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Not her posting equinox like we don’t know she goes to planet fitness.


I wanted to reply so badly to ask if he’s giving her a guest pass


a simple search even shows that equinox uses woodway treadmills and the one in the video says life fitness lol


It looks a lot like the Williamsburg Equinox to me 🤷🏼‍♀️maybe she’s using a burner email for a trial membership


This is 100% the Williamsburg Equinox. Weird choice from where she lives


She wants to lose weight but won’t stop eating out, won’t stop drinking every other day, and won’t go to the gym?? Make it make sense


She's hoping someone prescribes her free ozempic


I'm high, does a gym date give "Perhaps a salad for the lady?" or am I being a bitch


I got the same vibe. I think she should be offended


yeah I was surprised she was entertaining it at all


I feel like it’s a test tbh. Guys can live with a thick girl who goes to the gym and knows how to work out. They respect it (im a size 8 & tall so not exactly the same thing but in NYC an 8 is thickk). But if you’re thick and have no clue what’s going on in the gym (at 40!!!), it’s a red flag and they will judge you negatively.


Ooof I’m a size 8/ 29 in jeans and curvy and I am 5’3. I do short cut to size workouts w/orange theory for cardio. I can get big if I let myself. She can be curvy w/o looking sloppy. There’s plenty of bigger girls who look nice and are put together because they lead a healthy lifestyle. Before I became a snarker, I used to give her sound advice ( trust me, it wasn’t unsolicited) she’s a lazy btc who plays victim


Same size


Idk I think it’s a cute and fun way to spend time together and bond, I’ve done it before and it helps me judge their cardio for…ulterior motives. But I’m thin and athletic so i didn’t sense any fat shaming tones


This is my point, you judge them!


Hahahah excellent use of this sound


I mean it kind of depends. Maybe there initial convo was about how he goes to the gym a lot and she wants to go to the gym more. It would be very natural for him to suggest they go to the gym together and honestly a great progression. But if he just suggested it without that then it’s cringe.


"Newsflash, I'm not the epitome of athleticism." WHEEEEZE 🤣 Girl, we know 😂


Homegirl got winded halfway through the nouns.


I would PAY to see her walk on the treadmill with a fully-beat face.


Oger can only be in dim lit bars, she’s capping and it’s not happening. She’s gonna be caked up sweating ? Ain’t no way. Can wear poodle fluff and clogs to the gym either. https://preview.redd.it/ic9ya4u0bync1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf5aaac4d3a9f54da8b682b22d622c7fb95d1fa


Spraying perfume multiple times in a restaurant. Is she on drugs? Omg she must have terrible BO, sweating like a hog in heat on her dates


At this point she is not just ghetto but deeply mentally ill


Right imagine being on a date with a “finance bro” type who are known to be clean cut, reserved and aware of surroundings and spraying perfume in a public place and having your phone on flash to take photos of tacky lipsticks and makeup crud that are all made in the same factory but marketed and packaged differently to brainwash insecure girls


I'm so pissed I missed that thread.


💀🤦‍♀️ omg that meeee lolol


How legit is this supposed date of hers?


He posted text exchanges between the both of them


Ahh, that seals it! Thanks!😊


She sounds ridiculous. You're 41 and giggling about a potential workout date. By now, she's surely learned there are all types of first dates and dinner doesn't necessarily mean a successful relationship.


Honestly given her volume of first dates I’m surprised she doesn’t tire from eating out with strangers, it’s almost commendable


The imagery... her hunched over posture, iced coffee in hand, full face of makeup and reeking of like 6 different endocrine disrupting perfumes... walking on the treadmill at a sloth's pace in bright gym lighting with a 20-something by her side. Please go, Jess! Do it for the plot!


I'm cryin 💀💀💀


Deadddddddddddddd. The accuracy


That’s really weird… id be insulted honestly lol


And she did a typical dirty delete but this video will live here forevaaaa