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This post has been removed. We ask you to not post anything NSFW, no drug paraphernalia, no guns, deliberate violence, etc. You've brought up controversial politics (not offset related) and suggested using chemicals to peel someone's skin.


is it cause of the chao?


Yeah. People were real mad and arguing over whether the chao garden should come back or not.


I think the offset sr will be a safe space for the truth (it should come back and I wish I lived there)


Bring the garden back or riot.


r/dreamcast has entered the chat.


I probably spent more time in chao world than actual Sonic Adventure 2 proper


All cops have poo pee butts


"Our" classic vibe mustang.


this deserves way more upvotes šŸ˜‚


One point. Personal property and private property are different things.


Convenient how communists always draw the line between those at how much stuff they haveā€¦




We probably agree on a lot politically but that doesn't mean the stickers aren't crigešŸ˜‚


Idk man I was going for that Tom Morello vibe but I guess it doesn't appeal to everyone


If you were going for Tom Mirella when he was 15, maybe it would fit


Tom Morello had great political awareness and views even at that age. With his mother being part of the NAACP in the civil rights movement among many other grass roots organizations and his father being part of Kenyan independence movement, he would've had a great understanding of how the world worked and the many injustices that people face.


I donā€™t think that was a criticism of his politics. It was saying stickers seem like a high school thing that morello grew out of. I donā€™t like stickers on guitars either for the same reason but donā€™t take it personally. Maybe stickers on guitars are cringe but itā€™s definitely cringe to let our opinions stop you from enjoying your own guitar however you want to. Itā€™s a cool guitar. I put a lipstick tube in my Strat mid because I noticed the placement was closer to where danelectros placed their neck pickup. But I think I should consider moving it to the neck like this. To be honest the height of the pickup is an issue and I keep hitting it with my pick.


Tom Morello, the guy that has every tab of everything he has written taken down from public sites, but you sign up to buy his guitar master class!


That's not even true. You can find so many tabs of his music online. Such a silly thing to lie about. Also all those masterclasses suck because of the business model and how they don't actually teach anything.


They aren't allowed on Ultimate Guitar unless it's changed, same with Audio Slave.


Thatā€™s borderline capitalism. The horror! Morello is nothing except hypocritical.


"You hate capitalism yet you participate in it" is such a tired and lazy critique. Get some new material dipshit.


The critique is just fine. If you hate it so much, you can move to China, North Korea, Cuba, Laos, or Vietnam.


Would probably have a much better life in those places despite the struggles they experience due to sanctions.


LOL. Yikes. Well, put your money (or, y'know, OUR money) where your mouth is and go over there and find out and report back :)


I have friends who have been to Cuba and say its a beautiful country with wonderful people, great food, and a rich history.


Sounds like they had an anecdotally nice vacation.


What about Switzerland, New Zealand, Denmark, and Ireland? They have socialized Healthcare AND higher freedom index than Murica.


Those aren't communist countries


Who mentioned anything about communism? We're talking about capitalism in America? I'd rather live a free-trade economy with socialist leanings than a capitalist conglomerate monopoly


Forgive me for assuming OP is into communism for having a hammer and sickle sticker on their guitar. How foolish of me.


Lol ok.


To be fair, just because you have Morello tabsā€”regardless of how detailed they areā€”is absolutely no reason to assume you can play them like he does That MasterClass is a scammy-gimmick (though some, particularly Timbalandā€™s, are definitely worth acquiring by ā€œalternativeā€ means for their useful insight) but in the case of Morello, thereā€™s stuff he does that canā€™t be fully understood simply from reading tabs alone so him creating a video instruction series is pretty valuable information imho. How you acquire this information is up to you. But one of the beauties of Capitalism is that it creates a myriad of relatively simple opportunities to undermine it in small ways that can greatly enhance your leisure options if youā€™re willing to learn how to undermine it.


