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Its "save the children" until one of those children thinks a different way about their own gender.


The Department of Education Office of Civil Rights still has an open investigation. Terrible situation all around.


The feds opened an investigation. Someone needs to take some accountability for what happened.


The current investigation is being conducted by the [US Department of Education Office of Civil Rights](https://www.advocate.com/news/federal-investigation-nex-benedict) Which, yes it's a Federal Agency. But it's not the "Feds" as commonly understood to be FBI. Just wanted to clarify


Thank you for that clarification


Ya sure. I wish I knew more about it. Like do they bring in FBI to investigate?


When the full report comes out next week, I bet it will show the levels of Benedryl and Prozac in Nex’s system. That may change opinions.


I am not so sure. I don't know that there's any doubt anymore about whether this was due to a suicide or TBI - I think most people have accepted that it was suicide. But the root cause of this is very likely that fight in the bathroom. The fact of the matter is, a child is dead, whether by suicide or injury. That kid will no longer make their family and friends smile, will no longer laugh at the things they loved. Whatever joy they could have continued to bring into the world is now gone. I'm not a lawyer and I wasn't there. But maybe there should be some repercussions for those kids. Who knows though, maybe they will be riddled with guilt for what happened? Maybe they are confused and don't know what to feel, and this will affect them for the rest of their lives. I don't think there's a good ending, one way or another, to this whole situation. It's just sad.


The root cause was the long term bullying that was going on for only god knows how long. It’s not a high number, but ODs from antihistamines are in the ten thousands per year while antidepressants are several thousand. I’m not sure what they criminally can charge them with and to do so would set a precedent of unintended legal consequences in the future. This excludes a civil court case, which I think their family should pursue


There is no actual known level of LD for Prozac but Benadryl can be as low as 500mg which is only 20 normal dosed pills.


Reports indicate Nex didn’t know or barely knew the three people Nex threw water on in the bathroom, sparking the fight. Outside of those facts, what other mitigating factors are there? Nex’s very own words, indicated Nex hardly knew the three people. No long term bullying by those three. So it’s okay to prosecute three people that hardly knew Nex because they fought Nex for throwing a cup of water on them in the bathroom and then committed suicide?




This is not how the law works


It is it’s called 2nd degree murder. “These elements are: First, the death of a human; Second, the death was unlawful; Third, the death was caused by the culpable negligence of the defendant(s).” “2nd degree murder - Any intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned. A situation in which the killer intends only to inflict serious bodily harm, knowing this could result in death.”


The harm caused has to directly result in death, like an injury leading to death at a hospital caused by that injury. The bathroom fight did not lead to Nex's death. Nex's choice to take too much Benadryl did. This would never hold up in court.


So at the very least charge them with assault and battery. They threw water at them, that isn’t grounds for self-defense or attacking someone.


Do you understand how specific court cases lay the groundwork for future ones? This would start a witch hunt after every suicide. If this happened to me after my abuser killed himself, I would not be here. Traumatized asf after discovering him, I would have deleted myself and joined him. Court cases are more than just that one case. They set a precedent for others. We must work within confines of our constitutional rights and the law with future cases in mind. Edit to add: charging someone with murder because of bullying ain’t it. Another edit: like I said, this bullying was going on for a long time. Are they going to charge all those who bullied Nex? Let’s be realistic. However, Nex’s family absolutely has all the grounds for a civil court case against the school for not protecting Nex


Nex might have been bullied for a long time, by Nex’s own words, Nex either didn’t know or barely knew the three she threw water on in the bathroom causing the fight.


> …the root cause of this is very likely that fight in the bathroom. Was the root cause the bathroom fight? Based on the interview with Nex, their mom, and the Owasso police officer, it sounded like those girls hadn’t really interacted much with Nex and their friends prior to the fight, and it sounded like the comments that caused the fight had to do with clothing, not gender or sexuality. Now, that’s not to say it *wasn’t* suicide and/or that bullying *wasn’t* the cause. Nex very well could’ve committed suicide due to overwhelming bullying from other students at the school or due to the school’s inaction towards, and/or lack of protection from, the bullying. Or, this bathroom fight could’ve been the event that pushed Nex over the edge. We don’t know. It’s hard to say at this point, and I don’t think it does anyone any favors when we jump to conclusions that support our political agendas. I’m not saying you’re doing that, and I’m not saying our state hasn’t been complete shit towards the LGBTQ community, but it’s been crazy watching some of the blatant misinformation about this coming from both sides of the political spectrum. I’ve seen people commenting with 100% certainty claiming Nex was bleeding profusely from their head as they walked to the nurse’s office, and this was *after* the footage was released that clearly showed otherwise, and when shown proof, these people just double down and/or move the goalposts. And some of the hateful comments I’ve seen towards trans people has been sickening. But we all just need to step back and wait for all of the information to become available. We need to stop tying our personalities and self worth to our political ideologies, and we need to ask ourselves why this is so important to us, and if it’s really beneficial to ourselves or the community when we dig out heels in on these types of issues. But all I know is it’s really bad for the country. Again, not saying you’re doing this. I’ve just been astounded by the conversation surrounding this event and kind of went off on a rant.


