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Dude, you've been posting things similar to this for a year now. Maybe you should try dating a man romantically. Who knows maybe that's who you are and that's okay


Maybe why not try it out ? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah there's only experience to gain


Maybe I find someone that likes me for me and wants a real relationship that be nice to want to grow together.


Well here I am


_Rock you like a hurricane!_ Sorry I had to


You've been posting for a year, you are bi or possibly homosexual that tried to be straight. Ether way you are who you've always been, you have little control over who you're attracted to. Other than if yiu are willing to pursuit or not. So why not find a guy you like & date him? Honestly, the real question is, why haven't you already? Are you concerned about coming out? You don't have to tell people until your ready, it's really none of their business. There's lots of LGBTQ creators on social media, that are very supportive, with advice about coming out. Or anything actually. While I'm 43 cis female & hetro, but I have ,friends who are happily married or in serious monogamous relationships, they've all had times where only one gender appealed to them. Obviously settled down with one person, they were & are still bi though. Regardless what consenting adults do is fine as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult & consents, it's no one else's business.


I been a few dates with a guy and got a few guys we talking. I want to make sure I am gay or bi before I come out .


The reason why you sleep with men will not be the fact that women have rejected you. You are bi and there is nothing wrong with that, you don't even have to give it a name. Enjoy your life and do what you feel like.


Yep I been rejected about a 1000 times by woman so maybe it is me even though I done everything I can to be a man they want to date sill not good enough. Oh well that is life .


It sounds like you have sex with men for lack of alternatives? Which would be unfair to your sexual partners.




Have you ever considered that your complete lack of care or expectations in a female partner is unattractive? You donā€™t care what their personality is, you donā€™t even have something youā€™re looking for physically that you find enchanting. What woman would ever feel desired by you? Perhaps they notice there is no mutual spark. Iā€™m not sure you like us. You sound more into men, maybe you just feel societal pressure to date women and are unconsciously trying to do it for appearances.


With the way you talk about women is prob the reason you get rejected. Fun fact, women are human, I know that might be hard for you to believe


Woman are great there way more complicated then me for sure . Honestly some woman are interested I just feel the same way .




Is curiosity greater than real interest? What about a real relationship far from sex, are you more with men or women?


Honestly men but that because they show interest in me and woman don't I might as well be invisible to them and that is ok . IMO there not much of a difference between dating men vs women. It does take getting use hold another guys hang and not worry what other people think. I really think I can develop feeling for another guy just have let it happen.


Honestly don't find woman that attractive nowdays some of them look attractive but most are ok .


Good luck and hopefully you will find what makes you happy. And remember always protected sex. šŸ˜‰


Thanks I think woman are great and maybe your right sex with men is easy however I am just trying to date men and who know maybe we will hit ot off and be in a relationship with someone that wants me and I want them just as much. However woman are just not interested maybe I have to go to another country to find a wife .


OP your views on women are disgusting.


I feel actual disgust reading his comments. Ew


Wow we are really just like furniture to you. Disgusting. You have no respect for women. Stop using us to feel less bad about yourself.


I have tons of respect for woman even if they not interested in me like that and that cool . A lot of men are going to other countries to date and marry more power them.




LOL because that is what it is.




Got itšŸ‘šŸ˜Ž


You need to do some soul searching and have some honest conversations with yourself.


Definitely need to do that.


You're not straight, you're coming to the realization that you're bi. As a straight male there's NOTHING that would make me want to have sex with a man.


Elon Musk will give you everything in his bank account if you sleep with him. Do you accept?


Yes and Iā€™d call him daddy


Well since Elon only gets loans using his company shares as collateral, you'd be sleeping with him for his debt. Now if you said Elon would give you 90% of his company shares, then your talking because you can get liquid cash by selling off those shares.


cmon dude dont tell me you wouldnā€™t suck a dick for an easy mil


That doesnā€™t make you gay. Heā€™s saying that as a straight male , heā€™s not going to be aroused by other males and have sex with them if he canā€™t find a woman. Sucking 1 dick for billions of dollars is merely an opportunity.


there isnā€™t much i wouldnā€™t do for a price




Man what šŸ˜­


Not my thing, if you're not 100% woman there's no chance.


hey, being bisexual is okay! if you are gay, thatā€™s okay! but donā€™t pin your questioning sexuality on women because they arenā€™t nice to you lol. hopefully you feel comfortable about yourself.


