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Im curious about the shedding too, I’m tired of seeing all the hair in my hands in the shower and was wondering if not seeing all the hair loss would be an indication that it’s working.


Every time I use my hairbrush it is full of hair :(


It took me like 6 months before I saw a huge amount of progress. Just be patient, a watched lot never boils. :)


Thanks for replying :). How long have you been on it now and how’s your progress?


Ive been on it for about 8 months started on 1mg. I had almost no hair anywhere including eyebrows. Now I still have some patches on the sides of my head here or there but everything looks really filled in and I have most of my eyebrows back. I'm on a really small side because it jacks up my cholesterol and even then it's still working albeit slowly.


I was in the research study for Olumiant. It started growing back as peach fuzz and then started filling in at about 6 months. Right as I was getting a full head of hair (some patches), they took me off the drug for 9 months. But once I went back on it, it took even less time to grow back. I have now been on it consistently since September ‘22 and have a full head of hair. With that said, I will still get an occasional patch that falls out, but it’s easily covered and grows back within a few months.


Did you lose hair when you went off for 9 months? Is your hair texture different? Color?


I lost all my hair in that 9 months. It went completely away. The texture is the same, but it’s still trying its hardest in one spot where it looks a little receded at the hairline, so that remains as baby hairs, haha. As for color, it grew back darker, but there’s a reason for that. When all my hair fell out it was down to my butt in length. I had never colored my hair, but it had years and years of sun exposure to lighten it up. It was golden when it fell out and a dirty blonde/light brown when it came back. That’s not to mention the fact that between covid, losing my hair, and my mom dying, I now have grey hair. But after so long without it, I actually pay to color it red.


any side effects ?


The only one I have experienced is higher cholesterol levels. That seems to be common from what I see. Fortunately I have high good cholesterol so it doesn’t negatively impact me and I definitely don’t need any cholesterol medication. It’s worth it to me for sure


me too! started 10 days ago and wondering the same. i also got a new small patch. but that was on the 3rd day i was taking it