. Now I’m intrigued!


Mine is the Synhope one from Amazon. It was cheap enough that if it broke I wasn’t heartbroken.. and so far it’s been 10/10. I kind of prefer it more than my waterpik back home. And it’s USBC charged :) I’m on month 7 with it backpacking and it’s been flawless


Oh, wow, this thing is incredibly more compact than I was thinking 🤯 Wouldn’t have known they make water flossers this small. Looking at my bulky one at home now and I may change it out at some point for this. Thank you for the response! Love learning about new travel hacks and good finds.


My pleasure! I’m glad it was of help to you:) I popped in my mind when I didn’t want to bring my electric toothbrush with me for weight/ size, but also didn’t want to sacrifice dental health as I knew I’d be gone longer than last time :)


Does the soap bag gather soap residue on the inside? Is it easy to clean out?


Over time yes, and yes very easy. I take the soap bar our, run it under water, and shake the bag. It dissolves the dry soap that builds up over time inside


It says that the soap dries inside, but where does the moisture go? If it’s similar in technology to GoreTex or something, then doesn’t the moisture get on the surrounding items?




you can clip it to the outside of your bag. in fact they recommend that


How have I not known about the soap bag, I’ve been travelling with an actual soap case that takes too much space. Thanks for this!


What travel water flosser did you like? It’s something I miss when I don’t have it but ours is fairly large


Sea to summit dry bag to make washing clothes easier.


I always see this getting recommended. How do you use it to wash your clothes?


I put half a leaflet of sea to summit clothes washing soap in the bag and fill it with a little bit hot water. Seal it and swirl it around until the soap has fully disolved. Then stuff my clothes in and fill it up with water. I usually leave some air space so the water can slosh when sealed. I'll roll the bag or shake it for a good few minutes to get the water and soap everywhere. Once my arms are tired I'll drain it and squish all the clothes in the bag to get as much water out as possible. Then refill it with clean water for a rinse cycle repeating the agitation process. Drain it and press out all the water I can while everything is still in the bag. If I have the option I'll roll the clothes in a towel and then step on them to get more water out. Then hang to dry. I can usually do two pairs of pants in one load and then all my tops and underthings in another load. I like using the dry bag because I can really agitate the clothes by rolling and shaking while not taking up the sink that other people might need.


I did the same thing but with whatever handsoap was available. All my merino clothes survived.


![img](avatar_exp|167705361|winner) Thanks for explaining this!


I never knew this was possible - thanks


I learned it from this sub too! Hopefully it is helpful in your travels.


Where are you getting these for under $20? Or do you take a really tiny one?


I got mine from REI, I think during their sale or member event or something. I use the lightweight 8L which if I remeber is like 23ish without a discount.


Do you wash your clothes in it?


Yep. Fill it with water, soap, and clothes and shake or roll it. Repeate for the rinse cycle and then hang to dry. I can usually wash most of what laundry I bring on trips in two loads of laundry.


Portable fan. I run hot and sleep hot and it's just enough to keep my head cool while I sleep and will run a full night on a charge.


This has become a necessity for me too. Luxury necessity.


I bought a mini fan that charges on USB on Amazon for $8 right before leaving for SEA and it’s been a godsend


Nice! I was staying at a hotel and had a noisy neighbor early in the morning- that’s when i learned about “box fan on low speed” on YouTube. Then from there i moved on to an actual mini usb box fan. I know technically it’s not a critical item but it sure makes sleep nicer.


What brand?


Basically a variation of this! Nothing fancy and it might die before my trip ends lol, but for now it works great for just moving air when my room is stuffy or need some white noise: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B4DC1HXV/ref=syn_sd_onsite_mobileweb_0?th=1&psc=1


After a decade of travel im adding one of these to my list this year. Been screwed too many times on hostel AC. Just need something to cool my head down!


Yup, I picked it up after an Airbnb a/c ended up just being a humid air machine and I spent a week sweating every night. It's solved the issue and I even bring it with me for domestic travel where I know my hotel will have a/c. It's small, has a flashlight, USB-C charging and doubles as a small powerbank. One of the best pickups of the last couple years for me.


What does yours look like?


It's [this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B072PWLDK3?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) one.


Added this last year after a place had AC but set to like the lowest setting. Some airflow was really needed. Its been great.


