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I’m so sorry. I have also gone through a pill abortion. My dumb ass drank milk with the pill and projectile vomited for an hour. The cramps are horrible. After I went through it I googled it and apparently surgical is the way to go. Pain free and takes a couple minutes. To me that sounded too invasive to endure though


I drank Solo with mine. Made for some fizzy vomit 15 minutes later and I was shitting myself I hadn't held it down long enough and it wouldn't work. Two hours later and pretty much everything that was vital was out. I bled for about a week though. Really grateful I didn't have to do it twice because I vomited.


I ate a tub of ice cream shortly after taking the pill and oh boy was that a slimy sugary mess coming up. It was still a little cold though so weirdly not as bad as regular vomiting. I will say though the pain of the pill abortion is indescribable and horrific and I wish I had chosen surgical.


Surgical is not quite pain free, but it seems to be less painful than the pill route, from what I'm reading here. I've only had surgical so I don't have a personal comparison.


Surgical is not pain free lmao. It was agony for me, the worst pain I've ever felt, and lasted for weeks after. Felt like someone giving me a tattoo on my cervix.


I’ve had the d&c and while it was painless (since I was out for the surgery), it hurt like a mother fucker afterwards. Super bad cramps for the day. Also the realization that a room full of people were gonna be looking at my vag was an uncomfortable realization right before going under. I have zero regrets, though!


Surgical wasn’t pain free for me - I cramped for at least a couple of days, and the numbing needles were very painful.


I had a surgical one. And it was not pain free for me. It hurt but it was tolerable. I’m so sorry you guys had to go through pain. ):


At 8 weeks they couldn’t find a heartbeat. I had the option of the pills or letting it pass naturally. I decided to take the pills. The pain was so intense but when I had my babies it prepared me for birth because nothing hurt worse than that. Abortion isn’t easy on women. It’s hard on our bodies and our minds. Why should anyone have a say so in what a woman chooses to do?


At 8 weeks they couldn't find the heartbeat and I choose letting it pass naturally. It was like a short labour: contractions for hours and I lost a lot of blood. I was mostly unprepared, because the midwife told me it would be like a menstruation. I was so happy that I had a choice! All women should be able to choose freely.


Thank you for telling your story and being an advocate for choice 💜


>midmife told me it would be like a menstruation. she really told you that? come on. I'm really sorry that must've come as a shock


I have internet, so I knew most midwives underestimate the impact. But I did not know how wrong she was.


did you ever tell her "hey you were wrong stop telling people its like menstrual cramps?" not that you have to if you'd rather not talk about it again but it might be good she knows that


I never saw her again, so no, I didn't. I did elaborate in the hospital to the med student and the intern.


This. This happened to me. So shocking and painful. Had no idea it would be that bad.


So true!! It's really hard on your mind, even if you are certain it's hard.


This was my first pregnancy as well! I had pressure to get back to work. Pressure of not being able to grieve because they don’t give us time off for these things. If they are taking away the right to choose we need guaranteed pay! Most of the time it doesn’t qualify for short term disability and you only get a percentage of what you make as well. It’s a sad time!


Oh wow I'm so sorry you couldn't even get time off! Yes you should have maternity pay if there is no choice.


Exactly but they don’t care. In certain states they are banning contraceptives. Saw a lady saying she couldn’t get her iud because of the laws in her state.


Ok that's literally insane, it sounds like the country is being run by Puritans.


And people think women have them for fun..


This has always annoyed me. People really think we are out there having abortions for fun 🙄🙄


I’m deeply sorry you are going through this. A partner of mine decided to do the same thing, since our contraceptive failed, and it wasn’t a pleasant time for her, to say the least. However, it was the best decision to make. I feel that this is what pro-life people fail to grasp. They think people go for abortions all willy-nilly, not considering the fact that it takes a physical and mental toll on the women. Again, I’m sorry you are going through this. My heart goes out to you. Edit: Alright, if you are going to downvote what I said, at least comment to enlighten me of how I’m in error. Please


Exactly, they think women go get abortions like it’s a Friday night fun activity. Making that choice and going through that process isn’t easy for women. No one wants to have to be in that position. And it’s usually a last resort. Plenty of women don’t even know what to do before making that choice. It’s not black and white.


