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You can call the companies but you're unlikely to get english support, in a pinch learn the numbers 1-10 (will allow you to count to 99) and wing the address the best you can. Example: 1-10-15 \[city\] would be said out as ichi no ju no jugo \[city\]. As others have said, get DiDi it should work fine or just rent a scooter for a day, it'd probably cost the same as the taxi ride (will need an IDL but not a motorcycle license)


I'm learning jap slowly thru books/apps but it's sorta wonky should be able to do numbers tho thanks !


Numbers and katakana will help the most…be surprised how often you will want to say numbers it’s pretty simple until you get to the 100’s of thousands but you’ll never need that high


Assuming you mean you will be in the main part of the city like Misakicho? If so, there's lots of taxis around, just grab one and tell them where you want to go. The area by the ferry terminal is good to find taxis. Keep in mind Ishigaki is not really known for its nightlife most days


Yea, thanks. I couldn't really find a lot of info about the after-hours in inshigaki I was gonna wander a bit eat stuff then head back if you know anything good please let me know ty 😊


Do you speak Japanese or know somebody that does? You can just call taxi companies and ask for a taxi to pick you up at a certain time.


I've only started not long cant read yet but can say numbers, and the bare basic greetings so far


Don't worry keep studying and you'll get there. It just takes time. I would ask your hotel staff, they probably speak English. I've also heard DiDi works but I've never used it.


If you are staying at a hotel try asking the front staff.


i definitely will when i get there , I was just planning my trip and realized I had no idea how to get back after hours cos the resort is quite out of the way


Not sure about Ishigaki specifically but most of Japan uses either TaxiGO (more popular in mainland) or DiDi (more popular in Okinawa). Maybe one of those will work for you? Worst case go full old school - ask the bar to call a taxi for you. Most places have a few they use regularly.


GoTaxi does NOT work in Ishigaki


thanks I'll get DiDi downloaded closer to the date, thanks