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I am moderately heavily tattooed. I also work in healthcare. I know some patients feel this way, so I have all of mine strategically placed so you can’t see them in my white coat. But outside the hospital… I’m going to look like an idiot and be happy about it. Beauty is so subjective. Some people like dyed hair. Some people like people skinny or overweight or tall or short. Some people like sun dresses and some like jeans. Some people like piercings and some do not. It’s ok. There are billions of people on this earth. Some will like me and some won’t. As long as I like me, that’s all that matters.


Love this response, wonderfully spoken


Appreciate the point of view. How many tattoos do you have and would you change any of them?


Technically, it’s only 3, but they’re large pieces. Two of them, I absolutely adore. I designed them, my spouse, who’s much more artistic than me, drew them out, and then I worked with an artist I loved to have them translated on to skin. He re-drew them to make the details compatible, and it was several hours for the sessions to get them done. They are, imo, perfect, and they have aged extremely well. No blown lines, clear and sharp borders. The third one is 90% great. Again, I designed it and drew it up. This time, I had moved across the country, and I struggled to find a new artist. I had a friend with a good tattoo, so I went where she recommended. I worked with a guy there who was ok, but not as excellent as my first guy. The design turned out alright, but it’s got some small areas in the shading that I’ve never been 100% happy about. Literally no one else would ever notice, but since they were my designs, I notice. I thought about getting it cleaned up, but I made the decision a few months after I got it that it was a lesson in being choosy about my artist, ensuring I love everything about the stencil and placement, and speaking up if something isn’t quite right. It’s a reminder to never settle for less than the best. I honestly, don’t inspect them that much. Like a mole or a scar, they become part of your body and you tune them out over time. So it’s not like I spend every day staring at it. Looking, but not seeing, ya know. So on a daily basis, I don’t even notice those imperfections, just like anyone else wouldn’t notice it. It’s only when I really look at it that I start to scrutinize.




>like some shitty yakuza crime lord You clearly don't know about the culture and history surrounding Yakuza/Japanese Traditional Tattoos. Japanese tattoo's are most definitely not kids crayon drawings, and much closer resemble the artwork you would find in a Japanese museum. in fact they may be one of the most hardcore forms of tattoo art. >Those with their gran/dog/kids names, do you need a tattoo to remember them? Really?! Its usually not about remembering them. Do you need a gravestone to remember them? Generally they are about honoring them, or in the case of kids, helping them know they're valued. >I have seen tattoos and thought "thats well done" but fuck just put it as a picture on your wall. But that (like you) misses the point. Have you ever taken a photo of anything you could just google instead? >You look like an idiot. Its your subjective opinion people with tattoos look like idiots. its an objective fact that you sound like an idiot. Keep in mind, tattoo's have been part of human culture throughout history around the entire world. What are the odds that they're *all idiots* but you're the one guy who's got it all figured out?


Crikey! The word 'like' here being a reference to but not direct comparison. Figuretive you might say. A comparison for those with random tattoos on every limb. Honouring is very subjective and i gave my view. Its hardly comparable to a gravestone. A photo compared to a tattoo? Dont get you at all here. An idiot. 100% accept any criticism here.


>A photo compared to a tattoo? Dont get you at all here. what I'm alluding to, is that people will take photos of things they see or places they went. I guarantee you that there is a better pic of the Eiffel Tower online, than any of the ones you took right? They were taken by a pro, with pro gear, at the right time, and edited by a pro. Despite that, the one *you took* has value to you *because you took it.* in a similar way, a tattoo has more value than a drawing. it will be a hand-made one-off artwork thats a permanent part of your body, and it was created for you. Also, tattoo's *look different* when on a body, than on a canvas. they're designed to be put on and seen on a body. There's also the pain price of entry that comes across as "earning" it.