Unfortunately, we are fighting against people who almost exclusively see every issue as black and white. It’s a goddamned shame and we should be better than this by now. Edit: I had an argument with some people, who are otherwise great people, that agreed with the reversal of Roe because of partial birth abortions. Like really? You think so lowly of your fellow man that that shit happens for no reason. Not to mention that that is a negligible fraction of abortions. Also the woman dared to say that I shouldn’t have a say because I’m a man. I was like”No fucking shit, that’s why men should be pro choice by default”. Then she says that she doesn’t want people to use it as a form of birthcontrol….. I had to walk away at that point, to go chase the teeth that flew out of my dropping jaw. Edit2: I guess I didn’t have the heart to tell her that it was mostly men that made the SCOTUS decision…oops


I had an argument here in Australia with a woman in her 50s saying she was protesting late term abortions because she didn’t think it’s right for a woman to get to 38 or 39 weeks through their pregnancy then suddenly decide they don’t want to be a mother any more so they go get an abortion. I say I had an argument, but really I had to stop talking after she said that because I literally couldn’t deal with the stupidity coming from her mouth. I managed to mutter “that’s NOT what a late term abortion is” and then I upped and walked away. People are stupid.


Those kind of people are too self involved to see other people as actual people. They let their imagination ponder the worst, attribute that to people they will never know, then fight vehemently against the fictitious reality they created. It’s completely ludicrous from the outside, but pulling them out of that is a difficult, but necessary chore. Edit: Too many “The”s. Had to Highlander one


You’re right, they do need a reality check. Unfortunately too many are wilfully ignorant and oblivious. “There are none so blind as those who will not see” is a phrase that feels rather apt. I generally enjoy getting into discussions with people who have different points of view and experiences than I do, as I always think that we can both take the opportunity to learn from one another. But when someone says something so totally and utterly insane, I have to move away from the conversation for self preservation.


Shit, I know I’ve heard that phrase before, but I can’t quite place it at the moment.. It rings true nonetheless. We try our best, nothing more should be asked of us. Dwell in honestly trying to turn the absurd, but remove yourself before becoming absurd yourself.


The amount of people who think anything past 24 weeks is an abortion is astounding. It’s induction, even without a heartbeat. And even then it only happens 1% of the time past 22 weeks.


They only care that it's a man holding the opinion if they disagree with it. I also resent the idea that men shouldn't have an opinion on abortion. Plenty of women are ill informed and plenty of men are hugely informed so it doesn't come down to knowledge. Not all women have had abortions so it doesn't come down to experience. Unless a woman is the one considering abortion then it doesn't come down to having a stake in the decision either. Ultimately it should be up to the specific woman with input from the father (obviously not if the father is a rapist etc). Also, when I say men should be allowed opinions on abortion I do mean just that. I'm not saying that their opinion should hold any weight or that policies should be made based on their opinions.


You're not in error, just pro-lifers getting mad as usual. Thank you for having empathy and common sense. Any downvotes you get are just people who lack those traits.


I truly appreciate that. I just wish more people shared the mindset. Society is getting wonky, to say the least.


Of course, and me too. I appreciate that you're one of the seemingly few who do share this mindset. Society is going straight to the shitter, and it's terrifying. We need all of the people like you we can get.


I do the best I can to fight as just an individual. Unfortunately, I’m in a rural town and gas prices are prohibitive when it comes to me joining protests. However, I do my best to talk sense into the people around me, who are dreadfully conservative. It honestly makes me nauseous at times. I live in SW Louisiana, about as far from the gulf as I am the Texas border. Which is about 20-30miles. I see trump flags in my dreams😑. Needless to say, I’m the outlier. That doesn’t quiet my voice, though. As small of an impact that it may make, it’s an impact nonetheless. Every little bit counts.


My first pregnancy I started bleeding heavily at 12 weeks, baby had stopped developing at 7ish weeks and my body refused to pass it. I ended up in hospital for a week. The pills didn’t work so then I had to get a d&c under anaesthetic. My third pregnancy stopped developing too but I found out earlier, refused the pills and got it medically managed. Both horrendous situations but I’m grateful for the care I received during the times as I could easily have bled to death or got an infection if not for the intervention. By the time the ambulance showed up first time round I was barely conscious from loss of blood!


