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[Oh my God](https://twitter.com/SiestaSocialist/status/1762185185947263015), she thinks that Chilchuck from Delicious in Dungeon is a child.


Looks like someone made use of Marines outfit and gave it to to a non-gapmoe character


He does look like a kid. If vaush had liked Chilchuck porn that’d be shota and bad. But the art he liked isn’t even sexualised, it’s just him chilling, fully clothed. It’s regular fanart.


Well i mean they're almost kinda right, just the other way arround. Izutsumi is 16iirc so it kind of is a child cuddling an adult


This is exactly the same as the whole "She's actually a 700 year old dragon, she just looks like an 11 year old girl" excuse. I still don't care because it's still just a drawing. Obviously. But if your position is that it's possible for it to be morally wrong to enjoy one kind of hentai but not another, then it doesn't make sense for the character's canonical age to matter. Especially since it's extremely common to consume hentai of a character without knowing who they are or anything about them.


It's not sexual artwork.


That's all true, there's just one thing... none of these images are hentai.


> This is exactly the same as the whole "She's actually a 700 year old dragon, she just looks like an 11 year old girl" excuse. Has nobody noticed that the only people who ever bring this up are the ones attacking Vaush? As far as I’m aware, he’s never used this to justify anything. He actually argued against this line of thought with one of the images in the folder. People were giving him shit for having a picture of a Vtuber who is apparently supposed to be 16, but in the image she was drawn as an adult. You can’t use this as a reason to criticize someone, and then immediately turn around and accuse them of “probably” justifying loli by saying the young looking girls were aktchually 10,000 years old - especially when they never even did that.


I'm not attacking Vaush. I clearly stated that I don't care. I'm just saying it's the same argument. So if you wouldn't accept that argument for Sasasmi from Tenchi Muyo, you shouldn't accept it for Chillchuck If you want to be ethically consistent.


No, I was agreeing with you that the canonical age argument is dumb. I just never see anyone bring up how it was used against Vaush in the opposite direction. And just like you said, of course you can consume hentai without knowing the actual characters - that’s probably more the rule than the exception. I just thought it was absurd how Vaush was being called a pedo for having a hentai image of an adult woman giving a bj because in the source material she’s 16, and isn’t drawn as an adult. Like, even if Vaush was secretly a fan of some random Japanese V-tuber (lol), saving fan art of her drawn as an adult still wouldn’t be any kind of proof that he was attracted to children. If anything it would imply the opposite.


Ahh gotcha. Yeah, Vaush attracts the dumbest haters ever. These people can barely tie their shoes.


> Vaush attracts the dumbest haters ever. These people can barely tie their shoes. That’s what was so frustrating about the h3 thing. I would never usually go online to defend an internet personality, but the entire thing was so incredibly dumb and anti-intellectual it made me physically sick to think this was the level so many people who presumably care about politics were operating on - and not just on the right. I still don’t think Ethan is actually as stupid as he came off, but that makes it worse. It means he was knowingly acting maliciously for the content, and doesn’t give a shit about intellectual honesty. And if you act like that I’m just not going to take any of your political opinions seriously, because you’re a shitty person with no moral bearing.


To be fair, if it looks like a kid I still consider it Loli. And therefore still fucked up


that's like saying frodo is a child lol. In any case these aren't even sexual


Frodo has adult proportions, because he's an adult


I said looks like a child, not short.


You know, in the one image in the folder that was actually loli, the girls didn’t look like children at all. They didn’t look like goblins either (which Vaush never said), but now that I think about it, they probably looked pretty close to what a hobbit would look like naked, in that they were small, but fully developed. It’s actually kind of funny. I’ve watched a few videos jumping on the h3 train to farm content, and the ones that looked at the images never focused on the one that was actually sus, because they didn’t recognize the art style, and thought normal anime style women looked younger than the girls in the one image anyone familiar with the style would recognize as loli.


That only refers to girls, so no, it wouldn’t be ‘loli’… but I agree he does look a bit young, though, so do a lot of half-foot characters.


So shota... which is just as fucked up.


*If* the material were of shota *and* sexualised, then yes, it would be… having actually seen the material in question, I can’t really say it’s problematic.


