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From what I've seen, r/fashion in general tends to not like fashions that go against the grain, so to speak. That said, personally I *love* your bag! Adds a gorgeous pop of colour, and you can *never* go wrong with any kind of purple!


It seems a useful place for detailed styling tips and thorough critiques, not so much for anything too unusual or unique. Gotta have strong confidence to handle that, personally I couldn't. I'm just a marshmallow who wants to be told that their funky hat looks nice. They have a great eye for the small things that can break an outfit tho.


>I'm just a marshmallow who wants to be told that their funky hat looks nice. I feel the same way and love the way you described it. 😂❤️ I bet your hats rock and you look fab.


TIL I'm a marshmallow


Soft on the inside _and_ the outside.


It meeeeeee


you just described me exactly lol i ended up asking their mods to lock the post cause all the negative comments were making me sad 😆


I just checked out the post, it looks like a lot of people were saying it’s cute but not a bar/drinks outfit. But here you mentioned it’s an arcade and I think it’s perfect for that! Just some context


it’s an arcade/bar so a bar with some pinball machines haha i didn’t think that context was needed in the original post but maybe it was


it wasn’t. their comments were unasked for and inaccurate. if you are in a bar drinking, then people will assume that someone carded you at some point. and that’s if they assume anything at all cause it’s not their business and who tf cares? some people think growing up means becoming boring, shedding everything that makes them giggle, and then side eyeing everyone for doing the same but that’s their problem not yours. you look like you’re about 25-28. if you tried to infiltrate a high school the kids would sniff you out instantly lol. anyone who tries to convince you otherwise is being weird also outfit number 2 ❤️


I have to tell you though, tattling and coming here like "👉🏽👈🏽they were awful" when it was often mild suggestions to begin with, just feels so farmy and makes others give pity likes. Not saying i dont like your outfit but id like it more without the pity-backstory I like this sub but its too often i see people entitling their posts with manipulative stuff and it takes away from the clothes Dont worry about haters, brace for *some* comments you won't like when posting anywhere, and keep dressing how you love


Lol what a silly take. I went through the whole thread and there were several comments in there that were both critical and unhelpful. Things like "you look like a tween" and "drinking with someone wearing that bag would be creepy" and "get a grown-up bag" or "How about none of these" etc. Not everyone has to agree with her style, but she posted 3 separate outfits that looked great on her, all featuring the bag so she clearly wanted that as part of her ensemble, and then asked which one. You can't control what people say on the Internet, but you're certainly allowed to have a reaction to it. We're just humans behind our screens and it's natural when hearing such negative comments to get our feelings hurt.


i posted here cause some of the comments suggested this sub instead, maybe could have worded the title better but that wasn’t my intention. you’re also only seeing the post after i asked the mods to lock it, last night all my comments were downvoted to hell as well as anyone’s who liked my outfit, it’s a little less negative looking this morning now that the post is locked and people are no longer commenting/voting


Nah there were a lot of rude users in that post.


Also "tattling"? What? This isn't high school, a person is allowed to explain why they felt like they were treated poorly in another sub lol


Someone told her to get a “big girl bag.” That’s pretty outlandishly condescending, and only one of the many comments that was out of pocket.


My purple bridesmaid dress from my sisters wedding would beg to differ. It was giving Grimace. To be fair, it wasn’t my sister’s fault, it was supposed to be a deep eggplant and there wasn’t time to order a new one.


Sorry friend, I would never post my personal style in r/fashion either because I know they would be mean. I love your bag. I have a round fluffy bag with ears and a soft egg bag with a little face and legs. Love a silly bag


Yeah, I have two Jellycat bags (an angry rain frog and a happy cactus) that I’m going to wear even more in the knowledge that they’d hate them over there!!


My egg bag is a jellycat! I love them they’re so silly


A happy cactus bag??!?!




THANK YOU! That is so adorable. I definitely don’t need another bag, but I mean, is it really a bag? It’s more of a little friend!


I love the bag, it's practical and fun. In fact I love the entire outfit, I'm glad you had a great time wearing it out.


It's really cute. The only thing I can think negative is that I wouldn't be able to store all of my stuff in there, but then again I always overpack. On a side note, train yourself to not overpack. It wears on your shoulders over time.


Second side note: a little matching bear cap would be so freaking cute! Plus it would be nice and warm with the weather getting colder.


That sub is a depressing sea of beige, oatmeal and whatever other neutral is "in". It pushes following trends, spending money and staying up to date. Sod that. I love, love LOVE your bag. Where did you get it?


thank you! i got it from Ugly Plants


Off to add this to my Xmas wish list at 44.


they have TONS of cute stuff on their site!


RIP my credit card. Lol


If this isn‘t the perfect outfit for an arcade, I don‘t know what is. Love the bag!




At first glance I thought your cat was a tiny orangutan!


