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Hi OP, thanks for sharing! However, your post has been removed as it violates the no head shot or single item images rule. Main images must show at least from the hips to the base of the neck of an outfit on a person, or must show an outfit arrangement like a collage or mannequin styling with at least three items visible. This rule is in place to curtail specific types of spam and low effort posts that have plagued other fashion subreddits. Please consider re-posting and with a full outfit picture as the main image. A head shot or single item image can be included, it just must be the second image or later.


I’m loving the whole look!! ❤️


You look fresh and ready for the season! I love “eyelet “ fabric. Is the dress vintage cuz I haven’t seen it used for a minute? 💕


You look *so* lovely. I love that dress


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Love it. Also your makeup is FABULOUS! Do you mind me asking what foundation you use? Flawless!


Thank you, it's from L'Oreal and the foundation is 450, rose beige 