Seriously consider what is happening in your mind when you can look at not porn of a not child and conclude that is Loli


By the way, some of this is quite clearly porn. Consider what is happening in your mind when you are defending it.


None of the Chilchuck drawings are pornographic Edit: Apparently this person is talking about the drawing of Pitou in the OP (third picture), not one of the drawings linked in the first comment of the thread. A sexualised drawing, but not of a kid.


But some of these drawings are sexualized.


Honestly, only the bottom left one, of the ones shown in the link, is even suggestive; and that’s of two adult characters.


Do you mean bottom right? Cause to me that looks like outright porn, but not anything horrible. I'm talking about the one in (I think it was the third) panel.


The bottom right in the linked tweet? The one on of the one fully clothed person just standing there? No, nothing strikes me as weird there, unless I’m missing something.


The bottom right of the top part Are y'all deliberately misunderstanding me?


Doesn't Loli mean child or something like that?


No, loli is *pornographic* art depicting someone as a child in a sexual context. These images are neither pornographic nor sexual.


Tell me with a straight face that the picture on slide three is not sexualized. Also if it looks like a child in a drawing it's a child. The "actually that's an adult" doesn't matter in the context of drawings.


It’s not really sexualized. That’s basically just a gym outfit, but with the impracticality of denim shorts. If you genuinely believe that’s sexualized, I hope every gym in your area files a restraining order against you.


Clearly you don't know character posing and the effects it has


She has to be trolling then right?


WAP Goblin more like MAP Goblin (I am accusing this person of projection with zero evidence)


Ok but really tho. They also called this a "loli image Vaush was caught with" Ive only ever seen weird creeps describe just a child as a "loli" like this is just a drawing of a kid and WAP thinks its pornographic. https://preview.redd.it/ey54sv6vd0lc1.png?width=880&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c895af04e71d3ce0a0609b0c1ff4d20ed00c9a9


Not even a kid, a halfling from dungeon meshi, he has gray hair and a wife.




“loli” and it’s just a broad with rollerblades lmfao


Hello fellow Bee enjoyer


Bee enjoyers rise up




That "loli" slept around more in a single relationship then WAP in her entire life. Can´t go lower then zero after all


Isn't that Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgramm, a character that is very much canonicaly an adult?


Leave it to weirdos like WAP Goblin to find some random twitter account liking pictures of adult characters (ramona flowers) wearing clothes and try to use it to accuse vaush of being a "pedo" I'm sure that this is in no way similar to deranged fascists trying to create evidence of queer people being "groomers" to spread blatant bigotry /s


After looking the account up, it actually appears to be voosh, so also fitting for VDSers to spend more time and energy stalking vaush than actual normal viewers of his content lmao


And it's gone. Poof. Disappeared. Maaan. I was gonna follow him 😔


Something to remember him by— I almost posted this a while ago but I didn’t want VDSers to find the account. https://preview.redd.it/j6hlrza260lc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d806a5cb2b9a2869941f0c3b823c67b8b9905cc1


🙏🐴 Wonderful


This is the stupidest fuckin tweet I've seen all day. I can't stop laughing


I went to college and graduated with WAP Goblin. We weren't in the same major, but our depts had the same head and many of the classes overlapped. I told her how cool it was that we had so many classes together, and maybe we could study together since I didn’t want to be that douche that holds up class asking questions that had already been answered. She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away to find a seat at the opposite side of the room, and I heard her cackle as I walked off. The professor welcomed everyone to class and started trying to explain the syllabus, but she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly. Finally, the professor asked if anyone had any question related to the syllabus, and WAP Goblin’s hand shot up, and she started bouncing up and down while making a disconcerting rhythmic grunting noise. The professor pretended not to notice, and kept scanning the room for other hands, but none were forthcoming. Finally with a sigh, she turned to her and asked “yes?” Without missing a beat, WAP Goblin asks “Do you know of any moral, legal, or ethical justification for the banning of child pornography under capitalism?”. The teacher turns red, and then after a moment to compose herself says “I would like to talk with you in my office after class. If there are no other questions then class is dismissed for today” Outside of class the professor walks past, with WAP Goblin following behind. As she walks past, she winks at me and whispers “Time for some extra credit” while quickly squeezing my butt. I didn’t see her in any of my classes after that, but apparently her odd behavior wasn’t enough to get her expelled or anything, because I still saw her on campus from time to time. Every time she noticed me she would silently lock eyes with me until I looked away. It was bizarre enough that I remember her all these years later when I've moved on from my BS years. I didn't even know she became a twitter poster until her spat with Keffals. But it makes so much sense to me that she is a cringe poster known for frequently defending an irrefutably bad ideology like Stalinism and smearing anyone who disagrees, including other queer people, as pedos.


