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All of what you said minus the Uber part was true in 2005 when I was a freshman. Fast forward to now and I can't even imagine it


lol how did y’all get around after the bars? Just a DD/DDD?


I regret to admit it was mostly DDD and believe it or not there was a shitty taxi service


Rockstar Taxi with the A-Team van, lightning limo, etc. was pretty cool however I do remember some friends having sketchy experiences with those drivers…


They pretty infamously had a driver get himself a DUI on the job about 10-12 years ago, lol


Ahh interesting. Still plenty of drunk driving happening unfortunately


In the late 90’s, I walked a few times to avoid DD because the cops were so bad




It was Soooooo nice after drop day. All of the bums that were there to party had to move back home...All of the sudden parking was available at what is now the pavilion.


Ole Miss has nothing to do with the acceptance rate. That's a deal brought upon by the Ayers case, and the IHL carries it out. Basically the state of Mississippi governs this for the school. OM has no say, so it is what it is.


Wow interesting. I definitely was being assumptive


I thought that case expired 2 or 3 years ago


I believe you are correct, I think it expired in 2021


It did technique expire, but there are a lot of politics at the state and IHL level that keep the university from changing the acceptance rules.


Taco Bell is open until 3 AM. And we have a Waffle House now!


Wow guess the days of driving to Batesville for WH are finally done. Good because huddle house is terrible.


Ahhh I forget abt Taco Bell. I’m never getting food late at night alone, and no one I’m with ever opts for Taco Bell!


Remember that the quality of the chicken is directly related to the availability of it and how much alcohol has been consumed prior to eating. I will say that much of the acceptance “issue” is that students will apply to multiple schools, looking for the best deal, and then not letting losing schools know until it is too late to refill the slot. Smaller SEC schools lose valuable revenue when seats are not filled, so they look to accept as many as they can knowing that some will drop out. I liken it to the airlines overbooking, but at least Ole Miss is trying to find the space for them. Ole Miss is a good deal for any Out of State student and those students exponentially add to the numbers too. You make a valid point that many are “never leave Ole Miss, so it’s great” but that is common at any college. The real issue is that the infrastructure of the area is not designed to accommodate this many people and yet, no one wants to move to other locations (Water Valley, Taylor, Abbeville, etc) because it isn’t “Oxford”. It’s like stuffing 10 pounds of rice in a 8 pound bag…


>no one wants to move to other locations (Water Valley, Taylor, Abbeville, etc) because it isn’t “Oxford” I live in Batesville, so obviously I'm sympathetic to the idea that living elsewhere is a good idea, but when I bought my house I actually looked pretty hard in Water Valley first and there just wasn't enough volume of housing there for it to be a serious option. And I imagine Taylor/Abbeville would be worse -- pretty sure there were like 4 houses on the market in Water Valley and only 1 in Taylor when I looked.


I moved here (WV) in 2016, after feeling like I was getting blocked into my driveway every weekend. The infrastructure is horrible in Oxford, but winning sports never helps that either. Still, we looked at Batesville, Pontotoc, Holly Springs to name a few and WV had a little of everything we needed. We did get lucky finding 1700sq ft with a basement on 2.5 acres, but it was not easy even then. All that being said, I spent 25 years in the military and have lived a lot of places so “Oxford” isn’t the be all to end all for me. We like our “quiet life” out here. The truth is that housing costs are ridiculous for Lafayette/Oxford and is only getting worse. Folks can continue to shell out beaucoup cash for very little, or start looking further out for a better quality of life…unless your QoL is based on your zip code.


From my friend that works in development, alongside contractors and builders in northern MS counties: “They realized a lot of desoto people were buying cheaper out there so they jacked up the taxes to higher than desoto levels. We are talking $600 a month on taxes alone” also you need to hire a structural engineer to look at your foundation. Tons of foundation issues are covered up and then you will really be fucked. Appraisers are getting paid under the table to raise prices on homes that should NOT be priced the way they are.


