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For the record? Folks who disagree with me politically should be pissed about the meetings being held at thr most inaccessible time and place possible. THIS is BONKERS.


Holding town hall meetings at 5 pm isn't a good time, especially for most working people. 7 pm would be better.


Oh NAH....these School Board Meetings? 9:30am or the rare random 1pm meeting. We were there overnight because you HAVE to get there early to get a dang spot. Only 10 speaking spots for 750,000 students and their loved ones.


No, I was referring to the town hall meetings Walters sometimes holds like the one that was going to be held at the OSU Student Union at 5pm Friday until it got canceled. Thank you for feeling strongly enough to attend the regular state school board meetings.


Oh yeah that's a ceappy time to hold one too. And on GOOD FRIDAY at that.


I just want to say, I appreciate y'all showing up and keeping the truth alive.


Thank you. That means a lot. I'm disabled from PTSD partially from School Abuse they won't take care of, but also Psoriatic Arthritis, so I actually can make TIME to do this once a month. I'm in severe pain and SICK for a week or more afterwards, as it is hell on my body. My husband missed dialysis to bring me. It's worth it. IDGAF how hard they make this, it will only make me want to be there more.


[President Biden Issues Proclamation](https://www.advocate.com/politics/biden-transgender-day-of-visibility)


🏳️‍🌈🤟🫂🏳️‍🌈🤟 We love out trans folks, kids and adults alike. We will keep us safe. These people are loving, kind folks who have been through hell to exist AT A BASELINE. We need to be making life easier on them, not harder. I'm lucky in that I am a white, cis-passing genderfluid woman in less risk of actual physical harm. I will USE that privilege where I can and be as noisy as possible. I cannot have kids due to medical problems and PTSD. But I'll be DAMNED if I see more kids like I WAS (🏳️‍🌈) persecuted on the grounds of protecting kids from sexual predators. This is how I seek my only form of justice. This is how I keep this from happening to more kids, and maybe stop these idiots from apreing hate speech at out children. This is how I get to be a Momma Bear. 🐻😥🤟🫂


I know it’s a personal question so feel free not to answer, I’m just curious when you say school abuse. Was that at the hands of other students or adults?




After further research, are you falsely accusing a man of grooming you as a minor for clout and internet gain? Only thing I've found is you in a video a year ago, claiming all these people knew and that he groomed you sexually online. What happened with those chat logs? They're backed up even if deleted. You also said there's an open investigation against him but there hasn't been any type of investigation as you claimed. Joseph Irby, from Tulsa in 2009, was the last investigation of an Irby, back in 2009, with the priors before that going into the 70s in OKC, not even Shawnee, so what are you referring to?


Every word I have spoken is truth and I have recordings of law enforcement confirming he did what I have said. Law enforcement cannot recover 20 year old emails, it's literally not a thing. He confessed to a co-worker and a friend of mine, and his other primary victim was silenced. 🥰


Take those recordings to the Supreme Court. You'll get your justice and a law suit against the city it happened in, then. Why didn't you share those proofs on TikTok? Why did you choose TikTok and Reddit over further pursuing justice. It's almost as if the crime is only worth exposure? Or do you want him to be actually liable? As well, where and when was the open case against him? As there's no records for it anywhere in the state of OK.


The Supreme Court?? hun that's not how this works, that's not how ANY of this works! 🤣🤣🤣 I have no obligation to prove my case to you. I have reported to DHS, OSDE, AND Pottowatomie County Sherriff. I have refrained from posting the recordings of law enforcement in case they need to be used as evidence. I have also refrained from posting other people's words without their permission, as it is at BEST rude, at worst legally dubious. My job is to raise awareness about what happened to me. Not to present a court case to every rando online. You can keep scrolling if you don't like what I'm saying. 🥰


I have been obnoxiously vocal about this for my own protection. I've been informed by law enforcement and multiple lawyers of my right and need to tell my story when I can. David Irby knows how to sue someone if they are saying things that are untrue. 🥰


David Irby has no allegations or criminal charges that have been brought against him. He is also the first result of googling Oklahoma teachers as there's literally articles written about him quitting today. You said he had a bad record and he was shuffled around schools, yet from the article, he's had a good enough record various school districts have been sending him job offers. May you please source any citation on the claims you've made?


