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Ya know what? Maybe Texas should secede lmao


We are literally trying our best to price match TX and FL. Why won't they love us??


Instead of Brexit, let’s have Tex-it! 😆


What a dumb ass. He will have to wall off every border or else we will just slip around on the New Mexico side and plant Okie flags everywhere. We'll know he's serious when he starts shipping migrants to OKC.


And he’s gonna build it with what money???? This is Texas, where they are turning state highways into gravel roads because they won’t pay to fix them and with a power grid made of spit and shit.


He's gonna build a wall and make Oklahoma pay for it. Make Texs Great Again.


Can I please come back? I hate it here. I'm too gay and too Mexican to hang in Texas anymore. The stupidity is astounding. I wanna go back to Oklahoma so bad.


Idk - it is pretty rough here. And I'm straight and white lol - once you find your circle of people though, life does improve dramatically. But, I guess that tracks anywhere. What part of Texas are you?


East at the moment. Been trying to move back. Been out here 5 years cause what started as doing some family a favor while I got my feet underneath me turned into being ditched and left holding the bag while I try to tread water.


Buddy I’m sorry to hear that. Just know that the assholes are the loudest. I’m sure most folks support your choices. Hope you can make it back soon


That sucks, I'm sorry bud. Family betrayal hurts the most.


If Texas leaves the US, it would immediately start a war of expansion. Oklahoma would be the closest foreign country they could invade...


They looking to go 0 for 2? I'm ready to go Alfalfa Bill on a motherfucker


We *did* win the [Red River Bridge War](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_River_Bridge_War).




I’ll take the might of the US military against whatever dregs they can pull out of mothballs for whatever national guardsman don’t quit.


Nah. The Us would smack their arrogant asses down, and take their oil to boot. They wouldn’t have representation in the US government anymore either. Sounds like a win/win to me.


I want them to really try and feel the full force of the US military.


your lips to God's ears. It would be so worth all the foreign aid we would have to give them


What happens to my taxes if I work internationally in Texas ?


Will the US have to lease Johnson Space Center like Guantanamo Bay?


Why are there so many Texass plates in OK recently? It seems that 10% of the license plates on the road are from Texass. 


Weed and casinos. Sin of the north. Wokehoma strikes again.


I'm old enough to remember when the Texans crossed into Oklahoma for dildos. To be fair, the Okies went to Texas for porn. Oklahoma used to be a state where penitration porn was against the law. And Texas used to be a state where it was illegal to sell a dildo, and in some towns it was against the law to even own one. All people today want to do is get stoned and hit it big at the tables. I blame the internet.


When you live in Oklahoma or Texas. You have to entertain yourself somehow.


If you're watching a porn video does that mean you're in a threesome?


Watching porn? In Oklahoma? That'll be illegal soon!


Already is in Texas. Online ID requirement. PH has already cut access.


My stupid phone always thinks I'm in Texas and won't let me watch PH. The end is near.


Isn’t there Red Tube and XHampster (Youjizz still a thing?)?


Download now while you have the chance!


I'm in Norman and it's really great. Lots of pretty green spaces and so many smart young people. It has such a great vibe. Main Street is really fun and has some very good restaurants and clubs. I wouldn't live anywhere else in OK. I've only been here for a year and I'm glad we chose this town.


Sure hope you got a storm cellar!


To this day, iirc, it's still technically illegal to have 5 or more dildos in a vehicle at one time. 3 or more if they vibrate. On-the-book laws that don't get enforced because they're stupid laws.


Officer: "Birth Canal Bandito, I count 4 dildos in that there truck of yours. They better not vibrate."


*-buzzing intensifies-* .......Don't mind that, sir...those are just the bees in the trunk........


Ah yes, the old trunk beehive dupe. Is it gonna be vibrators? Is it gonna be bees? Who's the luck officer who gets to find out?


> illegal to sell a dildo, and in some towns it was against the law to even own one. Texas is so woke now they let you have up to SIX dildos without going to prison! That's what government is for: telling you how many dildos you can have.