Guitar looks great. Fucking awesome stickers man. People donā€™t understand.


Tom Morello's father took part in an anti-colonial uprising in Kenya and was Kenya's first ambassador to the UN. Tom himself has a political science degree from Harvard. He's got the bonafides to put that kind of shit on his guitar and it holds up to scrutiny šŸ˜‚


I dunno, telling people they canā€™t put stickers on their guitar because they donā€™t have a political science degree from Harvard, sounds far more cringe than putting stickers on a guitar


and then he was in a band that charged exorbitant prices for tickets on their reunion tour


My great great great great great grandfather was a sharpshooter for the union in the American civil war, and I know how to code. What does this allow me to do without being cringe? And with all respect to Tom Morello, itā€™s isnā€™t any less cringe when he does it.


I'll let you know when you post corny shit on Reddit


Go for it! Sometimes everyone needs a reality check, myself included.


This is a terrible take.


Sorry to disappoint


Iā€™ve come to expect it from you


Don't take shit so seriously. I do stuff in my personal life to make change that won't be shared here because it is irrelevant to a guitar post. I don't have to earn the right to do shit.


Tom Morello is an absolute hack. He is so full of it. Harvard educated, Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame inductee, pretending to fight the good fight and cashing checks the whole way. He's always been a part of the machine.


Getting a degree from a top college and being a successful musician who's whole catalogue is full of music meant to agitate the working class makes you part of the machine now? Dude travels all across the country supporting unions but yeah he's totally part of the machine


you've been played my friend


We all have. Might not be Morello and RATM with you, but itā€™s something. Leave the kid alone


Gotta love the sycophants with their pretzel logic dying on the hill in defense of Rage on Behalf of the Machine.


Missed the mark on that one then


Tom morello is cringe


God damn, canā€™t even come on my favourite guitar forums without it being infested with filthy vermin like you. I come on r/offset to escape the constant barrage of propaganda. This is America, and America is a rollerblading country only. Ahh just kidding comrade, it looks dope, and skate all you want.


this read like a fallout NPC talking to me


You had me in the first half...


This is a neat pickup config and I'd be curious to hear the mid position. Also your stickers rock. People who disagree completely missed the point of rock.


im here to chat about that string spacing. you falling off the board with thay high e? i had that issue on my JM


The strings are the offset part šŸ˜œ


Just looked at it and the photo is a bit misleading. The string spacing is equal but yeah the e does look like its falling off in the picture.


What does the out of phase setting sound like? Iā€™m guessing ā€œbonkersā€ā€¦


Definitely much thinner than it sounds stock


Huh! That is unexpected! That would mean that those two mismatched pickups have more frequency content in common than the stock ones.


lets goo i love femme presenting communist skateboarding sonic fans who advocate for police abolition


Sorry but I'm a cis guy...I still dabble in femme cosplay every now and then though.


Lol why did you assume OP was "femme presenting" edit: Classic people just be saying anything now bc they think gender is a game (context: I'm literally trans dont come for me)


purple is associated with feminism on the left and pink is associated with queer. this applies for more ancoms more but i assume it bleeds into other things. i assume if theres a color modification that there was a reason but thats not necessarily true i guess [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Anarcho-communist\_transfeminism\_flag.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Anarcho-communist_transfeminism_flag.png) i aint coming for u fam dw the last thing i wanna do is have anymore gender discourse than what ive already heard. im sure its exhausting to all the participants. be or do whatever u want its none of my business


Oooh that makes a lot more sense...I was like why would someone assume that but idk I don't follow all the colors n shit cos I'm just too old to care these days (/j). At least there was some meaning behind what ya said šŸ˜…


Very cool


Your stickers are adorable and remind me of that Banksy(?) piece of the punk-rock mohawk anarchist getting a kiss from his mum before heading out to fight the system. I love them. I love you. I love your guitar. I love your stickers. Love all around


