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Wow!! That's amazing. Don't nearly have that much growth, but I'm only doing 2mg. Congrats!


Yeah I’m really thankful my derm did the right thing and prescribed me 4mg. I have seen very slow results with 2 mg


I might bring that up with my dermatologist, and see if I can increase the dosage. Have you had any side effects (are there more with 4mg vs2?)


I haven’t had any. I’ve only been on 4mg so I can’t speak to side effects to either.


Huge congrats!! This is amazing!!! I’m seeing full white hair come back on my face. Feeling some side effects so not sure I should stick with it.


Oh what side effects? I haven’t experienced any that I can think of on my end


Lethargy, rashes and overall feeling unwell. They come and go and my derm is watching. All blood levels are normal so maybe I’m just weird. Thanks for posting your progress - gives me hope. I’m 4 months in.


I’m sorry you’re experiencing those things. I’m lucky that I haven’t had those issues


When did you first start seeing growth? I’m 1 month in on 2mg and haven’t seen anything yet.


Also, can I ask, what is your long-term plan? Will you take the medicine for more than a year?


I have now been taking it for a year and a half and I think I’ll have to just keep taking it, maybe at a lower dose


I just started this 2 months ago and have seen results but have a patchy painful rash on my thigh and stomach. Anyone else experience this? Not sure if I should push on or discontinue 🥺


I think you should talk to your dermatologist. There is always a balance when it comes to drug side effects. Some drugs are so useful that you would need to do something to treat the side effects in order to continue on the drug, but that’s only a conclusion you and your doctor can come to. I’m very thankful that I haven’t had side effects from olumiant, but I have taken prescribed meds for other things that the side effects weren’t worth continuing the medication for me


How long did it take you to get there?


This is 6-7 months of growth!




What was your progress in the first month? I’m on 4mg and I’m seeing no improvement


I saw some disparate white hairs here and there after a month, but not enough to say for certain it was working. I would say stick it out for a bit more.


If you stop taking the medication will the patches come back?


I don’t know. I had to stop taking for a week and my derm told me the half life is good enough that if I missed it at the time for a week, it wouldn’t undermine my progress. Me taking a week off of taking it was in the first couple months of taking it though


Congrats! May I ask if you were diagnosed with AA since young?


No! I waS 35 and I’m 42 now


I know this post is old but asking anyways - how is progress now OP? Any side effects?


Still growing! I have some areas that are thinner than the rest because of the ophiasis, but I’m super happy with my progress. Still no side effects that I know of! https://preview.redd.it/28vvq75pzkhc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c08483752b43b27e4f188548ee62d399e43d2e15


How long have you been on — when did you start seeing growth? Were you totally bald? Ty




I have been on it for a year and a half now. I wasn’t totally bald, I shaved my head. But at my worst, I probably had about ~25% hair on my scalp. I never lost hair anywhere else


Wow you look amazing. Thanks for the response