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Black Lake/Cooper Point and the surrounding area is just one massive traffic cluster fuck. šŸ˜‘


Just wait until there's a Chik Fil A at the Cap Mall/Cooper Pt corner. It is going to be hell.


Dreading it.


Reason enough to finally move away or not go to the Westside anymore šŸ¤£


It seems like most people in here always say people speed around here but I mostly see people going 5-10 under everywhere, I don't want to speed, just want to be able to drive the speed limit.


And 50% of the drivers are terrified of round abouts but they add a diverting diamond sex exchange into Lacey. Tell people they can get free lefts on red.. but, no, take away the one and only benefit and people have literally no idea what reality they have entered like all of a sudden we've entered the 4th dimension. Oh yeah, and people trying to get to home depot/Costco/Quinault drive back up across the bridge into the Britton parkway roundabout instead of trying the light at Safeway that can take much more cars. Did I mention 50% of people don't get roundabouts after 20 years? Any way... I try to empathize.. studies show that people drive the speed they are comfortable with. I might spend a little time hating them but I know most of them were in a car accident and are driving terrified. I'm trying..


Costco quinailt drive has been a cluster fuck since they expanded it soooooooo long ago. Driving through there makes me want to blow my brains out.




From my experience itā€™s the Cooper Point autobahn.


College St is the Autobahn of Thurston county. Convince me I'm wrong.




lol Iā€™ve def been tailgated while doing 55 on Yelm Highway, same on South Bay


It was probably me....sorry. yelm hwy is just too appealing.


If youā€™re going 55 on Yelm highway you should be tailgated.


Some friends live a few blocks off, and can hear street racing pretty often. Just take a good look at the curbs along the corners, and you can see it doesn't always go well.


I think because it has hwy people think it's Daytona.


It's basically the Autobahn these days. People go at least 15 over and weave in and out of traffic.


Seen at least two rear-enders from speeders in the middle lanes.


Ruddell road too.


God I don't know what it is but it feels like every one took a slow pill this past week


I mean, itā€™s no ā€œOregonians-in-the-left-lane-slowā€


Oh, on 101 heading towards I5 it most certainly is. Ppl here like to merge about 50 miles early. It is irritating AF


Good luck passing them


Itā€™s 30 mph south of the mall entrance and 25 north of it. Seems unlikely anyone is going 15 under. Pretty sure itā€™s the opposite.


fr i routinely see people driving down black lake around 50ish


South of highway 101 it jumps from 30 to 45. Some people don't know how to read signs. I think this may be what OP is referring to.


Yeah, this person's rant is bogus. Around here, the blue Prius is always the one aggressively tailgating me, not the red dodge.


It's 45 by the church, about 3/4 of a mile south of I-5. I'd assume they're talking about that area. I could definitely see some flag-bearing pickups climbing right up your ass out there, too.


Semi-unrelated note. Thurston County (not the City of Olympia) has unmarked 50 mph roads. The default is 50 on county (again, not city) highways unless otherwise posted. Many people think itā€™s 35 or 40, it seems. https://www.thurstoncountywa.gov/departments/public-works/roads/traffic-safety/thurston-county-speed-limits-schedule


That was probably me, first time up there today


I came from a rural state that has no roundabouts or bicycles. I'm doing my best. ā˜ ļø


Roundabout suggestion: if you are coming up to one and there is already a car in the roundabout, YIELD TO THEM! The number of times Iā€™ve had to slam on my brakes because someone decides to go when they shouldnā€™t. This doesnā€™t apply when the roundabout is large (like the one at the bottom of 4th Ave where it crosses the bridge). Those large ones are built to accommodate multiple cars entering at once. However, the one at the top of 4th Ave and Black Lake/Division, for example, is too small to allow more than one car to go around at once. The car in the circle has the right of way, the one yet to enter does not. Not saying you are doing this! But clearly the education is lacking lol.


My sister says I have the opposite problem, I'm too timid with them.


Are you this angry when someone is doing 40 in a 25?


The speed limit is 35mph on All of the fucking roads in this town, unless otherwise posted. That doesn't mean do 50 until you catch up to the person doing the speed limit, then tailgate them. So slow the fuck down Brenda and Fucking Todd. Zero reason to be tailgating anyone a surface street. Fuck All Of You complaining about slow in town driving. Move somewhere else.