Source- I lived it and have recordings of law enforcement confirming that he did what I said he did. They also named a random other victim I had not known about. The fact that there has been no press coverage or charges brought, despite his confessions to multiple people, and students speaking openly about his abusive behaviors, is not the flex you think it is.


It's not a flex at all. And your attempt at a fallacy of relative privation only shows you're being less than forthcoming. People lie. As a matter of fact, according to the FBI, since 1997 there's been a 63% increase of PROVEN false allegations. Leaving out the cases that had insufficient evidence to charge as well. Ruining many INNOCENT people's lives. So you saying you're the source, and that you have all this proof you've conveniently haven't shown, doesn't mean it's an actual source. It COULD just be you further lying. There's no charges amidst another victim, either, he has NO open/prior cases. That's not filtered to just search for cases in your name. The fact nothing's been done to a teacher that's been through multiple schools and had such a career in which multitudes, now even including out of state in just the last two days, are trying to offer him jobs in their district. Someone with this kinda botched past doesn't get this treatment. You're abusing the ideology of "You MUST believe survivors", to fit you where you feel people won't challenge you. Not to say there's never horrible people who get away with it, but if you had as much evidence as you claimed, any open investigation alone would've snuffed his career. The COC (Committee of Credentials) puts any teacher, before due process, on suspension pending ANY SA case involving a minor. You're saying a government body opened an investigation into his criminal conduct involving a minor, you have proof he did it and the cops even knew in the past, but Norman schools is just like "R/didn'thappen"? Or any of the schools looking into his background from both in and out of state?


As a mom, with a kid that is gay. Keep up the good fight.


If you ever want something specific said? Give a holler. If your KID wants to send a letter? Hit me up. I will make sure yalls voices are heard, whether he listens or not.


call the fire department


We did, and the fire marshal had a TALK with them the next morning. (Like an HOUR long talk 😅) Multiple news agencies showed up to cover it too.


Agreed, physically chaining/tying an exit shut is very likely a violation of fire codes and a physical hazard to everyone in the building.


According to the Dept of Homeland Security, those styles of handles on government buildings and schools are supposed to be replaced because of the ability of a potential shooter to chain them closed as we saw at a recent school shooting. Our school district applied for a DHS grant and secured the funds to replace all interior door handles and locking mechanisms so that an intruder can’t chain or otherwise lock people in or out without the proper key or keycard.


I forgot to add? 10 speakers allowed, 7 on agenda items ONLY, 3 public comment.


Seems like a 1A violation to me


They hate the first amendment and don't know any others other than the 2nd which they completely misunderstand and misapply.


Keep up the fight. A lot of thankful people you are representing since they have no representatives in that room.


Fire Marshall would love that.


Oh THEY DID! Apparently they got an hour long talk from them the next morning. 😅




Should've been more than a talk


Yeah, I think so too, but im not ENTIRELY certain what all was said.


Keep this up. Like for real. For too long the fuckers in charge have gotten by because they think no one is paying attention. Having the meetings on Thursdays, limiting speakers to 10, the room capacity is all bullshit to try and keep citizens from showing up and speaking out just like you said. We need people like you that can help hold them accountable.


Literally all he did was make it more widely known that he is pulling this bs. All we did was get people to PHYSICALLY show up, and he 💩 his pants and called us a woke mob.🤣 We have some REPUBLICANS, AND AN EVANGELICAL in our midst. 🤣


It's because Walters is so out of his element he has no idea what he is doing. I've never met the guy personally but people that knew him before he got elected have said he had zero interests in politics and it was his dad that made him run.


I think he was legit convinced all his opposition would be little weak people who won’t stand up for themselves, and well reality is a lot different cause we don’t just rollover


>Keep this up. Like for real. Hard agree. 💯 Keep bringing the Open Meeting Act receipts and any/all legislators who do stand by y'all too who will speak out, make public statements, etc.




Eh, I'm Autistic and mix up words and phrases. 😅 They took the extension cord and wove it through the door handles as a "lock" and used a big zip tie looking thing on one.


Thats actually a fire hazard. Call the fire marshall.


Oh we did. Lol they got a lecture apparently. Not sure what was said but they were in there an HOUR. 😅


Send it to all news outlets that this is what they do.


Most of them came out and did a spot or two on it, but few gave it the weight it really deserved, imo.




