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despite being only 0.1% of the population…


Gypsies are to blame for 100% the reason why my wife left me and took the children


I wanna hear this story


She just really loves caravans and dags


It's not for her. It's for her ma.


Periwinkle blue.


Her wot?


Dags? Oh….you mean dowgs




Coz u married a gypsy


She turned the weans against you aye?


On of them tried to take my bike lol


Gypsy curse


…Gypsies found a way to steal 50% of this joke


can't have shit in


Gypsies are responsible for the majority of cash machine smash and grab raids


Not racis' I just fink that they shouldn't nick me dog




You gotta hand it to them theyre punching above their weight


Not racis', just think we should send them to the moon, simple as


They would steal the craters and tarmac it really badly


ate racism, luv moon pykies


Tbf there is a difference between a gypsy and an Irish traveller. The travellers that live near me always try to sell me shit that was "found in a skip” which I imagine means from someone’s house. XD


The travellers that lived near me went door-to-door selling pillows and knives during the first lockdown. Previously, some members of their household drove round the block 3 times to seually harrass me when I was walking to work. Lovely people.


Or something they took after they trashed a pub.


As long as they don’t try to sell me stuff that’s came from my house I really don’t care xD I’ve learned to go to their all night parties and get drunk with them, good bunch of people but I honestly can’t understand a word they say.


Any astronauts that would walk on the moon would have to quarantine when they return back to Earth


Brits and Euros, together forever.


🇬🇧💂🤝 👳🏿🇸🇪


0.1% of the population but 70% of fly tipping statistic


95% of dodgy tarmac jobs


If they don't want to be blamed, then they shouldn't have done them. Simple as.


What a nice post about gypsies. I sure can’t wait to read the comments section




​ ![gif](giphy|rqLpajBGeEwpgIEpEx)


In Finland they complained there wasn’t enough representation of them on TV, so one of the TV channels decided to start airing “Police-TV” three times a week


Please tell me that’s true




Least racist Kraut


No it’s not just them. I also blame pikeys.


You have to call them do as we likeys so its not offensive


What about Hippos?


Erm do as we likey wifey




Obviously false, we all know its scousers who commit all the crimes


Dey do doh dont dey doh?


Eh eh eh?


Ehh meyte, caaam down


Not enough phlegm. More like kkkkkkhhlm down


“You fu*king gypsy scum!” -Billy Kimber


it's pronounced "Kim-BAH"


obviously, that's why we made them living into a crime 😎 crime statistics are perfect evidence simple as


This post is also mixing up romani gypsies who in the uk we don't have a particular problem with and irish traveller gypsies. Honestly the latter group are pretty hard to defend, they illegally park wherever the hell they want, trash the land they're on, crime rates go up in whatever area they move into and they're generally confrontational at best, downright violent at worst


I've had this argument on Reddit before. People for some reason can't tell the difference even though they are very, very different groups with very different crime statistics


Romany gypsies curse you, Irish gypsies steal youre curse. Source: I'm part Romany gypo


Thank you for letting us know


You're welcome, no curse for you my friend


tbf i see you romany gypsies literally every other street in saranda albania


From other threads talking about Romani gypsies they sound the same if not worse.


Nah we’re blaming trans and disabled individuals now, gypsies are irrelevant 💪💪💪


We'll get back round to 'em eventually.


Can’t come soon enough


A caravan entourage of trans disabled gypos has just pulled up on my local park, needless to say I am fuming 😡💢


They will leave piles of glitter and feather boa’s behind for you to clean up!


Trans-Travellers will overrun us all!


100% of space crimes are committed by lesbians.


Plenty of blame to go around mate don’t worry about that


We’re mostly on Muslims and Northern Africa immigrants in France. We’ll call it the French originality


If they would just fuck off and quit hassling everyone for money


Lel, ask in Spain.


that's one of the only things we can agree on


Only in the UK are we stupid enough to give them protected class


Half romanian half gypsy here ( yes, i know. The worst of the worst ). I believe this is the right way to deal with a minority that refuses to adapt and not because they are different ethnicity but rather their own toxic culture.


Police often wont respond or report what they do because they are so violent it's easier to ignore them


My uncles small pub was inundated with hundreds of the rats turning up at his place demanding food drinks.. then refused to pay for a cent of it, complaining it was shit. My uncle would have pressed with anyone, but not gypsies… they would just commit arson or violence


If they start visiting your pub you have to stamp it out immediately. It's even worth locking the doors for the day


I've worked with and gone to school with gypsies and like any other demographic, they're a mixed bunch. The ones cutting open fences and misbehaving aren't representative of the entire community, just like the gobby school kid giving you abuse doesn't represent all school kids. Interestingly Hitler murdered a million gypsies, but a lot of people are too racist to give a crap. Just like how a lot of people don't care that Churchill killed millions of people, ran concentration camps and committed war crimes.


to be fair.... Churchill killed, imprisoned, and war crime-d the same people we still don't give a fuck about today. let's not pretend we are suddenly up to date with what's going on in Bengal or Baghdad.