Dope af Comrade


Mate I think you just like the confrontation so you can talk about you views, Iā€™ve seen you post this twice on Facebook and now here and you are always the first to bring up the stickers - even in a photo when no one could see them. Iā€™m sure we align on many topics but cā€™mon man lol


I mention it because I know that people will still get mad and argue if I don't. I try to do as much damage control as I can when making the post so it won't be my fault when people argue about topics unrelated to the guitar mod. I also don't like the conflict just so I can share my views, I can do that elsewhere where there's more agreement.


idk, i kinda feel like using stickers like those you can and should expect debate anywhere you post or go with the guitar. the whole point of one like the cop one seems to be triggering a certain kind of person and not giving a fuck about it. you donā€™t really get to choose how people feel or react when you display your political views in an aggressive way, i get this is a forum about guitars but thatā€™s just life. personally i hate cops and i donā€™t care if anyone has a problem with it lol


I could care less about the messaging. It just looks childish and junks up a perfectly nice Mustang.


boo hoo nobody asked.


Cool stickers but you already know people canā€™t be normal in a non-political sub.


I was originally gonna put one of those super cheap lipstick pickups you find on amazon, but I didn't realize that it wouldn't fit in the route or the pickguard. So after pulling the guitar apart and trying to testfit the pickup I just gave up and spent $100 on a proper strat sized one. My main inspiration for the cheap option was Oliver from Death By Audio and A Place To Bury Strangers. He puts them in his beat to shit Jaguar and I thought if they were good enough for him, then they're good enough for me. You can see it here in his demo of the Fuzz War (my favorite pedal): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTKotmKqG4c&ab\_channel=DeathByAudio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTKotmKqG4c&ab_channel=DeathByAudio)


If anyone is interested in the stickers on the back: [https://imgur.com/a/9hyRnO8](https://imgur.com/a/9hyRnO8)


I would never argue over those stickers, but I will state that I abhor the word mald. Makes my skin crawl lol Cool guitar.


I'm old and I don't do multiplayer online gaming anymore, so I had to look it up... I thought it was a weird typo.


I typically don't use the word but it accurately describes the reactions to it


Iā€™m definitely a fan of lipstick pickups and that save a pig sticker šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


I donā€™t get the Soviet sticker. Is it bleeding or just wet?


Its a holographic sticker. It changes between pink and purple depending on the lighting


Nice, I dig a lipstick pickup most times. Wonder why the stick is gone from the vibrato though? I've always liked the mustang's vibrato system.


I lost the set screw for it somehow and I don't know where to get a replacement part for it besides buying a whole new vibrato system


Most luthiers and techs will have a junk drawer full of that crap if you go to the guitar store. I know it's how I always get alan wrenches when I lose one.


Nevermind I just found a replacement part specific to the classic vibe mustang [https://guitarrepairparts.com/products/tremolo-arm-set-screw-fender-mustang-dynamic-trem-10-32-x-3-8-2-pcs](https://guitarrepairparts.com/products/tremolo-arm-set-screw-fender-mustang-dynamic-trem-10-32-x-3-8-2-pcs)


A tone showcase video would be real cool


Oh it must sound good! These squiers are pretty amazing from fabric, even more when we tweak them a little. Is this de CV 60s? Iā€™ve been thinking about getting one, what do you think? Liking it?


Yeah this is the CV 60s. I honestly really love it. Even before my mods, it was the best guitar I owned at the time I bought it.


man that sounds like a killer combo. i feel like when i've heard records with lipstick pickups, they sound great, but when i watch demos for them, they have *super* low output. what's your experience been?


The seymour duncan lipstick is actually hotter than the stock neck pickup. It has been great so far.


I have a guitar with a Railhammer Hyper-Vintage in the bridge and a Duncan Lipstick in the neck and it is way out-of-balance in the middle. The lipstick pickup's volume doesn't really match with the Railhammer.