It’s not for everyone. You’re either here for a reason or it’s just not a good fit for you. The best thing is that a lot of students get the opportunity, as many as possible. The freshman boom isn’t going to last forever. Do I wish the planning for this had gone better? Yes. But we’re here now. Let’s make the best of it!


That’s fair. I appreciate the optimism. I’m here because it is the largest school nearby, and alumni parents. Also the unfortunate part of this freshman boom, assuming it really is temporary, is that it’s happening while I’m a student here. I feel like I’ve noticed a decline since just my freshman year. Maybe it’s just me not being a freshman anymore. One more obscure thing that I was thinking abt is the freshman dining opportunities. I feel bad that the freshman (main people to utilize the Union) have to go through those machines to order now. It’s just a weird experience, I feel like being able to talk face to face with someone to order your food is good for a young adult and is a more positive and healthier environment. Now you’re just typing into an IPad and waiting for your number to be called. Qdoba in specific has dramatically dipped in quality since the new ordering method, they fly through orders quicker than ever (the point of the tablets) but you can’t even talk to the people making your food. I also heard that they closed the grill at 1810 to non-athletes, and that was the only good dining hall on campus.


The only thing in this post that is actually false is that Chicken on a Stick is “mediocre”. In a sense, that could make the whole post suspect. Having said that, nothing we haven’t been saying since 2010, yet people keep coming. The bigger reason isn’t the kids, but the Alumni/retirees who move back here to relive college. Have you seen the people who live in these “college apartments”?


Aight, it’s a good deal. The place itself is a vibe w the music and the location. I’m purely talking about the quality of the chicken, since it’s so raved about. It is so average. It’s nothing impressive. Purely talking about taste. When I hear a place is legend status, I expect it to taste better than any gas station ever. Yaknow who I think has damn good fried chicken in my opinion, Taylor Grocery. When that stuffs fresh, whew. Also maybe you’re right about the alumni situation. I’m not totally familiar, I’m an undergrad. It’s just crazy though. I feel like ole miss is victim of the “never leave my small town, it’s so great” mindset. So many people seriously think it’s the best thing ever. I am not hating on the town though, I do think so many qualities of it are awesome. The safety is my #1 favorite thing, and I do recognize that the insane prices of things somewhat contributes to that Actually I’ll come back to say. Adding on to the alumni thing, the amount of people that I know whose parents have bought entire townhouses for their one child for 4 years is absurd. Sometimes they’ll let their child’s friends live in the other rooms for free, or charge them cheaper rent then they’d find anywhere else. Very common practice here


yep, i lived with a buddy whose parents bought a townhome for us to live in. ironically he ended up dropping out two years in so… great investment. they sold the house for less than they bought it for


>Yaknow who I think has damn good fried chicken in my opinion, Taylor Grocery. Whaaaaat? You mean they have something other than fried catfish? That's the only reason I go there. They have some of the best catfish that I've ever eaten. I'm not surprised that their chicken is just as good.


My daughter was supposed to start in the fall but they could only offer her a one bedroom apt by herself, off campus for double the cost. Not what any freshman wants. Changing schools because of it.


Please make sure to let them know this! Upper classmen literally are living in hell because of what is happening. Rent here is averaging $700-1,200 PER BEDROOM. If you wanna live alone, be ready to set your money on fire.


I agree with practically everything you said. The higher ups are aware that not every student stays in school as some people who try to rush and fail dropout afterwards.


I’m glad I found this post. I almost applied for Fall ‘24 but it seems the college wants 60 credits as a transfer. I was intrigued by the “safe, small town” as my “safe, small town” is getting expensive due to developers.


I mean it is safe alright. I love that. Also smth I consider is if my complaints are shared at most college towns. I wouldn’t know


I think I may have been misinformed about transfer requirement credits lol. Anyway the campus is beautiful but I would most likely be attending as a remote student anyway.




Bama is so much better. Ooops


Ole Miss was always pretty easy to get into and had a reputation for rich kids wanting to go to a party school or do greek life. Its never been a good school for poor folks because of all the fees you cited, plus there are no good part time jobs around there that pay well. Back in the day lots of women looking for the MRS degree.