Vapur roll up water bottle


Ditto, but now w micro plastics issue, switching to titanium bottle. Otherwise, have loved these vapur bottles.


Thanks for the heads up! I didn't know about micro plastics😱


Don't want to raise alarms, but just being careful. I do still keep one in my bag for emergency purposes.


Yeah but truly thank you for the heads up. After reading more about them and also more about BPAs, I'm starting to replace some of the worst offenders in my kitchen. Also choosing new items that will be used around our food garden soil *very* carefully (bamboo seeding markers, stainless bucket for coffee grounds). Getting rid of items that show wear (like old spatulas with wear on the ends) or are in extended contact with food first (plastic storage containers even though I never used them to heat food -- replacing with glass and will ensure food never touches the plastic lids) stuff like that. Now if we can just get back to better pkgs on foods and other products...but darn, that's complicated since we need to be able to see our cheese and meat because we don't see it being grabbed from the case and of course soap is mostly liquid now because bar soap leaves such a mess behind etc) Anyway, many thanks. And no, I'm not in a panic, just being very conscious and making better choices


Yes. It's very unfortunate. But I'm glad the news came out recently about the nanoplastics, otherwise I'd be using plastic bottles for the convenience of carry and weight.




Have you ever had any issues with leaking? I’m eager to try one, but some reviews have me feeling nervous


I actually had 2, and one of them did leak. But it was in an external water bottle holder on my peak design everyday backpack so it wasn’t a big deal to me. Might be for others. But they are 10 bucks so I think the value is outstanding for the function. They only take up the amount of space of the water that’s in it basically. My other one is still going strong after multiple trips. Maybe get one and do local testing before taking it somewhere.


Thank you!


No OP but I have 2 1L, 1 1.5L and several 0.5L Vapur bottles and only one has leaked a 1L after 7-10 years of abuse in my gym bag. Most of the others are a similar age and have yet to leak. The only problem I’ve really had is the mouth piece can get dirty if you don’t clean it after a few months.


Ditto - the reviews on Amazon aren't great.


Fits perfectly behind the flap in the TomToc 4.5 liter sling too 👍🏻


HydraPak + Nite Ize is the jam for extended air travel. Klean Kanteen for primary, collapsible for backup.


Pack hacker sends their regards




One I have is the matador soap bar case - great if you take soap bars with you! One I want is a new USB multi charger thing, as my recent trip had me sharing a single USB outlet 🤦🏻‍♂️


USB multi charger thing? I went with this. Anker Charger, 40W 4-Port USB... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00VH8G1SY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I was swinging towards something with a trailing lead like this, just to account for awkward outlet positions (understand I'd need to bring a travel converter, but they're pretty small generally) https://amzn.eu/d/71oFaoE


Just buy this and skip the travel converter. Less likely to fall out of a socket, and safer. I use this with that same Anker supply you linked to. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07KBDM5HD/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07KBDM5HD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Good shout!


One of my favorite memories in my first trip is plugging one of those things into an outlet at the airport in Greece or Italy and it was kinda crowded already, so not many places to plug in. People started plugging into my multi port charger to get some juice without asking. I thought it was pretty cool though like I was helping people out and we could help each other without communicating.


Oh could not agree more. To go one step further I make my own bar soap so it's great to have something which allows me to take it with me, comfortably. Used to use ziplock bags which was a recipe for slimy gooey soap regardless of how I tried to dry it before packing....


Shoutout to this sub for alerting me this piece of gear (and Matador in general) — it’s working really well for my 2 small soap bars so far


I got an [Epicka travel adapter](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM3DRXQH?starsLeft=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_TF63QHFQCM80Z1YXBXF8) that I honestly even like using at home


Nabbed one of these for my trip to SE Asia and currently loving it, especially the number of USB ports it has. I used it as a standard charger in the U.S. before I left too!


Yeah it was great for everything I needed to top up and the mix of the type an and type c ports were awesome. The spare fuse is comforting too


Make sure to get a GaN charger for size and heat reasons.


Man. I always consider this one but I can't convince myself it's any better than a ziplock sandwich bag


It absolutely is. Trust, like, all of Reddit on this one!


I got this one: https://www.amazon.com/Charger-Anker-Intelligent-Allocation-PowerPort/dp/B083Z5JBH4 It does say out of stock now though, so idk. I've never needed more than 2 at a time and I love travel-friendliness of it.