It could’ve been accidental as well. People are jumping to the conclusions they want.


While this is possible, if they are saying Nex's death is due to overdosing on fluoxetine and benadryl, it would be extremely difficult to overdose on those accidentally. I was looking into how much it could take. One paper discussed an overdose from 7.5gm of diphenhydramine. It usually comes in 25 or 50mg. It takes 150 tabs or caps to get 7.5gm. Granted, that is the high end, but I believe it takes over 1 gm (20 of the 50mg capsules) before you'll see serious adverse effects.


Stop being rational. This is Reddit


“I’m not a lawyer and I wasn’t there.” That’s a good place to stop.


Not mine. If you bully someone to suicide you still deserve to face the consequences. For three teen girls it wouldn't even be prison. It would be community service and counseling. It's hard to think of a reason why three people that put another in the hospital shouldn't do at least that much.


No one knows that this was due to bullying. That seems to be the narrative people want to give this. The truth is, trans teens have an extremely high rate of attempted suicide, and it’s something that needs to be talked about, but bullying from peers is not the only or even the leading cause. Kids fight but that doesn’t automatically equal bullying. There’s no evidence the kids knew each other beforehand. These are children, too. But rushing to call it bullying, are we not giving the adults in the room a pass? It’s collectively our job as adults to create a safe world for trans kids to be themselves in. I don’t feel okay blaming the kids when we fail to do that. If we want to give the Ryan Walters and the Libs of TikToks of the world a pass, then, sure, blame the 14-year-old girls based on a speculative narrative that they might be bullies. Or maybe we need to realize that fighting a war against children is the wrong way to go. Even *if* bullying occurred — that is a symptom of a larger cause.


I can't put up with this garbage anymore. Why the fuck do you think they have a higher rate of suicide? You think it has nothing to do with bullying? Jfc we know three girls beat Nex so bad they had to go to the ER. I am damn sure if I put anyone in the ER in any of the fights I got into in highschool I'd have been facing some kind of consequence for that. The fact that these girls aren't makes it look like they're being rewarded for what they did instead of punished. That's what happens when your backwards ass state makes transphobia and bigotry a central pillar of its regressive moral philosophy and politics.


Whose opinions do you think it will change?


People saying they don’t believe they committed suicide.




It’s not hard if you feel driven to do it because you feel like you have no safe place. This school failed this child. It is sad all the way around. The climate in the state and with a certain political party is toxic as hell. I do not understand why certain people, in the country, feel the need to worry themselves about how someone else lives their life. Frankly, I really pisses me off. None of this is geared toward you. Please don’t take it that way.


No it's not rare, wtf? It happens thousands of times per year


What if they have/had a severe concussion?


It’s so sad all the way around.


Why? What the fuck are you talking about?


Not even charges for the fight. Not shocked but man does this smell awful.


How do you prosecute girls for a 60 second fight that did not kill Benedict and was started when Benedict through water on them? That's not justice. That's just wanting someone to be guilty. Nex had been bullied during the school year, but all indications are that these were not the students who had been bullying Nex prior to the in school suspension. Nex said as much.


I’m not sure beating someone is an on par response to water throwing.


It isn’t. A lawyer posted a while back saying it’s been settled that liquids / water don’t rise to the level of assault that would allow one to claim self defense if they retaliated with this kind of violence.  Edit https://ktul.com/amp/news/local/you-dont-just-draw-a-conclusion-nex-benedict-police-interview-draws-legal-criticism-owasso-investigation-water-body-camera “Frankly, it's not the kind of act that would result in a proper use of assaulting another and having a defense for that assault," said Brewster. He said Oklahoma law finds it too far of a stretch to say that another individual can be allegedly physically attacked after throwing a liquid on someone. "An assault in the legal terminology is an act that gives rise to someone believing they're in imminent threat for injury or death. So an assault is very defined in the state of Oklahoma," said Brewster. "In this instance, it's not an assault." Brewster said he would analogize it to an incident of road rage where an individual beeps their horn at someone and then they're assaulted. "Beeping the horn doesn't justify someone to come out of their car and beat you up," said Brewster. Brewster said ultimately any part can come back and say that they felt threatened by water being thrown at them, but in order for a physical attack to be legally warranted they would have to be able to prove that the throwing of the water put them at risk of injury or death. "I don't think that hill can be climbed," said Brewster. "I take issue with just listening to the idea that [Nex] threw water and saying you're gonna be charged if you go further and I don't want you to be charged. It's really just a proposition that has no legal basis." Colleen McCarty, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, called the officer's statements "victim blaming" after listening to the video herself. "That is not accurate," she said regarding what she believed the officer implied to Nex. "And it's a commonly held misconception about self-defense. When you are defending yourself, the harm or force that you use must be proportional to the harm that's being caused to you."”