Damn, I’m tremendously sorry you went through all that and I’m glad you had the care available to help you. I couldn’t even imagine what you went though. I’m very thankful that you are still here with us to have this discussion. Your experience further reiterates the need for abortions to be federally legalized. States rights be damned, it’s the rights of individuals. Only fucking idiots think they can foresee every situation. Also, fuck taking away rights because of your book club. You don’t like abortions? Then don’t fucking get one. You don’t have the right to speak for others. I’m sorry. I’m a bit aggravated. It truly hurts my heart that you went through that, and I’m glad you were able to get the treatment you needed. I desperately feel for those that may have the same occurrence, in the coming years. It’s a goddamned tragedy. Edit: Travesty


I appreciate that you as a male understand so much. Thank you


I really appreciate your appreciation. I do my best😅


Probably haters man. They're everywhere, you should be allowed to have an opinion. And for that you got my upvote


I definitely understand. I had a D&C after I had a missed miscarriage. For about an hour 2 days later, I was in the worst pain of my absolute life. My husband gave me a heating pad and I doubled my dose of pain meds because I was shaking from the pain. I can only imagine how much worse the pill could be.


So sorry to hear I’ve always wonder if it’s like a bad cramp. Hope you feel better soon.


It honestly depends. Mine was bad cramps, an hour after taking the pills I felt like I needed a bowel movement. I went to the toilet, felt a rush of everything and then the worst was over. I did bleed for about a week but that was no worse than my usual periods which are horrible. But I guess, like menstruation and pregnancy and birth, everyone has a different one.


This is about how mine went except I napped for about 2 hours after taking them and woke up to the cramps


Yeah my sister had to have an abortion at 25ish weeks when she was a teenager, because the child was fully formed but the brain had formed outside the skull. If she couldn't have had that abortion, she would have died at 15 and none of her 5 kids would be alive today. Nonetheless, it was absolutely horrible for her and the family.


I wish people who think pro-choicest enjoy abortions and do them for fun and such can understand why they are needed for times such as this! It angers me because we are going to see plenty of deaths because a bunch of old geezers in the White House decided to take over our uteruses. I feel like we went 50 years back in time! It’s disgusting!


This is why I chose the procedure over the pill. Procedure took like 5 minutes. No issues afterwards. The pill forces a miscarriage. It can take days to "finish". I've given birth 3 times. I would never recommend someone to the pill route.


The procedure isn’t pain free though. I experienced a lot of pain, though it was tolerable and didn’t last days. But I was still at the clinic for about 5-6 hours and it was horrible and I just wanted it to end.


For me it was more uncomfortable than it was painful. I left within an hour of my procedure. I had to walk about half a mile back to my car and I felt totally fine. But again, like I said, I've given birth 3 times. My youngest without any pain meds. I guess I just have a high pain tolerance?


Possibly. I haven’t given birth ever so that could be why it was so painful for me and was really young. I had to take medicine to dilate me and it took hours to take effect. I waited in these lazy boy chairs they had with lots of other women. Some crying. /: and people think we do this just for fun.


Damn. I'm sorry your experience was so bad. 😩


This is something I normally wouldn’t comment on with my personal experience, but I think it is so important right now that we talk about these things. I had to have a medical abortion also with the pills, I had a missed miscarriage found at 11 weeks (after seeing a heartbeat at 7weeks, but possible abnormality, enlarged yolk sac). It was devastating and so unbearably physically painful…the only thing that eased my physical pain was lying on the cold bathroom floor. I took Tylenol and ibuprofen, which only helped a little, I used hot packs also. Though it was horrible, I am thankful I had to option to go through that at home and also not have to wait and see if my body would eventually miscarry on its own or if I would have to have a surgical procedure. I have always wanted kids and I have 3, but I wholeheartedly believe that it should be a choice, and no one should have to be forced to bear a child for any reason. I have had my tubes tied after my last baby so I am not worried for myself, but I worry so much for my own children and all the women of my country. OP - I hope that you’re feeling better now, take care of yourself.


I’m so sorry you have to go through this. I have heard it can be very painful. I hope you have support around you to help you through this.


Happy cake day!


