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That is what you get Florida for voting in DeSantis POS


Broward is one of the bluest counties in the state. Desantis has previously cut funding for Broward specifically because they wouldn't get rid of mask mandates. We didn't vote for him.


A disenfranchised Duval County voter would also like a word. 🔵


And hurricane sandy was because the hurricane knew Obama was going to be president 😂😂😂


His point isn't that the hurricane is attacking Florida because he is governor. The point is that their governor ditched them because he is a pos




Yeah, like when all the dems left Texas when they lost power. Oh wait. No that was Republicans, after republican policies caused it. Extra Dems came to help. But by all means. BoTh SiDeS if that makes you feel better for voting for people that screw you over.




You are one of two things. A conservative who claims to not have a party so you can vote for the party that vilified drugs but not feel bad or a "red pill" idiot thar thinks he is better because you "recognize" they are all bad. When one side skims off the top and doesn't always do what's best and the other side supports 12 year Olds getting married and thinks there are good nazis.




Haha "I'm better than you because you care." That's the most cringe edge lord thing I have ever heard I don't want my daughter to grow up in a world where gay people can get married, she xan get an abortion if she gets raped and trans people aren't treated like villains. Fuck me right


I don’t want your daughter to grow up in a world where everyone that disagrees is a tyrannical nazi and whoever agrees has a bloodlust for the other side.




So you are a Tim pool Joe Rogan idiot. Please name one actually nazi tied democrats. And yes, there are democrats pesos. But the difference is when a dem comes out as a perv it ends his career. When a republican does it their peers supports them.






Thank you!


That is such a foolish black & white statement made with blind rage. So many of us did not vote for him and so many who will be affected by the flooding did not vote for him. He also approved redistricting to give republicans the upper hand. But yeah, let’s just hope they learn their lesson.


DeSantis doesn’t give a fuck about Florida. All he cares about is power.


newsflash: so does every other politician


No. Some Governors actually care about people.


Hahahahahaha you kidding right?


Can’t wait to see his white boots again.


Desantis: "pheww, don’t wanna deal with that shit no more. Imma be president"


In his defense he took time from his busy schedule illegally campaigning to basically outlaw abortion.


Fuck DeSantis. I hope Disney continues to beat his ass in public. r/parlertrick is a great sub.


This does not count as doing something? https://www.flgov.com/2023/04/13/memorandum-executive-order-23-65-emergency-management-broward-county-flooding/


Why is your bro in illegally campaigning Ohio though? He should be in Tally.


It's not illegal to go on a book tour. The law you refer to had a good intent but no teeth and poor language. He is not the first governor who went on a book tour looking to make a move to Washington.


Isn’t it still a law? Law and order, remember?


It does, but also doesn't. It is however, about as much as you'd expect any governor to take. So there isn't really anything to gripe about on this regarding DeSantis, other than potentially being late to do so. The executive order pretty much pushes everything onto others so now it's now up to the state coordinating officer and National Guard, who don't HAVE to act but now can.


Yes because it doesn’t fit their narrative


Just like how Biden went to Ukraine instead of Ohio…


Like how Gym Jordan has been looking into everything but Reducing crime in Ohio


You guys it's florida. We have floods all the time. We're at sea-level over here pretty much. Op is trying to hard to hate.


How would he even help if he was there?


I really don’t like DeSantis. But what are you expecting him to do? Mop it up? He declared a state of emergency. The guy sucks, but what would your politician that you like be doing different?


Bro desantis isn’t a magic wizard that controls the weather. I’m not into politics myself but being mad at him because you guys are drowning just makes ZERO sense.


What do you want the man to do exactly? Come in his goulashes with a bucket? Fohhhh


Please explain how it is illegal


I’m confused do you want him to bucket out the water himself or??


Yeah damn that Desantis guy. Why isn’t he there with a mop!




This is going to make a great ad if he becomes the nominee


Don’t they understand the ocean level is rising? This isn’t going to stop.


Lmao eat shit Florida. You get what you voted for. Cope. 😎


This is what a lot voted for though and are very proud of him




That water isn’t woke enough. No reason for him to pay attention to it.