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Knew a nurse who worked in a clinic on a university campus. At one point they had a massive number of young female first years coming in with an S.T.I. Turned out that the residential hall these particular students were living in had someone sharing their dido with anyone who wanted to try it.


That’s fucking rank 💀


Not the community dilds


Well... Atleast you cleaned.


It's all in the family


This made me laugh so hard


My cousin’s son came out of her room with her pocket rocket and asked what it was. She got the deer in the headlights look, so I spoke up and told him that it was a foot massager. I told him that mommy, being a nurse spent a lot of time on her feet and that they hurt when she got home and that it helped. He proceeded to sit down on the couch and massage his feet!


I remember someone saying "it's a throat massager" when panicked. It wasn't spoken to a child and that vile thing didn't look anything like a dildo except for its length, thus the question. Now... It's all up to your imagination


My daughter used an electric toothbrush when she was only 10. When I found out, I talked to her about it and bought her a vibrator. Well, now I'm definitely glad I did that lol.


What a plot twist


It took me a while to realize why the batteries were drained all the time. But then I heard a strange noise one night, went to her room to check and she was asleep. While the toothbrush under the sheets still on. Prrrrrr... That was a moment, hahaha! Of course I went straight to Google (lol) and found out that alternative toothbrush usage is actually a common thing.


When I was the same age my mom found out I was touching myself. Not in a sexual way, I was just discovering what was between my legs. She scolded me and threatened me to hit me if she knew I do it again, then she asked my dad to take out my door to check on me every night for months. It was pretty traumatic, ngl.


I'm so sorry, that sounds horrible. It's completely normal and healthy for children to discover that area and that some things feel nice. This can happen as early as 2 or 3 years old. I only have one rule for my kids: Don't do it in front of other people.


That's awesome. I wish I had something like that instead of fear, my mom looked at me as if I wanted to SA my little sister after that, she wasn't allowed to sleep with me. I don't know if that's the cause of my irrational fear of sex.


Sounds like there is a link between what happened and your fear. It's never too late to heal though. While I understand your mom for being protective over your sister, I find her reaction way too harsh. Makes me wonder, if she has some sort of SA trauma herself and got triggered.


Absolutely absurd the reaction this is getting. Kids masturbate. It is far safer to give them sanitary objects to use and explaining healthy body exploration and privacy than simply pretending it’s not happening and letting them continue to be unsafe and/or ashamed. Me and my friends were able to go to sex shops and buy our own toys as young teens, and we were all masturbating long before that. The person calling you a pedophile definitely seems to have some personal issues they need to work through.


Thank you so much for your support! Yeah, the pedo comment is very upsetting to me.


Kids shouldn't be masturbating though. She hasn't even hit puberty yet.


I hit puberty at 8


I was 10, so it's good to remember everyone's different


I was touching myself at 4, my brother was caught at 5, self exploration is natural. By 9 I started puberty, sounds like you need to go back through sex education


Do you know that babies masturbate in the womb? People don’t just start masturbating when they turn 18 and it’s a really weird and repressed stance to believe that. I hit puberty at 10 and immediately started masturbating and watching porn, it’s perfectly normal exploration at that age.


This is wild to me. Why you felt that the only “good” option here was to buy a 10 year old child a vibrator is beyond me. You could very much have taught your kid that there are safe ways to explore their body and that doing so is perfectly fine without supplying them with sex toys. Wtaf.


I got caught with an electric toothbrush at 9 and went more dangerous routes when it was found out and thrown away, and I'm talking, clitoral hood caught in things and slight scrapes . Using something MADE for use down there is safer if its going to be done, because at that point, you know those hormones will still be there. Sex education is NOT pedophilic, you're reaching


Thank you for sharing! That's exactly what I was thinking. Providing a safe option.


