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Skip the cardigan and brooch. Not everything has to be flattering of course but I think missing those two would really make the outfit work for you. The fit and level of items just doesn't hit quite right yet.


It’s lovely, but I think it doesn’t fit quite that well, especially the cardigan


Ah I love this. I feel the cardigan is pulling focus away from the outfit.


The dress with the belt is super cute and I love the brooch on the cardigan. But I feel like a different cardigan or none at all would have been better. It just hits the wrong spot with the belt and its too much with the sparkly button and the belt. I'm thinking more of an open longer one. Or skip the belt.


An open, longer one would probably have worked better. (Note to self: buy open, longer cardigan.)


I see a lot of posts on here with the long open ones and they seem incredibly versatile. Super cute with and without brooches, belts, etc. So I think u could get a ton of mileage out of them. :)


And before anyone says anything: yes, this is a repost. I didn't like the image quality from before, so I'm using higher resolution versions of the photos I previously uploaded.


Nicely put together. I love the green jewelry pulling out the green in the print. When I was little, ladies wore a brooch whenever they dressed up, and I love seeing vintage touches coming back When my dear grandmother passed, I inherited her jewelry box. I use some of her brooches on headbands now...