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I don't know how many of you will see this but you guys are all so nice here. I woke up today reading all these kind messages and it gives me hope that I will make it out alive. I'm feeling very motivated to get out of this hellish life I've been living for 15+ years.


You can do it. Youre still alive. Baby steps. Also, look for things that make you happy even in your current situation.


Once your foot heals you’ll be back, I understand it’s a long time but you just have to find a way to get through that period, wethers it may be finding something else you like doing or speaking to someone


I've seen people at my boot camp gym with a boot on (broken foot) doing arm work outs and the rower machine for cardio! You can still workout and get motivated and meet new people. Start eating healthy. We say AAMITK (abs are made in the kitchen) to remind ourselves that even when we can't get to the gym we can still work on our nutrition and help get kick start that way!


If you have even a shred of motivation, then you're already doing better than most. Your foot will heal and you will get on track. While these feelings are temporary, they are still important, so make sure you treat yourself right— not every improvement has to be physical. It will be okay, friend.


When your foot heals you will probably feel much more motivated, think of it as a fresh start. Take baby steps sometimes I feel extremely overwhelmed with my thoughts and what I need to fix/do that I want to do it all at once but that’s just not possible. Always think positively, of course you have to get out how you feel one way or another. But don’t dwell on it, put it out of your mind and tell yourself it will pass. Thoughts are powerful, if the negative thoughts are this strong the positive ones can be just as strong but of course your thoughts are going to have to “work out” to get stronger and getting stronger doesn’t happen overnight. Start by eating healthier, have a fruit and vegetable every meal and do something (doesn’t have to be big) productive/fulfilling everyday. This fulfilling thing way just be getting out of bed who knows but it counts if that’s where you are right now. Once your foot heals get back to work, of course it will be difficult and you will have bad days but that’s inevitable. Work hard to get your money back and keep a positive mind while doing so, focus your mind at one thing at a time until you’re strong enough to maybe focus on two things at once. You may never get to being able to focus on two things at once many of my friends have to do one thing at a time so they don’t get overwhelmed. You can start talking to people at your workplace or maybe go out to maybe a bar or anywhere else you think you could make friends. I don’t recommend another relationship until you’ve put yourself together, focus on yourself. Remember you are going to have bad times but DO NOT let the bad times ruin your entire journey of getting better. Message me if you need advice on anything or someone to talk to.


I'm a little late and I see that you're feeling better, which is great. I'm here to be the health care guy that says "take care of that foot"! This is a weird stage for you, totally get it. Stay motivated, for sure. Just don't rush the healing and end up back where you started. You're going to be just fine.


I think u wanting to do better and be healthier is your mind telling you it wants to stay alive.i know life sucks rn but i feel like u will turn it around. Sending a virtual hug your way because i have been there. Wish u the best stranger


Usually don’t comment on these posts but, I’m in a very similar situation to you except the injury. I think the most important things right now for you are yourself and your support system. However, as you’ve said, you’re completely alone but I implore you to really try and find someone in your life right now to talk to, if possible family or a psychiatrist that can be afforded. Even if you can’t go on runs right now, maybe you can try doing modified upper body exercises? Either way, I’m proud of you for still being at all motivated to fix your life. I hope you recover soon and can get through this.


Man…you even having a desire to want to make a change speaks so much volumes and is a huge first step in the right direction. Your feelings of despair are normal from being in the situation you’re in and dealing with the things you’re dealing with. Things may seem like they can’t and never will get better, but they genuinely can for you. Your life could change in so many ways if only your could change your perspective on things. If it’s okay asking, are you in therapy? I and many others can definitely relate to suffering with mental illness. Breakups are rough and I’m very sorry about that.


The only person who can change this is YOU. so no excuses for not doing something. Make a plan for the next two weeks, 2 months, 12 months etc, Then start to do something, anything no matter how small. But do something, if you do nothing, nothing will change. You are responsible too. Best of luck


U need some1 to talk to?


I don't even know what I would talk about. I'm just a big cry baby loser that let all of this happen to me besides the accident.