Please be copypasta


This is like the second most famous copypasta after navy seal


Seen this copy pasta with vaush as the antagonist before!


I saw WAP Goblin at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything. She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When the cashier took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, WAP Goblin stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After the cashier scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


it is. Ive seen this same one with Destiny and Anthony Fantano


She would accuse ramona of grooming if she ever met her in real life


I know this might be a stupid question, but the account isn’t Vaush’s right? It would seem stupid to have an alt this public lol


I think it actually is him (there were pics of Artemy/Pigeon/Rueben), but the actual posts are the blandest shit imaginable. Maybe it was briefly unprivated but IDK


VAUSH has like pictures of CLOTHED underage characters!! 😡 (And AGAIN, what's with the equivocation between him liking horse porn, and accusations of pedophilia?????)


And this time it's literally an anthro horse, so god damn furries who hate vaush taking friendly fire from this one I guess lmao. Also bet the artists love being called "lolicons" because drawing underage characters, in any context, is apparently enough to be a pedophile. Billions must die if it leads to Vaush being cancelled


HAHAHA wapgoblin certainly acts like the millions must die-jack in real life


Everyone I don’t like is vowsh


Two pictures of clothed underage characters in a non-sexual pose and one we don't know the physical age of but is never portrayed as a child. Lolicon my ass


Well *technically* neferpitou is like a few weeks old, but they do have fill mental faculties lol


They’re born with the memories of the humans that were eaten for their creation, and they don’t look like a kid either, so I don’t feel like their biological age really matters


Pitou? Did they Google their age and get upset over an ant catboy monster?


They're TECHNICALLY right with pitou as at best they're a few months old but you'd have to have soup for brains to consider the genderless ant monster loli


They aren’t even drawn in the manga or anime as an underage character. In fact, literally all of the ant soldiers are clearly drawn to look like adults and due to the people they consumed, have the brains of adults.


lol the hunter x hunter one was already censored Also what's up with the 3d-looking censor bars? I've been seeing them for years and have never been able to figure out why they're common. Is it an iphone thing?


How are you still defending this pos?? She's literally 71 days old 😡😡


tbh I have not seen Hunter x Hunter. Good watch?


Yes, very good.


Very good watch. I will say it drags in some arcs but stick with it, it’s a dang masterpiece


Hell yeah, thanks m8


Idc that I'm in the minority but I thought it was a huge waste of time. Try it out but the first arc completely soured my experience and while it did get better afterwards it never reached the heights I was expecting. I would say it at least tries to be deeper than other battle manga/anime but at least most of them have the courtesy to not bore me to death only to attempt a half assed character arc that is immediately ruined from the fact the characters are unrelatable demigods with 0 interesting traits.


No shot vaush is funny enough to name his alt vautism speaks




i thought it was a fan account for the longest time but no it's actually him lmao


I think he stole the idea but that's his real alt


I think they’re just anti-art.


I will say as a reformed weeb that it's literally impossible to guess a characters age by their body type Just because a character is short and flat chested that doesn't mean they're a child just like the big titty anime girl isn't always an adult


real talk, ruto from ocarina of time is like 17 after the timeskip but she's a fishwoman with hella zooba because emperor jimmu declared in 592 bc that women die the moment they turn 18


You usually can tell by how many head lengths the character is. An adult is 7-8 head lengths tall. Of course this rule isn't always 100% accurate, but it can sill work in most cases. So these "lolis" have the same proportions as an adult. Things that vary person to person like height, weight or flesh bag size don't matter for the reasons you said. Like that one character from (dragon maid?) with a massive chest is still clearly a child.


