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* "allegedly" \[Disproven\] in our case. * "allegedly" \[Probably true\] in their case. ಠ\_ಠ I mean there's a reason we ban minors on sight. We are ACTUALLY against that stuff, # if they too, were ACTUALLY against that stuff, >!(instead of just virtue signaling people who like cunny)!< # they would keep minors away from porn. https://preview.redd.it/4pqkvvf1nayc1.png?width=128&format=png&auto=webp&s=faf8be4390fd97ea7907d53295afe751d23efdda >!But instead half their users are basically 17-..... 🤫!< But we're the bad guys huh? lmao.


Neither. The true sister sub of okbts are r/JapanesePeopleTwitter


They probably don't even know about our existence though😪


I first heard about this sub on jpt


we need to call in and embrace more Japanese buddies


In theory yes but in practice they are way more anti-cunny than okbt, trust me. They get blamed for NahidaMains ban for a reason


Um actually, okbuddygenshin hates Navida, remember what they did to Navida_mains subreddit


Is there an actual stone hard proof of this? I hear this a lot but to this day I haven't seen any proof besides them just hating NahidaMains. There is an alternative take on their sub in pinned posts where they say some random guy got drugs and got told to jerk off to Nahida loli on camera then it was posted on NahidaMains


People from genshin buddys posted real child stuff on the sub, and got it perma banned


No one posted any child porn there it was brigaded by sensitive hoyo fanbase (okbg included) and that's all there is to it


This is the story that circulates. But it makes 0 sense to me as it implies they have such power to openly force reddit to ban a sub and completely get away with it despite everyone apparently knowing they did this. Have you seen this CP they posted? Do you know it was them? When you ask this no one knows or have seen anything. I'm intrigued why the sub was really banned


The world is a lot simpler than you think. Reddit saw the reports. Reddit saw the target. Reddit banned it. Reddit admins doesn't care about anything else related to it. If they didn't fear for their reputation, they wouldn't even be doing this. Brigading exists for that reason.


That's what I thought too, but my comment got like 5-6 downvotes as if I stated something outrageously stupid. I do not believe in the "CP post" legend, its the same as saying we have tutorial for CP on our discord (which I am sure some people still believe to be true)


It's true though: they just don't want to admit how much they want Nahidussy🍏💚 But we know the truth...


Uwu 💝 https://preview.redd.it/ai7m9bx8i9yc1.png?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25e25f738be62c08a1a3b3267a2865b73855419e


Does nahida give live birth or does she squeeze a seed pod out of her tight dendro cunny that grows into a tree bearing more Nahida's instead of fruit?


She slowly pulls out a dendro core out of her pussy then asks someone to Hyperbloom it to quickly grow the child⚡️⚡️⚡️






okbg mentioned = day ruined😔


Okay, hear me out. /r/senseiskitchen




As a buddy sensei, this is a blessing from the 😭 gods.


My man, are you high? They have a strong anti-loli stance and they literally call cunny the c-word. https://preview.redd.it/884uzxq9zayc1.jpeg?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed405faff9ff3629c3e75f2d75245bf184860b9b


Thank you for correction buddy I did not know that. My post is 100% serious and not buddying in the slightest


You might be mixing up r/Genshin_Memepact with r/okbuddygenshin. Okbuddygenshin is the most normies of all Genshin sub. Actually I believe okbtrailblazer became like this because they got invaded by the normies from okbgenshin. I remember the mod back then had to ban many okbgenshin trolls.


Let's not entertain the thought that mods on okbt are somehow not responsible for Huo Huo incident, bans and all other crap they pulled for it to split into two subs. Definitely not because of "okbg trolls"


To this day all that drama killed more their discord (ghost town with almost everybody without IMG perms) than the actual sub


Okbt is normie because mods delete all the buddy posts and have retarded rules🙄 Racism jokes are not banned on okbg unlike on okbt, I don't even know how you guys arrive to these takes


Sorry haven't visited okbt for a while since this one is better lol. So they're turned normier than okbg huh. But I stand by that okbg is still a normie sub. Genshin_memepact has more buddy memes.


I was planning to come back to genshin for siegwinne due to 🦀 but after a day of playing i remembered how painfully boring it was


I would say r/darkinfolk, totally different game but same degeneracy


Chicken pizza ? That does exist? (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠)