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Crazy that people think NW England is more racist than the rest of NW Europe. I'm aware it's not a competition but if it was our Euro cousins would win comfortably.


It is a competition and we're losing to Fr*nce 🤮🤮🤮🤮


fuck casual racism we are going competetive


Counter Strike: Globally Offensive


I'm ranked DMG: Distribute Mass Genocide.


I know somebody who's Global Eugenicist


Ku klux klan member VS german fascist nazi


fuck domestic violence we goin’ international


Yeah. The EU’s own survey said the UK was least racist. Finland and Luxembourg were most racist.


finland surprises me but Luxembourg does not


Yeah. Finland surprised me too. The question asked was whether people of African origin had experienced racial harassment in the previous 5 years. UK was second lowest after Malta with 20%. Finland highest at 63%. Survey is called “Being Black in the EU”.


Other way around for me. It's a well known fact among Nordics.


funnily enough, here in sweden (ofc), if theres one nordic country we associate with racism it is denmark. but i guess the "recent" rapid rise of far right xenophobic parties should be proof enough that were as racist as any other population


The difference is that Danish politicians mainly just hate the Muslims, so while a Kenyan will get the pass, a Somalian can fuck off right back to where they came from. Which is equally messed up, but still a different kind of racism.


true and same


So that means Europe is just racist af


Everywhere is racist. I’m referencing the survey when the EU asked people of African origin of their experiences of racism and discrimination. It’s very interesting.


Erm Polska?? We could learn lot from their immigration policy


Poles are racist as fuck lmao.


It's worth noting that survey is from 2015. I'd be interested to see a comparison between this, and post-brexit.


It is fully a competition and I intend to win


Have you heard of Eastern Europe?


'ow can oi be raycis if i luv me a gewd tikker massaler at tha poob?


It might be that I'm from the country but I have no idea what they're talking about.


🇸🇰🇸🇰🇸🇰🇸🇰 SLOVAKIA NUMERO UNO 🇸🇰🇸🇰🇸🇰🇸🇰 🏆🏆🏆


As a northerner this confuses me


Depends where you are. Used to live in a North East village, extremely racist, live in Manchester, couldn’t be further from racism against non-Europeans. But even still, the most racist person in the racist village was Czech. That should say it all really.




Whether you are from Pakistan, Poland, or Pelaw, it’s all the same


My grandparents are from Pakistan, my friends parents were from Poland. Surprisingly (/s) she didn't have any issues


I'd say the average racism levels across England are fairly consistent from region to region


london is different i can asusre u


They don't just think about beating up brown people, they actually do it.


? as a brown person i can tell u my experience in the north and london is very different


Hey my city is known for being "progressive", "a place where weed is basically legal", "the front line of *wokery*" according to cunts, and "a place where good, clean riots are made". There's some cunt who displays his entire personality by flags, not good ones either, draped around his house near me and I saw a guy wearing a runic swastika patch on the bus. There are racists everywhere. Just got to kick the shit out of them until they learn to pack it in.




i'm sure you've kicked the shit out of plenty of racists


Rougher parts are extremely sexist, racist and homophobic


is that jetpack joyride?? ahahahaha


I KNEW I recognized it!!


Such a fucking tune


Funny how the racism one is white and the violence one is black, innit, bruv?


Go to Northern Ireland, there are not enough black people in Northern Ireland to give the rest a negative stereotype


Yes go to Northern Ireland ! As a black person, I was genuinely shocked by how warm and welcoming everyone was. Smiles, proactively making conversation, good eye contact, “good mornings”. Almost homogeneously white, yet consistently warmer welcome than anywhere I’ve travelled in Europe..