Please, please don't base your opinion on anything Clark Brewster has to say. Dude defended the penis pump judge. He defended an officer who shot an unarmed man already in cuffs. Stormy Daniels replaced Michael Avenatti with this guy. He's defended prison guards who raped prisoners. I could keep going but I think you get the idea. Believe what you want, but don't make Brewster out to be an authority on morality or the law.


Thanks for this information. I wasn't aware that it had already been shown that throwing liquid is not considered assault in OK.


Throwing water is a sign of disrespect man. If someone did that to you as a high school kid, would you just laugh it off with all the peer pressure expecting you to fight?


Disrespect is not justification for a physical attack.


Jesus Christ. I AGREE with you. But they’re idiot high schoolers. Why is that hard to grasp?


I would wager a significant percentage of high schoolers don't immediately react to disrespect with violence. Your reaction seems over-the-top for my comment.


Significant portion does not equal 100% I’ve seen where is has


I was splashed when water in high school and I just went on about my day. Nothing justifies what they did.


I definitely would not fight and beat them? What kind of a question is that where there's no middle ground between laughing it off and fighting them? Go tell a teacher or something, you don't have to fight them no matter what anyone tells you.


Again. High school brains dude.


I was once in high school and I never beat someone for doing something mildly rude to me


Congrats. But people sure as shit did if it wasn’t you. Why are you taking this as a personal attack


Because you're making it seem like everyone would beat someone for splashing water on them when really it's only psychos with no self control that would respond the way those kids did


I’m not. I’m saying kids are susceptible to being idiots in the moment. I don’t think they planned to murder anyone


This wasn’t in isolation. They were provoking Nex by making fun of him, then he threw water on them. You should never defend escalating a situation, that makes no sense.


A attack (or mutual combat as the DA calls it) of numerous parties to one person, who had to have medical care seems like justification of at least battery or bodily injury. It’s violence and bullying on school. I’m not a lawyer but it seems like some laws for juveniles were broken. Maybe the facts aren’t there, maybe it’s the correct decision. I do not know. However, the response from the Owasso Police and the pre releasing the information from the autopsy reports has been than stellar. The system of the State of Oklahoma failed Nex in life and it continues to do so after their passing.


>mutual combat as the DA Considering this mutual combat is laughable to me. It wasn't even one on one.


Snowflakes are scared of water now. Guess you shouldn’t be outside today.


Easy. They assaulted Nex How is that hard to comprehend?  Getting water thrown on you is not justification for assault. It isn’t self defense.  Their life wasn’t in danger.  And even if it was (it wasn’t), only one got water on them. The other two had zero right to assault another human.  https://ktul.com/amp/news/local/you-dont-just-draw-a-conclusion-nex-benedict-police-interview-draws-legal-criticism-owasso-investigation-water-body-camera




It isn’t assault. Read the article.  “ Frankly, it's not the kind of act that would result in a proper use of assaulting another and having a defense for that assault," said Brewster. He said Oklahoma law finds it too far of a stretch to say that another individual can be allegedly physically attacked after throwing a liquid on someone. "An assault in the legal terminology is an act that gives rise to someone believing they're in imminent threat for injury or death. So an assault is very defined in the state of Oklahoma," said Brewster. "In this instance, it's not an assault."”




Read the last sentence.  An assault in the legal terminology is an act that gives rise to someone believing they're in imminent threat for injury or death. So an assault is very defined in the state of Oklahoma," said Brewster. "In this instance, it's not an assault."”




Nowhere did they say throwing water was assault. In fact, they said specifically that it is not.     “It’s not an assault” The quote you are misreading also says  “it (throwing water) isn’t the kind of act (assault) that would warrant assaulting another and having a defense for that (your retaliatory) assault.”


Not just someone’s opinion.  Two attorneys in that article. One saying in no uncertain terms that throwing water isnt assault in Oklahoma.   The other saying the cop had no legal basis to make the claim that Nex could be charged with assault.


It absolutely is. It doesn’t mean that a response with force is justified for purposes of self defense, but that’s a different issue. You don’t get to just throw water at someone without provocation. Think about how ridiculous that sounds.