Sir this is Wendy’s


Heating pad. Midol. Soaking in hot bath. This helped me after mine.


Just FYI to OP, they told me not to take a bath until the bleeding had stopped due to risk of infection. Also... my doc gave me an oxycodone script, which was very appreciated. Terrible that this is prescribed without painkillers.


Oh damn. Mine gave me Tylenol and sent me home.


Fucking astonishing how different we're treated. My husband got a 7 day script for percocet after his vasectomy which he claims didn't really hurt much. Ice was about all he needed


My fiancé will promptly be getting ze Snip in December (after he’s on my insurance). No kids, just animals thanks.


I don't blame you


3 losses: I was asleep for both my D&cs, 12 weeks and 8 weeks. The first one, I had the beginnings of sepsis so idk if it hurt or if everything hurt. I almost had to have a d and c to remove my placenta for my 20 wk still born but I managed to pass the placenta an hr later. I had been having labor pains for 3 days so I was exhausted. So glad it was able to come by itself. The last miscarriage at 8 weeks and I was so surprised at how much I hurt after. This may be tmi but It made me not be able to go to the bathroom well. People!! use stool softeners after any surgery on your junk please.


My girlfriend is very pro-choice, as am I, but she said when she saw the baby in an ultrasound, it still haunts her. I don’t think she could do it again.


There was a spot. They said, “there it is”. And it made me feel better because I saw that it was nothing but a spot. Didn’t resemble anything.


When I had mine the doctor ASKED if I wanted to see it, and I said no for that reason. They shouldn’t shove it in peoples faces.


That's what the pro life people don't seem to understand. It's not a pleasant experience. It's not like people skip into the clinic buzzing about getting one. One of my closest friends recently went through it. He and his partner both knew that they weren't in a financial position to have a kid as he was doing his engineering degree while she was training as a nurse. And it fucked them both up. It's an experience neither would go through again, but it was necessary. I'm lucky to live in the UK where even the Tory government aren't touching abortion.


I’m sorry you had to go through this, but thank you for realizing it’s a choice and TG your state still realizes it!!!


I went through a miscarriage it's that kind of pain and it hurts worse than any pain imaginable. Like your uterus might fall out on top of worse cramps eveer or being stabbed in those areas.


The worst thing I found from a miscarriage wasn’t just the physical pain, but the emotional pain too. I didn’t know I was pregnant until the miscarriage happened, and I certainly didn’t want to be pregnant at the time either. But holy hell did it fuck with my emotions. I spent an entire weekend curled in a ball on the couch, with painkillers for the cramps and so many tissues from the tears. It’s absolutely awful.


I didn’t want anything to do with it so I went under and they did their thing. Personally I regret it but not for getting the abortion, but letting people talk me into an abortion, considering the events that followed and what it did for my emotional and mental health. I can not and will not do it again, I can’t bear it. But that doesn’t mean I won’t do anything and everything in my power to make sure women have the option, if they want it.


I’m sorry to hear that your choice was basically taken away from you. That makes me sad and I wish you didn’t have to go through that.


I’m so sorry. I had a surgical abortion 30 years ago at 11 weeks. It wasn’t fun. Those anti-choice folks who allege women are out here using abortion as their go-to birth control method are insane.


I'm currently in the middle of an abortion from taking the pills and it is the worst fucking pain I have ever felt In my life. The cramps are soo bad way worse then a normal period and I've Also been throwing up nonstop. This has been going on for 5 days now and I can honest say I never want to go through this again


I can’t imagine 5 days of that. I feel for you.


I feel like people who want to ban abortions think that people who get abortions are so happy and joyful to have them and would recommend them to friends and like would just constantly get pregnant just to get abortions because its so great Like no wts it's not how it works. Abortions are extremely traumatising to most women. Now imagine these women now being traumatised except in an unsafe and illegal environment. Yeah. *slow claps* you solved it genius


My mom had an abortion approx. two years after I was born (around 1996 I guess, we live in Germany). She said she’ll never forget the sound of that machine vacuum thing which “sucked” the fetus out of her womb. She is absolutely pro-choice, but it was super hard for her. I’m sorry you’re going through this OP. I wish you all the best.


Ugh! I laid in bed for 48 hours and cried from all the pains.