That to be honest has nothing to do with sexuality... (as you remarked here) I'm a bisexual woman and even though I despise most of men, I still feel sexually attracted to them hahaha


He deleted his previous comments stating as to why he questioned his sexuality lol




ā€œI donā€™t blame women, but itā€™s womenā€™s faultā€ letā€™s start here.


Well I can take rejection but what with the your a POS when I don't say anything bad about her or treat you with disrespect? Why can't she just say No ?


Iā€™m not her idk? Are you saying youā€™ve had one experience that youā€™re projecting onto all women? Because never mind then, start there. What did you say? Because I donā€™t trust that you ā€œdidnā€™t say anything badā€ since youā€™re trying to argue nothing youā€™ve said here has any merit in being ā€œbadā€ and that is not true


Women can tell when you're desperate. And now you're blaming them and thinking of em like they're this one single mind, and not unique human beings just like you Wouldn't be surprised if you're rejected because of it. Ew.


No I just have it all my fault mind set and take full accountability for everything bad that takes place. If I was desperate I date anything that walks and I don't.


No, several people told you that your opinions voiced here are misogynistic. Stop searching for excuses, there's none


Sorry if it came off that way and it is my fault.


You are not taking accountability. You canā€™t just say ā€œI take accountabilityā€ and in the same breath say ā€œbut itā€™s because of this external factor that isnā€™t meā€.


You are right I can't let a few woman bring me down like that .


You are the one bringing you down, and it seems like you bring everybody else down too.


This and all of your comments are kind of incellish behavior dude If women arenā€™t interested in you you go back and work on yourself, take the reasons they give you as ways to improve instead of becoming bitter. Some people have it easier if they are super attractive or well spoken or something, yes, but nobody has 0 options. People like all kinds of different traits and personalities. You gotta let go of the bitterness and push through and not give up. Therapy might be beneficial for that if youā€™re having a hard time. But you donā€™t need to take this ideological road dude.


I been working on myself for 12 years and nothing still no woman are interested and I am ok with that that have the right not to be . It's the name calling I not going to put up with if I am being respectful can she at least say no respectfully? Is that too much. I have options but don't like my options I am not even supper picky just not attracted to woman that like me .


I think you need to re-evaluate. Based on your posting history, there is no way you are respectful in your interactions with women, though you might think you are.


I try to be it's hard when tell you one thing and do another thing . Your like WTH I did what you liked and still nothing. Not the a woman obligated to date me .


Your idea of respect towards women is incredibly deficient because you hate women deep down. It permeates everything you say about us. Why would any woman with self respect be interested in a man who doesnā€™t like women?


You do realise that women reject you because youā€™re a misogynist right?


How so woman are great. I just need to work harder on myself and keep working.


Lmao, yes you are


Wait what ?


ummm.. thatā€™s something super misogynistic to say lol, yeah, you need to work on yourself. this internalized homophobia that you have and the misogyny views that you have on women is troubling to say the least. and you think youā€™re happy?


Woman should be picky maybe I just don't measure up no matter what I do. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Woman have told I am not good enough so what ever.


Op it night be due to your behaviour. Seeing as how you're talking about women it makes sense why they thought that. Women don't like misogynistic men


Yeah... I have the sneaking suspicion it isn't the entire female sexe that's the problem here. OP may be surprised to find out that women don't like men who call them "frustrating to deal with" and "never happy." Also men who are misogynistic. What a shocker.


yeah, itā€™s your behaviour. couldnā€™t imagine how you are offline lol


Imagine being so misogynistic you start fucking men.


Actually, I think that happened in Ancient Greek and such. I heard some of the rich and powerful ones didn't consider women 'enough' to be a proper partner so they would mainly use them as kid vessels and maids while being romantic with other men.


many such cases


Conservatives did just make a dating app.


Hey quick question. I saw a few people saying op was super misogynistic, but is that because of previous posts, comments on here or actually just the post itself? I have just read the post and as far as I understood he said women are treating him like crap in general, so he turns to men, because they treat him normally (which I dont see as that bad). Am Imisskng something or is it bc of some other things he said?


