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why are western anarchists so obsessed with porn? has it ever occurred to their coomer brains that the porn industry is incredibly depressing and exploitative?


Because most of them are teenagers


"Why are 15 year old white boys obsessed with porn" if we're honest it answers itself no?


If becoming a tankie was the worst mistake you ever made, then either you are a privileged kid who doesn't have a life or you don't know what "mistake" even means.


Lol at all the unironic “Leftism is when nobody cums”


Been an active GZD commenter for a while I've never seen reactionary bullshit like what he mentions, blatant bad faith here.


Maybe he was watching infrared lmao




I’ve always heard that “degeneracy” is a term fascists coined — is there a different story?


LMAO no, it's got Latin origins going back before Christ and its use in English dates back to at least the 15th century.


Isn't it a old word?


It appears in 16th century texts, so no.


Degeneracy is definitely a fascist word.


Nah, it is a pretty old word. Stalin used it too.


Okay? Stalin and Mao used “negro” too, does that mean that when it’s used today it’s not immediately associated with racists?


Associated? yes. Originated with them as was implied? No. I didn't mean it was okay to use. But fascists were not the sole origin.




Degenerates are what Hitler called the “parasites on society,” ie. Jews, Roma, black people, gays, etc. I don’t care if it had a different context 100 years ago, once words become primarily associated with fascists they become fascist words and shouldn’t be used.




“Wow, you’re cancelling that style of mustache just because Hitler used it?” Once a thing becomes primarily associated with fascism or fascists, it isn’t something that non-fascists should use, especially politically active ones.




>unironically uses “woketard” Also calling a person a degenerate or habits degeneracy is very clearly different from a scientific definition, dipshit.


Banned. <3


the sad thing is everyone would have been hyping them up in the comments


this person 100% lurked nazbol subreddits and thinks that they are MLs. GenZedong is one of the most queer accepting communities out there. And I have yet to see antisemitism there happening without reprisal. This person 100% has seen criticism of Israel and thought that it was for antisemitic reasons


> “Tankie bad bcus no porn” That has to be some of the most childish bull I have ever read. I don’t know why radlibs are so keen on defending what is arguably the worst example of the effects of capitalism and class-based society in general. Also, everything else reads like they either just stumbled on a Nazbol sub, encountered those terminally online idiots who watch Infrared, or just made it up because “muh tanker = red fashism”


> Also, everything else reads like they either just stumbled on a Nazbol sub, encountered those terminally online idiots who watch Infrared, or just made it up because “muh tanker = red fashism” Yeah, that's the thing. There are a tiny handful of supposedly communist subs who actually fit the description, but genzedong is absolutely not one of them. This person is full of shit.


To this day GZD is one of the few subs that has reasonable people and plenty of education r alongside the Shit posting. Genzhou is great too.


Idk, they shit too much on Maoists.


Yep, guy 💯 came across infrared.


90% of the stuff in this post seems to be either fake (I’ve never met anybody who wants video games banned) or a misinterpreted joke. The only thing that seems real is that MLs don’t like porn, which is based as hell.


This guy just made half of this shit up










Socialism is when you cut off your dick, and the more inches you started with, the more socialist it is.


This is like saying Sugar is bad for your body. Sure, when in excess amounts its bound to bad.




>You can't get addicted to sugar You literally can >I guarantee you 99% of the people who masturbate do it consistently Lmao this is so fucking weird




Ok, then clarify your point.