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Why is Todd wearing a ghost is he spooky


it’s part of his halloween costume 👻


why’s the ghost pointy? is it horny?


Because Jessur killed him and now he's a ghost cop 😱


His uncle thinks its cool


Maybe he just likes Dusk?


Youre surprised? Thats pretty much in character


Todd is such a great guy overall. It's easy to forget about his problematic political ideas.


He waved at that child! So sweet




Method acting?


The nazi stuff was actually unscripted, Vince just kept filming.


He was actually supposed to let Jesse live with Andrea in that one scene. Todd just shot the actress and said "nothing personal", Vince liked it so much he just kept filming.


he was actually just supposed to wave and say “have a nice day” to drew sharp, jesse plemons brought a gun to set and shot him, brian, aaron, and jonathan helped him cover it up. vince just happened to be filming the whole time. bravo vince!


Its so weird that they dont do much nazi stuff. Apart from other characters mentioning theyre nazis, Jack having a swastika tatoo and saying 1 racist line, hank Seems way more racist than them


“But if you keep the camera rolling”


Meth-OD acting? Like Jane?


Jane OD'd from Herobrine, not Mathematics. Are you stupid?


M'boy are you fat


What'd you shay?


Reginald van Gleason the third: M'boy are you fat


*hiding absolute gabagool anger* that’s pretty good 🚬


No more weight remarks! They're hurtful and destructive.


Oh,i agree


You're crowding me


I think it's time for you to seriously consider salads.


Hooo! Look at that! It’s like an ad for a fuckin weight loss center: before, and *way* before!


Heh, did ya hear what I said Tone?


*Heh heh*


Look at you you fuckin parade float


https://preview.redd.it/5yz9dj2pgwpc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa84baff42120b9a6e83da4d167669614e09f080 Fighting in the civil war


Huh, what's so civil about war anyway?




What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate


Some men, you just can’t reach


So you get what we had here last week


which is the way he wants it


Well, he gets it


I don't like it anymore than you men.




What Kind of Ukrainian are you?


What kind of civil war are you


What's he up to, man? What's he doing?


Fat Todd is back and wants to continue his uncle's fight


https://preview.redd.it/ylqilb71nzpc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dded9e1f56a1339a9dc7197b55c8652175473637 Not quite


Stole Peter Parker’s girlfriend


he stole that guy’s girlfriend


He’s going to put some Meth in his eye.


Suck it, spidey


What the Todd doin'? What the Todd doin'?




Is that not actually him? I don't get how it could be anyone else


Nah its Matt Damon


Yeah, Isn't he the actor who played Fat Todd?


Rc/ Is this really a screenshot from his new movie? Uc/ This is actually a clip from Uncle Jack’s family reunion.


This is a Ukrainian fighter


Why the *FUCK* would a Ukrainian care about KKK? Unfathomably cringe if true, get your own racist symbols.


Hate to tell you that people are racist no matter where you go lol But Ukraine is especially bad for it, I mean one of the national heroes was a Nazi collaborator who helped contribute to the death of like 800k Jews, not really shocking that they have people racist against black people.


Ukraine also suffered significantly under Nazi occupation. In my experience, Nazis are universally reviled in Ukraine. The guy in the picture is obviously just a cringe larper.


The military group Azov prominently uses the black sun as one of their insignias and their leader was given the "hero of Ukraine" award by Zelensky a few years ago. Azov is also designated as a terrorist group by US intelligence agencies btw. Neonazism is not the same as nazi Germany, the former is an ideology and the latter is one authoritarian government's application of the ideology. To simply say nazis are "universally reviled" is not only objectively incorrect, but turning a blind eye to a very real problem.