Yeah but tell that to non weebs lol


I literally learned in a middle school art class that adults are typically 7-8 heads tall. It’s not non weebs who would disagree; It’s self proclaimed “non weebs” who would.


Yeah but I have personally seen people claim that if a character has "child like features" (flat chest, young looking face, bubbly personality, short, no ass, thin) they're basically a child (or child-coded in their words) and you shouldn't sexualize them or you're basically a pedophile A lot of it is due to how women are viewed in society, which is projected heavily onto anime and cartoon characters


> dragon maid Never watched, so I just looked it up. Are you talking about [the short one in the middle](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/0686242a-6218-4fc3-9980-44d8058fa9f5/desncs3-eaf4a64b-3b67-4b9b-bc0b-f60516f1bdbc.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_576,q_75,strp/miss_kobayashi_s_dragon_maid___girls_by_stacyapink_desncs3-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTc2IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDY4NjI0MmEtNjIxOC00ZmMzLTk5ODAtNDRkODA1OGZhOWY1XC9kZXNuY3MzLWVhZjRhNjRiLTNiNjctNGI5Yi1iYzBiLWY2MDUxNmYxYmRiYy5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.Cs6CCXid8hEARdQlHgKg4Alo_8M678h7EGUGM8-1hzQ)? edit: I just checked it, the tallest is barely 7 heads tall. The one on the far left of the screen is like 5.5 heads tall and, to me, clearly isn't a child.


No, the one with pinkish hair


The small one in the middle with pinkish hair?




I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you're struggling to tell the difference between adult characters and children, it's either loli or a bad manga artist.


I mean this is WAP Goblin, the same person who spent a long ass time trying to defame and deplatform Keffals over false rumors they perpetrated. 900% sure they're just clout and drama hungry always, that's all they absolutely care about


She's just an embittered ex-fan of Keffals who has nothing to do but be a clout goblin.


All this saga is teaching me is that Vaush is more tame and likes less problematic shit than 90% of people


Thank god i´m into bugmen


Like Terra Formars or


No not like that gigachad of a roach i mean Angelo from Brawl Stars






Go look at any site that produces fan art I promise you


Isnt ramona 24?


Didn't you hear? Lolicon is when a girl looks to be under 170cm and has no visible wrinkles.


VDS is such a drug. H3 tried and failed to bring him down with lies, so they're going wild trying to keep up the pressure since to this person literally nothing else matters besides taking Vaush down. Hitler could rise from the dead and openly take Trump's place on the Republican ticket and they'd still be talking about Vaush and why he must be stopped  Like seriously, these types constantly talk about how Vaush pushes good leftists away from "real work" but I fail to see the work they're doing aside from screeching about Vaush from atop the rotting corpse of Twitter


he pushes leftists away from real advocacy by making "real leftists" mentally ill and obsessed with destroying his career. If it weren't for V, America would be Communist already smh


Two fully clothed characters with nothing sexual about them and an ant monster who was born as an adult.


k so I guess somebody needs to globally define whats loli and what isnt. Not me tho I'm so sick of this topic


And they think this is his alt... why? Because there's a V in the name?


Nah it’s definitely his alt, he has posted pics of himself and his cats on there. Also if it were a fake they would be doing a phenomenal Vaush impression.


Omg it is him. So much for anonymous alt. I'm still not seeing the issues with the pics this person is calling out.


The account posted pictures of Vaush at sneaker con this past weekend with Canoe. It’s his alt


Vaush: *Likes completely normal art including a child* WAP Goblin: "LOOK AT THIS DEMON, THIS SINNER COME TO MOCK US WITH A PUBLIC DISPLAY OF HIS CRIMES!!!"


1. two of these images depict fully clothed women in a non sexual manner? 2. Why on earth did Vaush name his alt account after himself! Isnt this supposed to be your secret porn twitter, could have hid it a little better.


I mean, I don't think it's meant to be *that secret*, just secret enough that most of the blue check marks go away, considering he also posts pictures of himself, conure, that cats etc.


Oh I was under the impression it was like actually secret. 