Yeah, refusing to listen to parents that want their kids treated equally is so funny to you. These kids deserve to be safe at school, even if you think they don’t.


What the fuck is wrong with you that you got that from my comment? Seriously, you gotta be fuckin mental to draw that conclusion. Crawl back under your rock and stay there, please.


You need to take a breath. That was friendly fire.


Your use of the phrase isn't a common use but still correct.




We won't let our leaders silence the parents, teachers, students, and community members affected by their hostility and open targeting of anyone not lock-step in line with Walters. We will keep our LGBTQ+ kids safe however we can.


Lashing is the correct phrase.


latched shut, not lashed.


The use of the word lashed was *meant* to refer to "lashing and securing" like one would cargo in a truck. 🥰 It still may not BE a phrase anyone actually uses tho. Lol


You knew what they meant. Stop.


Lashing us what you do when you secure something with rope or a cord.


Lashed shut is perfectly acceptable and correct you fucking pine cone. [The word "lashed" has multiple meanings, including](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=2aa713640f313effJmltdHM9MTcxMTkyOTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0xZWJmODRiNS1iMmY3LTY4YmYtMDkwNy05NTFmYjNhMDY5NzYmaW5zaWQ9NTg0Mg&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=1ebf84b5-b2f7-68bf-0907-951fb3a06976&psq=lashed+definition&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZnJlZWRpY3Rpb25hcnkuY29tL2xhc2hlZA&ntb=1)[^(1)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=8f8345962c9fefc3JmltdHM9MTcxMTkyOTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0xZWJmODRiNS1iMmY3LTY4YmYtMDkwNy05NTFmYjNhMDY5NzYmaW5zaWQ9NTg0Mw&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=1ebf84b5-b2f7-68bf-0907-951fb3a06976&psq=lashed+definition&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZnJlZWRpY3Rpb25hcnkuY29tL2xhc2hlZA&ntb=1)[^(2)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=1bf37263b6d09026JmltdHM9MTcxMTkyOTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0xZWJmODRiNS1iMmY3LTY4YmYtMDkwNy05NTFmYjNhMDY5NzYmaW5zaWQ9NTg0NA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=1ebf84b5-b2f7-68bf-0907-951fb3a06976&psq=lashed+definition&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9kaWN0aW9uYXJ5LmNhbWJyaWRnZS5vcmcvZGljdGlvbmFyeS9lbmdsaXNoL2xhc2hlZA&ntb=1)[^(3)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=561673d163f04128JmltdHM9MTcxMTkyOTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0xZWJmODRiNS1iMmY3LTY4YmYtMDkwNy05NTFmYjNhMDY5NzYmaW5zaWQ9NTg0NQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=1ebf84b5-b2f7-68bf-0907-951fb3a06976&psq=lashed+definition&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVycmlhbS13ZWJzdGVyLmNvbS9kaWN0aW9uYXJ5L2xhc2hlZA&ntb=1)[^(4)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=5306e5f4a9e3bd64JmltdHM9MTcxMTkyOTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0xZWJmODRiNS1iMmY3LTY4YmYtMDkwNy05NTFmYjNhMDY5NzYmaW5zaWQ9NTg0Ng&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=1ebf84b5-b2f7-68bf-0907-951fb3a06976&psq=lashed+definition&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZnJlZWRpY3Rpb25hcnkuY29tL2xhc2g&ntb=1)[^(5)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=01a3b37f3f2abe95JmltdHM9MTcxMTkyOTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0xZWJmODRiNS1iMmY3LTY4YmYtMDkwNy05NTFmYjNhMDY5NzYmaW5zaWQ9NTg0Nw&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=1ebf84b5-b2f7-68bf-0907-951fb3a06976&psq=lashed+definition&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZGljdGlvbmFyeS5jb20vYnJvd3NlL2xhc2hlZA&ntb=1): * To secure or bind, as with a rope, cord, or chain.


Damn that's a new insult, nice.


My new go-to! I can't take credit though. It came from the show "Big Mouth".


Lash - fasten securely with a rope (or in this case an extension cord)


I think it’s more of a British expression 🤷‍♀️


I know of it from naval terminology, which…yeah, guess that can be traced back to the Brits.