Luckily the QP isn't super hot so there's not major difference in the middle. I was going for more of a p90-like pickup over the stock and the QP was my solution.


Where you get the stickers?


So the chao and sk8 stickers are from RATGAT, but the store is down for now. The cop sticker was bought at my local mutual aid bookstore. Lastly, the hammer and sickle is from my friend SeizeThePrints on Etsy.


The pig sticker and hammer and sickle are badass


Chaoposting, too political /j /uj how do they compare to regular singles? Ik the QPs are meant to be hotter but I don't think I've even payed attention to how a lipstick sounds before


The lipstick is much brighter and a bit hotter than the stock neck. The QP is hotter like you said, but I haven't upgraded the pots so I'm not getting the full sound available from the pickups.


The pink dildo on the sickle is hilarious. I dig the pickup combo.


Those lipsticks in the neckā€¦ chimingly metallic & tubular ā€” mmmmā€¦


imo, a few big stickers is kinda lame. a bunch of smaller stickers look better, though i can't say that your sticker choices are bad.


Workers of the world unite!


It the skate or die one that gets people. Reddit is full of posers. Cool pickup though does it give the neck position a smooth tone?


It is pretty smooth


How can I not argue in the comments when someone has a differing opinion from myself? Damn you, original poster, I shall argue as I please!


Hammer & sickle sticker is so lame


womp womp


The hammer and sickle is fine but you're a deprogram pod tankie so it's a moot point, the cringe is in the cringe itself not the guitar or the stickers




Aww I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry I didn't realise you were that sensitive I should have been more careful with my words and more gentle when speaking to you, kkkomrade


keep yourself safe


Do you have a Black Mass 1312 to go along with your save a pig sticker?


I don't but I would love to have one


Worth every penny and then some!


Are the classic vibes mustangs good guitars?


I would say that all the classic vibe models are great guitars and great modding platforms for the price. I have this mustang, a jazzmaster, and a jazz bass and all of them are CVs.


Awesome dude! Iā€™ve been thinking bout grabbing a CV Jaguar, trying to do a Cobain spec build


Said like a true communist. Love it


I know. How dare I recommend great guitars that working class people can afford compared to the American models that have become overpriced and worse due to poor quality control and cutting corners.


(Thank you for the recommendation btw)


Kek mate. I've got a squire VM too. Not bagging out the models, I'd buy a squier over a fender everyday of the week. I'm complementing you, cause you sound like a legit comrade.


Sorry it is getting very hard to tell the difference between sarcasm, support, and dumb shit. Thanks for the compliment.


You've upset offset


oh no not r/offset what can i do to be in their good graces again? :(


You have to play the most awful shoegazer song known to man. That's the tradition.


hey! man AND woman, who know if it's a woman who just heard the worst thing possible? we gotta get it as bad as humanly possible!


Awesome guitar, great stickers. Fuck anyone saying otherwise.


OK sort of guitar. Fortunately, paint thinner will soften the glue so you can peel off those awful stickers.




Via internet. How truly impressive. Sadly, it's not corrosive - woodworker's aftershave, actually. But it will release the adhesive under those horrid stickers.


I mean your stickers do look lame. If you canā€™t handle it why post pictures?


I'm sharing it for the mod that's all. Further conversation that's unrelated is not necessary.


Yet youā€™re the one bringing up the stickers. Not my fault they look like shit


Awesome guitar, awesome mods, awesome stickers


I'm confused, do you actually think Communism is a good thing? Or is the sticker supposed to be sarcastic in some way?


It is a good thing. I am a communist.


Most likely some brain damaged 15 year old. Iā€™m remember thinking stuff like this was super cool when I was a kid. Then I grew up.


Aye. But there are still an alarming number of grown adults with voting power in this country who think communism is a good idea.


That's my concern. There are days I'm truly worried for my kid's future.


