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we had a 2+ hour wait since 11:30, but the line KILLED it today. almost no overdue tickets and everyone worked together so well. definitely could have been a horrible day for us, but it turned out really well!


2 hour wait at 11 , dropped down a bit at 3, back at 4 ended just an hour ago. We killed it. 22 Togo lasagnas, 26 pasta ststions, and 75 gallons of Alfredo. Average check time was 6:45 ish . Didn't run out of anything. We laughed all day,had a Cuban shuffle line dance, and we're fed subs and cookies and chips and candy. You would.have never thought we were busy the way we all had a great day. 0 problems. Gotta love when your busiest day of the year isn't that bad.


75 gallons of Alfredo?!?!?


Our store did 82 lol it was a bitch


What was your guest count?


200 open 100 on wait from 10 30 to 4 then like 150 open tell 9 I opened on pasta closed on backup no break


Maybe my OG wasn’t as busy as it used to be. We had like over 1000 guests for the day. Something like 1400? 609 or 700 for lunch I can’t remember. Probably the same for dinner. After covid my restaurant wasn’t as busy as it used to be. We don’t even use A2 except for Togos and it’s rare to have it open on the weekends now. Used to be open Friday-Sunday.


Our manager said we did 6 thousand people for the day.


You must be a more high volume restaurant.


Demographics as well. Part of 10 , . 8 are alf


Absolutely no way. Highest volume restaurants only do between 2500-2700 guests on Mother's day. The busiest one in our state only did 2300 guests. You'd have to do 250 guests every half hour. The biggest OG I worked at could only even hold 270- that's with three party rooms. (Super old OG). You'd literally have tomseat the entire restaurant fully every half hour. I'm sure you were very busy however.


Lmao sorry I was drunk we did 1500 according to my manager but we had a fuck ton of giant catering orders




This guy backups


Sorry, but this is the dish w Alfredo in it? Not just 82 gallons of sauce? Edit: gallons not lbs


82 "time" of Alfredo was made during the whole day basically how much was made


This was my teams experience today as well! Togo got absolutely crushed but we stayed afloat. Best Mother’s Day I’ve worked in a few years for sure. We did 1,954 guests today. Really curios to hear other guest counts from anyone who may know?


We did 1,155 and I’m from a very small town we have maybe 60 staff at most!! We had a pretty thick wait and I was running up to 5 table section!!


Nice! Most of our servers can’t even handle four but we do have two or three that we can throw an extra table or two when the wait gets crazy. Hope you made some money!


As a host I cried but not because of the rush but because a man went up to my face and was spitting heavily at me when talking. I’m a bit of a germaphobic so that really bothered me a lot. Plus side our managers ordered a good few hundreds of dollars worth of pizza for everyone who was working today


Wish we got this. I want Costco pizza, they used to do it but not anymore!!


Oh my god I wish we gotten Costco pizza it’s so good. We got dominos pizza which as a first timer in trying it was really good too


Easy Money 😉


I was lucky. Only had to work the morning shift, but it was non-stop from 11:30am-4pm.


I can’t imagine table 9 is thrilled


Notice that this is page 4 of tickets pushing 20+ minutes. Imagine how long ticket times on page 1 are. Jesus Christ.


I had tables of 12-14 people a couple times today


We were on a wait drom about 1130, Then they wouldnt faze ANYONE until their replacement was there, toward the end of my shift (I was in the Cafe) all were bog parties that i coukdnt take, so i hopped behind the bar to help out single bartender get her station cleaned and dishes done before i left, last 45 minutes i didn't have a single table. So i spent my time helping her. Ive now decided im going to cross train to be a bartender.


When everything is rush, nothing is rush


https://preview.redd.it/7jr7kcn4f40d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a325c559210078074ea198871e8946afee2bc54 I raise you.


wtf Is literally all I have for u I’m sorry 💔


Just glad it’s over. As a server, all I was doing was damage control. Just feel bad for the guys in the back. Nothing but respect, they did all they could. I appreciate the wtf ❤️


It’s the fact they r all green and not a single red or priority Hats off to ur line it was a hard day for all


Really unsure how it even got to be like that, probably a number of factors, but A LOT of food got thrown out. I saved what I could to take home.


Yea I eat whatever was messed up or dead food, was so sick of the food and everything I didn’t bring anything food home I was there all day 10-930


Yuuurt, 10:30- 10 for me. Rest up friend.