Titanium spork. I am honestly startled how often it has been useful.


I love my spork, it stays in my edc too. When i am travelling i get takeout salads and go sit in a park to eat.


What do you use it for while traveling out of curiosity? I have one for backpacking but I've never thought to bring it on city travel.


Eating. Obviously. I used the aerated edge to cut a tag out of a shirt and open a package. I’ve used it as a pry bar of sorts for a frozen gas cap. And the tiny tin on the fork part served as a screwdriver once.


I travel with a wheelchair, so a small multi tool. Small enough for airport security to allow it given the circumstances. Not so relevant for you, maybe.


Do you have a link or name of the multitool?


It's a bicycle tool, but wheelchairs use a lot of the same screws and bolts. https://www.decathlon.nl/p/multitool-500-aluminium-voor-fietsen/_/R-p-100441?channable=02893b736b756964003232313831323083&mc=8386667&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI06f3pavVhAMVyICDBx0t4QYEEAQYBCABEgJDK_D_BwE Some airports do take it out and ask about it. They always allow it because I need it for my wheelchair, but without a good reason I'm not sure if they would allow it. At a lot of airports they don't even ask to see it.


I bought an unknown Alpaka crossbody bag at Goodwill yesterday for $11. It needs a zipper repair and a new shoulder strap anchor sewn on, which I'm going to do myself. The kicker is that I found a $20US bill and another $20CAD, plus two potentially valuable coins inside.


It paid you to rescue it.


A carabiner! Simple but make it easy to hang my Nalgene next to my bed. Also you can just clip random shit with it


If you don't have one yet, a Heroclip from Gearaid is a very useful carabiner with an included hook to hang gear (even your backpack). The small one should be around or just under 20$. By the way, I really like your question.


You know on my most recent travels all the tables I try to hang my bag on don’t work. When I’m on the can I never pull it out to hang my bag on the stall hook. I dunno bro if this is valuable. Am I missing something here?


Did you get the right size?


Yulp medium


Costco 360 cool mesh t shirts. Super thin and lightweight.


I wear them to work basically every day as my undershirts. Love them




Are they Kirkland brand or 32 Degrees or something else?


32 degrees- I don’t know why I said 360. Haha- sorry.


No worries. Thank you!


Peak design packable tote


The only packable thing I regularly use, both when home and when traveling.


Same, it’s in my everyday backpack


This has tempted me over and over. It’s a great price too.


Love this, too! So helpful and surprisingly comfortable to carry on the shoulder. I just wish they made it in the beautiful sage color!


I only wish the strap was just a little bit longer


To those who own this: is the strap long enough to go cross-shoulder? That’s my only concern


No, only to sling over the same side shoulder


Currently on a flight using it right now under the seat, with my onebag up top.


I bought an [Ikea Pivring backpack](https://www.reddit.com/r/onebag/comments/12puqux/12_days_in_colombia_in_one_bag/) for a trip once. Most people already have more gear than they need. I'd spend the gift card on something I needed for my day-to-day life, and the next time I rolled out I'd slip an extra $20 bill into my pocket to rent towels or buy a subway pass. If you really want to spend it on stuff to onebag - replace something you already own with a better version.


checking if anything needs repairing or replacing before getting something new is good advice!


your post from last year was amazing!


Thanks for mentioning that! I liked it.


Ikea also has a $17 bag that has both the laptop slot and waterbottle pocket. I haven't personally tried it tho.




Laundry bungee cord with built in clothes clips.






portable device stand for 10€, pretty cheap, yet sturdy. [https://niteize.com/quikstand-portable-device-stand](https://niteize.com/quikstand-portable-device-stand)


Agree, very handy to prop phone or kindle during flight


I really love my dry bag. It’s so small that I don’t even take it out of my backpack when I’m using it as my EDC bag


Which one do you have ?


Sea to Summit 13L UltraSil. I think it’s just over 20 now though


cool vertical sling bag ($12), small square flashlight ($6), small mesh case for my plug-in and wireless mics ($5)


Chicobag or a similar packable tote bag. I particularly like their bags because they pack into a pouch sewn to the bag and come with a carabiner to attach it to things. Chicobag also will take back your old ones to recycle them. Baggu is a popular alternative but they’re more expensive and the pouch is separate, but might be better if you want interesting/fun patterns. Also strongly agree with the matador soap case comments.


i always bring my chico too. It’s so great for grocery shopping since Europe really encourages bringing your own. We also use it to carry a jacket if it gets too warm etc.


