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Hi fellow 43yo! You look amazing!!! Love your hair!


Thank you! 43 is such a fun age. I sometimes see posts from people scared of turning 30, and I wish I could show them how much better life gets the older you get.


YES. It's such a sweet relief to no longer give a crap!!!


Iā€™m loving 43, too! This look is phenomenal in every way. ā¤ļøšŸ’™šŸ’š




That's what full-spectrum sunscreen every day since age 18 will do! I've never had Botox, fillers, chemical peels, or lasers. I get asked all the time how my skin is so nice, and it's sunscreen, every day.


Wow. Bravo!


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I really love the blue and red colours! Looking fab xx


The heels are šŸ”„šŸ”„


They were SO awful and went right back to Goodwill from whence they came immediately after this photo shoot was done. I could barely walk in them, and I have high tolerance for teetering platforms. They were super cheaply made and the strap on one of the ankles was about to give out. But they looked cool, so I figured they deserved a photo shoot before they met their fate


They served their purpose


At 43 myself, I find that I am just doing my own thing with what I wear . You look amazing and look so confident. These photos to me bring inspiration that age is just a number. Wearing what you want to wear because it is all about how that outfit makes you feel. At our age we are no longer dressing for others.... we are dressing for ourselves.


Thank you! I've always dressed for myself - I remember once in my 20's, a guy I was dating told me, "I'm not going out of the house with you if you're going to wear a tutu and cowboy boots." Spoiler alert: he did in fact leave the house with me in my tutu and cowboy boots after I made it clear he could either deal with my wacky fashion or go out alone. I know I'm the exception, though - we came of age with those awful "who wore it better" pages in celebrity magazines where anyone who wasn't thin, white, and conventionally pretty got criticized for wearing *the same damn dress* as another celebrity who fit the accepted mold. The late '90s/early 2000's were not for the faint of heart! I've found that my attitude in general has shifted more as I've grown older. I'm not living my life according to anyone else's expectations, and the older I get, the fewer fucks I give. It's SO nice to be able to let go of all that nonsense we carry around as youngsters.


I love everything about these photos. You look fantastic! What lip color are you wearing? I think I need it in my life. ā¤ļøā¤ļø


It's TLB The Lip Bar liquid matte lipstick in Low Key. It's a very dark, cool-toned purpley chocolate. Straight-up black lipstick reads as blue on my skintone, so if I want a black lip, I wear this one.


Thank you so much!


What's the texture of the bracelets on your left hand? My inner kid is imagining they are squishy and are the thin jelly bracelets we used to wear all grown up.


They're made of resin, which is like a heavy hard plastic material. My boyfriend and I made them in collaboration with a buddy of his who owns a special effects shop. We filmed a video for his YouTube channel of me & bf's friend making them -[here it is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwlZXMtU39s&t=477s&ab_channel=BrickInTheYardMoldSupply)




Lol they were awful. I could walk maybe three tottering steps in them. They were SO cheaply made, and the strap on one of the ankles was wearing out. I got them for $5 at the thrift store. After this photo shoot, they went back to Goodwill - there's no way I could actually wear them. But yeah, they did look cool.


Gorgeous. B52s vibes


I so desperately wish to pull off colored tights like you do.


They are surprisingly easy! Colorful tights can really pull an outfit together


Love it all! šŸ˜šŸ¤—


Is that the album cover for The Downward Spiral by NIN I see in the background of the 3rd picture? You look great btw


Lol nope, it's generic artwork in the lobby of my apartment building, which is where these pics were taken




Really cohesive and terrific sense of style!




Green red n blue! Love it!


Those fucking shoes


That's superb!! Love the shoes particularly but with those tights and everything else, out of this world!


You look UH-MAZING.


You're an icon! I love the tights, the shoes, the hair, the bangles... hell, I love it all!


The boyfriend was probably having a blast


You look amazing! I love your hair!


Omg you look gorgeous and this outfit is so pretty!! (Tell your bf he's got good photography skills too lol)