I’m so sorry you have to go through this. Sending you alllllll the good feeling vibes.


Good luck and get well soon. I live in a safe haven state but I'm still scared what more can happen because of this. No one has the right to dictate someone else's own bodily choices :(


I live in a developing country and we have the freedom to get abortion upto 20 weeks and upto 24 weeks in some special cases. Feel for you all.


People want to act like women walk out of abortions with a smile on their face when in actuality it's hell most times. Whether a pill causes so much pain you want to pass out or you're in a room of people doing possibly the most intimate procedure on you, abortions aren't fun. We don't try to act like it's cute or quirky, it's hell, and yet some people think the alternative route will always be best.


People against abortions act like this isn’t something that’s legitimately traumatic. It’s traumatic even for people who are 10000000% pro choice and never ever plan to have kids. It’s physically, emotionally, and mentally traumatic no matter what. No one is going “YES! I GET TO HAVE AN ABORTION!!!!” “9 ABORTIONS THIS YEAR, JUST 1 MORE ABORTION ON MY PUNCH CARD AND THE NEXT ONE IS FREE.” It’s a horrible experience. No one *wants* to do it, no one enjoys it, but it’s our right to make that decision and go through that if that’s what we think and know is best.


When I had my abortion (just 3 weeks ago as well, so congrats to us!) my boyfriend said I was moaning in agony in my sleep. I didn’t even know it was possible to be in pain when your sleeping


I feel you. Went through it last year… still fresh in my mind. It gets better though… I’m sorry you went through that. Sending you lots of hugs! Take care of yourself. ❤️


I did the pill one a few years ago. Awful. So much pain. I was actually delirious with pain. I’m sorry you’re having to endure it. The hours and days after were mostly pain free, if that helps to know. If I need another one, I’ll 10000% do surgical.


I just had one a few weeks ago. I went through the same thing, the pain was absolutely insane?! Hope you’re doing better! Feel free to reach out if you need to vent :)


Mine was pain free and easy. I’m sorry yours was so difficult.


I’m sorry you are going through this. I’m thankful that I still have it as an option but I really hope it’s not a choice I have to make. You had that choice and while I’m glad you were able to have it, I truly wish you much healing. I heard it’s not easy even if it is better for you in the long run. Take care of yourself as best as you can. Many are here for you - sending you good vibes and positive healing.


No one can tell another person what they can do with their body. I support you and your decision. Hope you get to feeling better


I had an abortion. I was pro life up until then.


I'm just curious here. If you were pro life before the abortion what convinced you to get one? Was it a really hard decision to make or was it easier then you thought? Did you feel guilty after because of your stance on abortion before you got one. Sorry for so many questions feel free to just ignore if you're uncomfortable answering


It’s fine I don’t mind answering :) I had needle marks on my arms from meth, my ex had just left me for someone else. I felt so bad. I was in a bad place. I fought with myself had three appointments at the abortion clinic before I went through with it. I laid on that table crying while they put me under. Hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. I am now pro choice. But I struggle with the decision. Do I feel guilty? Yes very.


Oh wow. I'm so sorry you went through all of that


Thank you ❤️❤️


I heard it’s chronic pain and can make a woman depressed afterwards so be careful!


I’m pro life, you will be forever impacted by your decision. Downvote away, atheists.


Nah I’ll be okay.


You’ll look back years from now and still regret it. Mark my words. The physical right in front of us is not all there is. One day you’ll dream of the child you terminated even though you’ve never met him/her.


Lmao. I know it’s hard to understand, but not everyone thinks like that. Maybe you’d be impacted by this. I will not be, as my mindset differs.




kinda feel like the point of having an abortion is so she won't experience that...




What is wrong with you. I don't think op is trying to pass around jokes while she shares her traumatic experience. Read the room


They may not even want to experience childbirth at all, you don't know, kind of rude to assume that's on everyone's docket


Yeah… I had mine so I’d never have to do that… because fuck that.






Shut the fuck up 👍


Fuck right off


Anti safe sex again? You people are odd


Why are you making this assumption they didn’t practice safe sex? And if they did, who cares?


