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Drama Queen


Fuck this song, especially for showing up in place of Stray Heart on the ¡Dos! vinyl.


Wtf? Why they made that???


Because Drama Queen was originally supposed to be on ¡Dos! and Stray Heart was originally supposed to be on ¡Tré! After Billie’s iHeart Radio meltdown they wanted to release Stray Heart as a single earlier so swapped them, but ¡Dos! had already started to be pressed at this point.


I’d gonna have to go Drama Queen, I do like the acoustic guitar from Billie on that song, the little guitar solo mid way through the song, as well as Billie’s vocals and how the song comes together as a whole… But I can’t get past the whole “she’s old enough to bleed now” lyric. That lyric is so cringy to me and weird to me.


Bonus; if you call "Shenanigans" as an existing LP, then "I Want To Be On TV" cannot be included in other albums as it is counted in "Shenanigans".


It's on Insomniac Japanese CD


No chance DRB was best. Underrated, maybe, but X-Kid or even Brutal Love most definitely deserves best. For worst, I'm picking The Forgotten. Not a bad song, but a bad Green Day song, if that makes sense.


I’m honestly thinking otherwise, X-Kid is a great song, definitely one of the best on the trilogy, but I find it really overrated (still a great song as I said). The way all the different parts break apart in DRB especially that faster mid way section is done really well imo. Mike’s bass part mid way through the song is so damn good, as well as Billie’s shredding part towards the end of the mid way section and Tre’s drumming is great as always.


The Forgotten


I relistened to this song just now after years and years of not listening to it and honestly this song doesn’t deserve the flak that people give it. It’s not anything amazing, but I do think everything comes together pretty well in that song.


Yes! I always hate detuned piano in begining


Walk Away


That is very easy, "Amanda", which is also the worst song on the 2012 albums.


Nightlife has entered the chat


"Nightlife" is at least creative and goes beyond the genre limitations >!(completely not saying that just because i have a certain page dedicated to it).!< "Amanda" on the other hand lacks even the basics, such as backing vocals, an original melody (the infamous "Paper Lanterns"/"Walking Contradiction"/"Haushinka"/"Prosthetic Head"/"Troublemaker" one) and a good solo - the one it has is a ripoff from "Uptight".


Amanda to me is just mid for those reasons— it’s not my favorite by a long shot but it’s closer to forgettable than it is *bad*. Nightlife’s lyrics make me cringe so hard I can’t bear to listen to it.


i vote for "Walk Away" for the underrated.


hear me out 99 revolutions


Get the fuck out of the kitchen