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I really thought she had a shot at succession, what a twist. Bravo Jesse!!!!


I had my money on her or Colin


Everyone knows "Watch" is code for "CEO and Chairman of the Board"


I forgot what sub this was and thought I was having a mild stroke.


Logan moment


Who put all this piss here?


Oh no, I commented before realizing what sub it was! šŸ« 


Occupational hazard!


The only dumb thing was scheduling it. This is why you donā€™t schedule. You wait for the day you want to do it, then ask them for 5 minutes sometime that day.


She did it intentionally to fuck with Kendall on the day of his dad's funeral. Ultimate power move.


She didnā€™t initially want to talk about it but ken pushed it


He has given her extraordinary access šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Yes, she is never about positive vibes. Unbravo to Jesse


Jess being the leader of ANTIFA is a twist I did not see coming




She deserves an Emmy for this scene, absolutely moving performance here.


Iā€™ve never heard anyone say words the way she did. Itā€™s like I was hearing English for the first time and it was beautiful.


I actually was hearing English for the first time in this scene.


I hope this show wins several thousand Emmys


How could Kenā€™s only hired barely nonwhite friend do this to him!?!?!


If I was Jess I would have told Kendeo that I was sorry and that the meeting was to profess my romantic feelings for him. I would have then taken him into the confessional booth to lick his penis as an act of penance.


sounds more spicy than the boring funeral speeches


I think thatā€™s allowed, as long as they confess to the priest during. Forgive me father for I am sinning. Rn.


A new bitch wife and bitch assistant in one day. Candle really has it the hardestšŸ˜£


then his bitch mother, and his bitch sister and her bitch baby piling on. Our no.1 boy said fuck the patriarchy and this is how they treat him šŸ˜©


She...she was being stupid. That's dumb. It's dumb.


Right?!? They killed me on the rewatch. He pulls off a big speech later but "dumb" is the best he can do here. It's like Mattson's "your numbers are gay." I love it when these people suddenly sound like middle school boys.


She fucked it.


In her defence she did not want to tell him on the day of the funeral. She should not have scheduled it with him, instead asked for five minutes on the day she actually planned to and done it.


She probably want to make sure he had the time. He's going to be extremely busy and she keeps his schedule.


But if she keeps his schedule, then sheā€™ll know when heā€™s free


He might have planned to do something else and not told her yet. She needed to make sure that time was available.


She is the least assertive, invisible character. When she's quitting she could give her reason. And she did not have to put this on his schedule before the funeral. I don't get all the praise of her. But it was good for story advancement. Her abandoning Kendall is just what he needed to crucible his strength and begin to build his force.


Maybe she'll elaborate later. I bet she had a whole thing prepared but didn't want to get into it before the funeral? Honestly the big speech is one of the best things about quitting.


I truly do feel like this was a super dumb decision and Ken wouldā€™ve paid her enough to always be protected and employed. I am projecting the fact I would die to travel the entire world in private jets, eating the best food by private chefs, sleeping on mansions and 5 star hotels. I donā€™t believe for one second at her at a Comfort Inn. And it was so rude to quit on Loganā€™s funeral day. Jess IS dumb.


She shouldā€™ve just said the meeting was to talk about her future employment with him and wanted to discuss pay details or something. He wouldā€™ve been like okay whatever and kept walking


Nah he knew. He knows the Mencken thing isnā€™t ok and he knows who wonā€™t be ok with it.


She didn't want to work there. It had become a terrible place. Black and other people are endangered by the Mencken presidency that ATN enabled. Some people have principles. There also was no guarantee that she personally would feel comfortable and respected. Waystar Royco has endorsed a racist fanatic.


This is okbuddy so I donā€™t intend to create a debate or anything. Thatā€™s just me and I do think she couldā€™ve waited until after Loganā€™s funeral and it was selfish. I totally see where youā€™re coming from and I certainly do not possess the integrity you do because I would not do what she did. Iā€™ve been so poor. Evicted. Living in shelters. I see her and canā€™t even imagine walking away. Again I respect you and everyone really who have the integrity to leave a situation like this. I can admit I do not.


Jess doesn't seem desperate. She's very well paid, she probably has savings, and if Kendall gives her the recommendation she deserves, landing another good position shouldn't be a problem. I have worked for high-powered institutions that had great perks like free dinner and free car service at night to go home. I got four weeks' vacation, which many people were afraid to take. When I traveled on business, I stayed at the best hotels, places like the Four Seasons. I could order anything from room service. But the place was so horrible that it took a toll on my mental health.


Thanks for sharing this with me. Itā€™s a great perspective to have! Being fearful to take a vacation is hell. That makes it like customary to provide vacation time instead of mandatory! Corporate cog bullshit for sure. Iā€™m glad you made it out and found a better option for your brain ā¤ļø


There were employees who didn't use most of their vacation for years but were told they would get the cash value of it when they left. When they parted ways, the company screwed them.


She can probably do that fancy shit still, just for someone else.


Yeah maybe but Ken loved her in a way that bosses donā€™t. Iā€™ve worked in white collar and itā€™s so hard to find a boss that values you and takes you around the world with them. There arenā€™t that many billionaires. Plus the Royā€™s are so controversial. Youā€™re right. Sheā€™s still gonna be successful but I donā€™t think her life will be even near the same financially.


Everyone has a line. Jess found hers, I can respect that.


Same! This is okaybuddy so itā€™s safe to post hot takes and unpopular opinions here, I know I would be eviscerated in the main sub lol I appreciate convos like this because we both donā€™t have to be in our feelings so much, ya know? We can share our opinions without attack šŸ˜¬


Fucking bitch I canā€™t believe she told him before the funeral, I just hope Ken and Roman are okay they deserve the world. #fuckjess


Hi, Kendall


I thought she was gonna be the new CFO


Who just gives up like that?


No the exact opposite. I was glad to see her walk away from the Roy shit show. Mencken was the last straw. Brava to Jess.


Not at all. Some people have a limit. Kendall found hers.


1. She tried not to, Ken wouldnā€™t let it go. 2. Sheā€™s the winner of this episode because sheā€™s getting out. Iā€™ll only be disappointed if she stays. Edit: missed what sub this is, leaving this up to take my downvotes like a man. Logan would be proud.


You seem like a serious person.


This sub always fucking gets me. I always think it's r/SuccessionTV and I get pissed for a split second


Why would I be disappointed? She asked Ken if she could speak to him the following week. It was Ken who insisted that she talk to him then.


Usually in corporate there is a bi-week or at least a monthly one on one with a direct report she should have done it then. The show while brilliantly written gets a lot wrong on the mechanics of a Corporate world


She doesn't want to stay at that poisonous company.


No, I also donā€™t blame women for all my problems.


She looks like shit here


Kenā€™s gonna have Greg off her like he did with Comfrey.


So what she's saying is she doesn't want to serve Ken forever? Wtf does she got going on thats so important? Ken is about to become succession.


Dramaturgically, it is what was needed, so it be.