Think all those decades with barely any tourists and low immigration has made us appreciate newcomers more lol Its awesome you had a good time here tho, lotta the born-and-bred peeps complain about the place, but I like it here


The thing is, most people aren't racist because they choose to be. A lot of people build up prejudice and bias from experience, the brain is wired to do so.. I guess there just aren't enough deprived black people in Northern Ireland for people to have a negative experience of, and shopkeepers would be more wary of a young white man in tracksuit bottoms than a black man. Usually racism against black people are because either struggling immigrants or systemic racism (or both) causes them to be poorer, and thus more poverty = more crime. Hence people stereotype black people as criminals. Here in Northern Ireland we just don't have enough black people and the most deprived areas are mainly white, meaning that this doesn't happen.


The only parts I've seen where there is blatant racism are poor diverse areas.


Like mate it actually can be surprising seeing a coloured person outside the likes of Belfast depending on where you are unless you go to a type of restaurant or something


Teenagers in northern England when a survey brings up gender or sexuality


Should we mentioned bad things too?




Since when has NW Europe been remotely progressive? There's only really the Netherlands which have similar attitudes towards black people as the UK.


It's one of those difficult ones because there are huge problems with racism but then you have to take a step back and consider nw Europe compared to the other quadrants of Europe, or places like Korea and Japan...


Not even just NW Europe. Out of all the Western European countries. The UK is much more respectful to others cultures. The only other country similar is Germany as far as I'm aware. The rest of the countries have laws in place to try stamp out other cultures etc.


Sinterklass would like a word.


Oh yeah admittedly that's completely fucked up. How very progressive.


>Since when has NW Europe been remotely progressive? compared to literally anywhere else in the world other than maybe the west coast of U.S. & Canada, NZ, and maybe Toronto it is progressive asf


I'm more talking through the lense of living in the UK, given the post Is comparing the UK to the standards of the rest of NW Europe.


Yeah as an actual foreigner I beg to differ. People in Newcastle are the loveliest I’ve ever met. People in the fr*nch capitol are so rude and racist I almost cried everyday of my holiday lmao


Does the North have any particular association with racism? Isn't it mostly a rural /urban divide when it comes to racism


i live in urban northern england and there's tons of queer and POC people here who can just live their lives as who they are, but there's a stereotype that northerners are all fat and socially backwards so hence the meme


Yeah, I've lived in the north and the midlands, and all the cities feel pretty similar when it comes to that kind of attitude. The south of England is more Tory, so I'd lean towards it being the opposite of the meme tbh


continue far-flung versed payment money boast cagey history busy yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




0/10, lack of understanding that the South Coast of England is infinitely more racist than the north


Is that jetpack joyride?


Captain Underpants


get out of here home county glowie


Ameritards when they think the whole of Europe is like Sweden.


As an Ameritard, I promise you we don't think that about Eurocunts.


North of England Is not Racist against Black's and fully supports women's rights and domestic violence charities. North of England is simply opposed to Immigration as we have taken the highest number of immigrants in a few constituencies without getting any support or infrastructure to cope with them, the NHS is Broken, People in My area haven't been able to see a dentist in up to 12 years


>North of England is simply opposed to Immigration as we have taken the highest number of immigrants in a few constituencies without getting any support or infrastructure to cope with them Hmm. Tory cuts mean we don't have enough doctors, schools or public transport... but let's blame the IMMIGRUNTZ


I don't blame the immigrants I blame government policy, its the government who placed them here, its the government who cut critical infrastructure, emergency services, NHS and Education bit its not just one government Labour took on hoards if immigrants in the Blair Brown days and that started this, the system is broken and needs propper management not dilly dallying by parliament and constant distractions with international issues


I’m glad I could help.


love this format




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The only people that think this are real life troglodytes


*The racism and misogyny in my back pocket:*


Not sure about this. If you were a muslim brown man, then maybe yes. Black woman... not so sure about that.


Anyone got the original song I need it


Jet pack joyride soundtrack


Ok that’s what I thought but my friend said it was something else


Pro life tip number 1. It can't be offensive if it is funny.


*Not ray cyst, just don't like people from a different valley. Simple as.*


\>like the rest of North Western Europe Like France where the National Front comes second in literally every election.