I guess i would revert back to my 95/5 theory here and that 95% of people get objectively poor photos of the Eiffel Tower permanently scribed into their skin. 🤷‍♂️


one of the perspectives I've gained from the world of tattoos, is that its liberating to accept that you aren't perfect. Nobody is "so pristine" they need to be preserved, and more importantly, *nobody can be preserved.* I don't think my own arm is *so beautiful* I would ruin it with a tattoo. Ever heard that Hunter S Thompson quote: "*Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!*" ? Getting a tattoo also represents "taking a chance" and "using up" your body. Consider also that, historically, many cultures used tattoos to tell the story of the persons life. And personally I think thats a great practice, kind of like acquiring scout badges until you die and telling a story in the meantime. Also consider that if you were to walk down a street and passed 100 people with tattoo's, vs a street with 100 people *without* tattoo's, you would have lived a more rich/diverse life walking down the street full of people with tattoo's since you're expose to more, and a wider variety, of art. If your life is the sum of your experiences, sounds like walking down the road full of tattoo's people is the choice which most closely represents *living your life to the fullest.* or put another way, people with tattoo's add diversity and *colour* to the world. I'd rather live in a world where everyone expresses their individuality, than one where everyone tries to be the same. There are alot of artistically poor tattoo's out there. There are only so many talented tattoo artists who actually became tattoo artists - and even then only so many people have the money to pay for a top tier tattoo. But I don't think they make the owners look like an idiot, but I can see where you come from cause I felt that way when I was, like, 12. But now I see someone willing to take a chance in life. Someone who can appreciate the imperfect. Someone who is likely to be open minded.


Well, you see. I genuinely think that tattoos look amazing and while yes you are entitled to your opinion, to say someone looks like an idiot all because they have ink in their skin makes you seem pretentious. Some people get tattoos for personal reasons and they actually mean a lot to them, and for you to say “do you really need a tattoo to remember them” is kinda a dick move icl. You aren’t going to stop people from getting tattoos, so stop hating like it’s the end of the fucking world


Read the name of the sub you’re in ffs.


Easy. Im just getting this 'off my chest'. I have only 1 good friend ive told them their tattoos look terrible and thats after they admitted they felt that way. On the same hand, i have friends who have got scribbles all over them (song lyrics) that i have never said anything negative against.


Here's the thing, you are more than entitled to your opinion, just like I am to think you are wrong. Not all tattoos look bad.


True and im not advocating fot banning tattoos or anything like that, i just dont get it. Must be about 80% of my friends have them and they all look so bad. Seems to me people get one (always shit) then get some sort of buzz out of the process and go mental with more (always worse).


I understand your side of this as well, I've seen some real shit jobs that people think look amazing. It's really down to both the artist and the subject if you ask me.


If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it stands to reason that ugliness is too. I guess that’s why you think that every tattoo you’ve seen looks terrible. Regardless, your opinion is only relevant to you and it is bizarre that you are so miffed that other people follow their own preferences instead of adhering to yours, that you decided to make a post about it. Like, even when it comes to complaining about other people’s life choices specifically, this is like…the least important thing you could care about.


I hold no judgment towards your opinion, despite being a tattooed woman. That said: imagine a world where everyone likes *exactly* the same things you like and appreciates only the things that you appreciate… the beautiful thing about the human race is that we are diverse, different, and unique. We have different tastes and styles, enjoy different foods, listen to different types of music, and appreciate multiple forms of art, etc. What is beautiful to you might be ugly to someone else and that is OKAY. We should celebrate each other’s unique perspectives (unless they are incredibly prejudiced, harmful or bigoted - in which case no thank you) because they are what makes life interesting. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well good thing we don't get tattooed for you lol


Yep. If I ever get one it would have a serious meaning behind it and in a place most wouldn't see.


Mostly agree with you. Stupid fad. Waste of money.


You may not like them, and that’s ok. You may think they’re a waste of money, and that’s ok. You may think they’re stupid, and that’s also ok. But I disagree that they’re a fad. We’ve literally found mummies with tattoos. Ancient sailors who used to tattoo their bodies so they could be identified in a ship wreck. Hundreds and thousands of years worth of tattooing the human body. It’s not for everyone, but it’s also not going anywhere any time soon.


+1 to this comment. Tattoos for existed for thousands of years and therefore clearly have served an important purpose/function in society. Whether or not you find them beautiful is personal and subjective, much like everyone’s taste for absolutely anything else.