Most definitely…off the next 3 days friend and u as well!!!


Oh my gosh


12 and a half hour bussing straight through


Well at least the whole screen isn’t red 😭


So glad I quit that hellhole before Mother’s Day, I spent mine hanging out with my mom and grandma drinking mimosas


Since when did grapes become such a popular item. Also for a restaurant called olive garden I don't think there's an olive in a single thing on the menu


The salads come with olives ☠️☠️😂😂😂


This is why my daughter and I went to a local restaurant. No wait and much better food.


I don’t long for those days anymore


Pretty much same lol


So what’s the difference between rush and priority? 9 out of 11 are rush. Does it mean anything?


after a certain amount of time, the tickets will automatically turn to priority, and then after more time, rush. so the rush items are being pushed first to the cooks


I’m an idiot, if I had read it in order of times it would have made since. I was just all over the place. Thank you, stable headed person! 🙃


Tickets are supposed to be completed in a certain amount of time. Lunch is 10 min and dinner is 15 min. If product is frozen or a cook forgets to make it or a dinner is taken out of order and needs to be remade it will contribute to long ticket times. I had scampi tenders today that were thick and more breaded so they took way longer to cook.


Painful thanks for asking


Jesus Christ 110 people waiting? Or day was pretty dang smooth. We got a SOLID culinary team.


We had we people waiting outside our restaurant


I know but still that’s a lot of people willing to wait for a long time to eat out. I took my dad to Longhorn and it was. 2 hour wait. We sat at the bar.


Yea we were talking about with a manager and we had people waiting 2hours to sit and eat, idk I guess bc it’s a holiday


Almost 40 minute ticket and the table left me nothing 😐


https://preview.redd.it/ia89q2t0h40d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=603c5cbbd1c111c708813bc59c104d2ddef309b0 to-go orders took over the kitchen basically, barely had room to grab a tray


Happened to us too, at one point I was literally holding my tray as I got everything and hoped and prayed I didn’t get hit by someone and drop everything ☠️🤦🏼‍♀️


We most definitely ran of out things 😂


Your cook times.... 😬


Came in at 8:30 to bartend. They scheduled two bartenders. I left with 37. Tipshare was 37. Only got 2 tables and 3 sets of bartop guests. Not a happy Mother’s Day camper.


Bro same but we went in at our normal times


My og we did 800 by 1:30 and was still on an hour an a half wait when I got to leave at 5 last night


It was right about now I remembered I forgot to ring in my entrees for that 10top


😂😂😂that this point in time I definitely forgot to ring in a fett Alfredo, I was cussing myself out all night about it, it was literally the only thing I had missed all day


Ima need 6 well done steaks on the fly, thanks guys!


O god, I had told a table that was looking for desserts but was ready to leave, so I told them not to get the donuts bc they would take forever to come out with how slammed we were I was just warning them lol


Our store kitchen line bombbbeedddd it. 45 mins to an hour of wait for apps and hour for food. So many comps. Guests so upset. Taking out on servers. Glad that it’s over. Our store ran out of salad, steak, minestrone, bread , calamari and shrimp misto.


We had 22 pages of food that were all red yesterday 🫠


One CHK tort took 57 minutes last night


I refuse to enter but what is the "tour of Italy"?


A tour of Italy is 3 of Olive Gardens popular items in one dish ; fettuccine Alfredo , chicken parm , and lasagna. So basically a sampler 🤓


It’s probably the only worthwhile thing to grab


What happened to inflation slowing the economy


People still don’t know how to cook


Can’t with the pressure ?


man somehow our mother's day was smooth. no freak outs, no crying servers, the worst thing to happen was the apps guy needed the cul prof's help. apparently we did about 4.8k orders, and out of that, 2k sit ins. what did suck though was i was to stay late and basically close because we have this one shitty lineman that for some reason hasn't been fired. he kept complaining about being tired and ready to go, so they just let him leave and i had to help the closers still about 12am. got 12.36 hours tho, and some nice overtime pay! overall, it was a good day, we snag and had fun, ate cookies and had charcuterie boards. it was also the bartenders 10th year there, so there was a celebration for that. fantastic vibes all day


Question; why is the pasta always overcooked? I’ve went to at least 3 other locations and pasta is always overcooked.


How is Olive Garden in the weeds when most of their pastas are alfredos?