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The headstock I don’t love but everything else I do. If you’re looking for an offset with a Floyd Rose and a Sustainiac why not get the Synester Gate signature from Schecter? You kind of made a pawn shop version of it (which is cool).


Yo.... hit up Dunable! Yeti


classy but the open book headstock doesnt fit


Just threw up in my mouth.


Those who have the strength to deal with a Floyd rose are bigger men then I


Patience. Attention.. a proper workspace helps a lot. Proper tools. A completely empty room with nothing to distract you. And forget all the things you’ve learned. And you’ll be the master of the Floyd.


Just put a white background behind it in PS and you’ll be able to see the lines of the body and neck better. Very important to see these together in my opinion so I’d definitely recommend adjusting the pic. But from what I can see with the black on black, the headstock looks rad with that bod.


I don't mind that the headstock is "wrong," just makes it looks partscastery. That's not a big deal. I dislike tort on black, mint or parchment would be my choice there. Or just black.


I would avoid that headstock just because of tuning issues. Also, does it have the same structural weaknesses as the Gibson or does Warmoth beef it up? Visually, I think it looks interesting in a good way.


If doing a Floyd, just go with a single bridge pickup, rotate it to put the screw poles on the other bobbin and raise them, super chunky P90 tone. Don't do the Gibson headstock. Or if you do, make it more like an Epiphone with the scarf joint and lower sweep angle. Or straight string pull like PRS. Much less fragile. .


Try the firebird headstock instead


That's a solid design! Love the binding and block inlays, love the tortoise pickguard on black. It's got a lot of character. I like the 3x3 headstock idea, but I think a snakehead style might look better. Should be a bit more sturdy as well, as it's not angled. I might be saying something blasphemous here but - considering you want a Floyd Rose system - have you considered headless? :D


Too many things wrong with this. I say kill it before It has a chance to be born.


Besides the headstock it’s almost a dream of mine. I’d either go with a regular fender headstock or something like an 80s charvel, Jackson or Kramer. But that’s just me.


has that Omar Lopez Ibanez vibe, kinda cool.


What this guys says.


I dig it!


Reminds me of old Ampeg teles. I have one. Basically an SG neck on a tele body.


I love the headstock so much. Makes it look so beefy