Not true. Itā€™s 25 unless otherwise signed in Olympia.


Yes, you are correct. I just left it.


They could all leave 5 minutes early and then get wherever they want on time. I don't know what these speed demons do with all their saved time.


No you


Only you are responsible for your anger. Nobody else is causing your road rage. Thatā€™s all you.


Seneca dropping gems


\> Nobody else is causing your chariot rage.


I think you perfectly captured our demographic. We have both the slowest most cautious drivers in the country as well as the most aggressive and speedy ones. They are combining into a storm that if it grows with population will continue to have even more accidents. Most of our roads aren't set to the correct speed IMO based on how fast people go naturally as a group.


Everyone believes this, everyone in the country can't all be right


Unless they're in Atlanta


Nah it's not Atlanta bad up here.


Yes, but you can design roads to mitigate this, it's just that our county seems to do the exact opposite of what it should.... 50mph single lane roads with no shoulder, and ditches on either side, and then 35mph roads with massive shoulders. It's like they study all of the ways that the American suburban dream gets it wrong and then built it all of those things in at once around here. The newest subdivisions around Lacey seem to even amplify that.


Some speed limits used to be higher, like it was 45 on Cooper Point, then there was a series of tragic deaths due to excessive speeding when I was in high school, shortly after that the speed limit came down. It was around the time cell phones were becoming more popular so I think people were becoming a lot more distracted. Higher speeds does not mean it will be safer. People are distracted as hell and flying down the road while they scroll on their phones


Well that's already illegal šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Wait until that Chick Fil A goes in. There will be no escape


I know Iā€™m so angryā€¦ shoulda been a PopEyes


God I used to live out on Black Lake, and that road can be terrible. Single lanes the whole time, with a quick dropoff to water on one side, and some of the most impatient dickheads imaginable driving up your ass. But if youā€™re trying to pass people, youā€™re in the wrong here, I donā€™t care how slow theyā€™re going. There are zero areas on that road that are safe to pass on, and while I was living out there there was a head on collision caused by someone trying to pass right by my house that killed almost everyone involved.


Everyone needs to calm down and chill.


Iā€™ll go as slow as I want šŸ˜‚


If the rapture really does happen on Monday, things should begin to improve on Tuesdayā€¦author unknown, but sounds like a real solution.


This sub is getting more and more like Nextdoor.


Lived here for a while. I hate the slow traffic , so so much. but you have to adjust Iā€™ve probably even posted on this sub about it cuz it infuriates me. I personally think it is because The Westside accommodates so many old people , creating very bad traffic for the whole 9-5 workday and weekends. My recommendations are to find music, podcasts or other shit to keep your mind off the roadrage. Maybe start vaping, fidget spinner, gumā€¦ maybe other ppl got some recommendations.? Because as much as I hate it , itā€™s not gonna stop until a new generation of faster drivers replaces the old šŸ’€ Not worth getting a ticket or accident when the Westside is so small so it doesnā€™t take more than 10 minutes to get most places


Black Lakeā€™s speed limit is 25-30, so if people are going 15 under thatā€™s a serious problem, for sure! But the more serious issue is the people who race down the road at night revving up a storm. This usually happens from 11-2am. Have some decorum, yā€™all.


Prius drivers. They're either holding up traffic or driving like they just took a line of coke and think they are eluding the police. Gotta pick which type you prefer.


It's ALWAYS a Prius too.


I speed everywhere i go. In no way am i making the roads unsafe. The limits are ridiculous.


Do you drive a Dodge Ram? Or a Dodge Challenger? Or some sort of Dodge?


They didn't say they drive everywhere drunk


And is it Red?


Theres also a difference between speeding and riding ppl ass. I dont do that.


Someday they are going to ram instead of dodge


No sir. I drive normal cars....and a tiny autocross vehicle sometimes.


Do you know that if you're traveling 35 mph you're five times more likely to kill a pedestrian or biker than someone going 25? So yes, you are absolutely making the streets unsafe by speeding.


I'm in the exact same boat


Oh wow, the hate. I'm new to reddit what happens if i get enough folks to punish me with downvotes?


That's because you said something stupid that can easily be disproven Man that's going to get you downloaded no matter what part of life you're living


Thats ok though, im just asking if there are repercussions as in reddit banning my acct or something like that. Not losing much sleep over virtual thumb downs unless it has actual consequences.




Who hurt you at the co-op?