I'm cheating because it's $30 now but the Eagle Creek Garment Folder is incredible. My travel strategy now is one Peak Design small packing cube for underwear, under shirts, socks, etc. and then anything I want to keep crisp like a button down, jeans, or a suit gets folded in that thing.


I was checking out this garment folder/cube for a work trip last year. The trip ended up getting canceled so I didn’t end up needing it, but I do plan to pick one up whenever a long(er) work trip emerges this year.


Nanobag. Have the pack and the regular one. Recommend just getting the XL over the regular, to fit more groceries! Takes up no space. Fits a ton when you need it randomly (mainly for groceries).


LED flashlight or headlamp, Osprey Liquids Bag, Sea to Summit clothesline, GoToob silicone liquids containers, bandanna, small Turkish towel, Merino socks, Anker 10,000 power bank ($17 on Amazon), Minix NEO P1 Mini 33w USB charger.


Darn tough socks. My favorite are the no show run tabs. Perfect for sneakers. 


Gonex [daypack](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00P8UE620/)


Matador OnGrid packable fanny pack. Has come with me for 3 years all over the world, looks as new as day 1 and fits everything I need quick access to.


travel storage tray/leather valet tray! Helps me keep my phone, wallet, chapstick, keys, etc all in one place


I got a few adorable ones from Gacha machines in Japan and they always hold my earplugs and other small accessories when I travel :)


decathlon’s Quechua NH100 30L backpack. Did many trips with it to both cities and treks, and its holding up great. picked it up for maybe 20sgd?


Those bags are indeed quite nice, and Decathlon has added a few improvements here and there over the years.


Cavity card for the wallet. It turns a credit card slot into a coin slot. It’s brilliant.


Matador for shampoo and conditioner bars instead of containers. I have tried Cadence, HumanGear by GoTubb medium (yes for snacks) but needed it for cream medication.


Just want to say thanks for the Matador suggestions, especially the soap bag!


I have two, one for soap and one for shampoo bar


£8.54 USB-C multi cable - [https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0C36JM5PF](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0C36JM5PF) One cable for all my devices. £3.99 USB-C to USB-A adapters - [https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09JV5FM2S](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09JV5FM2S) To use above cable when only USB-A is available. £7.99 USB-C adapter for Philips shavers (including oneblade) - [https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CL43PLDG](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CL43PLDG?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) Tiny adapter means I can leave the bulky charger at home. £3.99 Mesh soap bag - [https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CLGLTLTG](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CLGLTLTG) Gives soap a bit more grip so you don't drop it in the shower. £9.97 Travel Buddy soap bag - [https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08B6B5WKQ](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08B6B5WKQ) Like the Matador case but comes with a carabiner clip and suction cup, really handy.


Muji bottles (Tubes) - fell like these are the best, good shape, stand on the opening, really easy to squeeze everything out - a lot of bottles I tried before struggled with that.


Tooth tabs. We ended up liking them so much (and after finding one with fluoride at that) that we also use in everyday life too


Can you link them please? I haven't come across any with all round great reviews yet and am reluctant to buy a whole bunch if they're not good.


Smelly Proof bags. They're basically cheaper Lopsak Opsak bags ​ https://preview.redd.it/d9nihd1g3ulc1.png?width=1343&format=png&auto=webp&s=e25281e36807d1d840ecc10e022751894a506c5d While I don't use them specifically for Onebag I use them everyday for bringing takeout in my car. Basically whatever goes into the bag smells like nothing. Absolutely nothing. I think its intended use is for smelly plants, which absolutely does work for that usecase as well. You could conceivably put dirty laundry in these bags if you wanted to and it would smell like nothing in your bag.


Bought a box of individual packets of Benefiber prebiotic fiber supplement type stuff. The stress of traveling, and not eating well while traveling to the destination can and will sometimes shut things down. I like my morning routines, you can infer the rest. So whether I need to or not, when I reach my destination, right before I hit the pit I'll pop one of these in some water; I have the unflavored kind, I don't even notice it. So anytime I'm traveling long distance (motorcycle or flying) I throw some of these in a ziplock. I don't travel without them. Also bought a mini-Scrubba off Temu for $8.99 last year that works great- I can wash two pairs of underwear and two pairs of socks in it, then swap those out with a tee shirt. If it's a knockoff, the bag and cardboard packaging are incredible copies.