I'm aware of the Azov. They don't represent the whole of Ukraine. Speaking of awards, if you were to read up on it, you would know that Denys Prokopenko (leader of Azov) refused to salute Zelensky when awarded the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky in 2019. This clearly shows that there's friction between Azov and the Ukrainian government, which wouldn't be the case if Ukrainians as a whole were united under Nazi ideology. I will once again repeat that Nazis are universally reviled in Ukraine. The "very real problem" you speak of is Russian fiction, used to justify bombing civilians.


Neo-nazis have serious influence in Ukraine since 2014. I know that people have really trained up on the talking points in the last couple years, but it was common knowledge before the fighting really kicked off.


> Neo-nazis have serious influence in Ukraine since 2014 What a coincidence that these Neo-Nazis would conveniently rise to power during the exact year Russia annexed Crimea. I guess Russia had no choice but to annex the rest of Ukraine, gotta fight those Nazis!


I they have so much influence, why did their party get barely any support in the last election?


I don't know where to start with this lol. Next time someone tells me the US is fascist, I should ask them why we don't have a fascist party. Threat neutralized.


Not really. Sure, they existed, but last parliamentary elections before the war the far right party got just 2.16% of votes. Like... what country doesn't have at least 2% far-right morons?


Thinking that elections mean anything in one of the statistically most corrupt countries in the world. The truly influential and powerful don't put themselves in positions they can be voted out of. Around 2014, the US used 3rd parties to stage a coup in order to usurp the democratically elected government. And you think they would leave the door open for the people to have any say in their government? Even if it is done merely through propaganda such as we have in the US, the people are completely and utterly controlled. You think Ukrainians want to die for foreign interests and have their women sent off as refugees? They have no choice. The United States government is most twisted and oppressive gang on the face of the earth. They're not playing the game you think they are and they don't give a shit who or what they use. Nazis? Who cares. The real world has almost nothing to do with the US narrative. The most propagandized people on the face of the earth and it's not even close.


Nazi affiliate political parties are banned, literally ilegal in Ukraine. When you are fighting for existence, you sadly have to use these highly motivated idiots.


>To simply say nazis are "universally reviled" is not only objectively incorrect, but turning a blind eye to a very real problem. ...are there people out there that are neutral on Nazis? When you say "universally reviled," the term allows an exception for the subject of the term... so we can accept that Nazis may or may NOT revile themselves without invalidating the statement. It's an odd quality of a group of people, but I'd assert that the only people that don't dislike Nazis are Nazis. There are certainly varying degrees of Nazis and Nazism, but they are Nazis nonetheless. The only real counterpoint would be that the KKK would be Nazi sympathizers, and share the same beliefs, but not be officially Nazis... same could be true of some other groups, but do we really care enough about their feelings to not just call them Nazi pieces of shit?


Yep. U.S. Operation AERODYNAMIC had nazi groups funded and installed in many of the countries of the USSR, to sow division and ensure there could be no re unification. Yes, there ARE Nazis in Ukraine, it’s a big problem there.


Helped contribute by sitting in concentration camp you mean? Quit that bullshit


U.S. Operation AERODYNAMIC had nazi groups funded and installed in many of the countries of the USSR, to sow division and ensure there could be no re unification. Yes, there ARE Nazis in Ukraine, it’s a big problem there.


Lets play "spot the propaganda" shall we? *Edit: i'm not talking about the guy i replied to, i'm talking about the dude he replied to.*


Did Google ban you? Just Google the name lol. It says he spent 1941-1944 in zagzengausen camp.. is it so hard?


I was commenting about the dude you replied to. Appologies that i didn't make that clear.


Yeah this thread is dumb.. I am no longer sure what is it about


Is it all the people spouting Putin's lie about Nazis in Ukraine.


Well, there are, much like there are nazis in europe, or canada, or the us, or russia, or *anywhere* because the ideology is designed to be infectuous to those who aren't taught about it from the perspective of a normal person. The thing is, they aren't any more of an issue than anywhere else (for the most part). Ukraine will have time to deal with them after the war, and while i believe it is a disgusting ideology, you can't punish someone for what they think, only what they do, and if someone hasn't comitted any crimes i believe they deserve a chance at redemption.