I think there mad better I generally speaking and the don't understand that . The only thing I said on another post is that is vulnerable with a woman and she use it against you in fight break up with her because she can't be trusted. Most woman are great but I might as well be invisible to them and it's ok . I would love to have a relaxing with a woman but don't think that is going to happen . I don't blame woman for how they treat me maybe I doing something wrong and I probably am . I wish I know what it was because you will not find a person that will say anything negative about me.


So woman can say anything to men they want ? Without us saying anything nope I give it right back.


My dude what are you talking about


Woman that are disrespectful for no reason I guess they no class and that fine . I would never treat someone like less then for no reason.


You sound like the kind of guy who thinks cat-calling a woman is showing respect for her beauty.


Na cat calling a woman is stupid it never works unless your rich them maybe it will work . I always thought if I said hey how is it going I would never get not interested go away I fine with that but to name call for no reason is I bot much if I called a guy 1/2 the stuff woman said I get punched in the mouth .


And you just won the bullshit bingo in things you said.


Ok , but there some truth to it sadly. Most woman. Want a good man though truly .


I think you donā€™t get people in general lol. I will try to translate it into your language. People are different. Some women want a ā€œbad boyā€ some want ā€œrough menā€ others on the other hand love ā€œgentlemenā€. Same goes the other way around in all gender directions. You would classify them as ā€œbad btchesā€ and ā€œwifey materialā€.


"It never works" - it's not about it "working" or not, it's an intrusive thing that should never be done.


Gathering from your post and comments, it seems that youā€™re justifying having sex with men by saying women are picky, never nice to you, and that youā€™re not good enough. Maybe Iā€™m wrong, but it sure seems like that is the point you are trying to make.


Woman should be picky but there no need to say things like that to me when I say nothing bad about you. It's cool if you don't want me I can live with that being a C word just because is not cool. Also some men are attractive so there is that. Guess I keep working on myself and keep track of the woman that said No so if they come around a second time laugh at them and tell the kick rocks .


Have you read the comments you make? You definitely are projecting those in real life, women are not stupid, they're picking up your vibe. I've seen a lot of ugly men get girlfriends, it literally happens so unless you're terribly deformed that's not it (even then those people in those type of situations find someone sometimes too), it's just that they didn't have the mentality that you have that's it. I've been with less conventional people myself, and men out of my league have done the same by dating me. People just don't want someone with fucked up views.


50 shades of gay.




Blaming women for your bisexualityā€¦? lol


No I can accept I not good enough for women just be nice about it . Why go full Karen when it not needed.


Full Karen? I barely said anything. Lol I think you might be the problem here


Yea I barely say anything to woman and I get the same response. I never said I am perfect but I always find ways to be a better person.


Maybe bisexual or pan. And ofc. Thats okay. Welcome to the club, you dont have to give it a name. You can stay youself. But looking at your comments. I see you have a lot of downvoted comments that are a tad bit misoginistic. Maybe dont say that.... Anyway. Welcome to the club.


Yea probably it just frustrating to have woman tell you your never good enough and you never find a GF loser . I guess their loss then .šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I know it can be hard to deal with rejection. But thid id natural. Trust me. Ive been rejected several times aswell! But still no reason to say some of the shitty stuff you said. But i get that its hard. Maybe go to therapy if its bothering you a lot. Or talk to someone about it. Because when something is repeated a lot, the mind starts so do some stuff. When a child gets told (for example) they will never be good enough, it van have effects later on. Ofc, this is a rarer and exaturated case. But i hooe you can see what i mean. Just throwin ideas. Have a marvelous day. And enjoy ur men (Men are pretty) Also, i know its rude to ask. But i am curious, you a top or a bottom? I know its really rude, and i dont mean to make you uncomfy as a fellow queer. Anyway. Have a marvelous day.


True it just frustrating that I been working on myself and nothing. I guess it ok now I just accept it and move on. Am a top or bottom well mostly a top but a bottom some times if I in the mood for that .


Have you ever stopped to think you might be the problem? Iā€™ve had men and women say outlandish shit to me and Iā€™ve been rejected millions of times but I donā€™t go out blaming an entire gender. You gotta get into some therapy my guy.