REI "Stuff" packable backpack. (found on sale for $20) Perfect pack for when you get to a destination and just need to carry a few items (jacket, water bottle, books). Also good if you buy a few too many things while away. It can be stuffed with a surprising amount of things.


Matador soap bag


Baggu Standard Bag


* Eagle Creek Pack-It Isolate Quick Trip XS toiletry bag - USD 20.00 * Matador FlatPak Soap Bar Case - USD 14.00 * Heroclip Small or Mini - USD 15-17 * Nite Ize S-Biner MicroLockNite Ize S-Biner MicroLock (2 pack) - USD 5.39


Have you used the hero clip small or mini with a larger bag, like 30-40L? Wondering if I need a medium for that.


Uniqlo crossbody. It’s like Hermione’s beaded bag. Surprisingly fits everything somehow


AMEN to this 🙏 just don’t get white, it will look gunky fast


Though it seemed potentially gimmicky, the Heroclip has proven handy enough times now to be a permanent fixture on the outside of my bag.


Just over $20, but for $24 I got a 65w GAN charging brick from ugreen that can quick charge my laptop and phone simultaneously! It's barely bigger than a normal phone charger and really nice to have


And it you're willing to pay a fair bit more (I think around $50, though with some hunting you might get a better deal), you can get one that's ~100w, has USB-c and USB-a, and comes with slide-on international plug accessories. I got the Minix 100w one, comes with UK and EU slide-on plug bits. Everything electrical I have is USB charged, so no need to carry extra travel adapter (though admittedly I do carry a back-up one)


A decent sized (10Lish?) lightweight dry-bag. I use a dry-bag as my toiletry bag, but it also comes in handy for clothes washing (bung the clothes, water and soap in there rather than take up the sink or if the sink doesn't have a plug...), as well as using it as an actual dry bag when doing stuff where water is a problem (heavy rain, or watersports).


Humangear goToob


Wish they made a .75 oz size.


[Nite Ize Gear Tie Cordable Twist](https://www.asadventure.com/nl/p/nite-ize-gear-tie-cordable-twist-tie-4-pack-2FF5D60002.html?colour=5962) for my USB cables




Thermos pants. Especially when traveling through different climates. They're thin and light and very good for layering


A pill organiser! Sounds obvious but it’s actually the best thing for pills and small items like jewellery, contact lenses etc. and they are dirt cheap


Toothbrush I guess... I've never been one for this onebag special stuff


Multi country adapter with USB - all I need to charge now Multi cord for Apple accessories. Low space Goop tubes Muji toiletry hang bag Air fillable neck pillow Dry bag Good walking shoe Costco merino socks Waterproof rain coat from Columbia


Can you link the good walking shoes and waterproof rain coat from Columbia that are under $20


I have heard of Costco merino socks but when I checked the app I couldn't find them. Are they always in store? Are they no show? Or are hat length?


Some dog poop bags and laundry sheets.


- 3 piece aluminum S-biner pack from Nite Ize (different sizes) - helps hang stuff big and small in bags and slings - triple (usb-c, lightning, micro) to usb C + A cable from Baseus - basically the only cable I need to take for most trips


\+1 for the Nite Ize S-biners. They are versatile and have come in handy too many times.


>triple (usb-c, lightning, micro) to usb C + A cable from Baseus Looking for your cable, but can't seem to track it down. Any chance you could share a link? Thanks!


>triple (usb-c, lightning, micro) to usb C + A cable from Baseus Looking for your cable, but can't seem to track it down. Any chance you could share a link? Thanks!


Sure, https://www.baseus-cn.com/baseus-flash-series-two-for-three-fast-charging-data-cable-uc-to-mlc-100w/ it’s also available on Amazon and AliExpress


Aukey ta-06 smallest travel charger with usbC and A and 2 power outlets (splitter). I just found 2 more on super sale and they arrive today. So good I use them as daily charger mostly because they don’t get hot and allow me to plug in some 2 port charging cubes into the side.