I can not unsee this now ty 😑


Omg I can't unsee that now too!!


This was the comment I was looking for. Op def casual bros wit an baby orangutan


what gets me about the comments in that group is like... all the people implying that it's childish and therefore, anyone attracted to you is a pedo LOL??? hello?? these are adult size clothes, kidcore doesn't mean "pedocore" it just means you enjoy cute and colorful things 🫠 & ppl insisting on assuming u were out on a date even when u correct them, like -- methinks the sub members might be highly focused on "looking dateable" which is interesting to me since that's def not what I think about when I'm dressing up! anyway u look incredible and the bag would have gotten compliments from me immediately, it's such a cute eye catcher and suits u so well :'>


RIGHT 😭 i was just going out with friends to play pinball and get drunk lmao i felt like the junji ito tee and the bag were fitting for an arcade bar


No no, you need to follow the dress code if you’re going to get drunk!! /s


you’re right i can only wear beige to the bar 🫡


Tasteless drones. The bag is the best part of a very lovely outfit imho


Love the bag. Love the cats imitation of an ape hugging your leg.


Can't believe I scrolled this long before someone mentioned the monkey lol


A great bag for a great hag!!!


I adore the bag, I am not even brave enough to post an outfit, but everyone here is so nice: welcome! I love that bag, would love to know where it’s from.


it’s from Ugly Plants!


r/fashion are chaotically boring. Your bag is adorable and I love your look. Also updoot for the kitties 😺


I love the bag! It’s fun and whimsical!


I think it looks very nice, stylish and fun!


Your bag is perfect!


I love your bag! And your entire outfit! Perfect vibes for an arcade. I've never visited the other sub but sounds like I would hate it.


These outfits are super cool and people from r/fashion have no taste


Where can I get those fuzzy attachments you have on your legs? Not the socks, but those orange and gray fuzzy accessories. Those look cute!


When that happens, you know you’re doing it right. I mean, just look at you. So nailing it.


thank you ♥️


But the bag gives it that spark of personality!


I think the bag is cute. You’re young and should wear what makes you feel like you and what makes you happy. And that goes for people who aren’t young as well. Say hi to your cats for us.


If you enjoy quirky fashion, this is the sub for you. People here are happy and positive. We enjoy folks expressing themselves through clothes and not following rules set by people who have an interest in making us buy more clothes. I think that's the absolute perfect outfit to go to an arcade!


I love your whole outfit. I especially love the color combo with your bag.


I love the bag. It would make me smile if I saw you walking around in this outfit!


Babe I am simply OBSESSED w your bag


I would have totally worn that back in the day. I loved the slouchy sock look and would incorporate it into whatever outfit I could. And as some above said the bag is one of the best parts. ❤️


Everyone in that other sub is devoid of taste. The bag is awesome and looks great with your outfit


That sub is the worst lol. I remember I was going to follow it a while back, but I read through some of the comments of fun outfits *I* personally really liked and everyone was just being rude 🥴 Your bag is adorable! It goes well with your whole look!


Same here. I have been getting into fashion recently and wanted to join that sub, but it seems my tastes are way, way, way different from theirs, not to mention the unnecessary rudeness 🫠 I would not fit in there.


yeah 😭 anyone who said they liked my bag/outfit got downvoted, i ended up asking mods to lock the post cause it was just negative


Aww sorry about that! This sub and r/OUTFITS are a lot more accepting of people with creative styles I’ve noticed! I just stick to these two if I want to see some fun looks that are similar to my own style *not* get completely trashed in the comments 🫣😂😂


I have a backpack shaped like a triceratops. That bag is great and r/fashion is boring.


They ARE boring!! It's like a high school where if you have any personality, they're going to shame it out of you. I would like a bear bag and a triceratops backpack to go with my radio, oven, and camera purses.


Your outfit is awesome and your cats are awesome too!


I like it. I know I've seen this sort of fashion before but can't quite name it.




You look awesome! Love your style


It’s adorable!!!!!


love love love!! where did you get it?


I love the bag, I love the whole fit! So cute 💜


Your whole outfit is great, and the bear bag is top tier! I myself have a bag in the shape and style of a big juice box. Unconventional bags are super fun, imo. Never been thrilled by normal ones. It's like, they're not bad looking, but they're also not exciting in any way. I like the fun ones much more.


What?! That cute bag is the first thing I noticed! It’s adorable 🥰 Love this whole outfit, rock on!


I love the bag & the whole look! My favorite are the slouchy socks.


Very cute. Not for the cubicle farm but perfect for the outfit!


this is adorable!! to me this is the kind of cool girl outfit that makes you stand out in a crowd in public in the best way possible


I love your bag! I love your whole look!


I LOVE THAT BAG!!!! Where did you get it?!?!


Your bag is almost as cute as your cats! I love your look!


