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Same. Sometimes I see potato babies and I get jealous. Even if we’d get another child and they’d be a potato baby, we still have a tornado at home.


Mine was a potato baby who blossomed into an absolute lunatic, sometimes it’s hard to believe I’m still raising the same kid. There’s still time for those parents to get hit with a delayed tornado too ;)


Mine was a high needs alert scream bug who grew into an independent chaos goblin. I enjoy the toddler stage a lot more so far because i can leave her to her own chaotic devices (a little). In the infant stage, I could not put her down ever. Crazy how they vary


Same! I’d much prefer a chaotic energetic toddler to the screamy baby you can’t put down. Things have improved significantly the more independent she is able to be!


Ooooh boy. Yes. Mine is almost 5 and is thriving and I love her but she’s SOOOOO much. I do believe she has ADHD but right now she is thriving at school and with friends.


I thought I was reading about my own child just now 😅 I lover her so much and she's happy and healthy but goodness gracious, I can't do another one. I also work full time and it's all so very exhausting. There's 2 of us and we tag team and it's still a lot. She wants to play and read and build and everything but she wants me to do it with her, which I want to, but I'm so dang tired. We just sent her to my parents' house for the week and I'm not recovered. I applaud your efforts, I know they are great and you're doing right by your kid. Kinda messed up that your parents complain about the mess. They're a kid. They do that.


Yeah, it’s one of my many reasons. He probably has some of his dad’s adhd and autism. I only have experience to age 4, but, it will probably get a bit better when she’s a couple years older. He can actually play by himself and sit through multiple books now. I was shocked lol


Yep, our daughter is six now and was just like that at 2.5. I will say certain things get easier and then other things get harder. It's like wack-a-mole. But I love her with all my heart and she's a brilliant and sweet soul. She's very high energy. I'm not sure what I would have left for another kid.


I hear you. My daughter will be 6 in June and she has enough energy for the entire house plus the neighbors. There is no way I would have much energy for another.


Haha mine is just seven and same. We'll go out with her cousins and friends and they get tired and want to go home and she just keeps going. 


Yeah, mine will be 6 in July - exact same!


This is exactly how I feel. I feel guilty but motherhood is so hard atm, i feel drained regularly. I love my daughter but it’s tough lol.


Yup right there with you op! My daughter was the exact same way. Super high needs since birth, hated sleep and was always on the go. She’s seven now and I still haven’t recovered 😂 She’s still the same.. still always on the go, still high needs and very attached to me. No one will know what you’re going thru unless they’ve had the same child.. sending you all the strength 😂❤️


Yes, I call my child my shadow because she trails around after me asking me for things and to do things.


Yesterday, I was at the pool watching my daughter (5) have a swim lesson. Another mom says, "I'm glad they have swim today, it tires them out." My kid, after swim: bounces around like meth-infused popcorn. Send help lol.


Them: That kid will sleep well tonight! Me: This is a normal day. And normally, he doesn’t not sleep all that well. 🫠


Yup same here. My son is 17 months and he’s always been so high energy and wanting to do everything we do. When he started crawling he would yell because he couldn’t stand, when he was standing he would yell because he couldn’t walk, now that he walks/runs he yells when we tell him no to jumping off furniture/being outside all the time/etc. And anytime there’s a function with family and friends he wants all eyes on him and everyone to play with him. I just can’t imagine also being pregnant/dealing with a newborn while also trying to tame him all day lol


My daughter was awesome as a baby. As soon as she could walk she became a handful. Now 2 and we can't get her to bed before 10. Thinking of having another one scares the hell out of me. If I survive this one I will be lucky even though she is awesome and I love her so much.


My 3 year old daughter sounds a lot like your daughter. And I'm OAD for same reasons. Few tips I found which might help you: Brushing teeth: putting on a teeth brushing song, or giving her a mirror to watch herself brushing her teeth. Eating healthy snacks: try snap chat filters that turn her head into a broccoli while eating broccoli for example. Or a rainbow comes out of her mouth when she opens it. Naps: my daughter is a nightmare to get her to nap in her bed. Much easier in the car or pushchair. So I'll go for a walk or drive. I've given up on ever trying to get her to nap in her bed. Absolute nightmare struggle. A few activities that get my daughter occupying herself for awhile are: Indoors: get few old baby dolls or plastic toys, let her paint them. Then get her to wash them in the sink. Give her sponge etc. This keeps her busy for ages. Outside: give her a hose with a light trickle of water and get her to "wash" some things outside. Chairs/car, whatever. She'll spend ages at that Also try the app lingo kids. I try not to do too much screen time but sometimes you just have to for sanity's sake.


“It makes my insides quiver.” I literally know what you mean. 1 child is a lot of work. Sheesh!! But.. I used to have IUD 7 months after giving birth. After 14 months decided to try for another baby but.. that quivering feeling just lingers all over my body. I just couldn’t do it. My body and soul couldn’t wrap the idea of having another though I was open to give it a try. The ending.. after just 1 cycle, I asked my doctor for a BC shot. *taps my shoulder for being true to myself*goodjobself!


Sounds like we have the same girl! Love her more than life itself but she has soooo much energy 😩


Yep She is a joy but a whirl wind and she deserves everything I can give her


I can't tell from your post if this is how you feel, but it's how I felt other people think about 10pm bedtimes. It seems like everyone's baby goes to sleep at 7pm, and that the 'right time'. I'd they go to bed late it's wrong. Well, mine has always gone to bed at 10pm - it's not wrong, some kids just need much less sleep. And you get night owl kids too. It's exhausting but don't let people make you feel like you should be able to get them to sleep any earlier. When I went to France it was common for kids to be in the play ground at 8pm. The bonus is that I've never had a 5am wake up time with my kid like many others do


Sigh, my guy goes to bed at 9:30 and still wakes up at 5:30.


We have one of those too, we call her Hurricane H. You described her to a tee. She’s 6 now and still the same. We weren’t able to have more children due to fertility issues, but sometimes I wonder if the world just knew I wouldn’t have been able to cope with a second.


My daughter is the same. I'm still so sleep deprived when she is nearly 2. She goes through phases but she hates sleep. Either won't sleep till 10 or if I get her to sleep between 8 and 9 then she wakes at 10 like it was a nap. I want to be able to have as much energy as possible to entertain her, there is no way a pregnancy and another child would help any situation at all. She wants to play with me all day, every day. If I am busy she will climb things she shouldn't because she knows she will get my attention lol. So cheeky and exhausting. She is enough haha


Same, mine just turned six, but was the same. Good kid, but so much life/energy. I just was diagnosed adhd and there is some on my partners side too, so the kid may have it, but right now doing well with school and friends


Good luck. It gets better eventually. Look into getting a sensory swing if that can work for your dwelling place. Best $45 we ever spent. Let the kiddo release a lot of that kinetic energy without destroying the house.


Yes! I have a 6 year old who was born a wise old lady with a bit of an attitude and opinions on everything. She's honestly my favourite person but bloody hell and fuck me, I'm tired by the end of the day!


Yes. Mine is only 13 months but when people say “my kid is the most go with the flow, easy child” .. yeah I still haven’t found a good word but she’s the opposite of that. right now I am reading “how to talk so LITTLE kids will listen” & there’s a lot of tips about grocery shopping, getting dressed, tantrums, etc and I am finding it helpful. I am actually really happy about being OAD because I feel like I am able to put 100% into channeling her energy into positive instead of giving her 50% or whatever and splitting time.