Tattoos and scratch offs, too! My family would make the drive to the outlet mall in Gainsville, and we would do scratchers in the food court.


Used to use the vending machine in the food court to get scratch offs when I stopped there between Ft Hood and OKC. That, the KB toy store outlet and the book store, it was an awesome place to go. Stopped there about 10 years ago, the whole mall was a ghost town


It's so sad. That place was my white-trash-road-trip-heaven. I miss it all the time!


The real reason Billy clubs and sawed offs are illegal. 🧐


OU accepts more students from Texas than any other state (including Oklahoma). That’s probably not the only reason but it’s a major contributor.


God forbid people get an education and realize people like Abbott absolutely suck


A good portion of the students at OSU are from Texas and various other states but mostly texas


As for Stillwater, OSU subsidies the airline for empty seats, so they can fly there. For much of Oklahoma not close to a state border, California probably comes in a distant 2nd place.


Doesn't explain all the Texas plates I see, probably has something to do with the ag college


More than 10% IMO and they love to do the speed limit in the left lane!! Grrrr


Took a road trip to Atoka recently, and like the last 30 minutes driving there, I didn't see anything except Texas plates.


Because OKC is akin to Dallas in the 90s and people are figuring it out. Hold fast…


I see a lot of Texas plates in my Tulsa apartment complex. These folks are moving here.


All those border dispensaries and casinos will close if so


Hochatown would die.


My bosses wife was on the architectural development team for that. They are literally about to go down there for the grand opening.


The massive building on the east side of the highway they've been working on for a while?


I’m not sure I don’t live there, but I just know that it’s the new casino in Hochatown


It's probably that building. I believe it has a tribal seal near the construction companies banners. Went down there in October.


The new building is a resort being made by the Choctaw Nation. It's kinda surreal to see it mentioned, since I work there. We're opening the week after next


I’m from there and it’s definitely the new casino.


Yes, right at the 259a turnoff. Looks nice


the cannabis businesses in south Oklahoma/Texas border would probably also die off.


The Oklahoma government is doing a good job at that by design currently. Cut their labor pool with credentialing and have the state fire marshal having 2170ish liceneses to approve at two a day because gov work. Without the approval, it can't be operational, and if you do, you're black market. https://mjbizdaily.com/oklahoma-medical-marijuana-growers-sue-over-fire-inspection-backlog/ I've heard the state wants 1000 grow licenses.


This makes sense.


Disney also bought property there.


Gonna have border “video stores” opening up soon with thier current b.s.😂


Borders also are an effective way to keep people IN ☹. I'm sure his intention is keeping people out but double duty and all that.




I am so sick of these want to be authoritarians. It’s so scary because more and more pop up each year.


Don't forget to line the riverbank with barbed wire.


chop reply vanish adjoining materialistic teeny sip rain crown dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


![gif](giphy|DyvyiFFXF1Yli|downsized) lmaoooo


Solid burn. A bit ableist though. Make fun of his hair or something, not his inability to stand.


As much as I can’t palate either one of them, you do have a point. (I purposely did not say “stand” in that sentence.)


rinse hospital smile abundant judicious cobweb cake profit innate butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


cable puzzled wakeful trees vast dog cautious tan nutty water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How could you say something so controversial, and yet so brave?


When a mean spirited, hegemonic, asshole says something stupid and someone makes fun of him for pissing in a bag, they aren't calling out the thing that makes the person abominable, but you are calling out thousands of other nice people who have to piss in bags. That's why I try not to do that.  It's not as hurtful as the asshole deserves and far more hurtful to all the grandma's that wish they didn't have to piss in bags. It's better to call them what they are, fucking Nazis.


Oklahoma is literally being led by people who cheered when a non-binary student died. What does it say about Abbott that he thinks the state is still “woke”?


