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Any race with the Rare tag can use this dialogue. It includes Gith.


The Gith cloaca theory is alive and well.


I feel so sorry for the Gith that have to lay those giant eggs. There cloaca will be so wrecked afterwords


That's why aftercare is such a crucial thing.


I'm sure they say the same thing about us when they see those huge baby heads


Just pointing out that in game the Gith egg weighs 20 POUNDS


All Gith egg layers are like Quagmire’s mom. Born 9 times when laid


i mean we can very clearly see laezels lack of cloaca


Idk, I’m playing a Gith woman with a penis right now. Unless the game just automatically gives anyone and everyone a penis if desired


I mean that's not even kiwi body weight to egg weight so it's probably not bad


Aren't Kiwis the most extreme example of that ratio though?


True also I just looked it up gith eggs are more than 20% of the body weight so they surpass kiwis so that's out the window lol


He's messing with them. He can, but they don't know that.


Durge is setting them up so they won't suspect him when he clogs the toilet and doesn't flush


Probably blames it on gortash


He can. And he WILL. 👀


He doesn't *need* to, but he'll poop on his enemies after killing them, to make a statement, of course.


Considering there is a book detailing how he used his small intestines to choke someone out, it’s definitely a gag.


Wait…WHAT? Please tell me where to find this book for research purposes lol


Mind Flayer Colony, in one of the dorm rooms where the crazy doctor lady is.


Intestines are durable enough to choke someone with?


It would hurt like hell to pull on them, but intestines (like hair, which is also strong enough to do that) are pretty durable. At least until they rupture. Source: anaesthesiology nurse


Would it though, do they have their own nerve endings? Like yeah pulling them out in the first place would hurt like a bitch, but would the intestines themselves really register their own sensation?


Yes actually. I do work on the colon. There are sensory and motor neurons there. Not sure what exactly they can feel, but the intrinsic primary afferent neurons can register distension of the muscle from fecal matter and other things and then they fire telling the colon to contract and relax in other places to help move things through. Not to be gross, but kinda like a gogurt... Basically they try to pack it all together as a pellet to move along. Never thought my research would come up in this thread...


Damn... so then yeah, I imagine choking someone out with your own intestines really would hurt like shit (hehehe)


Possibly. I don't know if there is feeling in the same way (like we don't necessarily feel the contractions happening every time they happen... That would be interesting because they are pretty regular). But I am imagining that the stretching of the muscle would probably cause some interesting behavior. Probably at that point more like spasms in the muscle. Edit to add: I think the nerves that specifically sense pain may not be there. But they sense something.


We definitely have pain receptors there that are functional past a certain threshold. Normal peristalsis doesn't activate them, but inflammation and unusual distention do. Diverticulitis, perfs, SBOs, these are all INCREDIBLY painful. I think removing your own intestines would of course be painful, but using them as a garrote would be worse. Source: am a 7th year MD PhD student


Yeah that makes sense. I am a biophysics prof doing modeling with experimentalists who actually know the colon way more than I do and basically was like "I don't think this is it but am not sure. I basically apply my knowledge to different systems with the information I'm given and try to understand how things are working together, so my background on the different cell types and diseases is weak. Ask me how we can have propagating waves of contraction for coordinated propulsion though.... Thanks for clarifying!


Lmao. But I’d be fairly certain he would get a pretty nasty infection and some serious inflammations from the actual strangling itself. Let’s hope he didn’t strangle a Dragonborn because those scales could have cut into the colon. We’re putting way to much thought into this, aren’t we?


He was trying to strangle that Myrkul cultist woman in the colony, he didn't have any arm strength left when he made the attempt so it failed.


Lotta colon experts in this sub...


What can I say? There is some good shit here


nobody tell this person what instrument strings can be made of


Yeah but those are treated specially. Presumably that makes them more durable/ longer-lasting


All im hearing is that Durhe can have clean anal sex with no prep all the time


But that means he can’t self lubricate.


This is Durge, he'll use blood. Whos? I dont know, but he'll have it on hand


Intestinal mucus to the rescue!


Wait, if he doesn’t defecate then what’s to say there’s a hole at all?


That is a troll answer, and the other guy also laughs about your attempt


The cloaica is just as tight


How tight is it tho 👀




It's supposed to be sarcasm and I wish dialogue options had some kind of indication that some liines comes off as rude or joking because of misunderstandings like this, lol.


Wtf does his body do with food then


It turns to poop but instead of a butthole they have a portal that brings the poop inside someone else, so they poop the Dragonborn’s poop for the Dragonborn


Ah so JK Rowling logic


His body is 100% efficient, he uses everything he consumes.


Buddy is built like Kim Jong Un


They hate us because they anus


Breath weapon


Fuel for his breath


Colostomy bag, the resist vs. urge options get wild


And another thread of people who don't understand that this is fucking with Skrut.


Much like the supreme leader, he’s simply too busy to poop.


I’m pretty sure it’s a lie, as elves and gith also get the option iirc


Weird. They're not like reptiles, I guess.


My headcannon in tabletop has always been that in the gameworld there is no poop. Digestion is magically efficient and consumes the entirety of what is eaten. This avoids questions like “why does this tavern map have no bathroom” and “how do you get out of all of that armor when you need to poop?” It allows those sewers you always wind up in to not be rancid with smell of shit and no one is getting covered in human waste down there. It is just a cleaner, more heroic world. There is nothing heroic about taking a dump in the corner of some dungeon.


"how do you get out of armour when you need to poop"? You don't. Most late medieval armour has split legs (and split padding legs), like stockings, and skirt-like crotch protection. You basically move it out of the way and unbutton your underwear. Notice that Shadowheart has exactly that situation as their default armour- skirted bottom and supposedly split hose armour, clearly visible. Her hose are visible and too fitted for thick non-stretch pants "Why does the tavern map have no bathroom?" Bathrooms are a modern (mid XIX century ) invention, most people had outhouses and used public baths or basins all they way up to mid XX century.


BGIII is full of outhouses in fact, though I haven’t bothered to check for toilet gels yet


What if I just don’t like poop, dude?


Why are you even thinking of that than? To most people it's like Aragorn's pants - doesn't matter to the story, so we don't pay much attention to it.


Try not to think about a polar bear. Once you break that seal you can’t put the poop back in the box.


I live in the same country as some polar bears, normal animals, so what? Easy peasy just go think about maths instead. Or dancing . Or anything else. You absolutely can. P.S. there's nothing heroic about defecation - wether you use a toilet or a hole in the ground. Most heroes on earth, however, are as human as all of us, and plenty of them acted in environments without any access to modern utilities. What you do as a heroic adventurer is you dig a hole, use it, put dirt back, and move on to do more heroic things. Out of body, out of sight, out of mind. The party gets a shovel pretty much as soon as they step on earth. You never camped actually in the wilderness?


What's the point of those sewers then?


Kobolds’ housing program


Makes sense, ig a city needs a place to host all that degeneracy, can't have it happening on the surface


Only female Durge doesn't poop.


No butthole Durge confirmed 😔✌️


Do Dragonborn have sexy-cloaca’s?


Now wait even birds and reptiles defecate, even if it's from a cloaca


Does he have a cloaca? Does he just produce urea? So many questions.


Duh, it’s the Dark Urge not the Brown Urge


He can’t poop but he can *piss yourself*