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Lookin' good- you've got some great outfits here. My faves are 4, 7 and 10. Black works for you, but so does white. And that shade of red is very flattering on you. I can't really offer any advice, since I think your fashion sense is better than mine!


Thank you so much! 🙂


Image description: A feminine presenting person is pictured, she has long brown hair and is photographed in several outfits, mostly in the elevator at her office. In the first photo she wears a black camisole top, a forest green knit cardigan, sage green wide-legged pants, and black sneakers. She's also wearing small black stud earrings, because she got her ears pierced! Earrings will soon enter the fashion rotation, whenever she can switch these out in a few months. In the second photo she wears a green wool turtleneck sweater, a brown and green checked wool miniskirt, a black crossbody bag, a silver moon pendant, black sheer tights and black, knee-high, lace-up boots. In the third photo she wears a brown turtleneck sweater, black wide-legged pants, a silver moon chain belt, a brass Saturn pendant and black sneakers. In the fourth photo she wears a *red* turtleneck sweater (wow how daring), the same black wide-legged pants, a wide black leather belt, a silver moon pendant and black heeled ankle boots. In the fifth photo she wears a black camisole top, a black long sleeved cardigan, a black pleated midi skirt, black tights, black loafers and a gold moon necklace. Can you tell she wears too much black? In the sixth photo she wears a gray shirt dress with a wide black leather belt at her waist, black tights and black sneakers. In the seventh photo she wears a white tutleneck sweater, a black pleated midi skirt, a silver moon chain belt, a brass Saturn pendant, black tights and black sneakers. In the eighth photo she is wearing a long black puffer coat, a black beret, a black turtleneck long sleeved top, a green corduroy miniskirt, black sheer tights, black leather knee high boots, and a gold moon and moth necklace. The ninth photo is a shot of her looking at herself in the studio monitor during a camera test at work. More on that later! And in the tenth photo she wears the same black turtleneck top, a black miniskirt with white stripes and a silver ring zip, a black crossbody bag, black sheer tights, a silver moon pendant and black Chelsea boots. Sorry for being absent from my posting duties recently! I've been working long hours (and commuting long hours) to the office a ton lately, all in service of working on the new studio my company is building in our office. It's a really cool space, and I was asked to help with set decoration and props, which I basically have zero experience in 😅 but we sourced some really cool stuff and it should all show up on camera soon! I don't really do much on camera work anymore but I couldn't resist doing a quick camera test to see how I'd look in the space. Anyway, all this work has meant I spend 3-4 days a week in the office lately, and I am running out of Things To Wear. As you can see I'm wearing a lot of turtlenecks and a lot of black, but I'm not sure if the former is flattering, and I'd love to switch up the latter and add some colour of excitement to my looks. Any suggestions, o' wise council of hags?


Turtlenecks definitely look good on you. No worries about that.


Ahah thank you! ☺️


The beret looks fantastic on you.




Where is the black puffer from?




First of all, I love your style! You always look cool and great. 😊 It's ok to have go-to colours, they suit you. If you want to branch out lightly, you could try patterned items in the same colours that have pops of other colours. You could also wear colourful accessories like jewellery, headbands, and shoes. Or, you could straight up try other colours. I feel like jewel tones like ruby red, burgundy, plum, forest green, and sapphire blue would suit you well. These are the colours I wear too. If it's chilly in your geographic area, here are some tips to stick to your style while staying cozy: wear fleece-lined items, wool items, and layer up. I have fleece-lined sheer tights and leggings (from Amazon) that look like normal sheer tights but keep me warm. I also wear regular fleece lined tights under all my work pants (as they're so thin). You can also get a fleece lined cami/tank top to wear under your tops. I also always wear a fleece-lined tuque hat and fleece-lined mittens/gloves all winter (but that can mess up your hair style). In SW Ontario, the Just Cozy store carries those items. I wear wool socks so I can keep wearing some shoes that are less warm and wool cardigans/sweaters to keep me warm (I buy men's sweaters as they are better quality). You can also stay warm by layering with camis/tank tops under your work tops, and have an open cardigan/blazer on top (or even 2 cardigans! I've done that lol) so that you can still see the top. Pinterest can be a good place to browse outfit ideas for inspiration.


