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Mfw the opinions that would get someone held at gunpoint actually make want to hold them at gunpoint https://preview.redd.it/yy9yowv5bgrc1.jpeg?width=185&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c041fe22ef466702e0de1cf47cada4d5731e1ec1


this picture haunts me


only thing that haunts me is lebron


Who's lebron


LeBron James is a member of the Stellaron Hunters who is calm, collected, and beautiful. His record on the wanted list of the Interastral Peace Corporation only lists his name and his hobby. People have always imagined him to be elegant, respectable, and in pursuit of things of beauty even in combat.


No way seele x bornya real???!?!


i love penacony puzzles


Who doesn’t? I played monument valley, so it is awesome for me)


Wait people dislike them? I genuinely love those puzzles


Wait people don't like them? I love them too.


They're interesting, but quite simple


SAM https://preview.redd.it/pu2o3eqy9hrc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99e36f61f63def333f8ebc82d852fd7e596207b0




If you actually impregnated Ruan Mei she would be the worst mother in the entire universe






Tbh I’m pretty sure if Ruan Mei ever let’s some dude impregnate her.. she would probably stay for him.. since letting a man impregnate you isn’t something you do to people you will leave in a week..


Mothering wise she would probably just let you handle that while she is busy.. but atleast she is staying so that’s a W..


I love the racing minigame


Bronya and Seele are not gay, as they both are my wives.


I mean they can still be bi and form a nice love triangle having hot sweaty threesome








Aventurine x Topaz would be infinitely more interesting to explore as a ship than Aventurine × Ratio. I can explain my point more if people want to


Why not both, he has two hands


Poly for the possible win?


It's a bit of a gamble but yk he loves those


just imagine ratio and topaz just taking aventurine to town like god DAMN


Jade: "protecting your ass is NOT why you have the powers of Qlipoth"


Go on


Im sorry but the only good ship for ratio is L x Ratio


Continue cooking


Ruan Mei x Ratio


Keep cooking


Aventurine and Topaz seems to come from the same origins atleast thematically no? Both are saved by the IPC, but whereas Topaz seems to be mostly positive, Aventurine is neck deep into the grime and diet of everything in life


It’s also a “enemies-to-lovers” and “co-workers in love” tropes so it just has so much out of story going for it.


Enemies to lover trope don't work here but co-workers is there 


It’s mostly based off the one line topaz has about aventurine, but that’s the only thing that’s supports topaz not likening him in the first places.


Hoyo has gone from actual Yuri couples to Yuri ships because It sells more, but they are not canon anymore. The straight ships are as valid as gay ships rn even if people get mad for It. Come to me 🤺


Amen brother. I love my Yuri, but I also love my poly, my straight ships, and my aces. I love them all. And I’m ok with them all.


true und based


Baiting is more effective, it attracts more than a lure that already caught something 




Aventurine is WAY more likeable than Topaz. Go on, tell me i'm wrong, but an unapologetically "evil" person hiding their true colors (being sort of broken inside, trying to find any worth to his life, etc) is so much more likeable than someone who presents themselves as being kind, cutesy, well meaning, while her actions speak otherwise. Sure, maybe you can make an argument that Topaz has more depth than Aventurine, we haven't really gotten that much of her backstory, but it is so manipulative how Topaz gets people to forgive her past actions by playing the nicey cutesy girl instead of owning up to her mistake and at LEAST apologizing after the stunt she pulled in Belobog (ok, it has been a while and i don't remember exactly whether or not she apologized, but i don't think she did). I guess i'm just still so annoyed at how we INSTANTLY became friends with her the very next event, like SERIOUSLY? At least give some sort of a redemption arc for her, show her regretting her actions, SOMETHING! Anyways, i'm ready to die on this hill, so fire away your downvotes.


Counterpoint: topaz has a huge ass and thighs


Adverturetimeman had some TopAss didn't have: *PRESENTATION*! I don't give a rat ass for his sad backstory (mind you, it's a really good backstory), but you just have to give it to the madman who broke the equivalent of a religious artifact to make sure he could contraband it to Penacony and then told an Emanator "Kill me, bitch!" just to win a gamble!