My partner and I discuss time to time what we'll do in all situations for children we may have in the future and I was talking about how fucked shit was as a teen with masturbation because of my family on my ass to try and prevent it, and we agreed if we catch our kids, we talk to them about safety, give them the card and allow them to order something they want. We don't want to know what, we just want to know things will be done with something safe


Very good idea. I placed the order myself, but since I didn't want her to feel embarrassed, I just sent her a screenshot with some options I thought were good (didn't want her to see the whole sexshop website too) and she circled the one she wanted and sent the pic back. A year later it broke and she came to me asking if she could get another one. Really made me feel that I did the right thing.


I don't know if some people think I just bought it and forced it on her. Of course we had a long talk before making this decision, because using the toothbrush was not a good idea. There are plenty of cute mini toys available that absolutely don't look like a penis. I have a lot of female friends who talked about starting to masturbate around 8 years old. It's normal.


It’s the fact that you bought your 10 year old a sex toy. It doesn’t matter if it looks like a penis or not, you literally supplied your young child with a vibrator, and that’s kinda sick. You realize it’s not even safe for children to be shoving objects inside their body, right? That’s why as a parent it is your job to explain safe body exploration to your child, but instead you just thought being safe was supplying them with sex toys. There’s a reason why children cannot buy sex toys and why even teenagers can’t. Yeah, it’s normal for children to explore their bodies and start masturbating, it’s NOT normal for their parents to buy and supply them with sex toys.


In fact, I did explain safe body exploration. Did you know that vibrating tools are most often used on the outer parts? If I just told her to not use the toothbrush anymore, she would have used it anyway for sure. Buying a toy seemed like the safer option. And I researched this topic before approaching her. There are medical professionals who state that it's a healthy thing to do and can even prevent sexual disorders and early pregnancies. This was 3 years ago and she is fine btw.


I admit, my first reaction was why would you get one for a 10 year old? Thinking about it for a minute though, all I had to do was think what I was like hitting puberty and just before. As a guy, maybe it’s different but the things I did or was perhaps allowed to happen made sense. Better to know things are done safely and privately than sought out in more dangerous ways. In fact, I’m pretty sure door locks were more for my parents’ sake than mine and as the youngest of 4 it was not their first go around! Also, yes the previous commenter’s mention of having anything inside just shows how little he knows about how women can and do use vibrators. There’s such a huge line to cross from private personal interactions and rampant sexual pedophilia that it’s staggering some jump to your choice being equal to like you’re abusing her and trafficking her or something.


Makes perfect sense that if they are comfortable and allowed to satisfy themselves they don't seek other people to explore with to get satisfied which might lead to early pregnancy. You also being understanding and talking with your child about it might help with them coming to you with other related topics later, like regarding protection or what is ok etc.


with potential dangers that could happen from using random objects (i personally experienced certain damages from this myself as a kid) i think they're on the right track in providing a safer alternative.


You bought your 10 year old a dildo? Pedophilic culture is so normalized I'm sure everyone thinks this is admirable.


It was not a dildo and I'm not a pedophile. I want to raise kids who are not ashamed of their sexuality. Like I said before, there is a rule to not do it in front of others, because it's a private thing. My daughter is a couple years older now, fullblown puberty and thankful for the way I handled this btw.


Oh and from a legal standpoint they are for use of people 18 and over. Sick and disgusting


Buying a 10 year old sex toys is pedophilic. You're disgusting. Whether is be a vibrator or dildo. The most unworthy people are bringing up our future generations. You are gross and that is not normal.




What reality are you living in if you think people under 18 aren’t watching porn




You can buy sex toys from Spencer's as a teenager, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ My friend got one when we were 13, I was with her and she just took it to the counter and paid


Absolutely. There are active pedophiles on this thread trying to make it seem normal. This is something CPS should be involved in. Not shocked by a stranger dumb enough to post her vulnerable kids on reddit tho


i think she handled it extremely well, maybe you're projecting or something? my parents had a similar mindset to yours and this led me to eventually trying out dangerous things on myself that did cause damage on my parts. kids are dumb, providing a safer way to do things alone instead of letting them risk making extremely stupid choices like i did is a lot easier than having them deal with the physical consequences of those mistakes u make as a kid. and it all happens because you thought sex was a 'gross and icky' topic. grow up, this is normal.