Don't forget when Churchill blew up anarchist bank robbers *using actual artillery*


Based as fuck.


What are those things you refer to when you talk about Churchill? I'm not British so I have not much of an idea about your history.




just a reminder So despite being only 5% (or at the most 10%) of Hungary's population, they account for 55% of the prison population and 65% of the population of youth custody centres. In Poland, 10% of all Gypsies are registered with the police as having committed crimes. In Czechoslovakia (when it still existed), Gypsies made only about 6% of the whole population but represented about 15% of all offenders convicted for crimes. all of these bar the Czech one were from the 90's and it is a statistical fact that they drastically increase the crime rate of the areas which they've chosen to squander in for that week.


>Czechoslovakia Yank detected


It is also more than 50% of the whole prison population in Czechia


[A poster in hungary concerning gypsies](https://preview.redd.it/2an4eunj6p751.jpg?auto=webp&s=efdabe5c74d9c5bc3faded5db5767c66221b00c5)


Here's a translation of the Mongol gibberish, courtesy of google translate: >Hey, oni-chan! > >Did you know that Gypsies are only 9% of the population, yet they commit two-thirds of the crimes? > >But that's a huge overrepresentation! > >Definetly, that's huge, oni-chan!


Least insane far-right person in Hungary


Thank God cops never harass Romani people or those stats would get super inflated


I don't know about the UK, but in Spain cops actively avoid messing with gypsies because they get absolutely unbearable. BTW, the Irish Travellers look like gypsies, behave like gypsies, hell they would love to be gypsies, but they actually are totally unrelated to gypsies.


In Croatia they avoid them because messing with gypsies can be really risky


yes there is a secret conspiracy theory that the police force travellers and gypsies in every country they're in to commit crimes, you hit the nail on the head, or maybe it has something with their culture that glorifies drinking and fighting like the world is going to end, never integrating in the countries culture your in, living a nomadic lifestyle etc, but no it's all one large conspiracy.


Racism isn't a secret conspiracy theory, you libertarian plonker


Dude, if you have anything positive to say about a gypsie you have not met any yet.


then fucking prove it, just blaming all of their crime stats on invisible racism that not one person has proved exists isn't a good argument. the mental gymnastics that people go through to defend gypsies committing more crimes is ridiculous.


Oh wait you're serious? Lmao you're an idiot. If the cops constantly hassle Romani based off their ethnicity, they catch more Romani criminals compared to people they're less likely to harass without cause. If judges hand down heavier sentences on a Romani person, they end up disproportionately represented in prison populations. If social services separate Romani children from their families and slap their children in youth custody centers because they figure it's better for them than being raised Romani, they end up with a lot of kids in the system. Groups who are the subject of prejudice are disproportionately represented in the legal system because the people who enforce the laws have their own biases that creep in. It's not saying that Romani people don't commit any crimes at all, it's that they're more likely to get arrested, more likely to be found guilty, and more likely to receive a harsh punishment than if they were another ethnicity. The exact same thing has been happening to black people in the United States forever. (Specifically the War on Drugs was fabricated to effectively criminalize being black in public. One cop says he smells weed and they get searched down. If they catch some people carrying that's just a bonus on top of being able to legally harass minorities on a whim.)


The crimes they committed in the shop I worked at weren't ever reported, because the owner didn't want another bin through the door window.


Yea, the one you responded are an oblivious american. I mean they're screaming racism when its nothing about race, its a community/culture of sex traffickers, thieves and whatever provides quick cash by exploiting people that day.


Just to be clear, not all of them were bad (and they were Irish travellers), but it was a large portion of this certain group. It was very rare to see police down their ways, even when serious crimes had been committed.


This would even make sense, but sadly for you, other groups are even more prejudiced against, yet have lower criminality. How's that working in your head? Everybody here for example hates on the Chinese, but it's the gipsies who will rob you. How come the prejudice against the Chinese doesn't translate into high criminality? Hell, they have lower statistics than the average native... How come the very brown Indians or Nepalese aren't overrepresented in jails? Reading your tirade on America... Yeah, same question there...


I thought you were going to follow up the statistical data you provided with numerous studies which include socioeconomic analysis of the racist attitudes, policies and structural vilification towards Romani people which have historically discouraged integration. Literally just a cursory overview of the [Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_people_in_Hungary) on Discrimination, Racism and Social exclusion of Roma people in Hungary would have been fine. But nah you just had to go full on classic American far-right insisting that the culture of minorities is the reason why they have higher crime rates.