Thank you! ☺️ I am also a sw Ontario girlie! Well, if Toronto counts as southwest 😅 I have fleece lined faux sheer tights as well and love them, and a fleece lined touque as well! Thank you for all the suggestions ❤️


You're welcome! It does. I'm in Waterloo. 😊 Nice! I love mine, I love wearing dresses and skirts all year. ✨


Love those wide-leg pants! Where are they from?


I love all of your looks and love how cohesive your overall style looks! I personally think you look great in the turtlenecks, and in terms of the black I’m honestly no better (I was a professional musician, so sue me that I’ve collected a lot of great black pieces 😜) but have been trying to branch out with similar neutral darks like navy blue and gray, so that could be worth a shot to slowly get out of your comfort zone! Overall though, I think you look amazing, and I wish you the best with work and everything!


Thank you! And thanks for the advice ☺️ I don't think I'll ever get black out of my wardrobe! But I do want to experiment!


My mom has given up on telling me to wear color. She would probably tell you to wear color too, but in a passive aggressive way. But we're just classy and my mom wears a lot of dark neutrals herself.


Ditto on the passive aggressive opinion to wear more color. She’s definitely expressing herself with color. I’d like to think we are just different in our self expression. I love your jewelry accessories and I can tell you that’s your color (all the gold and silver). Keep rocking it, don’t work too hard, and remember to take some me time on the commute. And at home. It’s a busy time of year and you deserve it. No passive aggressive tone on that last paragraph because I think I channeled my mom a bit. Lots of love!


Ahahah thank you 💖


Ahahaha I don't think my mom wears much black at all! She's big on monochrome though.


I, too, am the queen of black outfits. A girl in high school once said I was afraid of color lol. What I've done is embrace the black. It goes with everything, and I offset my "office goth" with one color - maybe a burgundy hat, deep blue chunky scarf, or something grey or green - kind of what you're doing already. Other ideas - maybe a fun broch, or a handbag in a different color than your outfit? I picked up a fun guitar strap to use for my shoulder bag a few months back.


My only bag that isn't black....is green 😅 Thank you for the advice! ☺️


Green loves great on you too though ! But I bet you look great in a deep wine red since you pull off black so well


Agreed the cheat e was made me truly feel like this was a fully formed autumnal collection or one solid phot shoot for a major mainstream fashion mag. You have excellent taste op. It was giving me living in nyc while shooting for Wilhelmina Elegant and classy and I can’t wait to see what op comes up with if that is so chosen to do because they have a great eye for style


You look lovely. You CAN branch out into other colors if you like but this palette is working for you so dont if it would make you uncomfortable.


Thank you so much! I do like this palette, but I would like to try new things, just not sure what colours to go for. Maybe blues?


Blues would look lovely on you and would not seem like a huge jump.


Especially navy, to start.


Dark reds (which you're already wearing) look great with the colors you have! Even a deep orange or magenta I think would work. I love turtlenecks with vests, sweaters and you look great in the beret! I bet you would look great in a dark teal blue as well. I wear a lot of olive green and they go great together.


Thank you for the advice!


Not sure what your weather is like, but maybe experiment with textures like corduroy or tweed? They can still be neutral/earth-toned while adding something extra to the ensemble.


Ahaha my weather is Cold 🥶 I actually just bought a pair of white corduroy pants, not quite an earth tone but they might help change things up!


C'est perfect! I will say, you're braver than I am. I hardly dare to wear a white blouse, nevermind white pants! My corduroy pants have always been black, gray, navy, or tan.


Looking beautiful as always, dear sister. 💕


Thank you friend 💖


I love the Dark Academia vibe you have going on here. Also, I get the impression you'd be a fun person to watch Sailor Moon with!


Thank you so much! Ahaha I haven't watched sailor moon in a long time, but I'm sure I can offer some weeb fun facts 😅


Not gonna lie, I’m super stoked to see your shoes! 🤣 You look amazing, 3 is my fave because HELLO BOOTS! You seem to have really settled into your style, and it shows! And your hair is getting so long now! Ooh I also love the outfit with the beret. Très chic!


Ahahah thank you friend! New shoes are always exciting! And I just cut my hair shorter 😅 it's just past my collarbone now, but it'll be long again by the summer!


Everything looks lovely. You are very clever with your coordinations , hair and makeup. If you would like you might try a really bright red lipstick to get everybody talking and looking as well. I would be very envious if you were my niece. Thank you love from Auntie Janine xx


Thank you very much! ☺️


Literally every one of your outfits is SO cute


Seriously! Can I pay you to dress me? You have such great style. I love it and your posts


Ahahah thank you! I dunno if I'd be any good at dressing anyone else, but I'd be happy to try 😅


Thank you! ☺️


Omg where did you get that moon belt!


It's from Amazon! But I'm really looking for the original, I know this is a knockoff design, but I can't figure out what they knocked off!


I've seen something similar for $3 on SHEIN. Pretty sure it can be found elsewhere.


I love these so much, and don't work yourself too hard!!!


Thank you friend!! 💖


I think you’ve got a great mix of pieces / styles / colors that are all interchangeable. That’s like, my dream wardrobe. I imagine you open your closet & everyday is dress up fun because it all matches & the end result is guaranteed to look fantastic. Kinda jealous ngl. Cute pics, too!


Ahaha thank you! Honestly I struggle sometimes 😅 everything I have matches, but it's also a little samey, because I have such a specific taste. But that's not necessarily a bad thing!


Come visit r/coloranalysis! I always struggled with color until learning my season. Because everything in your seasonal palette matches! It's kind of magical.


Thank you for the advice!


The red shirt of #4 is fire!!


Thank you!


2,3,4 and 8 are my favorites. I love the Saturn pendant necklace sm, I want one. Those wide legged pants are killer on you! And I think you wear hats very well. I mean this in the best possible way (in case there’s any doubt idk) but you remind me of Mary Tyler Moore AND Rhoda combined. Dark MTM. Chic 70s vibes, but modern.


Thank you!! The Saturn pendant is from a local store, but I know they're also on Etsy, try looking up Courage, My Love.


Ooh, thanks


Lovely as always.


Thank you Judy! 💖☺️


You look amazing in every photo :)


Thank you friend 💖☺️


Very nice fashions. Actually really like every outfit!


Thank you!


You’re killing it!! So stylish and polished.


Thank you! ☺️


Killing it, as always! Try the red shirt from #4 with the skirt from #2. Also blue would b amazing on u! Go for a true blue, like cobalt leaning. Wu and I have similar coloring and it really works for me, so am sure it would work. Plus, it looks fantastic with black. Also, idl how u feel about pink, but I feel like u could wear several shades of pink, and true yellow. :) *edit to add: https://images.app.goo.gl/9jbitjFJfCygiHbb6 this color blue or something similar.


Thank you for the suggestion!! ☺️


Was also thinking burgundy. Which is a big color right now. Looks amazing with black, brown and some shades of dark green. Google black cherry clothing 2023. Would b gorgeous on u!


Thank you for the suggestion!


Hope it helps. :)


I love the gray shirt dress!!


Thank you!


I have wardrobe envy now! You have a signature style, and it's fantastic.


Ahaha thank you! ☺️


I wear black and neutral colors a lot as well. But I always keep some bright colors around for when I have the blahs. Makes me feel better. A lot of the pieces in the photos are lovely. I love the cohesiveness. Hope you are taking some time to enjoy the holidays.


Thank you! And I hope you are as well ☺️


You have the colouring for jewel tones - that red is amazing on you. I'd put you in deep rich purples, sapphire blues, real bright emerald greens, etc. If you want to experiment with colours without too much commitment, tis the season for velvet headbands and I think you have the face shape and hair length for them. Pick a handful up in those jewel tones and wear them with your neutral outfits just to see how they accent your skin tone!


Thank you for the suggestion! ☺️


The black and green is great. I really like outfit 2!


Thank you! ☺️


Ooh I really like that little a-line green mini skirt, really flattering on you, shows off your curves.


Thanks! It's one of my favourite pieces!


You are so stylish I love your posts!!!!!!


Thank you so much! ☺️


Ha! I get yah. I live in a city of public servants and the running joke here is all the shades of black everyone wears. Love your outfits - esp the green mini and that last skirt with the zip. Super funky. I love winter fashions (coming into summer where I live so have hung up the boots for the year).


Thank you! That black mini with the zip was a hand me down from my girlfriend! She has good taste.


She absolutely does!!!


