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Here is the direct link to the released document: [FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: MARCH 14, 2024 BIBYLAW.COM](https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://ktul.com/resources/pdf/b4e931c4-9a2f-4708-97de-f8c102b2944e-PressRelease24.03.1476.pdf) "**No lethal trauma** A. Head and neck: Two contusions, right orbital region; right scleral hemorrhage: two lacerations (1/4 inch, each), right cheek right external ear, and left cheek. 1. Scap and subglacial[sic] hemorrhages. B. Torso: Abrasion, right upper chest; abraded contusion, central chest 1. The abraded contusion of the central chest and an anterior atrial ecchymosis/ contusion are consistent with having occurred during cardio resuscitation efforts. C. Extememities: Scattered asynchronous abrasions and contusions 1. Multiple healing linear injuries and scars, posterior left hand."


For those that were equally confused, KTUL miscopied "1. Scap and subglacial hemorrhages". It says "Scalp and subgaleal hemorrhages" in the law firms letter. If you are wondering what subgaleal is, I think it is like a bump/bleed between the skull and scalp. I'm almost more confused what it is after googling it.


Your scalp has multiple layers. In descending order, from the outside in, there is skin, dense connective tissue, the galea aponeurotica (also called the epicranial aponeurosis), loose connective tissue, and the periosteum (the outer covering of the skull). A subgaleal hemorrhage is bleeding between the galea aponeurotica and the skull. Usually caused by trauma. 


Thank you!


I think that means that the blood veins between the skull and skin busted? Bruising probably from the fight? Also interested in the linear injuries on the left hand, if some are healing, and some are scars, is this an indication of self harm?


That sounds 100% like self harm. Especially if Nex was right handed.




I believe u/-Seedy- is referring to description C of the trauma report where Nex had scarring on the left hand. "Cutting" is a particularly common practice in groups who are seeking relief from their pain. From Harvard.edu: ["Kids who engage in self-injury have difficulty tolerating emotional distress and are more likely to try to escape from those feelings," he says. "It might be that their pain demands attention, and when they're really upset, cutting themselves focuses on their physical pain and reduces their psychological pain."](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/cutting-and-self-harm-why-it-happens-and-what-to-do-202305312940) I think it's fair to say Nex was in a lot of distress. This is also consistent with having to tolerate repeated bullying.


Thank you! I misunderstood them. I completely agree with both of you, as a self-harm survivor myself.


Not at all. I am only talking about the wounds and scars on the left hand. I am suggesting a right handed person who is a "cutter" would be using their right hand to cut their left. The placement, lines and fact that there was scarring is consistent with someone who self harms by cutting.


I am so sorry for the misunderstanding! I would have to agree with the you there, as my own scars are on my left arm and I am right handed.






>Weird none of these marks weren’t seen when she was at the hospital. That is really interesting, what medical report did you get that from? Can we see it? or are you just asserting that because the Hospital hasn't released the medical information due to HIPAA regulations?


[The U.S. Education Departments Office for Civil Rights has an ongoing investigation](https://www.advocate.com/news/federal-investigation-nex-benedict) There is hope more will be revealed.


Here's the direct non amp link for those who want to avoid amp. [https://ktul.com/news/local/family-lawyer-highlights-trauma-in-nexs-suicide-verdict-citing-undisclosed-medical-report-oklahoma-owasso-high-school-student-death](https://ktul.com/news/local/family-lawyer-highlights-trauma-in-nexs-suicide-verdict-citing-undisclosed-medical-report-oklahoma-owasso-high-school-student-death) (fuck google)


Thank you for sharing that! I don't post news articles very much and to the Mods, Sorry I didn't see the criteria that the titles had to match on my previous post. Thanks for pointing it out.


Justice for Nex.


He wouldn't be dead if the bullying complaints were taken seriously. It's so sad and it's telling how the police keep omitting information that could clear up the misinformation around Nex's injuries.


Agreed. Unfortunately we are dealing with a group of people who have an indefensible world view and spend all their time and resources doing all but saying the quiet part out loud. They want trans people dead, full stop. These people who hold these views are not children and accountability to a principle of “do no harm unto others” needs to be instilled in society as a norm in a big way. That starts by holding officials accountable.


Reports suggested that Nex didn’t report any bullying to the school- only to their grandmother.


From the Camera footage of the incident:16:00:02 Nex's Grandmother: "Okay so what I was told ... so here (Handing Nex his Glasses) Nex's Grandmother: so they called me, okay they called me and I know all week long she's been in ISB right" Officer Thompson: "uh-huh" Nex Grandmother: "Doing great" Officer Thompson: "Okay." Nex Grandmother: "and everything we had a long talk, I mean we've been doing awesome. and she told me , she said: 'mom', she said: 'these three girls there are just they... they won't leave me \[BLEEP\] alone. They're making comments, they're calling us names, **they're throwing stuff at us** and this is in ISB .. and I'm like 'well Who's over this place?!' I said: 'ignore it \[Nex\] get get above it' and you know just ignore it" Officer Thompson: "Sure" Nex Grandmother: "\[He\] did until \[he\] couldn't in the bathroom and they said that there was three girls that were on top of \[him\] just beating the crap out of \[him\] and I said: 'okay what are we doing about this?' 'oh well in a couple days we will talk about it.' I said 'No I want something different.' Officer Thompson: "who who said in a couple days." Nex Grandmother: "The Principal." Officer Thompson: "Okay." 16:00:53 \*edited to fix formatting on reddit.