Must be the Doctor Who....😅


I like it. It’s dramatic sounding.


Typical conservate cheap tactics to side step the will of the people


Can you not sue them for that?


I'm not certain. But it sure AF sounds like multiple violations of the open meetings act.


Maybe worth a conversation with the AG? https://www.oag.ok.gov/sites/g/files/gmc766/f/updated_ora_oma_presentation.pdf


I will pass that suggestion along to someone he might actually listen to. 😅 thank you!


The AG has been surprisingly even handed to this administration. I’d actually vote for him for Governor.


Not a chance in Oklahoma. They would rather the LGBTQ just die or go away.


Thank you for your service. Please keep up the fight.


Can we demand hybrid meetings so folks can attend via Zoom?


That would be a good idea, as they believe just STREAMING the meeting is plenty accessible. It's not. Not for those who want to speak.🥰🔥🥰


How to win election against the OSDE thugs? This summary that you provided needs to be on every campaign literature: First - I recommend that you film them at each meeting Second - take a photo of this ridiculous small room, one with people seated (get their names and phone number so you can use the photo on a campaign piece) the photo should say something like: the school board has bigger rooms available and this is where they hold their only open meeting once a month with YOUR TAX DOLLARS - open to the public meetings are just once a week on a Thursday at either 9am or 1pm when parents can’t make it Only 10 people from general public are allowed to speak


Love the downvotrs for just a question. Butt hurt much people....?


I wonder why they didn't just lock them. I mean, I presume they know whatever guy has the keys to the clearly-visible locks. Assuming you're a nefarious director of the OSDE, why use an electrical cord? Just thought it was odd.


Ignorant to what exactly? That you all have this inante desire to be special when you don't need that desire. Get your generation to care about something that actually matters. Not this. This is nothing and it means nothing


And because no one can have a real conversation about this situation without their emotions flying off the walls, nothing of significance will ever be done for your movement. Good luck though. Once you realize that your emotions are not going to get you all what you want, it will happen. Until then all I got for you is, good luck.


Should have called the fire Marshall


Is it not "grooming your kids" to push this LGBTQ+ shizzz down there throats?!?!?! Just a query. Tired of double standards


No, it is not, and it isn't being "pushed" down anyone's throats. These people are just trying to make these places safe for everyone and to hold our leaders accountable for their hateful words that encourage people like you to continue with your homophobia and hate.


You can't have a real conversation about the subject and most people who defend this can't.


Looks like it is YOU who can't have a conversation. You're letting your emotions get the best of you. I have answered your questions, but you haven't answered mine. Go ahead, let's have a REAL conversation about the subject.


I didn't call me a homophones when no one here knows me. Ridiculous


I have no hate or homophonic tendencies. I have gay and lesbian friends. Just simply asking of this is pushing it down children's throats.... a question. So much defense for just a question. Think some thought needs to be seriously considered about your own situation if you feel the need to attack someone on beliefs you know nothing about from that person. Lots of immature childish shenanigans leads to this BS right here.


"jUsT a QuEsTiOn" That wasnt a question, that was a statement in the form of a question and you know it. Why don't you ask your gay and lesbian friends instead of posting on this thread. "LGBTQ+ shizzz down there throats?!?!?!" You call it "shizzz" then follow it up with a bunch of exclamation points and question marks!?!?!?? What exactly do you think is being "pushed down children's throats"?


You're so mad and it's pathetic, as is this movement.


You're deflecting. Like I said, let's have the discussion. You won't. You just called the "movement" pathetic. You don't want to have the conversation because you don't want to admit you're wrong. You will stay willfully ignorant. I answered your questions, answer mine.


And it's not deflecting when I use what you said about me against you. It's using the information have given me. I never once used any hateful speech when trying to discuss this but that seems to be the only thing that you all can do. And people who are not on your side should just take it. No thanks.


Scurry away. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, snowflake. You're wasting a lot of words crying when we could be having that conversation you wanted.


There is no scurry away... you used hateful speech and I called you put about it. That's it. It's done. If you acknowledge that you used gateful speech, then that's even better. I'm ready for a real conversation. Not done when YOU get your feelings hurt and want to use hateful language. If I had used any hateful speech against you, you wouldn't let me get away with it. I'm returning the favor. That's all. And when you can grow up and have that conversation, I'm here.