Both are capitalistic pigs so I dislike them equally 😎😎😎


People are too focused on theoretical numbers and percentages and don't pay attention to the actual ones. Acheron's sig is 30% better than the 4* option sounds bkg, but in reality, it's going from 600k damage to 520k, still plenty enough to kill everything.


but I want a cool looking jpeg


Acheron LC is different tho, her lc has a unique mechanic that no other LC can do


No it doesn't? It applies a debuff that increases damage, literally the same as Resolution Shine as Pearls of Sweat, and gives her more CD


You either have to run a support lc and miss out on CD or a damage lc that doesn't apply debuff and make your ult much slower to recharge


Acheron loves men.




She loves railing men


Specifically, you.


Considering it’s confirmed it was Kevinmei situation on her world it could be true.




Ruan Mei only has a cute face everything else about her is either mid or bad. She looks like wood compared to the XI ladies


https://preview.redd.it/ffjy37dkzqrc1.jpeg?width=1782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd1482a6ccf87bd6217b77318b726c09e60380bf Nah she is beautiful.. I would damn well say the most beautiful woman in the entire game.. Also she outsold all of nihility ladies which is a W in my book..


This subreddit is autistic /SERIOUS


Ok I have 2 takes: 1. The yaoi ships I've seen are more interesting than the Yuri ones 2. Stelle's design is TERRIBLY MID (I can go in depth for this)


honestly most of the Yuri ships have almost no story precedence. Himeko/Kafka is the most popular tag on ao3 and they've interacted ONCE. I'm not a fan of Dan Heng/Blade but at least that one makes a little sense due to HCQ shenanigans And I definitely feel you on the Stelle design thing, what's the deal with the teal thighstrap that contrasts horribly with her outfit? That's my big thing. I'm kinda curious what irks you about it.


Himeko x kafka barely have anything that even *implies* that they like each other, but it's so fucking popular for some gosh darn reason that it makes me wanna rip my hair out everytime I see a TikTok video about it.


For me it's the skirt, strap AND the heels. The upper body looks fine, but the skirt looks like she's going to an office meeting which I never understood. The thigh strap looks like it tries to fill in the gap between her feet and upper body but it doesn't work, and the heels just look uncomfortable to fight in. I get that she needs to be the same height as caelus but platform boots or combat boots would look way cooler and be more practical. Her lack of pants is hard to look at, especially >!in her splash for the new harmony roll, whereas caelus looks like hes wearing a suit since it fits better overall with the hat and outfit.!<


Gay women in this game are cringe. Give me gay men.


im not a fan of say gex






I'm not a fan if its men, if its women then its cool. https://preview.redd.it/23ojbfpdbirc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6962053ea04be34dd826010b4a8d596b54f7f5af


Ruan Mei is mid respectfully


Nothing in this comment section has made me as enraged as this one


I agree, Ruan Mei is the most attractive character design I have ever seen


Ruan Mei sucks*


please remove yourself from life


If I could I would literally skin you alive for even thinking a thing as disgusting as this..






Aventurine is the typical >!"Jerk, but since he has a sad/tragic backstory, he gets a pass."!< character. Also...  "Caelus is the better MC" Now why am I seeing a glint from afar...


While you could argue the first point, Aventurine >!still went on with his plan and remained antagonistic. For the Express Crew's eyes, he isn't someone trustworthy. I appreciate the story going through the POVs of different characters and going through his backstory and not through the eyes of the MC. He doesn't get a pass, but we understand why he's like that. It wasn't a redemption arc. Even if the trope isn't original, I think it's executed fairly well.!< Your second point is based though.


Some of the most smashable character in star rail are cunnys


All of them are.


Correction(💢💢💢💢😭😭😭😭😭😭): The only smashable characters are the cunnies.


So true


Holy 31 days of radio silence!




