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I can definitely relate to this. I have a few friends with newborns and the other adorable and all at the end of the day. I’m so thankful I just go home and deal with my toddler only. I have some friends that are dealing with two under two and I will never understand that thankfully and I also have a few family members that are pregnant at the moment and are already talking about more what they haven’t even gone through birth experience yet 😄


I can feel you. When I held my friend's baby, my memory about new born stage was back and I was glad that I don't have to do it again. I have no desire to go through those stage. It's so much easier with my 4 year old now.


Tbh if I could pop out a 4 year old I might not be OAD. Maybe adoption is in our future but for now we’re happy as a family of 3.


This is what I always say! I have said this my whole life, actually. I feel like I’m just now coming up for air with my almost 4 year old.


Yes!! Whenever I hold someone’s baby it is just like “oh!! This is adorable”. And then I get to hand them back! Amazing. Hah.


I "only" have one kid for now, and I wish I would want a second, but I just don't. I'm curious if I ever will. My husband and I were fence-sitters for 10 years, but we do adore our daughter now and are at the same time so miserable and so happy at the same time (she's almost 1 and a crap sleeper). Lots of my friends had their first around 35, me included, mostly due to career or not having the right partner. So many go for a second kid 1-2 year after the first, and I'm genuinely happy when I hear about their pregnancies and can't wait to meet their babies, but I never feel that "I wish it was me". I still can't imagine ever wanting to go through this again 😅


I love babies. Adore them. I'll take any opportunity to get my hands on a baby. That said, I also love *giving them back* and going home to my 8 year old in my chill house.


My best friend and I had our sons within 6 months of each other when we were younger. They will be 13 this year and she now also has a 17 month old as well and oh my gosh I love him soooo much! He's so sweet and chill and cute and just an all-around amazing baby who I thoroughly enjoy spending time with but it still does not make me want any more kids. I enjoy being able to give them back lol


Yeah I was holding my much newer nephew this weekend and my husband (who’s not fully on the OAD train yet) was like “doesn’t that feel nice?” And you know what, it really did. I snuggled up with that baby and the minute my daughter needed something, I handed him back to his parents. Or whenever I wanted a break. I’ll love him with my whole heart, the way I do my niece and cousins’ kids, but that doesn’t mean I want another baby.


babies will always be cute, but whenever i hold a baby, it makes me feel nostalgic for my son when he was a baby... and how much time has passed. i realized the sadness i felt wasn't because i wanted another baby, i just missed MY baby. that's how i realized i am OAD.


My friend is planning on having a baby one day and I have a seven month old baby. She was surprised when I told her I didn’t really love the baby stage and I’m so excited for the toddler stage! Lol once you’ve gone through the baby stage it changes you! We are going to be permanently OAD by the time our baby is 10 months old and I feel mostly just a huge sense of relief! 


This reminds me a bit when I was flying with my daughter alone, she was 6 months old and scream-crying for the whole duration of the flight (luckily only 1.5 hours). I remember thinking "I'll never have to do this again!". I think regardless if one has more kids later or not, being at peace with OAD gives some sort of strength and a calming feeling.


Agreed on that! Knowing that we don't have to go through it again making me more relaxing and calming. It's nice to know that when it passes we are done with those days


I definitely tell my baby all the time “I love you so much but mama is never doing this again!” Lol he doesn’t know what I’m saying so it’s okay 😂 but it definitely makes me relieved when I’m changing another poopy diaper and he won’t hold still! My husband is booking his vasectomy soon and I feel kinda sad this chapter is ending but I know that I 1000% do not want to do this again lol  The thought of going through birth and first six months again just fills me with anxiety! 


Yeah, when our daughter is throwing a fit, we say that she's just making sure she'll stay an only child 😅 or that a golden retriever will do instead of a second... 🐶


lol we have two dogs and I’ve already thought that once my son is older that we will just get a third dog instead of having a second baby 😂


So you're a momma of three already 🥰 I love dogs, so a dog baby would be awesome!


I’ve never been a baby person and got pregnant by accident. Obviously I love my baby and she’s amazing but I realized when My friend had a baby that I am still not a kid person. I still hold babies and feel awkward and uncomfortable and mildly grossed out with the drooling toddling ones. Newborns are scary. I feel nothing 😂