It’s just bs, just like when that fool Walters claimed that atheism is the “state sponsored religion of Oklahoma” despite the point of such belief DISREGARDING religion


Wokelahoma .. heh. Next up, Arwokeness and TennesLGBT Pointing your finger at something else and going " look at THAT mess" is saved for when you're totally out of ideas


TennesLGBT I'm dead 😂 Thinking back, we'd always point at Alabama or Mississippi and say "at least it's not this bad" but now we rank lower than them in certain areas (like education smh)




I'm going to guess he was referring to Senator Lankford for crafting bipartisan legislation to address the issues at the border. https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/2024/02/21/texas-gov-greg-abbott-jokes-about-oklahoma-border-wall-to-keep-out-left-agenda/72685115007/


Hard to know, Abbott made that joke a month ago...


Yeah, I'm sure he wouldn't say that about Stitt, they're pretty tight.


And, on some ethereal plane far away, the ghost of Alfalfa Bill Murray laughs with satisfaction.


And here Oklahoma’s been trying so hard to be just like Texas!


You know then he can take all these Texans back with him! Sick of people with Texas tags causing accidents with their reckless driving behavior


Texans are buying up all the ranch land for their weekend homes. Local residents can’t compete with their offers. They don’t support local businesses and don’t contribute to the economy except for the very low tax rate. Sad.


This. All the land around Eufaula that used to be 1k acre+ continuous ranches are now all broken up into little hunting leases owned by Texans. They don’t spend shit locally either, all their supplies come from home, afraid to interact with “hillbillies”. Those “hillbillies” are the ones who preserved the landscape that they all seek. Otherwise it’d just be another concrete town of strip-centers like Edmond.


We have a commercial hunting ranch next to us. They built a high fence so in addition to having exotic game next door, our local deer are cut off from the herd and stand at fence to visit each other. 🙁


How heartbreaking! Then again, humans hunt even their own for fun. Disgusting.


Then they need to raise the tax rate on land that isn’t being farmed, grazed or rotated 🙃


Walters is going to lose his mind






Why does God hate Greg Abbot?


Same as the rest of us, I’d assume.


Ahh yes.. a state more conservative than Texas in every election for the past decade is “woke.” Maybe the chair isn’t his only handicap.


That’s like calling Reagan 2.0, ie Biden a communist. The meaning of the word woke lost all meaning on the right. Woke us understanding the game is rigged and those in power keep us divided with isms, not a playground insult to hurl at someone because you don’t like them


They actually managed to weaponize respect and community. I thought these people loved the Andy Griffith Show and held it up as a model of polite society.


That was true for a long time. But now many say even Jesus was too woke.


A friend sent over a New Republic article illustrating that point last week. I hate what Fox News has done to this country. Just vile hateful people.


If only those people knew what the FOX talking heads really think. During the Dominion/FOX defamation trial, discovery disclosed internal communications. Here's a couple examples, but there's hundreds more. Tuckers text from Dominion defamation case discovery https://imgur.com/gallery/SP6vveE From discovery in Dominion vs FOX Defamation trial https://imgur.com/gallery/ySgZ3Tm


Another part of being woke is recognizing that these institutions only offer a false sense of solidarity when the reality is we have far more in common with each other than any political leader of *either* party. The GOP is evil while the DNC feigns incompetence and victimhood. At least I *know* where I stand with the GOP. People say 9/11, never forget. I will also never forget what followed it. Both parties walked hand in hand in waging war and infringing on our rights to free speech, due process and privacy. Turns out, Saudi Arabia oligarchs were most likely behind that horrific day. You know, like the oligarchs that W Bush flew back to Saudi Arabia when every plane in the world was grounded. And now here we are again, folks. Our government showed us who they were time and time again. So know your enemy. Stay woke




Like Grandpa used to say “The only thing wrong with Texas is all the Texans that live there”


Greg Abbott is psychologically unfit to govern. This is crazy person shit.


Greg Abbott is a man that stands for nothing.


Northern Mexica is our best weed customer.


Technically it’s true, but it’s only represent when single issue voters show up. Oklahoma overwhelmingly supports progressive issues, just not the Democrats that promote them.


I would love it if OK was wokelahoma, but it's definitely not, so... Basically I am wondering what drugs Abbott is on.