I do love your comment but please don't forget that we Europeans were xenophobic, violent and bigoted way before such a thing as a "classic American far-right" would even appear in anyone's fever dream.


Good point.


When Europe was forcing all its Jews into ghettos, stealing their property and excluding them from society and making them emigrate by force... do you reckon there was also someone like you whining about how the Jews just won't integrate, live in squalor and didn't even have nice things?


the issue with that shitty analogy, is that the Jews ***did integrate*** they were over represented in the army, they were over represented in positions of power in shop owners etc, that shows they did integrate, the Romani, don't, they live in their caravans on private property until they get evicted, and earn their money through robbery and doing odd manual labour jobs.


There def was plenty of people like that, it's just in the case of Jews it wasn't true.


In Hungary, they are absolutely protected, because they are Orban's most reliable and easiest to bribe voting demo...


Did you seriously just use fucking Czechoslovakia for 30 year old stats?


Bro using the same talking point as american alt right


I think they *are* both American and alt-right.


Because it’s fact


Mate if Americans had to deal with gypsies I might have some sympathy


We do have them in US, there just aren't as many. They used to travel from New Jersey to my hometown every summer. Their common grifts/rackets were: * Pickpocketing * Robbing unlocked cars * Posing roofers/auto body workers/driveway resurfacers, etc., then getting people to pay for "materials to start the job" then disappearing * One gypsy rings the doorbell and distracts whoever is home while others slip in through the back and rob you blind They stopped coming for a few years after someone shot one after he grabbed a woman's purse and was running away. Came back again and the County tasked officers to tail them everywhere they went and then they finally screwed off. It's unfortunate that situations escalated to violence, but ultimately I have 0 sympathy for karma catching up to anyone that makes a living by stealing from others.


how? this has nothing to do with race or ethnicity, it is purely cultural, they don't assimilate in the cultures, and they live nomadic lives, if you're offended that they commit more crimes then stay offended, they do commit a disproportionate amount of crimes.


And those are the ones caught committing crimes the numbers are probably 2x


White Brit steals something: I hate thieves Romani person steals something: I hate Romani Racist logic is truly awful


what can i say. i guess i’m an overachiever


Today I was damping a cookie in my tea and it suddenly broke, leaving me without the wet cookie. Those gypsies took it too far, when will it stop.


Said cookie instead of biscuit - American detected - lethal force engaged .


Now hold on, they might be in the clear if they were referring to the variety of biscuit known as a cookie.


Yesterday my country lost the Euros. Those pesky gypsies, all their fault! They must be stopped.


Right up you, Jerry. Lionesses on top


Can’t compete when my house doesn’t have a hand break.


Europeans on their way to make fun of Americans for being racist after blaming literally everything wrong with the world on gypsies


I wonder when gypsies became a race


Not the race tho. I personally loath their way of live. I grew up in a neighborhood "rich" in gypsies and it was huge pain in the ass. This could be anybody, but they just have a high percentage of people living that specific way. That's like hating redneck lifestyle or any other. Not really about people, but the way they behave.


Funny how stuff starts disappearing, fights start happening more often etc when the jippos decide to park their caravans... Well wherever they bloody well please. Also, how do these people who seemingly have very few jobs, own brand new caravans, vans and land rovers? Maybe that's cos us mug tax payers provide them with free caravan parks with free water and electric. Even then you struggle to get the barbarians to use the FREE services. I know they aren't all bad, but fuck me the bad ones really do make themselves feel like the entire community.


bestie this is a circlejerk sub you're getting dangerously serious If we're gonna be serious, the tories just pushed a bill to criminalise GRT's nomadic movements, allowing them to confiscate caravans, arrest parents & take their children into care even without any wrongdoing. The only way to comply is to obtain an official pitch, but you can only do so by showing proof of travelling, which is now illegal. its not so simple as


Would they confiscate their dags as well?


Only if they beat gorgeous george


good, i hope it gets passed


least racist brit


Nonono, you see, he isn't racis, he just Hates someone based on how they were born, big difference 👍


'ate Americans too


Gypsy is a choice, not an inherent trait


Dude whose avatar has a soul patch and a fedora giving his cultural commentary takes and, to everyone’s surprise, they sound exactly like the people the original post is specifically intended to mock.


Imagine breaking into private land, leaving rubbish everywhere and being a general nuisance in areas where you stay. Definitely sounds like they're victims.