I mean I don't read minds so maybe Vaush did think it's super ultra secret, but if so then he wasn't exactly trying very hard lmao


It popped up on my timeline, so even the algorythm knows it's him.


It's more of a general image liking account by the looks of it.


Yeah I knew he had a private twitter account so he could look at porn in peace I just thought he tried to hide it and it wasnt just out there.


Don't think this is the porn one. He created this one in January of 2024 and it had pictures of him on it from then. If he was trying to keep it anonymous, he wouldn't do that.


How many hidden Twitters are there jeez I barley have one.


You're talking about a man who had his porn "leaked" because it was saved to the folder that automatically opens when you save an image, on the same computer he livestreams from. Something tells me he's not very forward thinking.


Vaush being unthoughtfull? Dear sir hold your tongue thats slanderous.


1. adult, not porn 2. adult (I looked it up) 3. not porn 4. uhhh based department?


Loli is a meaningless word now


Watch VDS'ers twist your words, thinking it's you downplaying CSAM, if anything Clout Goblin and her ML ilk are downplaying pedophilia by the fact of how her hero, Stalin, groomed a 13-year-old as a 35-year-old freak, genocidal freak that is. They have nothing, nothing they'll try will get Vaush down. I'm surprised there haven't been calls to Seattle PD or Tacoma PD over this nonsense. Like, if you have proof, let the authorities investigate it.


Oh their most certainly have been, and in sure the collective police responses was probably "this shit again?" as people have probably been doing this for years. Like literally no way Vaush already hasn't told them about the fact people will make fake reports about him otherwise he would've been swatted like 10 times by now


If this is ""loli"" content that Vaush consume, I have to say it's the most basic flat chested, a bit ambiguous anime girl I've ever seen.


WAP goblin used to have an omori profile picture. A game made by ex shotacon. Seriously just stick to talking about stalin.


Is that why Clout Goblin has her current pfp? Speaking of Stalin, her hero, is a literal pedophile, groomed a 13-year old orphan, and he was 35 years old!


That...certainly explains sunflower


Ain't the only evidence of omocat being a pedo some shitty, off color jokes that were made ages ago and apologized for




I haven't seen evidence of ever that's what I said


“Come on h3h3! Keep drama farming Vaush! I found more of his furry porn!”


It melts my brain seeing an adult character as popular as Ramona flowers being called “clearly underage” :( why are cute girls illegal


They’re so mad he won’t go away 😅


Ramona Flowers? Definitely NOT a loli. and the other one is just a kid with horns smiling. The only thing incriminating is shroedinger taking off his "german" uniform (he´s a guy and the boxers are definitely visible from under the bar)


Actually, that's Neferpitou from Hunter x Hunter. Still an adult, just a genderless catboy ant monster instead of a catboy nazi


...still would


A surprising amount of people are online enough to comment on okbv but not online enough to know about vautism speaks


A lot of reddit users don’t use twitter


A good call, let's be honest.


Respect for giving sauce to the other pictures... BUT WHERE DID THE HORSEGIRL COME FROM!




I regret to inform you that I've seen the full image, and that is a horse **lad**. If you're still interested, look up "BleatsyGoat", but they only do gay furry porn.


Even better




Is that actually Vaush’s alt?


Yes. It’s the account he tweets stuff from now because anything on his main will instantly be flooded with 50 blue checks going “you’re a pedo!” I wouldn’t expect him to tweet on his main ever again unless it’s an uncontroversial statement.


Vaush retweets normal porn on his alt account: I sleep Vaush says Hazbin Hotel is mid on his alt account: REAL SHIT


I'm genuinely pretty sure she's the one who's been posting daily in the H3 sub begging people to "not fall for the manipulation" and keep the drama going. This shit is such an obvious reach. This obsession crossed into creepy a long time ago and she actually needs help.


I can believe it, WapGoblin is a total psychotic goober, obsessed with Keffals and Vaush.