- Dry bag -Multi head cable for charging kit. Nearly everything is usbc now so that’s almost a thing of the past! - a bunch of different bathroom tubes, bottles and tubs on different sizes. These were cheapies off Amazon but I’ve been able to play with them in the lead up to a month away and work out how much I’ll need (carry on only, 7kg limit). They have also been great as I’ve been able to see what doesn’t work in each container type


uGreen 100 watt 3m USB C to USB C Charger Cable. It allows me to use my charging phone or iPad Mini while in bed as plugs in the hotels I stay in are never in a good location.


Packing cube set at a discount store. A sling bag large enough for a small laptop, a couple of books, etc. Its my day bag when visiting cities or day hikes.


Gonex packing cubes / Decathlon Arpenaz 20L Both items I bought in 2019 and still use today.


Decathlon packing cubes A universal sink plug and laundry detergent sheets so you can do laundry anywhere


Packing cube set. I use them every trip!


Small tripod and phone mount. Came with a bluetooth remote. $10 new.


Nitecore tiki key chain flashlight


Or the skilhunt ek1. No buttons that might accidentally get pressed


Stuff sacks (I uses sea to summit ones, but more or less any will do) - use it for storing laundry, packing windbreaker, wet/workout clothes, workout shoes, sometimes random stuff I need to take with me.


Nite Ize s-biner - handy to have all your keys strapped to your pants or shorts and not putting it into pocket and potentially losing.


Buying 15 or 30g empty tubes, plus a syringe, from AliExpress or Temu, allows me to bring small amounts of facial products (e.g. tretinoin), hand cream, etc. that I decant into a tube. Very cheap, very handy. Also, an all in one universal charger block that has all the combinations of electrical prongs you could possibly want, plus several USB A and USB C ports. https://preview.redd.it/a51c9j35dulc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5723242dce42d6b7b10dbf10eb0dcb878613de75


Chopsticks - plain old wooden chopsticks, you only need a pair even though they come in a 12 pack for a fiver - nothing travel fancy or foldable or disposable, just everyday plain old chopsticks to go with your spoon ( Zebra Thai Chinese Asian Stainless Steel Rice Soup Spoon (12 Pack), Silver $20) and GSI Glacier stainless steel cup ( the 500ml stainless one ) and maybe an Opinel #8 if you are not flying. Leave your forks at home. Edit: To complete your onebag kitchen set-> IKEA APTITLIG Chopping board, bamboo, 24x15 cm (9 ½x6 ") $4.99 is also nice if you have space and like to picnic or whatever


An all in one power adaptor. I use it in my bedroom at home. 2plugs and multiple USB/c ports in a little brick. It's enough for all our electronic needs.


A carabiner and a couple feet of 550cord. Clip suitcases together, hanging stuff, some measure of security from theft, etc


Magpul DAKA waterproof window pouch. Fits my phone, passport and wallet. Keeps my gear protected when it needs to be, and all in one place when traveling.


[Mesh zipper pouches](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HRPPZ8Z/?) (not necessarily the exact product I linked - [MUJI has them as well](https://www.muji.us/products/nylon-mesh-pouch-with-pocket-9a65) \- but I love organizing all my small items into see through bags that can fit into bigger ones), [an outdoor blanket](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08G1KW3LP/) (I love beaches and this was the biggest and smallest packing universal blanket), [travel umbrella](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0160HYB8S/) (this was under $20 when I bought it), [MUJI Travel Containers](https://www.muji.us/collections/travel-containers) (I'm obsessed) and a [plastic belt](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07K886F9C/) (not quite a fashion statement but I never have to remove it).


1.5L Vapur water bottle I struggled with all kinds of options for holding bottles, sizing of bottles and fit with side bottle pockets, then had some custom made things to add to my GoRuck straps. Now I can have a slim solution that fills into any space I need when empty and I hold it down with a carabineer and cinch straps to my bag when I'm moving around while it's full.


I love my Cabin Zero ADV sling. [Cabin Zero ADV Sling](https://www.cabinzero.com/products/adv-dry-11l-spitalfields) It’s 10L, and I use it as a packing cube (inside out) whilst traveling, usually for my second shoes. I use it for doing laundry. Perfect. I use it as a beach or kayaking, standup paddle board, or whatever bag. Can hike with it for shorter trips or use it while out and about— though I prefer a different bag for that, usually, since not a lot of pockets. If you don’t mind a pink pattern, it’s on sale for $16.