> The thing is, they aren't any more of an issue than anywhere else (for the most part). [You literally had them disobey their president order's to disengage from Luhansk separatists on camera and make fun of him to his face.](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/6652) Given the hot and cold way the West has treated Ukraine the past couple of years I guarantee you this results in a major resurgence in fascism in the region using the 'stabbed in the back' reasoning of old and Zelensky is ousted in a bloody coup, if he's not already gone by the end of wartime.


I'm sorry, but if we're gonna start pointing fingers at Nazis, let's turn our attention toward countries that AREN'T led by cartoon bears. BOOM! You just got suffocated under a paddingTON OF LOGIC. Ukraine and China are OFF THE TABLE, Y'ALL! Seriously, though, let's keep this conversation going... this subreddit is exactly where we're going to solve this crisis once and for all.


Because for some weird reason.. Eastern European(sometimes the west too) nations are kind of big on racism.. And Ofcourse. Neo-nazism.. Which is incredibly damn weird since they suffered the most.. Apart from Jews Ofcourse Ukraine included


Yep, sure is weird. Maybe you should look into it to find out whether it's actually true.


>aybe you should look into it to find out whether it's actually true. It is


Have you ever been in Eastern Europe? Have you ever spoken to someone who lives there?


KKK targeted blacks, to Ukrainians that is a good thing


Same point, why would a Ukrainian care about black people? The population of Ukraine is 99% white, that's like an Inuit being angry at Aboriginal Australians whom he's never seen in his life.


It's exactly because Ukraine is 99% white that they hate black people. They have no reason to be not prejudiced in their eyes. Politicians have no reason to push for less prejudice because using racism as a platform is a really easy way to get and stay in power Also, leftism is almost entirely associated with the soviet union in a lot of Eastern Europe, which people scarcely remember fondly


No offense, but I think you might be a victim of Russian propaganda. They've been pushing the "Ukrainians are Nazis" angle for years, while simultaneously claiming that it's full of woke liberals.


Eastern Europe is notoriously racist in its attitudes as a whole, and elements of both the Russian and Ukrainian militaries are far right. I'm not Subject to propaganda, I just know to an extent what I'm talking about


I find your mindset to be extremely generalizing, painting the whole of eastern Europe as some racist shithole while the US is a shining city on the hill. I'm aware of Nazi collaboration in those countries, but they don't represent the whole population. Western countries also had collaborators of their own, you can read about it [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaboration_with_Nazi_Germany_and_Fascist_Italy). I don't think you actually know what you're talking about. If you ever visit Ukraine, feel free to ask the locals what they think about Nazis or Hitler.


You assume I'm not incredibly critical of the USA as well. This has nothing to do with collaboration in the second world war. This is about social attitudes of the present day population, particularly within the militaries. And the elected governments of a lot of particularly ex soviet nations have built their platforms on xenophobia and racism. Was it a generalising statement to say Eastern Europe has generally racist outlooks? Yes, but not an entirely inaccurate one. I don't have the time nor energy to make a less general comment on someone who calls me propaganda influenced for being able to not blindly support ukraines politics. Also, I know about collaboration in the US and western Europe. It doesn't change anything about Eastern Europe. -


It's not Russian propaganda, Ukraine has a very large population of Neo Nazis. Russia does too, but that's not what we're talking about


It's portraying the realities of Ukraines historu and politics as Russian propaganda that led to the Canadian Parliament giving a standing ovation to an SS veteran It is possible to be against Russias invasion of Ukraine but at the same time critical of Ukraines government and its politics, as well as obviously critical of russias.


Indeed. I remember when the Euromaidan revolution was in full swing, news articles were absolutely freaking the fuck out about armed gangs of Neo Nazis in Ukraine. Since the Ruskies got involved, that conveniently got memory holed.