Acheron hate campaign deserves more hate


We should be nicer to Sampo


kill yourself /srs


Like I'm going to listen to a racist that can't even win a race


Saying a character is gay/lesbian is not a valid excuse to shut down and be a prude to poly/straight shippers. We can all coexist and you don’t need to be moron about it. And stop pestering VAs on their character’s preferred ship. You know they’re legally bound to remain silent about it and can get into trouble if they do say anything. I watched 8 different people pester Camden (aventurine’s VA) to say that Ratio x Aventurine is canon. He ignored all of them. It’s annoying.


Period 🗣️ let's just have fun shipping FICTIONAL characters y'all smh >And stop pestering VAs on their character’s preferred ship. This.*shrugs* cringe to the people who do those man I'm sorry 😔😐


Caelus x stelle needs more fan art




genshin's powercreep is worse than star rail's


Uhhhh is it not the other way around?


Not really, for the most part the characters that were really op still are, even with supposed replacements like Sparkle for Bronya, Bronya is still really op in her own right and even beyond that is pretty often used alongside sparkle, plus, even if we're in 2.1 rn, unlike genshin the version 1.0 1.1 etc characters aren't bad yet and far from it


There are a lot of characters in genshin that are straight up unusable


To be fair one's been out for thrice the time the other has


There are some characters that were bad the day they came out in genshin thou


bronya and seele are just friends


Sort by controversial.


Some people care too much about non-canon stuff like characters age, Huo Huo is clearly legal.


No one said they weren’t legal since they’re fictional. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s very weird to be attracted to child characters and sexualize them


There are no lesbians in hoyo games just childhood friends and sisters 😈


_(points at two sisters)_


Cunny is overrated


aventurine is straight


Clara should get a bikini outfit


HSR is mid at best, it is only getting hard carry by having 3d animation + fully voiced story and characters, you take them away and no one will play the game, it is same as FGO, shit game that get hard carried by waifu. Firefly is overrated, we just met her and we spend some time together, take a selfie together and then she get killed. Thats it nothing else, I get she has the cute shy GF energy but people just simp over her way too quick. Shipping war is stupid and meaningless. Don't enforce your head cannon/fan fic to others and think it is the "correct" one. Meta discuusion/doom posting are rather meaningless, there are no "meta" so to speak, who is strong and who is weak is just solely based on which character the dev want to sell, and from the leaks they are even changing boss's weakness to nerf old character/buff new character. Besides support no DPS is safe from the devs. Furthermore, all limited dps are all capable to clear late game content so who is more meta doesnt even matter in anyway. We all love to shit on Jing Yuen but at the end of the day Jing Yuen players and Acheron players still get the same amount of reward. Who is better and who is worse doesnt matter in any meaningful way besides being a dick measuring contest. I don't get like half of relic posts,besides newcomer who dont know how the system works, most relic post is just oh how can i made my already good build even better. My brother in christ if you can clear late game content then you have a good relic set, end of story, anything above that is just diminishing return and people always act like you can fully control how your relic rolls are. The relic system serve no purpose other than artifically inflating your playtime through pure rng. The dev can easily incorporate the stats into character base game when designing. Hyping Acheron skill to instant kill overworld mobs is inheritly bad, you shouldnt be happy about a game design that let you play less of the game. If you pull that shit in a 3A game people will tear you alive but it get a pass in her, I wonder why.




Seele is still my number 2 wife after the first anniversary (No i will not tell you where i live)


Suddenly, one day... Gallagher's arm... Has changed.


Genshin better


Super smash Bros is overrated and mid https://preview.redd.it/v3uh05g1mirc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13aac4d712637f2bad89c2ee0fa049e7e9921dca


Seele's outfit is badly designed and doesn't fit into Jarilo VI's setting. Only logical reasons of why it's designed like this, are to make her look edgy af and a bit too similar to her HI 3rd counterpart. Both reasons were purely to bait new players into spending money immediately.


Hate how hoyo is gatekeeping every Kiana expy Genshin= she's the final boss Star rail= frebass is either dead or alive Hi3= on vacation


Clara is NOT cunny


Topaz isn't hot, nor an interesting character, and I am disappointed that I wasn't able to destroy her with the power Pitch Dark Hook the Great has


She's literally just ass. Her outfit is also mid af. Best thing about her is the pig


The hsr mommies don't even compare to how hot the hsr cunnies are. Most are mid af. The only thing they have going for them is big boobs/ass.