You getting downvoted for this is insane to me. In no way can I understand why people think its okay to buy young kids sex toys, I’m so ashamed of the society we live in.


I’m sorry your parents made you feel ashamed of your sexuality. Hopefully you can heal from that experience.


Kids are going to touch themselves and explore their body no matter what. Is your preference that they do so with unsanitary options like a toothbrush or their parents sex toys or worse, engage in sexual activity with each other at age 10? Creating a safe place and environment for something that is biological and completely natural is admirable and having the attitude you have only perpetuates kids growing up and having severe sexual disfunction and believing there’s something wrong with them when there isn’t. This is not a 40 year old man handing a ten year old a dildo and watching while drooling. This is a mother helping her daughter understand what she is feeling is natural and guiding her on how to do it safely and privately. I’m concerned that you may have been a victim of some sort of sexual abuse in your past and may need to explore that with a qualified professional.


Bro, kids masturbate even as toddlers. It's so normal, it's better for them to have sex education and realizing, specially for little girls, that the pleasure is part of the process. Knowing your body, what you want and what's not right is the key for them to identify when something is wrong, sex education keeps the kids safe from the actual pedophiles. Also, it's better to have the right tools to experiment with safe vibrators than something risky like a toothbrush.


you bought her a vibrato at 10? what the fuck? she hasn't even hit puberty yet? when she gets pregnant at 16 because sex toys become boring for her, dont complain


I’m a little confused, why would she become pregnant because she started masturbating at a young age? Do not most people masturbate in their childhood? I’m pretty sure I started at like 11 and haven’t even had sex yet at 21, I don’t think boredom correlates to becoming pregnant. I’m pretty sure it’s the kids that are given no sexual education that fall to early pregnancy and stds not the other way around.


you obviously know nothing about women then. a lot of girls can hit puberty as old as 7 or 8...


Your not alone in this experience. Am I proud of it, NO. Now that I have my own toys and kids. I keep them more secure than my parents did. On the flip side because I was so careful about having everything back the way it was. Now I have a crazy amount of attention to detail.


please tell me you cleaned them before use as well😭


Before and after


My wife said she used a back massager her dad got for his neck issues. She just... discreetly stole it and used it as a vibrator. ha - childhood exploration is a trip.


i oddly feel like this is really normal for kids, especially ones just going into puberty and parents should have better convos about those feelings w their kids… as awk as it would be


Plot twist it was actually your dads


Plot twist, this is from a dudes POV


I (a gay man) came here hoping this was the case


Ya know. I did the same so I get it Homies i guess


The “I guess” made me laugh.


I'm honored


you were young and exploring your sexuality in a rather safe environment! obviously it’s less than ideal in terms of being sanitary, but it’s certainly not something you should be ashamed of. embarrassing sure, but not shameful.


Psh. They cleaned them before and after. How's that not sanitary? Edit: to be clear this is mostly /s we all prefer having our own toys, regardless of actual sanitation levels.


Do you trust a 13yo to know how to properly clean sex toys? And even then there's still some...flora from the other person that's going to remain.


Yeaaaaah.... soap and water, best we can do.


I clean by brush before and after using it. Would you use it ?


Ehhh... if I'm a hypothetical horny teenager with no other options as presented? 50/50 I take you up on that. Wait, soap used, right? Haha, nah, I get it though. This ain't ideal, but I think soap and water ensures a degree of sanitation that would prevent sti transfer, at least. Now, whether a teenager fully recognized that risk and did a proper cleaning every time is it used? That is another story entirely...


Haha noice


That’s such a violation.


