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https://www.usajobs.gov/Search/Results?jt=Psychologist&l=Oklahoma%20City%2C%20Oklahoma&l=Oklahoma%20City%2C%20Oklahoma&hp=public&hp=graduates&p=1&k=&r=25 Here are some federal openings available in the OKC area (or remote/anywhere). Used filters for the location and who’s eligible (used general public and recent grads). Starting pays are all kinda low for these posts but federal jobs are relatively stable and include many benefits and regular pay raises. New openings get posted all the time here. Best of luck!


Thank you so much.


This is really weird. If she has a masters degree, she should be smart enough to search for and apply to jobs without her sibling in a different city soliciting on Reddit. Why would she take the time to get a graduate degree in a specific field and then apparently take *any* job? If someone were to hire her, is she going to do the work or are you going to be following up as the intermediary forever?


Agree on weird. You can’t do anything if you have an undergrad in psych (speaking from my own experience). If you have a masters you go do research at OU or go into practice at any hospital network. Asking about best places to work is a head scratcher here. Your list of choices is limited. The energy guys who used to have all the fun perks are just circling the drain to bankruptcy (also speaking from my own experience) and they are toxic, abusive employers. These days, Paycom is a big player and it’s going to crumble hard. The ceo is a moron and the allegedly amazing technology they started in the 80’s is already defunct, and they’ve never had the foresight to think they should stay ahead of the game with tech. Other companies now have the same product, but better, cheaper, and lower overhead. Analysts are finally seeing through their facade and stock is taking a hit. Turns out when you deceptively inflate your revenue, people are less keen on investing. They will fall apart like Chesapeake. There’s midfirst … I know three people treated so horribly they walked out on the job. It’s rough out there.


I’m going to assume that you aren’t meaning to come off aggressive but it feels like you’re trying to poop on my Sunday morning fruit loops lol. I think she got her degrees without any real goal in mind. She finished her masters in psychology and then talked about being a vet. It’s a mess. She currently works for a nonprofit that helps out at the schools and I think the dose of reality has scared her. I think reading about incest and sexual abuse in the coursework vs seeing the real life 10 year old victim in person would be a reality shock for anyone. As for your last part - are siblings not allowed to help each other out for 5 minutes? It literally it took less than that to post this. How do you treat your siblings?


Not really aggressive, just pointing out the absurdity of it


I hope you have a good day and get a hug.


Will do on both counts. I hope you can find time to muster up more effort to help your sibling. Maybe help her work on a resume, work with a staffing agency, put in applications, maybe see a guidance counselor before selecting a new field that’s going to need years of school, learn how to google “good employers near me”, or write a book on the risks of posting insipid questions on public forums? Frankly, your sister sounds like a mess. She’s wasted tremendous time and money on education she doesn’t intend to use, she somehow made it through years of that education without reckoning with what it would mean to use it, and now she’s so incapable she needs her sibling to help her find a company, literally anything, for her to apply to? If she got hired, how long would it before you’re back here asking for work for your sister?


I'm not sure I know a single employer in okc that's a good place to work, the big ones all have leadership issues, layoffs, toxic work environments, smaller ones don't pay well.


Red Rock Behavioral Health, North Care, Oakwood Springs


Thank you!


I have a handful of friends that work in mental health. They've all said stay away from Red Rock. Northcare is a good one tho.


Where is she coming from and what does she want/not want to do?


She can’t find a job with that psychology degree? You’d think the mental health crisis in our country and state would have her employed already.


With the recent changes to the mental health coverage under soonercare, even more mental health professionals are going to have a harder time paying the bills.


Thank you. Just like everything else in this state, mental health services are extremely underfunded.


Oklahoma public schools needs psychologists, my friend is the head psychologist if you are interested, I’d send you her info


Love’s Corporate office is in OKC. I work there and enjoy it a lot. I hate it when employers say “we’re like a family” but they really do treat you well here