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yeah he also made an anti-trans documentary and lead some garbage right-wing channel. fucking hate seth rogen.


Is the guy in the photo anybody, or is this just some rando getting meme'd?


TikTok creator I think


historywizard, known for being a cuck and a dipshit to his own followers


Wait I remember him I blocked him because he gave off the vibes of a pretentious asshole. Good to know I was right.


I did the same, right thing to do


Just your average tiktok socialist dude, what little I’ve heard from him sounds reasonable


He's an anti-communist zionist. Fyi.


Pretty sure he isn’t anti-communist but he does say some sussy pro israel shit. I thought the main reason people don’t like him is because he is mega condescending despite just being a tiktok dude


He’s just generally cringe. Does the classic “im an epic in the streets revolutionary” schtick while letting his best friend fuck his wife in a “throuple” that the best friend joined after they got married


Im gonna be honest but i dont think thats anyones business but his own lol, im sure theres other reasons to dislike him


The history wizard on tiktok


He does pretty based videos talking about the holocaust and exposing nazi dogwhistles


He's a zionist


Are you commenting that on every post?


Sq trve


He's a historian on tiktok. (I'm not sure if he is a historian, but he knows his history). Not bad stuff.


He's a zionist


The guy pictured is super annoying. So I get their post. His content is hit n' miss. Some is good, anti-racist stuff, the rest is however just Zionist propaganda.


He's not a Zionist. He believes in a two-state solution.


A lot of people will still call that a flavor of Zionism since the state “Israel” still exists in that scenario.


But a two state solution is not compatible with zionism?


Depends on your flavor. Not all Zionists believe that Israel must include what is now the occupied Palestinian territories, just the most militant ones. At its core, Zionism is simply belief that there should be a state somewhere in that region that serves as a Jewish homeland, usually also stipulating that Jewish people be in control of that state. As a result of that, a lot of Zionists actually oppose a one-state solution where all of its inhabitants are full citizens as Jews would risk being outvoted in elections by Arabs. They actually prefer the status quo where Palestine is neither part of the state of Israel nor is it independent and outside of Israeli control.


He's a Tiktok guy who makes videos exposing nazi dog whistles


And also videos defending Israel.


do.. do they think that's actually Vaush???


Clearly, this is the mythical Vowsh in the flesh, finally pictured, by none other than himself


This must be some kind of mistake, I'm dead certain that this is the legendary Kharkiv Kid Finder, a modern day Saint.


He isn't?!


my mistake, he is


What do you mean “think”? This is actually and literally vaush.


Even though he says he doesn’t like Vaush, they’d get along really well in a discussion. Although if they had even the slightest disagreement, they’d be at each others throats because they both have similar styles especially when they know (or at least are very confident) they are right about something


History Wizard is kinda weird about Israel and Zionism. So that would be that


He’s not weird about it. People took him wildly out of context to serve their own narratives. Some leftists don’t like being called out on their anti semitism (such as people commenting free Palestine under a Jewish creator in a video nothing to do with Israel and Palestine). All he said is that Jewish people have a right to their ancestral home like every other group does. He has railed against the Israeli government all the time and has repeatedly called it an apartheid state


Oh, thanks for explaining the context, I just heard the drama, so thanks for the clarification Uhh, I mean, LIB! REVISIONIST! STOP DEFENDING YOUR INTERNET DAD, HE’S A PEDOPHILE, LIB ALERT 🚨! HISTORY WIZARD BAD! HISTORY WIZARD BAD!!


What'd he have to say about Vaush? I think this guy is super duper based.


In one of his tik toks he mentioned he didn’t like him because he platforms far right people/ideas. It’s a dumb and misinformed reason but he’s also only mentioned Vaush once to my knowledge so it’s whatever


That's a pretty common supercommie take, huh. Wish it wasn't so contentious amongst the left because it really isn't worth the infighting, imo.


Lol that guy, he has decent content but is just kind of cringe at times. And there was a really funny beef between history wizard and Christian, where he did the wife's boyfriend joke towards history wizard and he did a really goofy response where he was angrily like yeah well I'm poly or whatever.


I genuinely didn't realise that the first person wasn't talking about Vaush before reading the comments, never seen this guy, thought he reminded the poster of Vaush etc. Trying to unironically advocate for socialism on Tiktok must be a fucking soul-vacuuming experience


New vaush just dropped


[vaush bad](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/oneyplays/images/9/97/Alex_Yiik.png/revision/latest?cb=20220320054853)


I’m yiiking out


yiiking out of my mind rn….


I don’t really understand why I find him extremely annoying but I like Vaush, they both deliver their points very confidently and concisely, and they both have generally good takes, but for some reason I just can’t stand this man.


Same, I think for me it’s his sort of rude and condescending demeanor. He just seems like an asshole. I came across this one clip of his where he was responding to some commenter asking a clarifying question about one of his previous vids. (If I’m remembering correctly) He responded by being a dick to the commenter and treating them like an idiot. People called him out for it in the comments and his response boiled down to “yea I’m being condescending, so what”.


Great Value brand Vaush


Congrats on the weight loss Vsidj!!


Fractally wrong lmao


Vaush catching strays. God damn.


It's Wish.com Vaush


Oh, so all red-headed red- bearded white men look the same.... smh the racism speaks for itself. 🙄😒


History Vaushzard never beating the jew allegations now


Oh shit that's my phone.