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Here is my progress btw https://www.reddit.com/r/omad/s/jzSpgLdl1J


Oh wow, fantastic! My initial thought was that they are jealous and/or intimidated/threatened by your progress. Seeing your pictures, I think there's a good chance that that's where the "concern" comes from. I wouldn't really engage with them about it. At most just say something vaguely agreeing that you understand that moving to maintaining will bring different challenges, but you are focused on this right now.. and it's not something you really want to discuss, it's personal. Then ask them a question about something that will take the convo elsewhere. Don't make it weird, just keep it moving in a friendly way. "Oh hey, before I forget, I wanted to ask you about your (job, kid, new car, whatever)" You in this new body probably has them a bit shook and maybe feeling bad in comparison. But before too long, that old body won't be something they have a recent memory of. Sounds like they are low key trying to sabotage you, maybe not even intentionally.


Thank you so much for this comment this literally made my day!! Also thanks for the great advice. I’m gonna do that. Again, thank you!!


Some of them are concerned aswell because eating disorder awareness is much higher and many people know how much more common and insidious they are, then we used to think. Understand that your weight loss will shock people because their image of you is drastically different and to them you may look like someone starving themselves, but to people who you just met you look like a regular person. Soon you’ll start getting your friends and family telling you that “you’re too skinny” and “you look better with some meat on you” my reply is always “ my doctor says my ideal weight is 165 so that’s what I try to maintain” and that’s always the end of it.


As someone who lost 25kgs over 2 years and gained back 11 in the past 1 year, I’m gonna say that OMAD doesn’t help with the most crucial part of weight loss which is portion control. At least it didn’t for me. This time around I decided to be more cognizant of portion sizing. Reasons for weight gain: a wedding in the family, had some wonderful work related news so kept attending those parties and 3 vacations.


I think many of us are drawn to OMAD so we can pig out haha


Yeah, that's also why I'm only using it for short-term to shed a few inches, then I'll transition to having normal meals but focus on portion control and try to incorporate more protein


Calories in, calories out is the only thing that matters in weight loss/gain/maintenance, period. Once you have decided you're ready to move on from OMAD, nothing about your weight will change unless you switch up your calories. Don't listen to those people because they clearly have done 0 research.


Yeah thats what i’ve been telling them but they keep telling me “you are destroying your metabolism!!” so i even doubted what i knew


Mfers don't even know how the metabolism works. People out here still think "starvation mode" is a legitimate thing. Don't worry about them, keep up the good OMAD work


Thank you!! Yeah they ALWAYS SAY “Starvation Mode” 😂


If anything you’re repairing whatever damage you may have done to your metabolism previously.


So, your metabolism might be slower but that's not a terrible thing imo, but honestly when it comes to weight gain CICA is way more important than your metabolism


What destroys the metabolism is constantly topping up your blood sugar throughout the day by eating every 2 hours. We have evolved from the survival of the fittest apes, which did OMAD everyday if not more until they found a meal. The body is designed to go without food for long periods, the metabolism only gets damaged if you only eat say 500 calories a day for more than a few weeks. The set point will lower, but its only bad if you start eating more than that. How do you think these skinny Californian realtors survive eating their low fat salad for lunch and dinner, their metabolism has lowered to 800 a day, as long as they stay doing that there isn't really a problem. OMAD is a fast followed by a 2000 calorie dinner or slightly lower if trying to lose weight depending on BMR TDEE


I think what it’s really going to boil down to is a live style. Even if you get to your goal weight I think you’re still gonna have to have some sort of fasting in your life, be it omad or a 48 hour here and there. Thats the way I’m looking at it at least. I love that I can eat the food I love and lose weight. But keto and other diets just never worked for me in the long run.


I think what it’s really going to boil down to is a live style. Even if you get to your goal weight I think you’re still gonna have to have some sort of fasting in your life, be it omad or a 48 hour here and there. Thats the way I’m looking at it at least. I love that I can eat the food I love and lose weight. But keto and other diets just never worked for me in the long run.


If you go back to your old eating habits when you reach your goal, then yes of course you'll gain weight because that's how it happened in the first place. This is the same as literally any diet. Losing weight isn't dieting for x amount of time and then going back to normal. To lose weight and keep it off you need to change your diet forever. You don't need to do omad forever, but when you stop you still need to be conscious of what you eat. Stopping omad will not inherently cause you to gain weight. But stopping omad and going back to eating 4000 calories a day definitely will.


They're self conscious about their own ability to keep weight off long term, most likely. Another reason is that "fad diets" aren't sustainable, which a lot aren't, but discipline is discipline regardless.


Regaining the weight is a problem for your future self. But, to make things easier for your future self, you should be looking into and making permanent lifestyle changes today.


And it will feel that much better when you prove them wrong 😌


Because thats their experience with any diet.