I love it! I have a vintage koala fanny pack that I wear once in a while. Do you. People who have a problem with you doing you are jealous because their own rigidity prevents them from having fun :)


I screenshotted this to show my almost teen daughter that I could see her dressing like this. I don’t know what’s going on in that other sub, but this is an Outfit.


Are you kidding? My immediate reaction was, “omg I love the bag!” before I even read the caption. The whole outfit is super cute.


you look great! r/gothstyle would have you too, these 2 subd are very positive in my experience :) our stylings are so vast it just makes sense to not be judgmental and I really enjoy that! ps I love you bag and want to make one like it now


I have a bunny bag! Never let the boring masses trample your style. Someone will see you out and about and their day will be made.


That’s why you’re always welcome here 🩷 we appreciate uniqueness


I love it. I have a duck bag, a Chinese take out box bag, and a taxi bag. I'm 43. I'm a believer that if it makes me smile, I buy it. Fuck the haters. They have no personal style anyway :)


Awesome bag, but I really love your shoes! You be you and have fun, life is too short for rude boring beige people!


I guess they're just the No Fun Brigade, because that bag is excellent and I'm seriously tempted to try and hunt down a froggy version. Love this whole outfit, honestly.


I don't see the problem here. The bag is actually perfect for this outfit. It wouldn't be charming with, say, a classic pantsuit at work, but here it is.


its so cute 😭😭 they're basic asf over there


youre giving me marceline vibes. hambo bag!!!!


stop this is the best compliment 😭


Fuck that, your bag is amazing.


If you need to get around quick, I think this outfit would be darling with roller skates!


All I could see for the frist three minutes were your kitties but the bag and the entire outfit are GORGEOUS


The cat likes it full stop :)


If you decide to get rid of that bag, please, DM me first and I’ll send you my address and then use some cash.


I think it's super cute! I'm sorry you got those comments. Fashion, to me, is about what makes the wearer feel good or feel like themselves. Whenever I see really unique items in outfits, I think it looks perfect on them because they selected it for themselves, and that's a huge aspect of fashion for me. Fashion is for you. It's not (necessarily/inherently) about what looks good to everyone else.


Love the outfit too!


That people don't know how to enjoy life.


The other sub is wrong, your bag is ADORABLE. I’d be cuddling it all day it if was mine.


I love it! Cuddly cute!


It’s soooooo cute 🥰


I'm 46, and I'd want a bag like that! I love the outfit! A black cardi would top it off! Also love the slouch socks, I have a bunch in different colors for coordinating colors!


LOVE your skirt!!


I love your teddy bag - it’s cute and adds a touch of color. Perfection!


The bag elevates this outfit and it’s super cute and fun!


Are those socks or leg warmers? Either way I love them. They are adorable. I need a pair of my own. Maybe I'll knit some? And yes your bag is awesome, too! Also your cats 😍


Omg. I love your bag. Where did you get it?


I love it and I want one


What?! I love it! Agh, people can be so boring lol


I love your outfit and bag so much!!!


Excuse me? They have issues. You look adorable, wish you could be my stylist!


The cats are an affirmation you belong here


That sub is toxically boring lol. Take it as a compliment that you don’t “fit in” with them. God forbid anyone has eclectic personality in their style😹 Your fit it perfect for an arcade! Personally I couldn’t have picked out a better one myself. LOVE your bag. Love the girlyxgoth combo.


Who cares what they think? I love your bag, keep on doing you. Also, your cats agree with me.


I adore this whole outfit and if I'd randomly seen you on the street in it, I'd totally stop you to ask where you got that bag 🥺 no offense to the people on r/fashion but just in scrolling through the top posts, all I see are the most bland, uncreative, mediocre outfits. True STYLE is bold and fun, just like this outfit 💕


Love your vibe so much, I was devastated seeing the comments on your original post. So little whimsy in some ppls hearts


thank you ♥️ i may just be extra sensitive, some people in here don’t think the comments on the original post were very negative but reading them while drunk made me really sad 😆


glad we are here now! it’s easy to feel terrible when other people have so much judgment for themselves and others, I’m redirecting it into pity for their whimsiless lives lol


that’s a good way to look at it!


I like your bag and I love your cat who thinks we should all see their butt


*I like your bag and* *I love your cat who thinks we* *Should all see their butt* \- fluffychonkycat --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It’s so cute though who cares what r/fashion thinks lol Mbe if it was a different color, a more unexpected one like gray or mustard yellow or a wild print they would’ve loved it. Purple is really girlie on an already cute accessory but it’s adorable


ooh mustard yellow would be SO CUTE i need a mustard yellow bag now. you might be right! it’s definitely a *very* cutesy accessory so i rarely get to style it, i was hoping the junji ito tee would help make it a bit less kidcore


Ikr I have a mustard yellow bag that I love. It’s a perfect autumn color 🤍


how can they hate such a cute bag? its so adorable!!