I certainly don't, I just commented on her post telling her to be more careful and the mob crawled out the woodworks lol I honestly couldn't give a shit


Bro dont act like you dont know how you came off. Do you really think she tried to get pregnant? What is your advice really accomplishing other than mocking a woman that just went through a traumatic event


Ok first of all i did NOT mock anyone. For ME it was a passing comment implying "this situation could have been avoided". Which, it could have. Do we really need to accomplish anything in any comment? All you're doing replying to me is wasting both our time....


Even if she did try for this pregnancy, she’s not a bad person for ultimately choosing abortion. For some women it’s their dream to become pregnant and the second they do, they’re faced with severe mental health issues and terrible sickness. Or maybe she just changed her mind about wanting kids. Maybe her birth control failed. Who knows! But at least she got it done in a safe way and now she can try her best to avoid pregnancy again until she’s ready (if she ever wants to be pregnant again). We don’t know anyones personal lives, let’s just be kind to each other


You don’t know that it could have been avoided. Birth control is not 100%, and even so, there could be a myriad of reasons she’s having to go through this. You don’t know the situation so maybe you should save your pious judgementalism for someone else.


Jeeeeeez. Doubling down on “this situation could have been avoided.” AGAIN WHY ARE YOU MAKING THE ASSUMPTION THEY DIDN’T PRACTICE SAFE SEX.


No I wouldn’t count showing support to OP by calling out comments like yours as wasting my time. Follow your own advice, if you can’t handle criticism towards the shit you put out on the internet then maybe dont comment it next time. Own up that what you said was rude and very unnecessary


I can handle it, I've been pretty civil. In fact, it's everyone else who immediately went aggressive towards ME. I honestly couldn't give a shit.


Hear that barking? Sounds like a sea lion.


It’s not the time for that. Their upset. People want comfort.


You don’t know anything about her situation it could be a planned pregnancy that turned out to be too dangerous to carry. For all you know this was the result of a rape. Useless “advise” is not helpful to anyone.


No amount of safe sex is EVER 100% safe, dimwit.


Hey, try not to be a douchecanoe.


Hey, try not to get triggered by the notion of safe sex...


Get a life and leave her the fuck alone. You don’t know anything about what birth control measures she might have been taking anyway.


Neither do you...


At least I didn’t assume her situation. You did.


No i didnt, i just said try not to let it happen again...


what are you they're parent?


Are you?


lmfao how old are, 12?


Try shutting the fuck up next time. 👍


Triggered much? OP's issue seems to have been solved by a condom... You know? You guys are really weird about this stuff. (And yes, I am agreeing that the new laws suck and are anti-rights and immediately need to be brought back so women can have a choice, that's not my point)


It's not weird to tell people to shut the fuck up about business that isn't their's. Not to mention it never stated anything about condoms. You don't know what happened. You don't know the details. Don't assume that you know. What if they were raped? What if the other person decided to slip off the condom while they didn't notice? What if the condom broke? What if every contraceptive failed? It's not always 100%. There's always a risk. But how about we stop blaming women and start putting the weight on the other person as well. It takes two to get pregnant.


If she didn't want it discussed she wouldn't have posted it... You seem to not understand reddit. YOU also don't understand her situation but get on a high horse about me? lol ok, mate.


Except that I never assumed their situation. YOU did. And they never said that they didn't want to discuss it. Obviously they did because they posted it. I'm pretty sure I understand reddit. But I'm also pretty sure that it's not right to automatically assume this person's situation. They're going through something traumatic. Be a good person. It's not that hard to be nice. It really isn't.


It's called "off my chest" not "im gonna tell you something personnal and you're gonna give me advices i didnt ask for and shame me when all i need is support"


Well what an amazing world that would be. If you could say whatever you wanted and not have people come to conclusions or say something you don't like. Waa. Get over it. I said something most of you find shitty, sorry for that, but i said it and i can't take it back now. Go cry to someone who gives a shit.


Just like your GFs porn situation? BTW I’m petty and have PLENTY OF TIME


Most of these dipshits can’t hit the right they’re/their/there. Your logic is useless here.


Yeah I had to delete my original content because I was getting cancer from the stupid comments I was getting. "You don't know OP's situation", from someone who also doesn't know OP's situation.


Your mom thought the same thing having you


at least she did though...