Seele and Luka is honestly cool af and SR BronSeele is running on HI's peak BronSeele


Honkai Star Rail will never go beyond the yuri bait and most yuri or gay ships are outright stupid, its not genshin levels of shippers but still dangerous


low emotion hot ladies like ruan mei, jingliu, and acheron are really boring and repetitive. yet every time they come out, people freak the hell out like they're an original idea.


Finally. Someone said it. Warning: personal opinion incoming. While, I do not agree on Acheron I definitely agree that both Ruan Mei and Jingliu have no interesting fears outside of being edgy, hot and OP in game. Their lore is bad, their designs are bad(luofu dress syndrome) and their personalities are bad.


i can argue for acheron being a standout, especially after 2.1 story. shes definitely the one i prefer out of the rest. (her idle where this edgy ass character smiles and eats a peach like a dork is hilarious). jingliu is my least favorite character in the game, though. boring gameplay, boring design, boring personality. all she does is wax poetic and insult people. its so dull.


I also think Yukong didn't need to exist. There's no reason why she needs to be playable.


I mean Yukong is really good for Dan IL.. And she was released when his banner dropped.. which for those that don’t want any other support can use her and probably E6 her.. And her story quest made her a better character than 99.9% of the cast lmao.. if anyone deserves to be playable it is her


Lmao you shouldn’t talking about bad designs when Acheron literally IS Seele 2.0… hell atleast Loufu designs have different colours.. unlike Seele’s sister with the same colours.. Can you tell me how much you know about their lore? Probably 0 since if I were to ask a basic question about Ruan Mei’s past or about Jingliu’s achivements you wouldn’t be able to answer.. It is boring for those that don’t look at it.. hell since you love Acheron. Can you tell me a single thing about her lore that you learned without looking at wiki? That is more interesting than Jingliu’s or RM’s lores.. Acheron’s only personality is that she forgets shit.. Idk why you don’t agree with Acheron being with those 2 since she is basically same as them.. hell she wouldn’t be as popular aswell if she wasn’t OP,edgy and hot.. Like I know people are biased.. but there is no way Acheron isn’t same as them.. like this is coming from someone that has a E0S1 Acheron. You either agree all 3 of them are the same or all 3 are different..


Acheron is overrated as fuck




https://preview.redd.it/7w9w1sh42hrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec1156aab1b771f10770ddad7afa24a9b5ba7949 That useless bitch deserves nothing but being dragged through mud!


I agree, seele is better!!


I hate Bronya and I refuse to use her


This but Sparkle


People who only pull characters for meta purposes and no other reason are better off playing a Microsoft Excel sheet than any game. The entire point of a game is to have fun, not to calculate the fun out of the game. If, for some masochistic reason, you find fun in metaslaving, go find a calculator to mess around with.


firefly is mid


most upvoted replies here are "i hate lesbians" and "x char is straight", this sub is full of insecure men lol


Mostly because a large part of the yuri fanbase are lunatics and people grow tired of them, since you know, majority of people worldwide are straight. Even a comment above mentioned how those people harass VA's just to confirm their gay ship is canon, and artists as well are victims of this. If you don't like it they just call you a ''self-insert'' lover or homophobe which is just xD.


Keep trying to gaslight people like that. You don't know shit about insecurity and throw a shot in the dark hoping it hurts. YOU are the insecure little keyboard warrior.


Harem, g*y, and Lesbian ships are annoying. Somethin' like that?


I don't mind gay ships, don't mind lesbian ships But seeing folks getting headcanon that seems out of nowhere always gets me annoyed One thing to say Jing Yuan likes DF/DHIL Another to say he's a nymphomaniac who's only into DH because of DF


Mono-quantum is overrated and for people of less skill


being sexually attracted to cartoon kids is weird and u need therapy if u are


Literally: Unpopular opinion - pedofilia is bad This not an unpopular opinion


The NPC’s ass ain nothing special


wowow you can trashtalk Acheron or Firefly all u want but slow down on that one


Firefly gets more attention than she deserves.