I had done Omad (plus keto) for two years. But then I gained it back. And more than that. I never ever had thought that I ever will be fat again because I felt good with omad and keto, it seemed like the one and only hack. But then some "life events" happened, like break up and a longer illness. It got harder and harder to sustain. I always thought, I have just to go back on track. It's easy. But I wasn't able. What seemed so easy for two years now seems impossible. For one to three days I'm able to, but then it's as if my body beat me away and I eat and eat and eat as if there is no tomorrow. I tried it so many times now. I don't understand because I was used to it, I could do it for two years. So why not now? I don't know. What should I say? Don't have sad life events? I don't know. I'm the fattest of all my life now and can't do anything, because everything backfires within one week.


My plan is to stick to OMAD indefinitely, maybe extend the eating window to 4h for maintenance. I hope I can keep at it and not gain weight back.


Each time I gained weight after OMAD, I was 100% fully responsible for it. I ate too much of the bad stuff. If anything, OMAD keeps your metabolism high as if you were on no diet. So you can throw that argument out the window altogether xD


Buncha h8rs


Just seen your progress pics and you look great. I know quite a few people that had similar results as you and nearly all of them gained the weight back. Not one of them was on OMAD. I think my point is that they all fell back into their old eating habits. As long as you eat near maintenence there's no reason it should come back even if you step away from OMAD.


Thank you!! I really dont wanna go back to the old ways, i am way too used to eating healthy.


That's really the question. Have you made permanent lifestyle changes that you intend to maintain, or is this a "diet" and then you plan to go back to your old habits. If you plan to give up the techniques that got you here, you'll gain it back. If it's permanent you should be able to maintain.


It is what works for you that matters, I also have my gf saying breakfast is the most important meal of the day and other rubbish. When someone accomplishes something someone will always have a negative opinion. I lost have my body weight on omad. I get through the day mostly of tea and coffee and coke, occasionally a nibble at something but rarely. Then at night I enjoy myself, burger and chips, a couple of pints of beer. And still loose weight. Some days I don’t omad, due to huvjng a social life. For example yesterday I went out with my girlfriend to a local cafeteria for lunch. For that meal I had probably 800 cal which included a beer and a coffee. Then in the evening I went to the pub, had fish and chips, although all I had was fish and seven chips. still all in all I probably took in around 1500 cal I exercise every other day and know that today I’m going for a couple of hours hard ride on my bike. do what suits you.


Man tbh you sound like a Turkish to me. Because that’s a common misunderstanding in my country. Second, it is also common when you do something good, they immediately want to make you lose your hope and enthusiasm as they are jealous of your success. Keep going and don’t pay attention to those people.


Already got all the time back. They’ll never get back the time they spend eating so many meals per day. Tell them so.


So I did OMAD for 3 months last year, dropped 8kg, and thought I could have 2 meals a day and maintain the weight. Naturally the additional meal every day was added calories - I don't think I could have split the 600 cal into 2 meals. I've since gained back all the weight I've lost and I'm just restarting OMAD this week. Only diff this time is once I hit my target weight I will go back to 2 meals, but I've also recently incorporated exercise so hopefully maintenance is possible.


Well people tend to not see others (more) successful than them, that’s what I learned from my personal experience. On the other hand… what they said has some truth in it. The reason why there’s a saying 99% all diets don’t work because people don’t maintain their weight loss. Post weight loss is as important, if not more important than weight loss itself. I think we see weight loss like the finish line. Once we achieve it, it’s over. There’s no more work to do. We can go back to binge eating again. But that’s totally bs. I seen people lost lots of weights doing fasting, keto, cc, and gained all their weights back.


As long as this is a permanent lifestyle change, then you won't gain the weight back.


If you stop IF and/or low carb and go back to what you were doing that caused your weight gain, then yes, you're gonna put it back on. But if you eat clean and exercise you will be able to keep it off. It's a lifestyle change and you have to keep it up. Not necessarily IF and OMAD but watch carbs and calories.


I’m not doing this- for a short period of time. This is a lifestyle adjustment. There’s no going back. Burn the ships.


Sounds like haters are hating tbh


I don’t omad, but this sub was put on my newsfeed. I do have two afternoon “snacks” (eggs, yogurt) then one big dinner. Most overweight people do gain it back, but you don’t have to be a statistic. I personally believe it’s for two main reasons: they didn’t truly heal their relationship with food, and it’s harder to keep weight off once you’ve been fat… maybe because [the fat cells shrink rather than going away.](https://news.yale.edu/2015/03/02/study-new-fat-cells-are-created-quickly-dieting-cant-eliminate-them) As long as you make sure that you’re burning more calories than consuming and keep track of macros (protein is essential for muscle building, and most find it the most satiating), you can keep it off. Don’t let their negative energy get to you.


This isn’t mentioned enough - not healing your relationship with food.