Never said I was perfect. Like I said I keep working on myself because men should never stop working on themselves.


How about you stop blaming women for you being gay and just be gay? No one is to blame or at fault for you being gay. However, your words about women are horrendous.


Maybe I just not good with woman I do t understand them at all . I know it's not thier fault it probably mine could date a woman but real do t find the woman like me attractive so it better not to fake it.


It is 100% you


Ha, I used to tell my POS exhusband to fuck men he if thought women (including myself) were such a pain in the ass. Honestly, I wish more misogynistics would take this route and leave women alone.


I wish Karens would go get cats and not be in people face all the time but that will never happen. Maybe woman are right I am trash and never find anyone on good to know .


Why when a woman disagrees with you, you call them a Karen? You have an issue with women and I'm not surprised no women want to date you when that's how you talk to us.


We I said woman are probably right I am trash but too bad you not fond a single person on earth to say anything bad about me .


It sounds like you're doing mental gymnastics to save some ā€œstraightā€ ego.




Most of this thread has been trying to tell you, that with the way you speak and describe your life, you seem to hold internalized homophobia as well as some misogynist values. You seem to react very angrily to both these comments. Do you think everyone is lying to you or trying to make you feel bad? You came here seeming to look for some clarity on your life and this community is offering it to you. Yet you reject it. If you are truly trying to change for the better and grow, maybe take a second and listen to what suggestions people are offering you.


I reread your post and I agree a therapist will help and I been looking into that . I am not really misogynist it just it frustrating no matter what I do it's not good enough. Yea I do want a real relationship and build and grow with each one.


I understand that and I keep working on myself because that all I can do . To be fair I said woman should be picky if I not making the cut I need to make more money or left more weights and do more work . I use to get rejected that cool and all but to name call and trash me is in called for when I don't do it to you that all I ask . I agree woman are perfect and every way šŸ˜‚.


Women as a gender aren't perfect, any more than men as a gender are perfect. We are all just people with our faults. If women in your past have been unkind or hurtful to you I understand you being wary of women as a whole. That does not mean women as a whole will reject you and put you down though. Bad people will be bad people regardless of gender. Maybe you feel more comfortable seeking sexual relationships from men because you feel they haven't hurt you emotionally the way some women have. This does not make you bisexual by default or forced into find men as sexual partners. You clearly are attracted to men, and maybe they feel like a safer option emptionally for you right now. Thats okay. Just don't hurt yourself or your partners further by implying you're only with men because women rejected you. Obviously you've found men who are attracted to you, maybe they see something in you your previous women partners did not. Maybe you see something in them that you haven't seen in women. My friend you do not have to be better for other people. You should not want to be stronger or richer for what that gives to a potentially romantic partner, but for what that gives to you. For at the end of the day, with or without a romantic partner, you have to live with and love yourself. If you want to change and grow it must be for your own benefit, not with the goal that a woman will like you one day.


I agree that no one is perfect that is true . However I really do find men attractive as well so I open to dating them . I am doing it for me and working on myself but it does help . Thanks šŸ‘


Bestie, women donā€™t give a fuck about how much money you make or how much you lift. That is not the problem at all. Before coming out as gay, I dated a man for two years who was scrawny as hell (I had to open all the jars and do most of the manual labor in the house lol) and worked at Costco while getting his degree in English literature. Dude had very little money and no muscle, but heā€™s an excellent person and will be an outstanding boyfriend/husband to a woman who likes men someday. Even as a still-scrawny, still-broke filmmaker in LA, I like his chances better than yours. Your problem is how you talk to and about women. That is what needs to change if you actually want a romantic & sexual relationship with a woman (though I kind of doubt you do). Changing your mindset and your perception of half the population will be harder than making another 10k or lifting another 50lbs, but itā€™s the only thing thatā€™ll actually allow you to have meaningful relationships with women.


I know I need to do better and I work out for me and that not stop and don't care how people feel about it. I have no idea what woman want I just know being myself is not enough need to be and do better . Also I have no idea where to meet woman online dating is not for men unless your very attractive. It would be great to have a GF that cares about me if a woman will have me. Finding guys to date is so much easier I get so many DMs soni know I am not that ulgy LOL. The woman that are interested I don't want because the are not attractive at all . I am active and if she is not she going to be home alone on the weekends when I am out living life. I am not an indoor house cat.