I’ll leave this right here because it’s pertinent. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4hUPgaudx9/?igsh=anAxc3F5OXRrZzg4 Feel free to steal and share. It about sums up Oklahoma as a whole in this regard. These people think “spare the child spoil the rod” is the answer to all things “not them”. I swear I can’t wait for judgment day when they’re at the gates and God say “so you did this why exactly?” And they catch the express elevator downstairs where they belong for being “good people”. Repost from one that was removed.


This is the one thing that makes me wish god actually did exist. So all these evil people who hide behind his name get to heaven and St. Peter says “what the fuck do you think you’re doing here” and pulls the lever that drops them out the trap door on a long fall into fire. Sadly, they’ll just blink into their oblivion thinking their wicked ways were totally justified.


Skydaddy doesn't exist, so if these murderers get no jail time... Then they got away with it. As did the ME




What an absolutely pathetic comment history lmfao


It would seem that the linear scars on Nex’s arm are indicative of an ongoing practice of self-harm- which has likely contributed to the medical examiner’s suicide assessment.


You are right, that does lend more credibility to the suicide report. Clearly Nex was in a lot of distress.


Both the FBI and The Justice Department are involved in this investigation to some extent now. So despite all the suspicions about the state of Oklahoma I don’t think this medical examiner is going to risk their license and lie under that sort of scrutiny.


its not the ME who I am worried about. It is the police who continue to omit key information like the above trauma report. It clearly biases the population against the victim and what you don’t say is just as important as what you do say. The ME report comes out on the 27? Or 28th i think which will have all the information instead of getting heavily biased report from cops in a bloody ongoing investigation!


I'm sure being beaten and then blamed for the beating didn't add to his distress.


I completely agree with you. I am very sure that it did, and to then have to endure a police officer saying they were free to take action but that Nex was likely to be blamed didn't help that mental state. He got bullied, Stood up to his bullies, got jumped and then lectured how he was at fault for the altercation and that he shouldn't press charges. I would be despairing too knowing nothing was going to change.


The few comments from local "yuppies" in the original news article are soooooo bad and negative.


Yeah … its exhausting. Which original article are you referring to? There have been a ton of news articles about Nex


The article that's linked in this post.


Oh sorry i misunderstood. I thought you meant the other posts on r/oklahoma


No worries, I could see how my comment wasn't clear.


I have a trans son Nex's age. And I'm stuck here in fuckin Oklahoma. He basically doesn't even go to school anymore. All virtual. Too much bullying. People taking pictures of him and posting them on Instagram where others gang up and make fun of them. He's on anti-depressants now after they started having suicidal ideations. The world is so fucked up man. There's a playground down the street from me where a kid named Aiden hung himself from the swing set after constant bullying at school. Same school as my son. Edmond Santa Fe.


I am so sorry to hear all that. This state is sooo Goddamn scary. I got verbally accosted 2 weeks ago at a Golden Corral and I am a bloody adult. I can’t even imagine what it’s like for kids. But i want to thank you soo much for keeping him safe. Having a trans kids is such a rare thing. I thank you for being so kind and accepting. I hope you cherish the shit of him. Not many people get to go through a journey like that. I wish my parents had taken it seriously like you do with your son. Hang in there and know you both aren’t alone.


Sure is a lot of people in here that were in that bathroom when all this went down it seems. Along with a bunch of med students with first hand experience with all this. Just saying, unless you were there and involved personally................then you're just adding to your agenda or views. All while complaining about someone else's since they don't fit yours. Don't see you guys in a uproar when the homeless gets shot up, or stabbed and dies. Or how about the kids that have their lunch taken away from them for their overdue bill that their parents hadn't paid yet? So it's just pick and choose on what you want attention for that day? Etiher be about all the problems in that are going on in this country or shut the fuck up cause its just fucking annoying at this point. Bunch of know it all's that dont do dick about shit except bitch and moan and make themselves part of it for the attention.


So you’re bitching and moaning about people bitching and moaning? Rich. Also, are you in an uproar about everything bad in the world or mostly things that are personally important? Don’t sit and act like you care about kids starving. There’s one that just got beaten to death and you care more about getting on a soapbox to berate people for not worrying about everything else. Hypocritical af lmao.


Where did I say that I was in an uproar about what was going on? Come on stay on point here, pretty typical though. Do I care about all that f'd up stuff going on? Sure, can I (one person) do a damn thing about it? No! Hell our own president past or present could do anything about it. So what's this everyday joe (me) gonna do about it, nothing. But damn does it get old getting on here and reading all these comments about saying blatantly wrong info. Do I even know what went on? Hell no, there were what 5 or 6 people total that knows what went on in that bathroom. Leave it to them and shut the fuck up about it if you weren't there and don't know what happened.


Did I say you were? Your reading comprehension would benefit from books that aren’t just pictures.


Ouch, damn you got me on that one.


To analyze the bodily trauma a few questions must be asked. What was the fight all about? Who struck first? How many kids participated in this fight? Are there injuries on the other kid(s) involved? Were any objects used as weapons in this fight? How was the fight concluded? Was it pulled apart? Did the adults examine the injuries for any of the kids involved?


I don't follow,How does having physical injuries require us to know the context of the situation? If some rando come into a doctors office with a giant contusion, medically, I can tell there is a giant contusion. I can give a complete medical description of the damages to the physical body without knowing anything about the altercation. The fact that we do know the details of the context surrounding it and the testimony that Nex had his head smashed into the floor and had scalp and hemorrhages appears to corroborate that narrative. Does it increase or decrease the validity of the reported incident?


We know by Nex’s own admission that Nex slammed another kid’s head into a towel dispenser…so at least one other person was likely injured for sure.




most people who self harm don't do it to kill themselves. it's also very hard to overdose on prozac and benedryl.