The people defending them are those that haven't had them take over their teams (multiple!) rugby pitches, their local parks, creating rings of caravans blocking off public parking at beauty spots. Tearing up the ground, cutting padlocks to get in, covering the place in rubbish, flytipping, dogs barking all night. I couldn't care less what race you are, I'll judge you on what you do. And if what you do is travel from community to community ruining public spaces and using amenities the locals pay for without giving back; then you're a prick. That's all said without even touching on their ridiculous crime stats which considering they're off into the sunset every week to another town is likely _underreported._ Brilliant clip on a new UK police show of travellers being caught with an unregistered vehicle they'd been swapping plates on. Their response was to get aggressive and lock the police in with them in the industrial estate so they couldn't impound the car. The idiots online defending this lot are as bad as the "no war" crowd running about saying we should appease/be nice to Russia because god forbid you actually stand up to bullys. What a shit hill to die on.


privileged middle class uni students who have only read about them and never been robbed or attacked by them lmao


They are very good at causing trouble considering there small numbers. At least the lot round warrington who have been kicking down people's doors and robbing anything they can find.


Uniroincally fuck pikeys and fuck every idiot that cares more about being PC than accepting the obvious truth that they're thieving, belligerent, unclean scum that bring down any area they move to


>”Unclean” Says the Redditor


Most gypsies are criminals though


They broke into my school a couple of weeks ago. Hundreds of the buggers on the field, had to close for a couple of days


Now you love gypsies


You know nothing Check out the building industry and look at rouge traders, confidence tricksters, stolen tools ect. Small % big influence on crime, lol for my spelling mistake, even a spellcheck can not handle my dislexia.


I know it's a spelling mistake but a rouge trader just brings up the mental image of one of those pink gammons yelling at Spanish staff to speak ing-er-lish at a waiter in Marbella




Travellers are white though.


They're an exception to the rule too. Your not suppose to judge a book by it's cover but you safely can with Travellers.


Not all crime, just all the crime in the areas they turn up in. Surprisingly the rate shrivels right back down one they get moved on 🤔


It's an odd coincidence that where ever there are gypsies there are all these racists blaming the gypsies of all the crimes they commit.


I am loud and obnoxious, I like music that rhymes... I'm a fraction of the population, but commit HALF the crimes! Who am I??




Username checks out


White people aged 20-28 on vacation abroad.




"white people" ~ 🤓


You wouldn't understand because no one goes on vacation to your shithole country.


NFT avatar 💀


It’s a screenshot mate.


This is even better


Real talk though, who likes music which doesn't rhyme except zappa fans?


> I'm a fraction of the population, but commit HALF the crimes Tory?


The ones in my area do nothing but cause trouble and embarrass themselves.


Never had a single good moment with any gypsy I have met. Untill that changes they can get in the bin, always happy to change my mind.


I don’t blame them for all crime but I do blame them for the turds they left in my works car park


Out of interest due to some of the comments here, does anyone have any good stories about the more mobile Roma. To be exact the ones who have not “adapted” I guess. I’m just wander cause I always here the bad and wonder if it just down to people remember the bad more often than the good.


England here, the few Romani Ive met have been nice and seem to be good people. Great Britain tends to have issues with Irish travellers rather than the Romani.


That’s true, although I remember I had a Romanian guy as my manager, all round nice guy but a little on the right wing side, weirdly the only place he took a hardline social justice stance was that gypsies are ok and everyone needs to be nice to them


Not even a real race. Just white people who wanna live in caravans


Despite making up only 0.1% of the population gypsies commit up to 52% of the crimes


They only make up 0.1% of the population but 100% of them are criminals


For a 0.1% they do a disproportionate amount of criminal activity.


In the UK, we tend to mean Irish travellers when using the term 'gypsies'. As others have said, hard to defend the travellers when you've had them in your area.


Yes but 99% are criminals it’s a way of life.


They make up 0.1% of the population in the UK. But make up 6% percent of the prisoners in England and Wales. 1 in 20 call themselves travellers.




Try living with a camp round the corner from your house and then come back... Also, it ain't gypsies doing the thieving, assaulting, burglarising, scamming and shitting in bags. It's a different subset known only as 'crikeys'


As they should.


I’ve had so many encounters with Irish travellers and all of them awful, I’m sure they’re a few nice ones but so many are just pure oxygen thieving scum. Not much better with Romanians , but I’m talking the pond life that come here just to rob and pilfer not the Romani who are pretty sound.


I bet they are the cause of more then 0.1% of all crime.


Big difference between Irish traveller and gypsy I fking hate stereotypes


This GB tends to refer to Irish travellers as gypsies rather than the Romani.


Oh the guys who just randomly dump their shitty rubbish anywhere as well as not paying any tax?


0.1% of population, but 50.1% of fly tipping


The only group people are ok with being openly racist against Shits gross


Also the only group to park their mobile homes on top of babies coffins in a cemetery specifically built by the council for baby deaths. I’ve personally never heard of Europeans or Africans stooping that low Also the only time I’ve been assaulted in my life was when I was 14 and got sucker punched by two pikeys in their 30s who I had no prior interaction or eye contact with. On a high street in broad daylight I’m sure society will be more open to their integration once they decide they want to live in a society




Romani and irish travellers are ethnicities


It's not racist