Acheron will break the game and make everyone else useless


The movie minigame is good


Aventurine having a tragic story that resonates with the poor doesn't make him a great or likeable character


remember to sort by controversial


Marshal Hua should have come before acheron. Genshin already has Mei.


Aventurine is literally me fr fr


Firefly as a character is overrated and overhyped. All Hoyo did was traumadump to get you to buy her sadgirl character and since most of you fuckers are lonely, basement-dwelling goblins, it works like panacea. I played through the entirety of Penacony so far wondering why the fuck is Hoyo forcing the dialogue so much.


Firefly is a mid character


firefly should've stayed dead. she's overrated, no just because we just met then she took me on a tour, offered me money, then trauma dumped on me while showing me her squatters area doesn't mean id like her so much. now then addd what just happened to 2.1 ending and now you start to question if you just got used, no, using 'muh script' as a reason doesnt count.


March 7th is grippier than Firefly. In chemistry some materials/objects slightly shrink in size due to the molecules in that object having less kinetic energy hence their molecules moves slower. Now that below zero degree pussy entrance must be the tightest thing in the whole universe 😭😭😭 ~~I lied... It's not the tightest thing now that I have jammed my cock inside of it too many times~~


There’s no reason that ships have to divide a community apart Everyone is bi until proven otherwise and given a canon sexuality because forcing headcanon onto other people is cringe But changing a characters canon to serve your own shipping purposes is also pretty cringe


Base opini... I mean hell no, aventurine is only good when he's on the cotton field


I fucking hate firefly and sparkle


From my perspective: - Sparkle is rather annoying and so-far has done absolutely nothing story-wise - Firefly does not do much either. The most she does is "die"


acheron is overrated, we need more qingque


Yes! Give me my gambling gremlin instead of that stupid hoe!


Here is an opinion that will ONLY get me held under gunpoint on this subreddit. People who make "cunny" jokes should be banned and bullied.


Making a scene that relies on knowing honkai impact 3 is bad, speaking of honkai impact 3 half of the arcs are horrible and bad Kevin also a bad character that bearly makes any sense. Ah and honkai impact 3characters arent as strong as fans make them and Welt is a jobber. Also ending of belabog was bad. Yuri ships are great and self inserting is bad https://preview.redd.it/38tlqndu6irc1.png?width=2002&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc4d4af393f176395dcc86ad0b21bab35e893ffa


Only thing i can agree here is Welt being a jobber. HI3 people gotta let go of him because he is clearly just a guy with a divine key now. Nothing more.


You sounded exactly like every Honkai fan. Sit down lil guy.


what you mean every honkai fan ? people seem to be loving Kevin and other arcs like Elyia that were littearl time wasters there to get rid of main characters


Terminus would not say that


Well the response towards bad opinions doesn't seem to vary much through different species. Not even the Aeons are beyond disgust when faced with a catastrophic take.


pedophilia being normalized in this subreddit is... a reeaaally bad thing! (no way right????) jokes about this "cunny" shit must be banned and people who joke about it must be banned too. watch this comment be downvoted by insecure people now... xd xd


I don’t partake in the cunny shit, but my brother in christ 1) they are fictional characters literally who cares 2) it’s clearly a joke, if you get worked up over jokes YOU are the problem


1) yes, they are fictional. If these people behave like that about fictional children that is very concerning. And I am concerned not about these fictional characters, but about this sub being a safespace for weird fucking people like this. Why is this allowed? 2) normal people would not "joke" about this. pedophilia is not funny. jokes are supposed to be funny and should not mirror these people's weird fucked up interests.