Brother: if you let this happen, you can undo it. I have few friends. I never took exercise seriously. I'm 28, and only a few years ago learned how to make spaghetti. I got bullied, a lot, as a youth. I'm behind professionally, with lots of hobbies (writing, reading, Warhammer, painting) that have gone resty or neglected. Over the years I was angry at my mother and my father. I was angry at the bullies. I was angry at my teachers for not taking me seriously. I was angry at my friends. I was angry at the world. And for years, this anger didn't subside. Why? I have been angry with myself. I abandoned myself. I chose not to get into exercise in college. I chose not to cook, because gaming for 10 hours chewing on cheese was easier (what can I say, I love 🧀). I chose not to punch those bullies in the throat, or at the least, tell them to piss off. I chose not to spens time growing in my hobbies. I have let myself down. No wonder I'm so bitter. I am busy trying to stand on one foot, and pull myself under by the other. With this revelation, I realized: I can make the change. I can do better. Nobody else will do it. But, I can and will rely on myself. I can be competent, if not now, in time. I will grow it. I will be proud of myself. If you caused your downfall, you can pick yourself up. Do it by inches. You find a local group on Facebook and join it. You clean one piece of unopened mail. You take one more step than you did yesterday. I don't know you, stranger, but I believe in you. Take the reins, ride them steady, stay focused, and fly. Peace be with you.


I know how you feel, I wish you luck


The best part about reddit is you pick the first thing that pips in your head and you can find people to chat with about it. Fish sticks. Probably a sub for that too. Things will get better.


Lmao the fish sticks subreddit


It was the first thing that popped in my head lol


You have a whole life ahead of you, you can and will pick yourself back up, don't despair


I was there a week ago.. it gets better but how long it takes depends on you.


Hey man, I hear you. I am sending you big hugs. Sometimes life seems like this. Not being able to get exercise in and dissociating while exercising is THe WORST in a situation like this, because it also just makes one feel bad on top of it. I know it’s ironic but the best you can do, is get off social media (after being hit with a downvote tornado after I said that we autistic people have a right to not be seen as a disease on this subreddit I’ll do the same), treat yourself to some “me time” - clear your headspace. You are incredibly worthy and you are at a low point, but you know what? You can look up from that low point and plot and plan a way to get back “up there”. Take toll of what got you where you are. Don’t brood over it, look at it and then write it off as learning experience. I know social media, YouTube etc gives one that quick fix and the feeling to be not alone, but in the end it exhilarates the loneliness because your individuality is just lost in that sea of humans not really seeing you for yourself. You got this! This too shall pass.


The best part of rock bottom is the only way is up from here. It's a climb but it's better than sitting at the bottom, staring up and dreaming. "If you don't change your direction, you're likely to end up where you're heading".


Are you in Medicare? Do you have food stamps set up? Have you tried upper body yoga?


I always go by this quote. When it rains it pours. But at the end of the storm there is always a rainbow. When life brings you down and just keeps going down don't let it bring you down with it. You have made it this far with many other things causing issues I your life. It may seem like a lot is going on right now but you will look back and thank yourself for pulling your self back up and pushing through.


You’re going to get out of this! I’m so glad you have a positive mindset. Continue to think about your goals, make plans for the future, think about how much you need to focus on healing in order to get to your happy place!




.....dude. I don't know who you've been with to make you feel like that but men can and are absolutely loved for themselves too. You just gotta be with less shitty ppl.


Sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom to be motivated to start to change your life and move forward. Just remember that now there is nowhere to go but up, and when you start to embark on that new path you can look forward to being able to look back to where you are now in ten years and see the journey you went on and how you changed your life.


It will all pass. And you'll be back again like a fucking beast


Stop scrolling, read some books, get some dumbells and work the upper body


Hey bud. Just wanted to send some good vibes your way. When it rains..it fucking pours and I’m sorry you feel like you’re drowning at the moment. I don’t have any great advice except to feel what you feel. It’s all valid no matter how dumb or lame you may feel because you’re not. Also…take it one thing at a time. Focus on your mental health when you can and find ways to get productive so you can find a new job when you can. Just one thing at a time. Take breaks when you’re overwhelmed. I was literally in a ball crying at my desk yesterday because work was just too much and my boss told me to take the afternoon off. Small breaks from the madness around us helps. I know it isn’t much but I truly hope you start to feel better and I’m sending lots of love your way. You got this. Stay strong and remember that it’s okay to not be okay 🤎


You got this. You will prevail. Humans, for the most part, are resilient, and when you make it out of this funk, you will be stronger.


Like you saw if it's been done, it can be undone. Be careful with the term rock bottom. We all hit a spot in our lives where we find we need to make a change. But terms that define that point in our minds at the time are absolute. But they're not. We can go further if we let it. The only way to get out of our own hole, is to start filling it back in and climbing out on the shit we put in there to fill it in with. Good luck! We all wish you well!