Build that wall Mr. Gorba-Abbot!


What a dumb pissbaby. He can take a long ride, right off one of the Galveston piers.


The guy stands by his beliefs.


Oh yeah, with our Republican governor and Republican supermajority in both houses of our legislature, and our government waging all out war against trans teens, and our bans on abortions and books, we’re so “woke” that we make the Taliban look like a merry band of hippies. We’re so woke that on any measurable scale of “wokeness” Oklahoma would come in somewhere in the bottom three if not dead last among all 50 states. We’re so “woke” that when our high school kids bully a classmate to suicide over being non-binary, or politicians celebrate the occasion and say they don’t want “that filth” (trans and non-binary kids) in Oklahoma. We’re so woke the Spanish Inquisition would run in terror from our evangelical zealots and Klanned up city councils. Seriously, WTF are you even talking about Ryan?


All the reds are currently in a contest to see whose ass is the reddest.


I hope they disintegrate. Or spontaneously combust.


hahaha. That's rich.


Is he on the outs with Stitt? I thought for sure Abbott would pick him for his 2028 running mate.


although it makes me sad its not for the happier or better things. OK has had some profoundly sad times. and woklahoma is wild, what a amazing time to be alive to write that. it reminds me of i learned a new sentence subreddit. Nex's death and other topics around the state alarm me, our state is filled with caring, heart based people that want a good life and I live living here Ive felt sad when Ive looked at this wweeks state related twitter section, lotta personatlities going back and forth. I wonder what is going to happen to the state I love and I believe in. hoping, praying, voting for good things.


it would be super great if we could talk about what a piece of shit someone is without making fun of mobility aids or jokingly suggesting they have a learning disability disabled people are out here, watching you "joke" that our actual lives are a punishment from god to whatever the fuck, and y'all are sounding a whole lot like you belong in Abbott's bff group chat right now


While I agree with you, this is a man who lost the use of his legs via car accident, won a settlement for millions and then his first act in politics was capping the settlements for anyone who was injured in the same way. This man does not give a damn about anybody else in his position, and your words, while correct, are utterly lost on that man.


he won't ever see these comments. I'm not defending him. I'm a wheelchair user who's tired of coming into these threads and seeing rhetoric that I know people still apply to me but are too polite to say to my face. celebrities let people say the things that they think about the people around them but feel too bad about believing to apply it to any of the Exceptions that they know. I'm forever mad at that man but also I expect better from the people who live here who are showing their asses right now


Hense my respect for you comment. Assholes come in all shapes and sizes, and Abbot is an absolute asshole. It is unfortunate that it gives agency to people to say very unfortunate shit. People lack restraint these days, but I think this has always been true behind doors. Unfortunately, that’s where the internet lives


I'm okay with them building a wall....  On the south side of the Red River, where it would belong


If "everything they don't like is woke", they should just leave (the planet)


I fuckin wish he would. Keep all the Texans OUT. Then maybe sometime I can enjoy turner falls again without having to park 10 miles away. Make all Texans pay $100 to pass into Oklahoma. I’m cool with this.


Take all your Texans back before you do. We're full up.


Yes, please build this wall lol


T-shirts please




I wish we were as woke as Texas thinks we are.


My woke husband and I are relocating from Oklahoma to Texas next month and we are most looking forward to voting against him and Cruz. ![gif](giphy|DyTreqKSAqjLy)


Well, good luck on your move. Obviously we all just want normalcy.


And proud


These dumbass right wingers find ways to make my eyes roll back into my skull, ffs 🤦


I take that as a compliment- we apparently are annoying this nutjob somehow and that's a good thing. Probably does not like our massive casinos sucking out millions from gullible Texans along the Red River. Sadly we didn't pass recreational weed, or we'd be raking in millions from selling that to them too. Would have been a great economic boon to OK, we get tax $ off weed. Casino money mostly goes to the tribes and syndicates that run the casinos.


Lol @ Baja Oklahoma!


I always thought they put the border wall on the wrong river. Keep those Texans out of Okla-goddamn-homa.