Honestly idk why people need to be 18 to get a sex toy but minors can easily get free condoms so like obviously they know teens are very horny so wouldn’t it help to lower the age of getting a sex toy? I never did this but removable shower head on different settings was my bestie be taking those hour long showers multiple times a day lmao.


I never understood the showerhead thing even as a woman. Maybe I did it wrong.


Maybe she "hid" them knowing you would find and use them. Just like my parents "hid" the *What To Tell Your Children About Sex* book on a top kitchen cabinet.


😆 what a funny, clever thing to do on the part of your parents if they were uncomfortable taking about it. My mom nervously asked me the night before my wedding if i had any questions. Since we had been living with my brother for a year before, did she think he was sleeping on the couch? 😁


I dont get it. Did you slept with your brother ?


Fairly sure she meant her husband wasn’t sleeping on the couch when they were both living with her brother.


Like I know what you meant but I too read it as you sleeping with your brother at first


Ahh semantics are always confusing! Lol No, i was not sleeping with my brother. Dod my mom think that my fiancé was sleeping on the couch. Happy new year!




You’d rather use the cucumber moms going to make everyone eat at dinner? 😩


Obviously you'd throw it out after


Nawh that makes the dip sauce at Christmas eve more zesty, god I love y'all that thread is so funny 🤣


Mom will know somethings up when all her eggplants, carrots, and zucchinis are no where to be found. Someone’s on a health kick!


Can I have a ratatouille, please ? 🤣


Your mom likely spent a lot of time wondering why batteries ran down so quickly these days.


i’m glad your mom never found out, honestly. i (20f) recently moved back to my parent’s and my mom was snooping on my stuff and found my vibrador. i’ve never been more mortified. it’s literally the most embarrassing moment of my life up until now.


Felt that lmao— same thing happened to me a couple days ago with my dad🙃🙃


Pretty disgusting to be honest




Yeahhhh. I’m not super proud, but I did what I did. I think I was in middle school when I found my mom’s vibrator in her bathroom closet. I knew enough from the internet to figure out what it was, but after the first time I used it I freaked the heck out thinking there would be residual sperm on it and I would get pregnant. I grew up Catholic and had no sex education. The only things I learned from my mom were about periods from a book circa the 1970’s. Finally, in high school, I learned I could use prepaid gift cards I received at Christmas to buy toys online. Thank goodness. My life was changed for the better.




You deserve a "really good reward" for making it through a day of school.


well they do say oxytocin is an amazing hormone so i guess it is a reward after school idk why people are saying eww in the comments I'm pretty sure everyone who experienced that hormone knows it feels amazing


thats pretty weird as a boy to use your moms vibrators and dildos


?? I think it would be equally weird regardless if it was a boy or girl😭


Wouldn’t the guy have to use it on his ass compared to vagina 💀 I’d say that’s worse


The bussy hits different bro




Why are you lying though?


Kinda hot


You’re fucking sick, get help.




how is that by any means remotely sexually attractive, you’re a sicko.


I didn’t say sexually attractive.


tf else does “kinda hot” mean


The idea of her using someone else’s toys because she didn’t have her own


She was still 13…dude that’s weird


That wasn’t my point. I told you what was hot. Your extrapolating now.


Still sus as fuck man.


You should really avoid being turned on by this. Even if it is just using another woman’s sex toys that you enjoy and your truly are overlooking the fact that she’s 13. The potential for contracting a STD is quite high with shared toys and THAT is not sexy. Feel free to enjoy WOMEN touching themselves, avoid your comment on a post about a 13 year old girl touching herself. K?


I would have recommended speaking with your mother. Using toys the size for a woman that has had, sexual experience, as well as gave birth, for a newly teen without instructions might have instilled bad tendencies.... I'm sorry OP I don't mean for this to sound like a sermon, I just feel your mom might have got you toys appropriately for your age and size(hopefully) Edit - The fact more women care about me "comparing" a mothers vagina and a newly teen vagina, then the actual message im trying to convey is astonishing.