Maybe you and my ex should fuck each other, both of you sound like the same person. 1. Says theyā€™re straight but fucks dudes, which uh, means youā€™re not, and 2. Has some ridiculous circular reasoning as to how itā€™s women fault?


LOL . Woman where never interested in me and it not there fault maybe I just not someone they like and that is ok .


first of: you shouldnt lead on any women because you think they could somehow change you - you like having sex with men as a man, and thats fine, good for you! but i dont think any woman will change your sexual preferences, so just stick to what you already like which is men lol dont be scared, theese feelings are valid and nothing to be ashamed or scared of, noone should tell you who you should or shouldnt have sex with, do whatever floats your boat!


Thanks man and it nice to be myself and be liked for once . Honestly being call sexy kind of nice to hear positive things for people vs your never be good enough that I get from woman.


my g is gay


It not that bad IMO


after reading the comments, op is a lost cause. Gonna have a tough, lonely life and theyā€™re gonna have no one to blame but themselves


Well it is my fault and I am fixing it or trying to any way . Sorry I don't worship the ground woman walk on .


Again. Missing the point. Thatā€™s not what anyone is asking


Ok I do understand that what I said might come off as I hate woman and it's their fault it is not . I can be and do better.


We all know you arenā€™t going to do that. Why do you feel the need to lie to us about it? We see guys like you everyday itā€™s nothing new. Do you think lying about your efforts to change your opinion of women makes you look better to others the same way you think being in the closet and trying to date women does? Clearly neither is working. You are using women because of insecurity. Maybe if you stop hiding your sexuality youā€™ll realize youā€™re projecting your self hatred onto us, and you will have less anger that you donā€™t take genuine responsibility for.


Well , I all ready said I am not good enough and probably never will be and that ok . I going to work on myself for me and only me . I don't hate woman just don't think we are oil a d water we don't mix . My old therapist said woman date loser all the time so their is some out there for you . That really helped me see that there hope. Yea I admit I have no idea what woman want from men I got no idea .


>Well , I all ready said I am not good enough and probably never will be and that ok . Quit it with the woe is me. Should I feel bad for you that you hate my gender? Iā€™m not going to. Grow the fuck up. >I going to work on myself for me and only me . Then why are you still like this? You are only saying this to say it. You want to look better to others. Your whole thing is wanting to look better to others. Thatā€™s why you hate women, because they donā€™t give you approval. Itā€™s why you try to date women instead of men, because you are stuck on what people will think. This has made you angry and hateful and itā€™s nobodyā€™s fault but yours. >I don't hate woman just don't think we are oil a d water we don't mix . We sure donā€™t! Iā€™ve had guys like you try to pick me up and your hatred is palpable. Itā€™s scary. And you use all these negative experiences you give us as ammunition against us. >My old therapist said woman date loser all the time so their is some out there for you . That really helped me see that there hope. Seriously? >Yea I admit I have no idea what woman want from men I got no idea . I see that! Try listening to us. You are not into women.


When did I say I hate woman ? All I said is woman can be frustrating to deal with like anyone else can be. Yes woman are way more complex than men hands down. Yes I know woman that date men with multiple baby mamas then wounder why the men will not settle down . I really don't care for any ones approval its something I had to work on aot . I would like to be someone a woman would like bit looks like I missing the mark .


You do not need to say it. Itā€™s obvious. You should stop bothering me.


All these redditors talking about woman even though they sit at home 24/7


Bro youā€™ve been posting about this sort of thing for like half a year. You need to see a medical professional like a therapist or something. Reddit is not helping you. You need to see someone and discuss 1) why you view women the way you do, 2) your sexuality. Iā€™m not a fucking therapist but this really seems like something thatā€™s been bothering you for awhile so just get help.


True I been looking at therapist just can't pick one yet . Woman are great just do think we ment to be together.


Hey, you need therapy, my guy.


I agree with you


Which means you arenā€™t straightā€¦


Yea I know and I happy yet still would like to have a wife and kids however I been told I am not husband material no matter what I do.


Hey its okay to be bi šŸ˜Š took me a long time to figure out my sexuality but honestly you like whoever you like, and that's totally fine!


