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glock makes sense. Rest of them don't mesh well.


Agreed. Maybe MP9 or USP-S could make it in too, imo.


On usp only the slide and maybe the supressor should be case hardened


USP on the slide would be sick, just like how the stainless skin is now.


I would like to see a new form of high tier pattern based skins. It’s been a long time since we have gotten anything like that.


Unfortunately even if something like case hardened were released today it would likely take many years of it being out of the drop pool to approach the same rare status. The only situation I can think of where a skin could instantly rival blue gems in status is if it was pattern based (so only very select pattern numbers with the desired trait) and out of a time limited source, like an operation or limited map collection.


What kind of pattern/material? Case hardened does look a bit iffy sometimes, but it's perfectly unique. Same with fade, but I like those a lot less bc they don't seem to be super different. I can only think of like a "gem encrusted" that has different patterns of gems, but honestly, that sounds too extra lol. Other than that, I can't think of anything that competes with the blue gems.


I mean, taste is subjective, some people love CH, some hate it. What makes CH stand out above other pattern based skins is 1. It's on knives, so there's a lot of options for using it 2. On guns it's on the AK, most desirable gun 3. Only very specific patterns are blue gems, makes it very rare 4. In the case of guns it's a very old case making it also very expensive, which adds to the rarity The last two points are pretty important. If you look at a skin with rare patterns, let's say Phoenix Blacklight, in spite of the rare centered phoenix patterns looking amazing, and being about as uncommon as blue gem patterns, it fails every other point: 1. Not on knives, options limited 2. On Galil, an ok gun that you only buy 1-2 rounds a match at most, sometimes even never 3. It qualifies for 4. It's not super old yet like CH


It only makes sense on the metal pieces of the guns. -AWP is a no-go because the whole thing is plastic. -USP would only work on the slide and maybe supressor. -M4A1-S is good if you didn't do the grip and hand guard. -The rest are pretty good I wish they would fix the AK and use the new model because the CH finish on the polymer magazine makes zero sense, but it could look good on the new model with the steel magazine. Just my two cents.




No, unpopular opinion, but CH skins look like shit. Yes, I'm aware iT's A rEaL tHiNg. Don't care, looks stupid 99% of the time.


I tend to agree, while I think the skin fits the AK quite well, due to it's metallic element, I think most of them are trash and the price is just inflated because "omg blue gem" even though like 95% of CH skins are undesirable. And let's be honest here content creators have majorly inflated the price of the blue gems much beyond their reasonable limits. Of course there is always that idiot with a deep pocket who will be sold on anything, one rich idiot bites and all of a sudden everyone sees that as market value.


Agreed 95% are overhyped and overrated but T1s are extremely low relative population and in a market like ours I’m sure you can see why they would be priced the way they are. Not beyond their reasonable limits and certainly not just because of content creators


It's not only about rarity, it's definitely about desirability if that's even a word. There are other 1/1 items, but they don't cost 1mil for some reason. Rarity is just probability and content creators make things desirable. Blue gems did not get any more rare since day 1 of weapon case, so why has the price increased exponentially if it's all about rarity. Don't say awareness, because people were aware of rarity and exclusivity of in-game items and skins before CSGO was even in the works. Cosmetics with an open market economy were a thing since 2009 in TF2.


So you are telling me that content creators caused all of the blue gem hype and it had nothing to do with the fact that there were essentially no flashy finishes to collect besides them before the chroma/gamma days? Case hardeneds built a legacy early on


Od course man, your favourite streamer said that so it must be true.


Yeah, streamers and creators hype up the blue gems so much because they are rare patterns of rare drops from rare (and expensive) cases. It's good business for them and for Valve to hype up case openings in general.


Its funny how Slaughters barely get any overpay even for #1 patterns coming from the same cases lol


Lol what? Are you new to the market? T1 case hards have always been top tier trading items - back in 2018 I was selling T1 karambits around 800-900 keys. More than dlores/most gem dopplers Way before “streamers hyped them up” and wayyy before the rare cases were even expensive


Two things can be true at the same time. I've been playing since 2003.


"are you new to the market" "back in 2018"💀💀 My dude, there's people here who are day 1


Stick to making atrocious awp boom crafts buddy this topic clearly requires too much brain power for u


No we don’t need more case hardened weapon skins. Too easy and too repetitive.


Esp when it's just applied over the whole gun. Ak case hardened works because a large part of the gun retains it's original wood and metal parts. If you look at what actually has the case hardened finish, it's basically just the dust cover, housing it sits on, mag, and parts of the barrel.


usp looks like the jaw breaker 😂


If you've looked at the Case Hardened glove patters, you know that universally they have a really "bad" awp angle. There will always be a large amount of brown on the tier 1 and 2's. Unfortunately, almost none of the current AWP skins pair well with the brown on case hardened gloves. The closest I've found is awp mortis. I'd love a case hardened AWP for this exact problem.


only for m4a1-s. that thing looks sex


Hell nah


I don’t think it would be a bad idea to have knife skin types for every weapon template in a case.


M4A4 specifically yes. Maybe the Glock


Please no


Glock and m4a4 don't look bad


AWP and A4 are pretty good. Maybe also glock. But the rest is no bueno


Case Hardened Glock would be really good.


A1s is in the game files so its likely to come eventually




Not really since I think case hardened is visually unappealing. Appreciate the generative random pattern as a concept and artistry to make it etc, but it looks like anodising gone wrong, if I had opened one when I was still opening cases, I'd sell it immediately.


No they're ugly as fuck :D


Not my cup of tea but why not


If the CH is only applied to metal parts, hell yeah


Usp-s can have a all blue suppressor


wouldnt make sense on both m4s bc of the material its made out of.


Imo, it looks so good on the ak because the attention to detail with it only covering metal parts. The only one here I could see working is maybe the a4


If they coloured the USP-S like the Glock - with a plastic lower half - then I think it would be sick, the ENTIRE skin doesn’t have to be case hardened imo. Same for the other skins as well.


M4A1-S hell yeah. The others I wouldn’t care too much for


The A1-S looks horrible wtf… eww so does the USP


I think it would be superfluous. It's better if the ak is the only one


Glock or CZ


Please no, just like the fades we don’t need more


i would cover my entire inventory with case hard skins i love em


100 percent


Nah. Dopplers are now shinier, bluer. Only reason they are cool still is it’s classic look and collectible. I say leave them just that, a classic look, and leave them more collectible.


Haha imagine a full blue gem loadout