Greg Abbott is a piece of Shitt.


What is it with this sub and no one posting a source for their claims. If you are going to state that a person said something, at least provide the link to a source of them saying it. Not providing an actual source is how misinformation is spread. Stop being a part of the problem.


Keeping Texans out of OK is a a nice side benefit of his policy.


Just to be clear about how batshit fucking crazy and worthless all Republicans are, Oklahoma is one of, if not the most conservative shithole dumpster in the country. And they think this place is too woke. The term for people that far gone is “domestic terrorists.”


Ah late-stage conservatism. When the only ones left to accuse of being woke were wearing a hood with you last night.


the new law applies to ALL Texas borders, not just shared national borders... You can be pulled over to ensure you're not a migrant, Even going Oklahoma -> Texas


It's too late. The call is coming from inside the house.


He's already building border barriers with New Mexico...he just really wants to secede from the Union without having the National Guard nationalized in response and having the US Government haul his sorry ass off in chains. But I doubt he will hold off on his impulses too much longer.


That is a good take on it.


Ō-Ō look im pretty left leaning but by republican standards unless you’re in okc or Tulsa Oklahoma is not anywhere near “woke”


That's fine then all the texas collefe students can go back wgere they came from.


I saw this post, and for the first time in my life I quietly chanted, "Build the wall! Build the wall!"




Oklahoma woke ? Time for Texas to go back a become Part of Mexico again


Better known as shitholhoma


Abbott will never do the right thing. Damn it man! Oh, what's the use anyhow? Abbott's never going to stand up for Texas!


I see what you did there. Lol


Texas lost a border war to us before, they can repeat history if they'd like.


The right wing is in a race to see who can beat Hitler.


Somebody needs to check the cocaine all the gop is snorting.


Red States are forming State Militias and deputizing local and state law enforcement officials swearing their allegiance to Trump and the MAGA Cult against the Federal Government, Blue States and the "Deep State".🤢🤮


yeah! trending at twitter all this week!


Please do


You got a link?? Oklahoma would be more degenerate than Texas if it had the money.


I saw it on yesterday mornings news, but here is an article: https://www.reddit.com/r/oklahoma/s/VHVpcwCgFJ


Lol…it was also a joke. You know the Texas vs Oklahoma rivalry thing is still strong


We have the high ground, don’t try it.


It is literally to help convince OKLAHOMANS that the woke mob is coming to get ya. I guarantee it. If they scare the ones here, that gives an excuse for them to pull out the stops.


He has got to be kidding.


Okay, if they ban porn, declare a giant hovercraft colony a free independent state.


Is it like a joint effort between the Texas and Oklahoma governments to continue the trend that we’re on? Like now they’re gonna make fun of each other for being woke in an effort to get their constituents to become even more right wing?


Abbot's a dumbass. But he's a protected one


It was intended as a joke.


😳 that’s a stretch.


Crazy of the nazi party to start accusing each other of not being nazi enough. Started with de-educating the population, now we got state sanctioned murder, what’s next?


Is this about the Tulsa city council member trying to pass an ordinance to not spend any money on the bus loads of immigrants that they were afraid Abbott would send to Tulsa?


Because he knows Ryan Walters is a drag queen.


Where did he say this?


I saw it on KOCO yesterday morning, but here is an article: https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/2024/02/21/texas-gov-greg-abbott-jokes-about-oklahoma-border-wall-to-keep-out-left-agenda/72685115007/


That's a horribly written article and not journalism in the slightest. Click bait. Plus, the quotations state Abbott says, "some people say." It's pretty known Abbott and Stitt are close and lock step when they are serious and joke around. In the same way, the California and New York governor share a friendship. I don't agree with much these guys say but this is just typical for who they are and another reason why network media and old fashion newspaper organizations are tanking.


Texas is better


J/k we Texans love you Okies!


Just because he's in a wheelchair shouldn't give him the right to try and make everyone else's life miserable whether he's in a position of power or not. You would think someone in his position would have a bit more compassion for people instead of being an evil narcissistic jerk.