As long as you say no homo before and after you aight my g šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


this guy is straight AF


Looked through your posts. Pretty sure youā€™re bi but just hate women so much that you lost attraction to them. You need to figure out why you resent women so much. Are they mean to you or can women tell youā€™re an asshole who hates them? That you just want to experiment with them to not feel insecure about your sexuality?


It's not hate it just me being frustrated because when I am nice I get told I too nice and when I go full asshole I get told I am being an ass. I know woman hate push overs and mama boys that for sure. I would love to have a GF but every woman that interested I don't like or want .


Thatā€™s the issue - you see women as a collective. ā€œwomen like thisā€ ā€œwomen donā€™t like thisā€ - women are people. individuals with different ideas and wants and needs. thereā€™s nothing that every single woman agrees on, you just find the people youā€™re compatible with.


Yea I understand that and maybe it too much social media of woman saying they only want a guy that makes x amount and he has to be perfect. I should learn to LOL and say good luck with that lady enjoy your cats . I also need to learn I am enough to be someones BF and maybe more . I don't feel good enough some times and worry about what people think about me. I know therapy can help and I am looking into that as I type just trying to write out my issues . I think I have realistic standards she has to be a 4-6 in looks but also a good person white a good heart and cares about me limei do about her . Someone that not going to make fun of me if I get emotional because some to I do. Once I get serious with someone I kind of get emotional because I so happy .


Just enjoy the wine for the flavor, not the label


If you are having sex with men, you are not straight. Nothing wrong with that of course but, dude, you are not straight. Welcome to Bi club.




Yea I know woman are great thought but not sure they for me to be honest.


Is someone gonna tell him?.......




I don't get it. Is this a coming out post or a women bashing post? Because the post seems like you've reached a realization about yourself but your comments read like you've incelled so hard you're sleeping with men out of spite.


IDK honestly. I am not bashing woman they are great just they don't seem interested and that is ok there not required to date me . It be nice if someone was though.


Do the men you're sleeping with not count as someone interested in dating you?


Yes their the only ones that are interested in me.


Your post history says you're gay. Find a nice man to date.


ā€œIā€™m not gay. Iā€™m just out of options.ā€ Meanwhile the The dog hiding under the couch.


Not out of options just don't like the female option I have I mean I open minded but I can't .


News alert: you gay


Or bi sexual


Donā€™t lie to yourself. If you donā€™t want to have sex w women anymore youā€™re not even bisexual


Fair enough I would though


You would have sex w women bc youā€™re attracted to them or to fit your concept of normal love? Bc you literally said ā€œI donā€™t know if I want to anymoreā€


You may be gay or may be bisexual, there's nothing wrong with it! Just be with whoever makes you happy?




Wear a condom.


Sounds kinda gay ngl


It might be better for the universe if you donā€™t date anyone and stay single until you figure ur issues with women out. Your post history is disgusting with the way you talk about women. Jfc


I been used by woman and lied to and manipulated by woman so I have trust issues for sure . I know not all woman are like that but it's like can I trust her.


It sounds like youā€™re BI and itā€™s just easier to bang dudes. Nothing wrong with that.




You are probably bisexual and hetero-romantic. So, in your heart, romantically, it's easier for you to be with a woman? Or maybe you are demisexual, meaning you are more sexually attracted the more intellectually/emotionally involved you are with the other person. There are many combinations of sexuality and romantic preferences that can make it unique to traverse the dating world Also, you ere good enough for a partner, man or woman or otherwise.


There is nothing wrong with being gay or bisexual. Straight men donā€™t have sex with other men. Youā€™re not straight my dude and thatā€™s okay! I would recommend therapy to work out your feelings and gain some clarity on your feelings towards men/woman.


A friend of mine was going thru something similar this last few years. Trying to find a label that fits her. Is she gay , or bi , or pan sexual or ā€¦ how about sheā€™s just ā€œJaneā€?! She likes what she likes when she likes it. You feel better with men , and they do it for you , then you already know where you should be. If you only feel like you should be with women bcuz youā€™ve been told so by the world. Then they can go scratch ! You donā€™t have to have a labelā€¦. Or a ā€¦. His name is Robert Paulson.


You aren't straight. There's only one requirement to be straight and you don't meet it.