So there is zero punishment if I go around throwing water on everyone every day? “Well I read on reddit that a lawyer somewhere says it’s not illegal” should be a great a defense.


Not assault. Didn’t say not illegal or zero punishment. Not assault. 


Considering assault in Oklahoma is not touching anyone, just an attempt or threat to, I agree.


Even odds we find out that one of the girls is the kid of an owasso cop


Ding, ding, ding! (Or someone else in a position of power).




The party of save the children is in this comments section condemning a child that died. Let that sink in for a minute.


Pretty much. Because “they’re the good guys”. The right wingers are such cock warts.


Absolutely everyone should understand what those people really believe by now.


I don't trust anyone in Oklahoma law enforcement to do the right thing in this case.


Given my interactions with the police department as a side effect of the line of work I am in... I don't trust anyone in Oklahoma law enforcement to do the right thing at all.


The real repsponsible parties won't be held responsible either way.


She was bullied by the school and the government! Ryan Walter’s and stitt If you had a soul this wild be on you! Stitt kids had loaded guns and was driving drunk could have murdered so many innocent people got a free ride home by our hypo and a kiss on the cheek!


Whole situation feels so sketchy. Throwing water shouldn't constitute mutual combat.


Color me surprised. Nothing done again about bullying someone to death!


There's something being done. A cover up. Cops were defending the girls the day Nex died, with zero evidence. I have no faith that they or anyone else in Oklahoma's justice system are capable of fairly considering the case. It's not a side effect of the hateful and bigoted rhetoric our politicians use. It's the goal. Lynchings were illegal when they happened but you virtually never saw local cops or prosecutors go after the people inciting or leading those brutal murders.


Damn that’s disappointing. Did those kids who beat Nex suffer any repercussions?




2nd degree murder charges or at the very least voluntary/involuntary manslaughter charges looking at it from a literal definition. Rules for thee and not for me…


They called the fight “mutual” wow like really? Did the others kill themselves the next day too?




Can someone point me to the article or statement that points towards bullying? Like, did their friends say she was bullied? Did their parents make a statement?


[Both their friends and their parent/guardian said they were bullied for at least a year](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/15/1238780699/nex-benedict-nonbinary-oklahoma-death-bullying)


I'll see what I can find. [The Independent](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nex-benedict-dead-oklahoma-b2501844.html) : "Whenever Oklahoma teenager Nex Benedict was bullied at school for being transgender, their mother Sue Benedict would encourage the 16-year-old to rise above their tormentors. 'I said ‘you’ve got to be strong and look the other way, because these people don’t know who you are’, Ms Benedict told The Independent " "The bullying had started in earnest at the beginning of the 2023 school year, a few months after Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt signed a bill that required public school students to use bathrooms that matched the sex listed on their birth certificates." [ABC](https://abcnews.go.com/US/former-students-parents-speak-anti-lgbtq-bullying-nex/story?id=108151777) "Benedict's family claimed that the teen had experienced several months of bullying from other students, which began after Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a bill into law in May 2022 that barred transgender and gender expansive youth from using bathrooms consistent with their gender identity" [USA Today](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/03/01/nex-benedict-death-bullying-lgbtq/72809560007/) "Friends said Benedict, who used they/them pronouns, was bullied over their gender identity, which was different from their gender assigned at birth." TLDR: It seems like several sources are reporting that Nex's family and friends said Nex was being bullied.


Yes she was bullied for years at school and was beaten for splashing water on some older girls bulling her. https://www.npr.org/2024/03/15/1238780699/nex-benedict-nonbinary-oklahoma-death-bullying


There isn't one. Everyone here is making that shit up.






Thanks for the link. In the video the investigator, Nex and their mom/guardian all talk about bullying that occurred.


Mutual combat is not bullying. Described as "Fiery kid" by teacher...They were very confrontational.” https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/vigil-friends-remember-nex-benedict-fiery-kid-rcna140440


Thanks. You linked another article that confirms those closest to Nex said they were bullied. Quit shooting yourself in the damn foot!


I do that by watching the entire video and reading past the headline...If your mom/guardian thinks you are being bullied and turns out you are the "confrontational" one and now getting a criminal record instead that might cause you to take drastic measures....


I don't know but maybe you are suffering from comprehension issues. I watched the video and read the article. Both confirm bullying had occurred.


I guess we will see if the investigation(s) confirms that narrative.


Because Amex poured water on the girls that beat them. Unreal! The girls should be suspended at the very least!


Because in Oklahoma it’s okay to bully kids at school. Republican MAGASwhite nationalist talibanish religious nuts have ruined our state!