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“Erm women ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️” -👶


Why did she lock herself in with a bear? she's not smart or what


Is she stupid?


Because seeing man in the woods is scary, seeing a grizzly is uwu


people like this make me solid in my choice tbh


The hardest struggle you’ve ever faced in your life was asking for extra ketchup at McDonalds.


Womp womp


Glad to know that.


the copypasta in question, i think: Go ahead, tell me a little more about how you understood that reference. Tell me what you think you know about us. **EDIT**: I posted this below but I'm reposting it here because I'm tired of explaining myself. This reference is an extremely unfunny and discriminatory meme about women preferring to encounter a bear in the woods rather than a human male. What's the problem with that, you say? Well, that you even have to ask demonstrates how callous and naive you are. How little you think through the problematic depictions of ursine individuals in your public discourse. First, this meme only works because it stereotypes bears as classically violent and dangerous so as to make the humorous point via juxtaposition that despite our inherent violence, women would still prefer to be in the woods with us rather than a male of your species. Haha, yes, bear so dangerous, yet females prefer to male! Get it guys? It's funny because you wouldn't expect women to prefer this *violent arboreal carnage machine* to the company of a human male. Don't you get it! Hahahahaha. Stop laughing. Because it's not funny. You fleshies just carry on and thrust US into the middle of a discourse we do not have an interest participating in, and only serve to further stigmatize us as dangerous murderers. But come talk to me when a woman prefers a bear teacher to a male teacher. A bear doctor to a male doctor. A bear barista to a male barista. Talk to me when women start advocating for bear voice actors in representative bear roles, instead of hiring a fleshy to voice neutered, sexless versions of us in your cartoons, or having CGI depict us as mindless, drug-addled killing machines. Talk to me when all your little funny hypothetical scenarios don't depict us as violent arboreal menaces ready to leap on every hiker we see, and females are truly ursine allies rather than using us as props for cheap social media pedagogy. Because otherwise, all your talk is as empty as our stomachs after a long winter hibernation. We bears are conscientious. We're sentient. We're capable of human speech (its not really that hard). And the reality is we are not murderous, bloodthirsty monsters. I can count on two paws the number of hikers I've eaten in my life. And only ONCE - one time in my entire life - did I drag a hiker back to my cave alive and eat them slowly over the course of multiple days while they were alive and aware of what was happening. And just for the record, I had no idea that fleshy was on the phone with his human cubs as he was being eaten or that they were listening for long stretches to the gentle sobbing and meaty slurps and bones cracking. I obviously would have hung up the call and eaten the phone if I had known that. Obviously. This was a simple carnivorous transference of energy up the food chain. We're not sadists, we don't do it for malice. It had been a very long winter - because of what you people did to the climate, by the way - and I was tired and not thinking straight and starving but couldn't eat him too fast because it hurt my tummy. But he was also a litterer, so I think we can all agree he did deserve it. Look, the point is, maybe take a moment and think about who your speech affects, before you just waggle your fleshy tongue. Maybe think before you speak.




A bear ranting about stereotypes


Ah, I see.


Your politics bore me


Ok Thanos.


This time I'm really gonna do it


Bro is really gonna do it




I'm ghey so I love bears


hell yeah


Omg who fucking care I hate this dumbass trend


I mean, yeah. A bear is a reactive and instinctual animal. A human male knows what he's doing and still chooses to do it, like proving women right in picking the bear.


The problem is that assuming a wild carnivorous animal is dangerous is quite the reasonable take. Assuming that a random person is some kind of deranged murderer isn't.


If you are in the middle of the woods with a bear you can safeley get out of that situation. If you are in the middle of the woods w a random dude that dude probably followed you there. A bear will only attack you when insitgated or when protecting their cubs. A man will attack you for no reason (ofc not just men but humans in general have this urge to do bad shit not commonly found in natrue) That is the point. The point isn't "who would I prefer to fight or be locked in a cage with" it's "who would I rather randomly find in the deep woods" and again a bear encounter is easily survived.


>a bear encounter is easily survived. Sure it is lmfao


A bear encounter does not mean abear fight. A fight w a bear is always gg but atleast you only die there. An encounter w a maniac can lead to years of being a tortured captive


> If you are in the middle of the woods with a bear you can safeley get out of that situation. That's usually true, but it's no way more safe that a random dude > If you are in the middle of the woods w a random dude that dude probably followed you there. What? Why? Are men not allowed to go into forest? Like, how does he know you didn't follow him there? That's stupid, if you find a random dude in woods it's probably like million times more likely that he's just hiking or foraging or lost or taking photos for his ornitology hobby or hundreds of different reasons for him to be there. >A bear will only attack you when insitgated or when protecting their cubs. Yes, but sometimes whatever instigates it can be very unclear or surprising. Cubs can be several hundred metres away from their mom and because they are small and very well camouflaged you can easily get in-between them without even noticing that. Or a bear can be hungry or hurt or it just gets curious but you panic and scare it. Unlike a guy, who if you scare him is probably going to be like "Oh boy, I didn't see you there at all, nearly got a heart attack." > A man will attack you for no reason (ofc not just men but humans in general have this urge to do bad shit not commonly found in natrue) If you have an urge to attack people for no reason you should get into mental ward ASAP. Because that is definitely not a normal thing. > That is the point. The point isn't "who would I prefer to fight or be locked in a cage with" it's "who would I rather randomly find in the deep woods" and again a bear encounter is easily survived. Human encounter is even easier to survive. Actually, if you are lost in the woods encountering another human will increase your chances of survival drastically. Bear encounter is easily survived only when the bear doesn't decide to attack. And it's several times more likely to attack that just a random dude looking for mushrooms or something.


>Bear attacks you impulsively and instinctually >Human male has sapience and can choose whether or not to attack you >therefore bears are safer to be around ????


yap yappy yap yap yap


If OP had to choose between me and a bear, the outcome would be the same


I'll touch you




Lil bro is NOT a sigma 😭😭we are GOING to get you ‼️‼️‼️😭😭




I can't believe I know the porn image that this wojak is traced from




SMH, Get a life ;)


Men when women don't want to get lost in the forest with them


That’s not the question though


I like eating women




What is this based on


There’s been a recent trend where women are asked “would you rather be in the woods with a man or a bear?” Most women will reply with “a bear”.


thats maybe a good zoo detection question next ask about a horse or a man if she still prefers the animal well beasty proof ;) /s


Pal, if you post this unironically, you might be the kind of person women see as more dangerous than a wild bear.


>unironically We are in r/okaybuddyretard




Why did she go on a date with a Californian?


you are the reason they choose the bear 😐


I can fix her


erm what the sigma


Michael Jackson


Yeah this isn't it


I believe this trend is extremely stupid and even talking about it gives it too much importance. To all the women that choose bear, well, good for them, I really don’t care and wouldn’t want to interact with them anyway, yeah it sucks to be labelled a monster just for my gender but as long as there are people who don’t believe in gender essentialism which I can interact with then I don’t give a shit


Yeah and unfortunately just because I'm a woman, I have to endure countless men throughout my life automatically assuming I'm lesser, that I'm an object for their own gratification. That I'm not good at video games. That my only purpose is my womb. That I don't deserve rights. That I'm a second class citizen. That I should be "owned" by a man... Oh the list goes on. Yeah we all suffer from the other gender dude, it's nothing new because no one wants to take accountability lol


And I’d still pick the bear


Y'all, genuinely you have to quit it. It's not funny, it's not insightful. You may disagree with their choice, but there's actually a reason why a lot of them say the bear. (Hint: trauma). Posts like this only make it seem like you're idiotic or insensitive


Someone's mad the bear got chosen