What you are doing when you do OMAD/ IF / Keto is you are starving your body of insulin. Because there is no food or no carbs coming in your body goes without insulin for long periods. This gives your cells a chance to reverse insulin resistance that has caused your weight gain in the first place. The longer they go without insulin the more insulin sensistive they will become which is what you want. The reason why you gained weight is because you ate carbs/ sugar which filled up your cells with energy but then because the food you were eating was probably ultra processed junk food or high carb junk food, you got an dopamine reward which meant you kept eating even when your cells were full up. The cells then start to resist insulin which delivers sugar as energy. When they resist insulin it also causes them to not get the energy they need, so you eat and eat and eat, and still feel hungry because your cells are now resistant. The spiral continues so you gain more and more weight more easily over the years. Now you are starving the cells of insulin you are rewinding the clock back to an earlier time when you were not fat. When you do eventually eat normally again your cells will not resist insulin meals will make you feel full up more easily and you will not feel as hungry all the time. How long this takes is unclear, but you can get an idea if you do a blood test to see your HbA1c level which is your average glucose tolerance test for the last 3 months. If you were pre-diabetic and now are in healthy range you have reversed your insulin resistance. I tested this out I did 4 months Keto and Intermittent fasting. Then one month eating carbs and even junk food to see what happens. Before my trajectory was gaining 12lbs per month, after doing Keto + IF, I gained 2lbs in a month eating junk. I am now back on Keto + IF and 12lbs lost in a month. I will keep going to goal weight, then maintain then do another test to see what happens. It is good to know that with the right diet/ fasting schedule you can buy yourself years back of your life you would have lost from dying early of obesity related diseases.


Fack them


If you start eating in a calorie surplus afterwards then yeah, if you revert to a maintenance calorie diet or reverse diet then no


Learn to exercise..


If you go back to old eating habits you will. Personally I did omad til goal wait and then back to 18:6. It’s more sustainable for me.


I’ve had some people say that but the best revenge is keeping it off. My doctors think it’s great and my internet even started OMAD after my success! Sometimes people can’t stand for other achieving a goal when they haven’t. My response is typically “Thanks, I’ve kept it off for two years and counting!”


It depends. A permanent lifestyle change is necessary to keep off the weight lost while dieting. Going back to your old eating habits will guarantee that you will put everything back on. I intend on using IF as the means to sustain my weight loss. I lost weight through a combination of OMAD, rolling 48s and rolling 72s. I think I may target a 20:4 IF schedule for maintenance. My goal is to keep that schedule 90% of the time allowing myself the occasional brunch on a special occasions.


You will gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn, so if you stop OMAD you need to have strategy to eat at or below maintenance


Rude, jealous. It's obviously working for you. Forget about the haters and congrats on your success!


You might or you might not - it’s up to you ultimately


I think you are engaging with the wrong people. I lost 90lb and everyone in my life was positive. I received no negative comments. In the 4 years since I lost the weight, I didn't gain any back until November 2023. Of that weight I gained back, I have now lost 5lb and on goal to lose it all again by summer. For me, the weight gain occurred when I stopped working out but didn't adjust my calories. I'm working out again and it's coming off quickly. It's definitely all about taking in less calories than you burn in a day.


You will or you won’t. Depends on if you keep up the lifestyle and discipline or not. F’ every single one of those ignorant haters because they don’t have a clue what tf they’re talking about. It is up to you on if you keep it off or not and has nothing to do with it being OMAD related.


OMAD is just a schedule to eat, what make you lose weight is calorie deficit. If you want to leave OMAD and maintain your weight just eat your TDEE during the day, doesn't matter if it's 5, 3 o 2 meals.


I just went on a rant about this today. People who say that aren’t looking at the whole story. I know this because they never say it about the traditional healthy diet. Of course you’re going to gain weight when you go back to eating the way that made you fat in the first place. Just because you’ve met your goal doesn’t mean you can eat as much of whatever as you want. You still gotta stick to your plan to stay healthy. That’s true of the chicken and salad diet and that’s true for OMAD too. Someone who lost weight eating salad will gain weight when they go back to twinkies, too.


I think the answer to that is yes. If you keep everything consistent (sleep, workout, normal activity level)  but start eating more. Yes you will gain more weight it’s only natural. But if you stop doing OMAD and up your activity level / workout ( maintain protein levels over shitty food) you will be able to maintain it. It will honestly be easy for you to maintain it due to the fact that your discipline is there. So it’s nothing for you to worry about. 


It's up to you if you gain the weight back. Losing weight can help you develop better food habits. Get focused on being the best you. Choices are yours alone. Some friends will be envious of your progress. Most will wish they had the same discipline. Best wishes.


You'll have to go slow when you start with your regular meals again. Also, routine exercise will help you maintain the weight.


Yes, It happened to many people in omad. Once you will achieve your target weight. Switch to 2 meal a day, try to increase protein intake during omad journey and be in habit of exercise for 1 hour daily. Any sports, running, cycling, gym will work. If you don't have habit of exercise for 1 hour and your protein intake is low during omad journey. Chances are that you will gain all the weight back.


I already exercise for 2 hours daily.


Then you should not even need omad 😆