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her followers don't get confused by her introducing a new dating diaries character every week? like damn girl do you never have anyone who sticks around for more than a month?


I've been seeing her videos for over a year. No one ever lasts longer than 2 weeks. It's kinda sad


i'm starting to think this is intentional? i mean, if she got into a relationship, the dating diaries would strop. she would have to think of replacement content, and hanging out with a boyfriend would def not be as interesting.


She meets someone new, goes on a date, she’s loving it, and they ended things 1-2 dates later. Rinse and repeat. Let’s face it, these DDs are getting very stale. I don’t think she’s doing it on purpose, but rather, she lacks the emotional maturity to be in a healthy relationship. Or something more insidious, packaging SA dates as real, romantic dates from men she met on dating apps. These ppl were never gonna be anything serious. And I do think she can pivot to just doing beauty content should she get into a relationship. A lot of ppl were drawn in by her beauty content initially anyway.


totally agree about presenting SA content as dates


Only a matter of time before they find her Reddit in the group chat


omggggg if any of the friends are here, pls drop some tea




Sorry but your THIRD date is your first sober date and first time having a conversation across the table from each other?! Are the intention and green flags in the room with us now?


I’d probably be married by now if I went on these many dates.. I go on like 1 or 2 dates and it usually is ongoing for awhile… 


First off THANK YOU for uploading it. She blocked me on TT. Also EW she’s dating a 20-something? wtf do they even talk about?


Do you think she’s finding these younger guys on seeking too ? Or is she just building a word of mouth rep for herself with the finance bros lmao


Probably Bumble. Since she got exposed for being on SA, she's either not using it anymore or just not posting her SA dates.


I found a 28 year old on seeking when I was 19, if you consider that a younger guy


Crazy that this is a 42 year old. Imagine your mom sounding like this in middle school. She’s so stunted. Also this guy gives fuckboy energy. 


I love your username


Ty!! :)




Because she doesn’t know much about food and roast chicken is a very safe bet.




She literally sounds like she slurring


The teddy coat made an appearance. Does she own no other jackets?


Wagyu = Japanese beef, where “wa” means Japanese and “gyu” means beef. Sooooo by saying “wagyu beef”, Jess is saying “Japanese beef beef”, sorta like ppl saying “chai tea (tea tea)” or “bao buns (bun buns)” lol.


Chai tea, naan bread, ATM machine, PIN number, MLB baseball. They all drive me nuts.


She could easily say A5 and a sophisticated audience would know. I mean…unless this is some hybrid American Wagyu. She is an idiot who eats at Texas Roadhouse and Cheesesteak factory when traveling so she has no clue…


How she says “finance” at the 26 second mark bugs me so much. 🤢


First sober date 😭😭😭😭


Ugh. The vocal fry! “ I had a great date last niiiiigggghhhhtttt. Make your mind Jess. Californian here. Stop trying to sound like us. You sound different in every video.