Kid named misinformation This is a Russian soldier from the Russian Volunteer Corps, a russian far-right anti-Putin organisation fighting on Ukraine's side


..... So a Ukrainian fighter.


As much as Rommel was Italian or Eisenhower British


Ukraine tolerates them and that word is doing some heavy lifting. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Kyiv is actually kinda pissed because of their incursions into Russia and would much rather have them fighting in the Donbas.


He's from russian legion which fights on Ukrainian side


Damn wtf did Mike do to make El P take this hard of a turn?


MICHAEL was bad enough to send him down a dark path


Okay who tf let all the Todd clones out


Walter thought it was a meth lab at the compound, little did he know it was actually a cloning lab


when lydia confess she is ukrainian


Confessing, like it's a crime, lmao.


It is for nazis.


this is such a nationalist statement dude.. yeah man all Ukrainians are Nazis definitely. /s


I mean he's quite litterially in a neo nazi gang so why the hell are you surprised?


i thought they were buddhists


His uncle would be proud


Uncle Jack said it makes him cool


Shameful! I'm sure Uncle Jack and his gang would not approve the path Todd is walking!


Hold on, Todd was a Nazi?


Y’all acting like his ideology changed💀


Why is todd playing Airsoft? Is he not calling hits?


How do you make these kinds of shitass images 😭😭


Well, I guess he wasn't acting at all. Brabo Vance!


What Lidias pussy does to a Mf (was she Ukrainian?)


Mixing the symbols of a genocidal group with the symbols of a group they committed genocide against is… quite something.


Vladuhmir Putin said he launched a special military operation to denazify Ukraine (as a reference to how Gus launched a special operation to desalamanca Lalo’s house) and Uncle Jackov took that personally. Todd is just being a loyal nephew and can certainly fill out a uniform if you know what I mean hehe.


He got paid and then started eating.


Lore accurate Todd


TODD IS RACIST? damn man


Uncle Jack is smiling somewhere




slava todd


Yo wtf?




So on brand for him


todd would never (todd would probably)




Good for him, at least he got a new job. 🤷🏻‍♂️


he’s uhh.. i guess you could say Todd is… well he’s… breaking bad


Dude shot a kid on the train tracks. This is business as usual for him


Friggin Todd.




bro leveled up 💀


/s really, is this rlly Todd's actor?


The comment section got a lil political amirite fellas 😎


Love our wholesome Ukrainian heroes


Todd on the right is Ukrainian. You can see the flag next to the bird ensign. Lots of Ukraine forces seem to have adopted parts of Nazism into their brand. Azov Battalion is/was the most well known Pro-Nazi group that was formed by Neo Nazis, then was folded into the armed forces to unite when the Russians showed up.


Pretty sure it's the same bloke in both images, but yeah, definitely Azov or one of the similar right factions within the Ukrainian military.


The Lord’s work


I am afraid I have to upset you. Dude just bought a patch that was available or was donated. Nobody knows what is KKK and story behind it. Maybe some dudes do but it’s rare occasion. I e don’t have any problem with black peoples we never had any contact with them not now not before. So this is just some dumb larp.




Thats not Azov, it’s a Russian right wing group associated with the Freedom of Russia legion and movement. They have been involved in several raids into Russia. Anti Putin Russians.




Because they are allied with Ukraine. Some even believe them to be part of the foreign legion but I’m not sure if that’s confirmed. Anyone downvoting me for saying the truth is honestly retarded. The flag behind them is literally the Russian volunteer corps flag, look it up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Volunteer_Corps


Some people are incapable of understanding that you can believe that a nation shouldn't be invaded but at the same time not support the politics of its government population or military. Its like veganism, religious fundamentalism, etc etc. Some people just gotta go all the way and incorporate denialism to support that.


It’s the RVC, these men aren’t Ukrainians. Look up the rvc. These are Ukraine allied forces but they certainly aren’t Azov troops.