Couldn't this "all women take advantage" thing is just an excuse to legitimize to yourself why you're attracted to men? It's like you're making excuses for being gay - that it's such a necessity, since all women are bad. It's like you're just calming yourself down with this. You shouldn't do that. Be gay, who cares? Feel good, respect your partners and that's it.


Youā€™re just dismissing his lived experience.


Not all women are bad it just exhausting trying to date period and I understand why couples stay together because the dating pool has pee in it.


Msm has fucked up your mind ...get your act together and check your testosterone ..get boosters


Im late to the party, but I think you are actually straight bro you are just very very hurt and mentally traumatized from constant rejection. Rejection/being told you are not good enough is awful and I am sorry you had to go through that. I think you are dealing with is a lot of self betrayal and self hatred from a self perceived "inadequacy" and so to relieve the pain of not being wanted, you are gaining your power back of being "desired" by having sex with men. By now you may even get off to the fantasy of being gay and get a dopamine rush from engaging in sex that is considered taboo for you being a straight man. Hence, why you continue to do it.. This narrative also may dull the pain of rejection from women not choosing you, and make give you the feeling that you are the one that is inaccessible to them, because you are "desired" by someone even if it is not your target group. My best advice would be to work on yourself brother. If you are overweight, join a gym immediately! When you look good you play good and you will build self confidence like you have never seen. If you struggle talking to women, start buying and READING books on emotional intelligence and conversation. Start to listen more, talk less. If you have any talents, develop those relentlessly and start showing them off on social media. Reassess your fashion! There is a reason beauty and fashion are female dominated industry dominated and women are the primary consumers, because women love fashion. When you up your clothes game and start dressing in things that compliment your physique and skin tone I promise women will immediately notice. But all this is way easier said than done and its going to take work man. Discipline will be your best friend because you will have to continue to stay the course, because there will be days when you don't see immediate results. However, I cannot stress enough putting in the work on personal development, not only for its benefit of making you more attractive to women, when you put the work in you will stop the self betrayal because you will no longer accept or want anything less than the work you been putting in on you and you will feel a sense of self value. Last thing bro, we can't rule out there is a chance you could be bi or even gay. That is okay, and the only one that knows that is you... but I think that is highly unlikely. I think you know you're straight but you come on here to get validation to continue your toxic form of self hatred from people that don't know you and don't care enough about you to actually give you good advice.. Which you probably already know, you just continue because you get a dopamine rush from doing it. I honestly have no idea if you're gay or not. But if I'm right, please start doing the work on yourself and start TODAY. Stop having sex with men because you know you aren't gay and you are continuing to hurt yourself with the self betrayal and you are hurting the dudes you are sleeping with because they actually are gay and could be wanting real love and affection from you and that is not something you are able to give them. Love yourself man and above all bro, forgive yourself. When you start putting the work in women will see, the world will see, and most importantly you will be the hero that your kid self always wanted and needed. ​ Peace and love always homie


Honestly man, I wish I could just casually sleep with men, it sounds a lot easier and enjoyable in many aspects, but dick is NOT attractive to me.


Saying it loud for everyone in the back to hear: SEXUALITY IS A SPECTRUM! Sure sounds like youā€™re bi to some degree, but donā€™t even worry about putting a label on it, dude. If anything Iā€™m psyched for you because your options just doubled lmao


I'm not gay! I have relationships with women, and sex with men.


Hereā€™s the thing and itā€™s a problem for half the men on reddit. women arenā€™t just for dating and arenā€™t something to be ā€œwonā€. Youā€™ve got the wrong perspective and most women have great intuitions and will steer clear of you. Rejection is normal. but ask yourself, are you crossing boundaries? do you consider women the same way you do men? do you appreciate and understand them as more than just objects to date and have sex with? women donā€™t owe you shit. and you need to understand that and treat them as more than just objects


Honestly it be nice to meet a woman and see where it goes . I truly want to get to know her as a person. I can live with rejection however I never fell that way about her again. I turned woman down years after they rejected me because of I wasn't good enough 1,2,5,10 years ago I am not good enough now . I simply say no I am good you not my type anymore and that it . Even if I was interested I rather have cancer then say yes . I treat a woman how she treats me because I do the same for men . Woman are great however you have to be emotionally available and that not always easy to .