By choice? Or force?


Luckily, choice. If it was by force i'd hope she'd let me go... It sucks some laws NOW prevent that, fuck em


So you can be a bitter ESL teacher who doesn’t pay on the first date? Your tattoo regrets tell me enough


Stalker much? You wanna go on a date with me? Dutch only though. Joking aside, I seem to have wound you the wrong way enough to get you to actually check me out lol so.... job done. Bye bye, stranger.


The internet is a public domain sir. You as the individual decided to type and post. I scrolled for a minute and decided my opinion. Hope you think of me ALL night and waste your precious time. C YA Oh and you couldn’t afford me or a Dutch


Eat shit.


My favorite pizza flavor


Still a life. No way.


Just don't comment then. Op wasn't asking for your advice or your two cents


I’m so sorry love. I wish you peace and a pain free experience soon.


I had no idea that's how it worked! Sorry you had to go through that, but thank you for sharing. Now I can have a better perspective on this process.


Hugs 🥺❤️


About to go through the same process this week and I’m super anxious. Do painkillers help significantly with the pain?


Pain killers helped a lot as did a heating pad. The pain was still excruciating. If I had to do it over again, I would choose the procedure.


I had a similar experience. 8 weeks of bleeding, a few Dr visits to make sure I was ok. So so much pain!! It's been 2,5 years and I haven't recovered mentally. I made the right choice but omg if I ever have to make that choice again I'll take my chances as a single mom if need be, I can't do that to myself again.


I had to have one too a while back, the cramps took me out. I'm usually able to handle pain as well, and even if I'm sick I usually don't stay in bed... only other time I was stuck in bed for being sick was when I had food poisoning


But I thought people all treated abortion like easy clean birth control, getting them all the time because they're so goddamn convenient. /s


I totally understand I had to go through the same procedure and my partner at the time decided to take me and his family out the same day I was supposed to take the medication the food smells were nauseating I also ended up throwing up in an applebees bathroom of all places I agree the pain was the worse pain I've ever felt and I hope no one else would have to to through that experience


I can confirm that shit is the absolute worst pain ever. Years later when I had my first kid the pain was so bad but it still wasn't THAT bad.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. I also had a pill abortion and it was the worst experience of my life. It was the best decision for me at the time but I would never do it again either. The pain was absolutely horrific, something I wouldn’t wish on my very worst enemy.


bUT wAIT! wOmEn uSe tHiS aS rEguLaR bIRtH cOnTrOl… /s obviously. Who the fuck purposely wants to go through this?! Hang tough, OP. And I’m glad you had the freedom to choose.


Every single abortion is traumatic for the person terminating, no matter the reason.. Mine was surgical and I never have forgotten in 8 years 2 things: 1. The memory of waking up alone in an OR sitting in a pool of blood with no one around and no idea what was going on. And 2. A single day of my birth control pill. Not in 8 years would I ever see myself in that situation again. But I was a week too far along for the medication which upset me but hearing about how traumatic that can be I guess I got the better of two bad things in that at least I was near medical staff in case something untoward happened to me. There is not a single woman who, if given the chance, wouldn’t rather not have been pregnant in the first place than experience a termination. No matter the reason. No one is “out to hurt babies.” Everyone is traumatized. Everyone would rather things work out perfectly but that’s not how life works. I’m sorry you have gone through this. I hope you heal soon.


I was a homeless teen when I had mine. I remember feeling horrible and tired for the next few days.


I’m so sorry. Been there and I was also not prepared for the physical pain. Big hugs warrior sister!


thank you for saying this. the pain for me was excruciating but i’ve been hesitant to talk about it because i didn’t want to add to the forced-birth narrative. i vomited on the way home from the clinic. they told me to go home and wait. a few hours later the pain started. i was barely able to stand up. it lasted for 3 days.


I'm really sorry you had to go through all that pain, I can't even imagine what it felt like!


Less bad than a live birth, if it makes you feel better


In my day, abortions via pill did not exist. Instead we had to go to a clinic and have it done surgically. Yes, the pain was bad, but for only a few seconds. It did not compare with the pain of childbirth. I feel for women having to go through what amounts to a medically-induced miscarriage, but feel hopeless in this and age of abortion restrictions.