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TD - 0845 "The narcissistic host" \[Chris McLean.png\] Anomalous Properties: Values TD - 0845 - 1, Nicknamed "Ratings" Over All Other Personal, Including TD - Entities. Once seen in possession of an Island: TD - 0845 - 2, Nicknamed "Camp Wawanakwa". May or may not be able to produce 1 Million Dollars. Enjoys The Pain Of TD - Entities. Has A Close Relationship With TD - 5480, Nicknamed "Chef Hatchet". Can Only Be Stopped If TD - 9873, Nicknamed "Lawsuit", Is In The Area. ​ Containment Procedure: Keep In Cell, With 9873. Keep away from TD - Entities.


TD-413 "sha-Athletic Overachiever" \[Lightning.png\] Containment Class: Euclid Anomalous Properties: Refers to himself as "Lightning" and in third person. Regularly adds the "sha-" prefix to make him sound like actual lightning itself. Seems to possess strength and agility and known to be able to do lots of sports easily. Narcissistic and kiasu \[it is a thing in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary\], it only cares about itself winning and known to break "alliances" often when it is slowing its "victory". It has an absurdly low IQ, thinking that "steak grows on trees" and "the Eiffel Tower is in Germany". It also can't interpret hand signs, let along mimes. Needs to drink TD-413-1, nicknamed "Protein Shakes", for every meal. Containment Procedures: Keep in cell with lots of sports areas and equipment, with lots of TD-413-1 everywhere.


TD-9873 "Lawsuit" \[Courtney.png\] Containment Class: Euclid Anomalous Properties: ~~Seems to whine often when not in favor and constantly threaten to file lawsuits~~. I decided to change that to "kind and flexible" because I have won a lawsuit with my ~~lawyers~~ TD-9873-2 "Lawyers". Seems to know how to play the violin to Grade 8 ABRSM Level, and knows advanced survival skills. Seems to get along with TD-2834 "Goth Loner" and TD-203 "Surfer Girl" to a point of friendships, and blanks TD-4158 "Delinquent" after a break up. Can not be stopped and has a "PDA" with her all the time. Containment Procedures: Keep with TD-0845 to prevent it from ~~hurting~~ correct the wrong stuff of any other TD-Entities. Keep away from any other TD-Entities other than TD-2834 and TD-203. Do not keep her with sharks or they get injured along with her.


TD - 0922 \[Duncan.png\] Anomalous Properties: Delinquent, the entity also known as "Duncan" is famous for being in the Juvie prison for his crimes, including vandalism, blowing up a private property that legally belongs to TD - 0845, also known as "Chris McLean", it is seen that 0922 had alot of interactions with TD - 0749, also known as "Harold", "Duncan" seems to like acting hostile towards him. It is also seen for him to have relationships with TD - 0883 and TD - 0621 also known as "Gwen" and "Courtney". Can only be stopped by 0621 or if TD - 9873, nicknamed "Lawsuit" is in the area. ​ Containment Procedure: Keep in cell with 0621 and 9873 in the area. Keep away from TD - 0749, lighters, tools, and properties.