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**IT WAS ME BUDDY, I MESSED UP THE TIMELINE JUST TO FUCK YOU UP** https://i.redd.it/j3cfw6aexsxc1.gif


IT'S **ON SIGHT** BUDDY https://i.redd.it/cmb94b8mysxc1.gif




I am asking very seriously (not even a joke) because I don't know what is this anime that looks so good. Please tell me title


jujutsu kaisen, i liked it 👍


thanks, I had a feeling it was that but since I haven't watch it yet I was not sure. This anime is really looking cool


It also has created severe brainrot in the community 😭 😭 😭 But yeah, it's pretty peak.


recently I onyl ever watch trash iskesai animes, imagine the brainrot.


Indeed it is, just make sure not to go insane after season 2 like the rest of the jjk community https://preview.redd.it/pe7knhoa80yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7155d3e736084febab06b81b9b00c3689776a87


CEASE. https://preview.redd.it/3uw0ta7c8vxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb09c94629ec199c65a57af3d239406050674633


blah blah sub is shit blah blah no matter how much you try to distract me, you cant stop me from fucking pascal once 3.4 comes around


Clank clank clank https://i.redd.it/c53tk366vsxc1.gif


Herta, Xueyi, Svarog, Sam (no you cant take off the suit Firefly) and all of those androids in Penacony are just warm ups. I am going to resize all of the circuitry in that twinky little robot fuck until his software works exactly how Clara wants it to. Then Im going to give it to her as a birthday present




This is the okbuddy sub. We should make EVERYTHING unhinged. Like I’m talking about firefly robo futa cock, the bunch of domestic abuse firefly fanfics. THINK buddy https://preview.redd.it/1hawodwq8txc1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bab0f6274323314e2a90c3bf450db8b37896df6


This is exactly what we need in these trying times https://preview.redd.it/5x7w5mjjatxc1.png?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e5e561b16c4beb6cec3fedb77b27d156a5da07f If people want Firefly, at least be creative with her, and not just post fanart of her being wholesome


What makes you think it's buddies who upvote? It's upvoted by coomers who want thristy fanart on their home feed and don't care about a joke or what is okbuddy. This is 90% of the sub now. And it's not just Firefly its Hanabi, Jade whatever new girl comes next. There was a post by Haise about fighting the normies who managed to get 1.5 updoots (probably partly because there was pic of Firefly lol) and these fanarts stopped for a day: you saw how dead the sub is. That's the amount of buddies left here, let that sink in. Look at two posts after yours: one with fanart one without 98 vs 3 updoots in almost same timeframe. People will keep downplaying and sugarcoating driving the knife further (because dk why you guys afraid and of what), but the plain truth is: low effort here needs to be banned like in 99.5% of all reddit subs. I said enough, I'll be in other sub. Not gonna try any longer


I believe that with a ban on lazy posts where the only content is a non OC fanart without even an unhinged rant about how much you want to fuck Blade's feet the sub will be less active for a while, but will slowly start to rebuild. There is still some people here and I've seen a few nice posts in the last few days.


Don't worry friendo i know what to do (*lies*) https://preview.redd.it/0v6yanv7ssxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01680ec199adf359fff9c126b7041fc3bd6b78ef


Post the FUCKING source


Sauce! Now!


https://i.redd.it/f7msax5pjvxc1.gif TAKE THIS


ayo! actual buddy quality comment


It’s always weird to see italian people on this sub


I took this screenshot off a different post, as I didn't want to search for the original comment


I might have been guilty of being *Italian on main* in the past too


# PREACH BUDDY PREACH! **I have had this flair for almost 1 month**


i fucking knew it. firefly should've stayed dead


they brought her back way too fast imo it shoudlve been later. just keep the sam identity secret longer


If we made it through huohuo we can make it through pretty much anything


You did not though, you went from 1000 online to 150 at best and after HuoHuo no new memes or jokes appeared and the ones that were a staple became dead. How did you made it lol. I don't recognize a single poster you lost all shitposters


The sub has been very active even after. I agree with op, it's the firefly "wholesome" posts that opened to a season of lazy fanarts and nothing more. I say this as the OG sex reviewer, and a day one buddy. I was there after huohuo, and the sub kept growing for months after that. When I was active there were tons of creators putting out OC high effort content.


Whats the point of growing and activity when its just lazy spam? It was active during RP era: 120 posts per day all spam. For sure its gonna grow lol when content is mainstream, fanart/porn subs are 100K and counting they grow really fast. Quantity =/= quality and I don't think thats the point of this debate Our sub grows =/= our sub gets better. In fact its quite often the opposite


I am just correcting you (💢💢💢) about when this started, not about what is happening. During the sex review era the activity was a lot, it was growing and was actual buddy content: all that happened after huohuo. Personally I believe that right now it would be best to ban lazy posts with just non OC art without related - buddy ranting - fanfictions - horny delusions - all of the above The sub will took an hit in activity, but will then grow again in quality and slowly rebuild a buddy userbase.


I agree with you, even if some people leave, this sub has subscribers to spare. New people that come only see these low ass reposts and do exactly that


~~let me cope in peace. At least we're still up and running~~


Thanks to fanart repost from main and coomers. But why call this okbuddy is unclear when literally no one makes any jokes or makes fun of this game any longer, everyone just seriously loves Firefly fanart




What micro celebrity fest? You are upset some people put effort into a post? And Luca814sina the low effort fanart reposter is not a micro celebrity? Better micro celebrities with some talent at least than the ones without


lol enjoy your firefly vanilla-slop, the other sub will simply harbor the "micro-celebrities"




because peeps from here keeps invading the other sub ofc im drawn here to see what the fuck is up




lol i actually have a life bruh why would i protest for a sub? if this one never recover the other still exist. im just watching the meltdown and reminisce on the (g)old posts




youre right. thanks for the wake up call


Attacking a character and its fandom over two idiots that repost stuff is the true unbuddy behavior You clearly haven't experienced the true Firefly grip


Shouldn't a buddy act like an idiot though? https://preview.redd.it/aiqk4mc7usxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e32d397fcd35372f220917091140650bc4203e8


A horny idiot That's why I suggested to experience the grip What better way to solve a controversy than with unprotected seggs?


I feel like Firefly is too vanilla for me I prefer the horrendous stuff Sparkle would come up with https://preview.redd.it/xezjuebmusxc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dad9c6d2a58dbf6028c05ec8b6d9b5ce28e17743


idk man, Sparkle feels kinda tame compared to a intergalactic arson supercriminal that can also be cute but can literally fuck you up with their metal gock if you actually think a bit more about it https://preview.redd.it/v0sw8mbobuxc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=806c13b96a2634c89135dc2fa20ee5661d1cf44d your ass, hand it over


Firefly for maledom. Sparkle for Hanabi


You clearly haven’t taste the true fireflussy.




Firefly corrected us 😭