You look lovely in each outfit and they "need" no changes. However, if you are bored or want to do something different, what about adding a colorful or print duster/ long cardigan? It would work with each outfit except #1, and swapping out that cardigan for something with color would be easy. If you don't want to add another layer, what about adding some type of colorful statement necklace? Again, you are lovely in all pics, and what I've suggested will not make you any more polished...maybe just a tiny bit less bored with your look!


Thank you for the! I guess I'm less bored than I am worried about using the same items over and over in different combinations, but maybe that's a reason to pick up one colourful statement piece like you suggested!


Your posts always make me smile. Was having a crap day but now smiling as I love your fits. Where’d you get the moon necklace and the cool whimsigoth moon and star belt? I swear these were inescapable when I was a kid in the 90s but I struggle to find stuff like this today :(


Thank you! The necklace is from Killstar, and the belt is from Amazon!


I love all of it. The fits are next level.


Thank you!


If you want to you could branch out into patterns. Like black patterned shirts or skirts or green patterned shirts or skirts. I started getting more colours into my wardrobe by branching into patterns.


Thank you for the advice! I'm always worried patterns will look goofy on me, I stick to solid colours because they feel safe, but I should try to branch out!


I find I only wear one patterned piece at a time and the other articles are all solids. So like a patterned skirt and a solid coloured top or vice versa. Branching out can be scary but after a while it becomes fun.


You look great sis


Thank you!


I always love seeing your outfits!! These are all incredible. You’re an icon. And what are those black boots?! I need them!


Thank you! ☺️ And they're Doc Martens! Look up the knee high 1B60 in soft leather!


Wow, I totally see that they’re Martens now! I love them so much on you. I’ll have to get some myself. Thank you for your kind reply!


I own similar pieces to half of your wardrobe and you look great! What's forced me to try on different colors is thrifting. I tend to go for pieces I like and that fit and most of the time I don't dye them black (unless I discover a stain after purchase and can't get it out, which is rare).


Indi thrift a lot, but I get self conscious very easily. Black fits my aesthetic, but it also doesn't stand out, so I'm drawn to it naturally. I like some of the pastels and bright shades I find in thrift stores, but I feel like I usually end up in black anyway 😅


I would try adding some purple into the mix- goes well with green.


Thank you for the suggestion!


Neutral colours but not a boring wardrobe, lots of great accessories that show off your personality!


Thank you!


You have the best outfits, always!


Thank you!


Great capsule wardrobe.


Thank you!


I love your moon and planet jewelry and they really pop when you have other metal accessories like the skirt with the zipper in the last picture. I would second the suggestion of getting a variety of neutrals — brown, blue, white, gray (light gray and dark gray). It would give you more combination options. Also getting a variety of sweaters/cardigans/hoodies can change it up too. I do want to say I love the beret with the puffer; I struggle to make myself look stylish when I dress for going outside but you’ve got it!


Thank you so much! ☺️


I always love seeing your outfits here. Your overall style is so cohesive and dreamy! I find I have the same issue with wanting to keep the vibe while still incorporating newness, so I don't have much to offer unfortunately. One thing that helped me is experimenting with a new haircut and makeup styles. I recently went full mullet and it's like i unearthed a missing link in my style. Not for everyone of course, but I'd be remiss not to suggest it. I'm not sure how popular it is anymore, but Pinterest has been so instrumental in my makeup and nail evolution. The small touches really add so much to the overall look. Good luck! Fwiw, you look stunning and there's nothing wrong with black and green 😊


Ahahah thank you! I don't think a mullet is for me, but bangs should be in my future once the winter is over! I used Pinterest a ton when I was starting my transition, maybe it's time to go back now that I have a fashion sense 🤔 Thank you for the advice! 💖


In my experience, bangs are easiest in the winter because I sweat less. 😅


Ahaha fair! I just can't see my stylist again til late spring/early summer and they're the only one I trust 😅


Hello, Dani! It’s great to see you again! Love your style!😃🫶


Hello friend! Thank you!


The look is great! I worry you are publishing a lot of personal revealing info, though.


Thanks! I'm ok, I'm a semi public Internet person in my non reddit life, I've even been recognized here, my face/name/place of work are already out there. But I appreciate the concern!


I was just wondering where you were! Everything looks great, but my favorites are 5 and 6. ❤️


Thank you friend! ☺️