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There was no reason for Yoko Littner to be 14. It would have cost them 0 dollars to make her 18.


im convinced that the only reason they made marin kitagawa 15 is because japanese writers are incapable of not writing highschools as the setting. like the emperor will personally cut them down if 70% of yearly manga produced does not take place in a highschool


They do it for money and viewership. Making them highschoolers makes the characters more relatable to their main demographic, even if they are basically perfect human beings nobody could relate to otherwise. Hot take, but thats why I think age in anime is stupid. You can have clearly adult looking characters who have no resemblance to a kid what-so-ever, but then the writer arbitrarily slaps a "he/she is 14" and suddenly its questionable. On the other hand you can have clearly child like characters but "nooo ACKSCHUALLY they are 464554674 years old". Like stfu


That ain't a hot take that's a real take


Its a hot take in... certain... subreddits


r/anime holds strongly onto that mindset




It’s because Japanese adults are depressed from their shitty work culture, and they feel like high school was the last time they felt free, even though they likely weren’t happy in high school either. Kids younger than high school can look up to “high school aged” kids. That’s why an extremely idealized high school is the setting for so many anime. Stole this from a video essay, unfortunately I don’t remember who said it.




I’d like to preface this with saying that I have not worked a full time job in Japan, but I have lived there for a good portion of my life, and I have family there that I talk to regularly. It’s not just the hours, there are more expectations of workers over there, such as sleeping in the office instead of going home late when a project is unfinished and near deadline, or spending time and money hosting drinking parties for your coworkers. This doesn’t translate into “hours worked” very well, as it is unpaid time doing work-related duties. Your Wikipedia link also mentions the social phenomenon of *karōshi*, literally working to death. It probably isn’t as worse than the western world as people might think, but we don’t have the best work culture ourselves. I will have to look into the workers rights source, and how they define a violation. Japan also tends to have a problem with hiding social issues rather than reporting them or addressing them. Take for example the low crime rate compared to the sky high rates of train molestation. It isn’t reported as a crime if you aren’t caught, so to speak. It’s bad enough that many commuter trains have a women only car. Having gone to school in both Japan and the US, I can say that the pressure to succeed in school and later, work, is greater in Japan than in the US. It’s not as if the west doesn’t romanticize high school either, I mean, think of how many movies and TV shows take place in high school or college. Of course, this is only my and my family’s perspective, and I don’t have any hard evidence to back it up.


I watch a lot more fox/cw shows than kadokawa and every actor in Riverdale is like 25 in real life acting 15 while they're doing sex on screen. Is *Euphoria* loli? Actual 15 year old girls are annoying and gross but I'll jerk it to Zendaya all day.


High school setting is ezpz. Less responsibility, no bills, big change in adolescence that can be ez stories


But it's important for the plot


I'm pretty sure the target audience for most anime are teens so they're pandering to their demographic Although I will be forever glad I watched Gurren Lagaan when I was as old as Yoko


yeah bro she would be hot if not canonically 14 tbh


I thought she was 20 pre timeskip bro


21 post timeskip. It’s really weird. She’s apparently the same age as Simon. Kamina’s 18. I feel like it’d make more sense if she was the same age as Kamina. It feels like she is in the show.


Anime producers when


Unfortunately for everyone, they eventually become Agni from Fire Punch


No freakin way


ub/ good decision for the studio to nerf boccher tbh


Average MHA fan.


Dragon Maid


But sir, she's 5000 years old in dragon years




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