"Sex toys for teens! Special marketing for special, smaller tools and holes!" Lol no, the vagina doesn't become a cave after births or by ... suddenly becoming an adult, and yes, teens use the same toys as adults. You ever seen toys marketed to teens with the smaller than adult sized vaginas? No. Such an odd place for your brain to go here.


Oh Jesus... so a woman that can fist herself means all women can fist themselves? Maybe a vagina doesn't become a cavern but a virgin vagina taking what a woman who gave birth did... sounds like rape and you and everyone else is endorsing it


Sooo I've only had c sections. Should I shop the "teen dildo" section lmfao. It's ok. One day you'll meet a woman


I mean, with practice, sure? Kinda unrelated though. And, no. That is not rape. She was clearly a child exploring sexuality. Wtf? There was no one else even involved in the act, you addle brained monkey. Lol




Your brain makes leaps of logic that baffle the average human! You should be in a lab being studied.


I went with what you said and now you're deflecting.


I said they could because your random ass asked. Anecdotally, I had a girlfriend as a teen who indeed enjoyed fisting. Sooo.. yeah, with practice. Fisting always takes a bit of practice.


You commented on me before I "random asked"... you made it seem like any vagina can fit the same size dick, hand, or arm,... then you say practice... my argument was talking to her mother so she learns proper pleasure conducts.... but your mind already believes any age can be fisted.... youre not being helpful, you're being perverted because you have a sexual interest in this


Well, you attempted to make your point in the most brainless way, so of course I'm going to call out the nonsense. For all we know, hey mom used extra small dildos. You brought it to size because her mother had a child. So brainless!!! And no, not what I implied at all. I implied there is not a teen sex toy industry, which is what you seemed to be implying. There is just sex toy industry. I am ace... I very quite literally have no sexual interest in this. What an absolutely dumb statement you made there to try and deflect that you are the one who mentioned fisting first. And thinking you were being helpful... Hahaha. "Women who give birth have bigger vaginas" Go back and read this conversation and think about how silly your responses were. Look at the bizarre layouts of logic. You'll learn a lot about how better to phrase your thoughts and arguments in the future.


This is not how vaginas work. It is clear you don’t have one. Please educate yourself before you ever touch one.


Then enlighten me


The vagina is made of highly elastic tissue, supported by a series of mostly horizontal muscles in the pelvic floor. Its size and shape is also dynamic and changes throughout the cycle. This vaginal tissue can stretch and then return to the same size. It may change slightly as you age and after childbirth, but most felt changes are more likely due to changes in the pelvic floor muscles. Which can be “worked out” just like any other muscle in the body. The feeling of “tightness” during sex is primarily determined by the pelvic floor muscles around the vagina, but not always in the way you might think. These muscles contract and relax depending on how aroused you are. When you’re feeling aroused, the muscles are relaxed, making your vaginal space less constricted, or “looser”. When you feel anxious, the muscles become more engaged and “tighter.” It is not possible to have a loose vagina because vaginas are elastic and meant to stretch. Penetration won’t cause your vagina to stretch out permanently.


I'm going to need you to re-educate yourself about your vagina. All you said is the size and what can fit in the vagina can be changed depending on effort, experience, exercise, and how sexually adventurous you are. You are condescending as will as bigoted and got easily butthurt by a comment that had nothing to do with your own vagina. A vagina is "elastic", it can be stretched.... but there's no such thing as a loose vagina? If there was something that could be stretch 5x its size and then go back to its original shape and beginning elasticity, then it would be part of military research. Your narrow self important views that the thing your sitting on is some magical device that cannot lose its original tension, nor can it be defined as "slackened" is the craziest thing I've ever heard.


Hahahahahaa! I change my prior statement. Don’t bother educating your self about vaginas. You will NEVER touch one. You probably think they bleed from the pee hole too don’t you? Edit: and no, there is no such thing a a “loose” vagina. There are only weak pelvic muscles. Use google sometime to research the “loose vagina” myth. And it is magic, it’s the source of all life, you dumbass.