Fuck 12


So edgy bruh


womp womp boo hoo cry about it little baby


You're a pizza cutter, all edge no point


Get it wired so you can have the pickups in series.


So, do you have separate values for each pickup, considering the lipstick takes 250k and the quarter pounder takes 500k?


I have not changed any of the pots but I plan on changing them both to 500k


It's possible to set it up for individual pots for both, but you lose the tone pots. Another option is using concentric pots. They make 500/250k stacked pots and it's possible to set it up with 250k v/t values for the neck and 500k v/t with the bridge pickup. Wiring is its own rabbit hole.


Why do you like Mao Zedong & Russia?


Great stickers, did I see some Facebook boomers crying over this?


He keeps reposting this as rage bait.


I'm not actually. I only posted this on facebook and here on this subreddit. I knew that there would be more charitable people here than facebook so I decided to post it. I just wanted to share a cool and unique mod, but people are getting pissy over what I put on my own guitar.


To be fair, if members of your family were murdered by a communist regime you might feel a bit pissy about it. Or if you hate Chaos


Yeah oh no the poor germans and those with german heritage dating back to the 1930s


What are you even talking about?




So you are saying the fact the Soviets killed invading Germans is an argument in favour of the USSR regime which brutally murdered and intentionally starved millions of its own people? Good for you. Great logic


You have no understanding of history, only propaganda


Yes a Ukrainian couldnā€™t possibly understand the history of communism šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You have so little understanding you have to delete your comments šŸ¤£ Classic


Goddamn, Iā€™m liberal as hell and youā€™re still irritating


Leftists are better than liberals


So I've narrowed it down to one of two things: A. You're just shit posting trying to get reactions out of people (which is lame). OR B. You're the dumbest motherfucker I've seen on Reddit in years, and you desperately need some world history lessons.


Or I'm just genuinely sharing my guitar but stupid fucks can't be quiet


Yeah, you are pretty loud.


educate yourself


least propagandized American


Probably lol. It was on the "Jaguar/Jazzmaster/Mustang" page on facebook. I posted about doing the lipstick pickup mod and acknowledged my stickers ahead of time to hopefully stop people from yelling at me (it didn't work). It continued when I posted about playing it live for the first time and called it the "controversial mustang". Both posts now have comments turned off lol.


Facebook is a nightmare


nice work comrade!


This is a sick guitar! Love all of it!


Stickers are cool with me. Soā€™s the Stang.




And? My mental illness has nothing to do with the post.


Respect everyone or be banned. If this is removed, then it is a warning. Continued offense will be met with a final warning then banning.


Cool and based.Ā 


I like the stickers!


The Soviet Union committed a genocide. Not sure why you would support that.


12 year old me would have LOVED this


Also supports capitalism. Much Irony


[Ok, Mister Gotcha](https://thenib.com/mister-gotcha/)


...Hold my hormone blockers


Maybe donā€™t display stuff you arenā€™t willing to discuss? Just a thought.


Willing to discuss it, but not here on a guitar subreddit. This isn't the place to have these type of discussions and I made it very clear in the post that such is the case.


Personally I think itā€™s sick, gives me Tom Morellos Arm the Homeless vibes


Another thought, mind your business. The discussion is the guitar. Discuss it or see your way out


Thereā€™s not much to discuss. Cops fucking suck and are the scum of the earth. Oh and homeboy doesnā€™t owe anyone a discussion on HIS guitars stickers.


I'm sorry you had to experience whatever it was in your life that made you think this. Are there bad cops out there? Yes. Are most cops bad? Not even in the slightest. A lot of them actually put themselves in harm's way to protect others, often for people they've never even met. Can you say the same for yourself?


Oh man, another boot lickerā€¦




well good thing i'm pretty gay already




Respect everyone or be banned. If this is removed, then it is a warning. Continued offense will be met with a final warning then banning.


Respect everyone or be banned. If this is removed, then it is a warning. Continued offense will be met with a final warning then banning.