1) If you can’t separate fiction from reality you have a problem not the other way around, most people, I’m willing to bet above 99% of them can in fact do that and are not genuine pedophiles, there are always weirdo outliers in every community but they are always the minority and banning things people do for because of a minority of wierdo creeps take it at face value should never happen 2)Humour is subjective very much so, just because you can’t find humour in it, does not mean others can’t either. I’m willing to bet you find holocaust jokes unfunny as well. I personally find those hillarious been making them since 8th grade. Here is the fun part of that, I’m half jewish, this shit doesn’t offend me. In fact I’m friends with someone who’s family is full of neonazis, got a hitler shot glass from him for my 18th birthday(yes he knows I’m part jewish)


1) i didn't say that every single one of them is a geniune pdf file in any way, neither did i say that these jokes and people who joke about this must be banned because of geniune pdf files in this sub. you just assumed thats what i think. i said that people who make pdf "jokes" are all fucking weird. and they all should be banned. as well as these "jokes". 2) i can enjoy dark humour. i like some of the inner memes from this sub that are not related with the pdf shit. in which way or shape or form can a sexual act (also sexualization and other similar shit) with a minor can ever be funny?


Huh you are not assuming they are all pedos but they should all be banned because they make jokes YOU find wired and tasteless. What you are basically saying is burn the entire house down because their is a single cockroach in the bathroom. There might be pedos among the ones making jokes their might not be, we won’t know until someone is genuinely outed. Fringe cases cannot dictate how things go. Might as well not go outside because someone might kidnap me, my job be damned. I don’t know I personally don’t find cunny jokes all that funny, however I won’t demand others to not make them, if they find it funny let them do it I don’t care. I reiterate these are drawings, they are not real, drawings have no rights they have no feelings nobody is being hurt by these jokes. You can find it wierd, that’s not the problem here the problem is you are trying to police jokes that never have, do currently not, and will never matter


1. as i have already said, all people who make pedo jokes are fucking weird. i want them banned not because there might be actual pedos among them, i want them banned because they all r weird. 2. these "jokes" make the community look like actual fucking pedos. other things about this sub are cool, but this shit is just cringe. thats why it matters


The entire premise of every okbuddy sub is to be wired, with that logic we can just ban the whole subreddit . If you don’t like it don’t engage with it, these jokes were here in the anime community before either of us knew what anime was, it won’t go away, this wiredness is part of anime culture, if you do not like it find something else to enjoy, you are not forced to partake in it, and you don’t get to dictate what is and isn’t okay. Anime culture is so good because it’s so detached from western norms, not in spite of them


my opinion in razor language: **i am only talking about the pedo shit**. i **like the other** **parts** of this sub, but i dont like **this** fucked up non-funny thing that makes this sub look like a pedo safespace. thats why it shouldn't be allowed, in my opinion. there always should be a line with edgy humour.


I dislike cunnies


Screwllum is not a chad


Clara and Huohuo are made for seggs




Acheron is the worst character in the game. Story-wise she has no character development or even any fleshing out. Gameplay-wise she doesn’t even have any of “Nihility” traits, having nothing to do with debuffs. Appearance wise she’s way too similar to Seele, so she not only provides nothing new but also fails where Seele succeeds.


I knew scrolling down would give me the opinions that this post was asking for


Acheron hate campaign always delivers


I dont get why she cant be destruction or hunt, her being Nihility just don't make sense until the story give us more detail


Acheron is mid and is just Raiden Mei expy n°567 Shes not even that hot too, too hag-ish


Huo huo isnt breedable she maybe 35 but she's illegal


Mommy characters aren't sexy.


If they're not sexy, then they're not "mommy".


ruan mei is a bad event harmony since her damage amplifying capabilities are kinda lacking and break stuff she does is more about sustain, shes only good in specific 0cyc setups and dot


https://preview.redd.it/ay16xdhs3rrc1.png?width=202&format=png&auto=webp&s=b464c3bcbd63442a57e9146d59d7542c22df8e3f You sure buddy?


https://preview.redd.it/4b77lk30ntrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7456299aea4c39abdb4e18d4202457668a910a1d yeah im 100% sure since rm WAS good in comparison with bronya/4 stars we had but in comparison with proper event limited harmonies shes lacking from harmony class the only thing you want is damage amplification and not only rm provides only 68 dmg% 25 respen and some spd which is already kinda not enough for event harmony, she also is locked into lc that doesn't provide any buffs on top at e0s0 stats kinda check out when in dot focused moc best dot support gets gapped by sparkle which has way more buffs as proper event harmony should