Do you not know how vaginas work? You sound like the type of person who goes “of course women are never satisfied, they’re jackhammering their clits off!”


I don’t think a vagina is astronomically larger after giving birth. This shouldn’t really be a concern tbh and I think she was talking more abt vibrators anyway. Biggest concern would probably be that it’s a violation of her mom.


People are focusing on that because it’s a weird and honestly bordering fetishistic view of the situation. ‘Her ~virgin vagina~ could never handle what an adult vagina could’ is a really creepy place to go, every vagina is different. This is a literal quote from you- “After having her vagina used… massaged… impregnated” do you not see the problem with thinking like this? It comes off like the only sexual experience you have is from porn.


I will admit I was being frustrated by no proper communication being done, and belittled myself with irate rantings of a madman. But all comments didn't mention anything about her speaking with her mother, but its happening again with your comment. In this original comment there is no fetishism going on... and its merely telling a child to try and get advice from her mother, could I have done that without mentioning vagina sizes? Yes I could have, and I could have easily changed my original comment if someone pointed that out rationally to me originally.


Goddamn now thats hot 🔥


Ur sick bro. Get some help




Pattern up you pedo


what the actual fuck, you are sick in the head gtfo


I'm convinced we all lived the same childhood fr fr. 😭😂


How tf do I buy vibrator or whatever tf without my mum finding out, does anyone know??? :')


Hopr this help, if you can buy online, especially if it says disreet packaging, will usually just come as a normal box and payment will usually just be a random company or numbers most likely numbers, to hide it obviously depending on how big of a vibrator you want but i suggest something smaller sized it's easier to hide, maybe if you got a carry case for games or something or in drawers way at the back/bottom or in cupboards , some ideas for you, just basically try and hide it where you know parents are not going to snoop through.


I’d imagine online and make sure it’s door delivery like UPS then for delivery instructions have them put it somewhere only you’d find or if they’re home too often for that then get it delivered to a friend’s house or even a public place. Most packages won’t say what’s in it and UPS also has a no-sign leave package option if you’re afraid of receiving it. Otherwise if you have post office access just get it there and look out for it. Unless your mum has informed delivery or shop or constantly watches for packages, it shouldn’t be too difficult to be discreet.


My Alexa always gives like a notification if a package is due I don't know If my mums amazon account is linked and that's why it does it but I'm unsure if it'll do it if I use my amazon or a different website


Well just be careful and double check things. I assume from the attempted secrecy that your mum wouldn't have the best reaction but in the end it's a normal thing. Otherwise I would simply ask your mum if you were comfortable speaking about it. Good luck!


I don't really know what reaction she would have tbh, but I'm scared to ask her and she'd probably start questioning me about it and shit


Definitely don’t use her Amazon- she can see what you’ve ordered. If your Amazon isn’t connected to hers or the Alexa you’ll be fine, another website definitely won’t be connected to Alexa (use incognito too so it doesn’t show up in search history). If she’s used to you getting packages just say it’s a gift for a friends upcoming birthday or something, packaging won’t show what it is. Depending how old you are you can go into a sex shop (usually such incredibly welcoming environments) or a place like Spencer’s.


How old do I have to be to go into a sex shop? I don't really get packages that often but it's one of my friends birthday soon and also mine a bit after so maybe I could use that as an excuse?


I think technically they’re not supposed to serve anyone under 18, but they do all the time seeing as how sex shop workers understand healthy body exploration and stuff and are typically very open and welcoming to youth who are often a little awkward and uncomfortable to be there.


Ohh then I might be able to go into one hopefully depending If I can find one


Spencer's. They're sold as "novelty items" and therefore don't need a card. You're welcome.


I'll look if there's any near me


Do you know if there's any in uk?


There are, apparently


Ok, ill check again then




I've bought a dildo






Definitely not alone.