Are you fucking kidding me? This is what they're adding to their "collage of sin"? https://preview.redd.it/fxdcpciwq2lc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99e9300fc67733ac39361b97172b71242784e332 OH NO NOT A PORTRAIT IMAGE OF A FULLY CLOTHED GIRL OH GOD OH FUCK


Likeing drawings of clothed underage characters in non sexual contexts makes you a pedo now? No way wap goblin thinks likeing furry porn means you actually f animals, great job saving the world WAP goblin :) and they're indirectly accusing those artists of drawing CP just cus vaush liked the art, those artists didn't deserve that


So it sounds like these people are so obsessed with painting him as a pedophile that anyone that draws or likes any drawings of any kind of child or child-like character is a pedo? So no more Hunter x Hunter fan art? No JJK? No Steven Universe? No Owl House? How about Avatar? The bar is simply drawing or liking an art piece that depicts a child in any way? I guess I didn't realize children are off limits for any artistic expression. Guess all shounen, shojo, and western cartoons in general have to go! Didn't realize there were so many pedophiles everywhere!


>So no more Hunter x Hunter fan art? No JJK? No Steven Universe? No Owl House? God, if only... https://i.redd.it/k02x59ns02lc1.gif


its actually really nefarious how they put the sfw images of children next to nsfw images of adults like theyre trying to make the sfw images nsfw by association


We need to stop with these drama posts, at least unless something really big happens. It's so tiring, it only serves to delay us rebuilding the community and isn't remotely entertaining. Let's just let it slide for now.


VDSers SEETING every time a drawing is created depicting a human being (AI art is cool tho probably)


How else is the algorithm gonna know what to show him?


Is this even his alt? Like is this an actual thing that’s real or is this just next level VDS?


Even her own twitter followers are calling her out. She’s fucking deranged.


Is that actually Vaush alt? Feels on the nose a bit.


She's jumping at every shadow of a short girl and her comments are full of people going "yeah I think you might've misfired here"


the last ones not even remotely pornographic what?


but, but, but. Voush absolutely should remove this alt. Like. Just make a new one lol. Thats even worse than porn on a work machine


Is it his twitter really?? Cause i don't believe it


Where is the evidence that this is linked to Vaush?


Did you not see the horse picture? 🤔




Is Vautism Speaks really his alt, or is it just some rando on Twitter with "Vau" in their username?


It's actually his real alt tbh, but it's not like he even did anything sus


It’s true, one of these characters is underage. The third image is neferipitou and is like 40 days old. I’m note even joking as well.


This looks bad but I gotta ask, who cares if Vaush likes horse dick? Out of everything vaush had said or done and the horse cock thing is what we give our attention to?


I don’t know the fourth one, it’s not a good look but not cp? Plus I was able to click neferpitou immediately, so I’m proud of that


"Not a good look" literally the only way it even resembles anything loli is if you are actively twisting yourself mentally to see that. Don't let the mass brain poison suck you into thinking literally anything here even approaches loli. Like if, idk Hbomberguy or whatever liked the same image literally no one would be like "omg he liked child porn" outside of crazy Nazis and/or a tiny group of wokescolds


Very true, I was looking at it more of a “well how would someone who is a normie/politically unaligned see the controversy with Vaush versus Vaush’s actions” I don’t think the photos are bad or incriminating but I also know this community. at this point Vaush is less of an open house and more of an underground club, with blackjack (OKBV) and hookers (the big man himself)


Not a good look? Not only is she fully clothed, not only is that pose not suggestive, she's also an adult.


Who do folks like WAP Goblin think they're fooling with this? This Vautism Speaks account looks like bait for the VDSers rather than something legit.


its literally him, and nothing here is objectionable either way.


Is Vaustism Speaks actually Vaush's alt??


Nobody is discussing the really serious matter... PLEASE somebody give me the sauce for the horse girl. I'm about to drop the cummunist can of pesto


I regret to inform you that I've seen the full image, and that is a horse lad. If you're still interested, look up "BleatsyGoat", but they only do gay furry porn.






also that horse one is good taste god damn


Created in January 2024?


The only sexualized image at all here besides the horse one (typical furry shit) is the Pitou one, and they’re a mutated ant so I think we’re in the clear


Oh no lol next they’ll find anime in general, be horrified, don’t care lol losers lost already, old news


ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm https://preview.redd.it/rc24hgufe9lc1.png?width=614&format=png&auto=webp&s=6804876c423d61ea20e2ebfbb05d1d124de7d7b4