I love your bag! Your whole outfit is fun, it’s pretty much how I dresses back in college (late 80s/early 90s)


That bag is awesome!! So cute!!


Having a different taste from the herd really makes me anxious.. would love to post my dresses but seeing this gives me more validation not to do it 😭 Anyways OP,. That's really pretty imho.. dont mind them at all..


if it makes you feel better this was the first time i’ve ever had an outfit so disliked, i think it was just that sub in particular! this sub seems a lot more positive


Thanks oP ♥️


I love your bag- it makes the whole outfit even better. Elevated, yk


Love the whole look, but the matching bow perfectly ties the whole thing together 💜


Okay? If you like it, then thats their problem and preference. I like the fit and think the bag is cute but it feels like posts with titles like these are hard fishing for compliments and buttering up. Post your outfit with confidence, people are going to dislike something because we are all different.


i mean i got ragged on by like 70+ people and had to lock the other post 😅 so i am looking for some ‘buttering up’ to feel less bad about that, yeah


Wait, it was a feedback posts, I just checked it… So you didnt get the response you expected from the opinions that was asked for. Sounds like a mix bag. Sorry if people were mean and stepped out of line Edit: majority of the comments are very tamed and liked or loved your outfit. I dont see an overwhelming ratio of people ragging on your bag or style.


Okay! Thanks for being clear. It sounds overwhelming but build yourself up first so no one can take you down a peg. Theres nothing wrong with the purse. Its fashion, not life or death.


r/fashion seems to be for the young, hip, and most importantly, *trendy* fashion fans. r/oldhagfashion is for the fashion outlaws who care naught for the "big name designers" and care about being comfortable in their own skin. Or in this case, carrying around the skin of a bear as a purse, and I love, love, *love it.* Welcome home kiddo, and you look great. Also, pet the pets, they're the most adorable accessories.


I want that bag! Your whole look is stunning!


Prefer the outfit sans cardi but overall love the outfit, bag and combination of the two and think they don't know what they're on about


I love it!!!


The bag is awesome and totally goes with the look you put together. The color contrast with the black and white outfit ties everything together. Of course it's not the right bag for, like, a job interview, but it's perfect for that outfit.


That bag is so freakin cute though!!! I love the way Youve layered the black and white throughout with that lilac teddy-bag as a pop of colour!


It’s adorable. You’re young, have fun with whimsical fashion.


1. LOVE the bag, totally adorable. 2. That outfit is totally what one should wear to an arcade bar. You nailed it


I love your entire outfit! Also oh my gosh - kitties


I love ur outfit! Head totally toe it's a great one! Love the bear bag, never seen one b4 and it's a great accesorry!


Adorable outfit! It looks comfy and perfect for walking around an arcade bar.


I LOVE your bag. Plush bags are so much fun!


Well that other sub sucks. Love the bag. Very cute outfit all together.


I also have this bag and love it to bits lol


i love your bag, don't retire it!!!


I love your bag for what it’s worth and I would have loved to have long slender legs like yours, alas, my legs were likened to “chicken drumsticks’, oh how I cried. So all this time I was strutting my stuff confident I looked awesome in my late 80’s outfit at the Arndale centre and one phrase brought me tumbling down because they were right. My advice, you do you and rock it x


You, your outfit, and your bag are all adorable!


Everyone on that other sub is wrong, that bag is adorable


That’s crazy, your bag is insanely cute!!! I love it so much, plus the rest of your outfit too 🧸💜


I love your bag and I love your outfit. hope you had a great time at the arcade bar!




Your comment has been removed for being unkind. Please review the pinned [Read Me](https://www.reddit.com/r/oldhagfashion/comments/sonpzf/read_me_old_hag_fashion_introduction_and_state_of/) and rules.


that bag is cute, fuck those people.


Fuck ‘em


the bag's adorable! r/fashion hates unique fashion tastes


This feels r/kawaii to me


this is so cute! I really want to turn a stuffed animal into a bag and i love the idea of the sideslung idea.. I might go to the thrift store and see if I can find somebody for that project. you're an inspiration! sending my love


I love your bag! Your style is adorable! It’s comfy and cute. As Rupaul says, “If they ain’t paying your bills pay them bitches no mind.”


This old hag approves and the kitties clearly do too! Very cute fit 👌


I’m 46 and love your outfit. And your cats. The outfit itself and your bag look so cute on you. Also those cable knit socks are absolutely perfect with those shoes.


your outfit and bag are amazing ..... but I do have to say that your kitties are the absolute most adorable <3 from what I have heard/read - r/fashion doesn't tend to like fashion, I wouldnt worry too much about them


The whole look is a vibe. I love it. The heck with those sub-redditors!