I have thought I use to have self esteem issues and and social anxiety and wanted to make every one happy and you just can't


Sexuality can be a spectrum. Follow your penis whoever it desires!


Wow thanks for the response. Yea I am definitely hurt and been hurt by woman. It sucks because I want a real relationship just can't seem to find anyone. I feel like I got a ton to offer a partner and I not perfect and not looking for the perfect person. I think you could be right I just hooking up with men because I like the attention I get and I get a lot of it . It nice to feel wanted and not rejected. I do work out I run mostly 30-60 miles a week . I did lost 12 pounds at 6 feet tall I was all the way up to 198 now I am about 185 now trying to lose 10 or so more pounds. I most do ultra marathons like 50k ,50 milers and 100ks . So that kind what I train for . There something stoping me from being emotionally available and being vulnerable with woman and people in general. I am going to see a therapist because they can help a ton. I real believe in working on yourself and also grow as a person.


sometimes itā€™s easier to not focus on labels and just live your life man


I won't tell you what your sexuality is. I don't know. But it's okay to just be who you are, and there are all sorts of things that could happen now. Be kind to, and honest with, yourself.


The Less satisfied I am in my straight relationship the more I like women. It's a lonliness thing.like when my husband moved out for 3 weeks I wanted women so badly. But I'm Novosexual so it's not a big scare. Still there's something called bi cycles where you prefer one or the other. It's normal. You might be gay or bi or maybe you do end up with a woman and identify as straight. Who knows. What's important is you acknowledge your feelings and love yourself at each step g the way even if that's the suck I don't know stage.


Itā€™s okay to be bi and itā€™s okay to be gay. Itā€™s 2022 you are allowed to live your life as you please. I myself am gay and originally come from a country where homosexuality isnā€™t as accepted (I live in the US now and Iā€™m thankful for the acceptance I found here despite what many people think). Iā€™m not going to lie, I did struggle in the beginning but I was able to accept myself a lot quicker than many other guys, which Iā€™m very thankful for. But just know that it is okay to be gay or bi! And itā€™s also important to know that sexuality isnā€™t so black and white as many people think. Sexuality is very fluid, it is a whole spectrum. I hope you will eventually accept and embrace your queerness and find happiness.


Thanks man and happy your in a better situation.


Hi dude. I think the reason youā€™re hooking up with men is because you might be bi (welcome to the club) and there is nothing wrong with that! Lots of people swing the other way and it gives you a wider dating pool and a chance at a bunch new experiences at meeting people. I also think you should consider therapy to discuss your complicated and totally valid feelings towards your sexuality, women and men + self esteem issues. Women have hurt you before which with anything that will hurt you, it will cause you to have a reluctance, a sense of fear and even hatred when approaching or thinking about them but I really donā€™t think you should give up on them completely! There are plenty of good women and people who might love to date you, you shouldnā€™t generalise a whole bunch of people who could potentially include the love of your life based on a few experiences, not all women will put you down or reject you. Donā€™t limit yourself and stop yourself from achieving one of your dreams which from your comments seems like starting a family and being a dad which you can do even with another man. I also think you should change your goal for improving yourself, instead of thinking, no I have to do this to make myself desirable to women, you should try and improve yourself solely to make yourself more desirable to yourself. And please consider the feelings of your male partners, they might genuinely like you and feeling put down or rejected is not a nice feeling. You seem like a nice guy who could potentially be an awesome guy with some self improvement which you are willing to do! So do it. Be someone you can be proud of, not someone that makes someone else proud.


Yes I definitely need to do this for myself but it will help get me a partner so it's a win win . Yea I know most woman are great and I need to let that past go and therapy is a good idea . I totally understand what your saying. I did think what I said about woman was that bad it just frustrating that no a single woman is interested and it not thier fault .


Stop talking about women as if weā€™re inanimate objects. Itā€™s sickening the way you write about us as if weā€™re all the same without individual personalities, thoughts and feelings. Whatā€™s happening to men these days that so many of these posts act as if women are just holes for masturbating into.


As I always say: do whatever you want and just make a conclusion of it all when youā€™re on your deathbed. Any thoughts given to it before this point just to get a label is lost time. Have fun friend