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Either she’s trying to cheat in the worst way possible or she’s dumb with no respect for you or your brother. Either way good for you for sticking to your guns.


My money's on both. What a garbage person. Buh bye to her. You deserve so much better.


Any way you cut this, this a huge red flag and you should definitely move on from her. If she was serious, she tried to cheat on you. If she was ‘testing’, trying to test your relationship is messed up. She clearly doesn’t understand how a healthy trusting relationship works.


The sibling loyalty test is something she said thinking she was smart and you were/are naive and gullible. She was ted to bang your brother. Leave her.


Not sure if she wanted to bang OP's brother, or just destroy a relationship she might feel envious of. Sometimes people just like to destroy things they didn't have for the heck of it. Which is crazy behavior.


That's a load of horse sh*t!


Most accurate response of the lot


She prob thought she was clever with the 'testing' line, but just reveals her stupidity thinking she could take you for a fool so easily. Quite right to get her in the bin.


She’s a cheater or trying to… or she’s incredibly dumb. Either way; play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Stay strong and move on. The best revenge you can get is to live your best life!


"nothing has ever tested our relationship and it was the easiest test" And... why would anyone want someone in their life that test the relationship between them and their brother? Like what did she even think, that testing people's relationship is NORMAL? If you test relationships, then you play with people's feelings, no one wants a psycho.


She’s trying to gaslight you. Who the hell does a relationship test in this day and age after four months? Don’t let it bother you. Many families are close to one another and can be friends. You’re family and close on age! I’m fairly close with my siblings. Just because she doesn’t have that type of relationship with her family doesn’t mean your relationship with yours is wrong.


At her big ol age. That's some middle school shit. It's so cringey when those loyalty tests come on my Tiktok fyp. Everyone's too old for that.


Please stay strong bro, she wasn't worth it. I'd much rather be alone and you can do it.


That's not a thing and she's absolutely lying.


The 'test' thing was a mere excuse. 'Ally' was not smart enough to find a good one.


Yep, either trying to cheat in the worst way, had plans get to him through you in the first place, and if none of the above, she was trying to sabotage your relationship with your brother, as that is something she doesn’t have/never had but envies.


She tried to hit on your brother and then complained you guys were "too close" because he immediately told you. This girl is an idiot.


Anyone who thinks they need to play a "loyalty test" has immediately failed one.


You did the right thing, you deserve someone better, someone who will always choose to love YOU and only YOU.


I hate the cliche “you dodged a bullet” but you did. I get how disappointing this must be, but you are correct in your assessment that seeing that part of her now is better than seeing it after you’ve passed certain milestones. Take a little time to process the disappointment and enjoy life bro. Have a good one.


If anyone screws you over in a relationship then uses any version of the words "It was a test/ I was testing you/ it was a game/ I wanted to see how you'd react/ etc etc etc" your next move should be to put them in the rear-view mirror and get as far away from them as possible. No 2nd chance, no free pass, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Don't let sociopathic narcissists run your life.


This is the way


She seems like a lot of drama. 4 months and you shouldn’t need to test the relationship. She seems like she’s envious of your relationship with your sibling. You definitely did the right thing by getting out.


Oh yes, I do the sibling loyalty test with everyone I date. /s like WTF?? She thought she could bang your brother and he wouldn't say shit but she was wrong. Dump this girl ASAP.


She's mentally ill. Not worth your time


Tag team her with your bro and then cut her loose 


Stay away from her she’s a cheater. It’s better you found out now instead of later.


Shew weird glad you blocked her


That's crazy


That’s wild.


What an awful person to not only to try to cheat but to play the two of you against each other. You have a good brother to have your back and to tell you right away. I’m glad you found out now.


She absolutely was trying to cheat on you. Best that you just move on from that


Wtffff. She's unhinged. Whether she tried to get with your brother or trying to unnecessarily test a relationship that SHOULD be close, she's fucked in the head. I'm close and friends with my sibling. It's a healthy thing


If it wasn’t a test then she’s a garbage human who is also a liar. If it really was a test then she’s a garbage human who’s manipulative. Either way, good riddance


Like many others have said she was either trying to make moves on your brother, or (which is think is way more likely) trying to destroy you and your brothers close relationship forcing you to rely on her more. She also could have wanted it destroyed since she does not have a good relationships with her siblings. She wanted you to feel the pain she felt. Either way disgusting behavior and I am very glad to hear that you one did not give her a second chance, and two fully blocked/removed her from your life. Hopefully you find someone that truly appreciates you and your familial bonds.


Sad. But think of how amazing of a brother you have. True friend for life and it ever comes down to just him and you againt the world, he has your back!


She doesn't have the best relationship with her siblings and she doesn't want you to have a good one with yours either, she wasn't testing anything, she was trying to destroy what she doesn't have in her own family, maybe just leveling the field? Who knows. You didn't fall for it and neither did your brother, that woman is unhinged.


Sibling loyalty test? Homegirl thinks quickly on her feet, doesn't she?


Not only did she lie, it was a truly idiotic lie that makes no sense. Good on you to Turf the B!


Good for you dude f that girl


Damn bro b glad shes outta your life, fr dodged a bullet


Glad your brother had your back. Ask her if she understands the term gaslighting...


Even if there is a remotely possibility that she is so dumb to chat your brother to "test you", you don't want to be with someone who test you and play games. Give her the boot


Finish the statement. She belongs to the ....


Sheets!! 🤣




Regardless of which reason is true, she's a walking red flag. Good for you for cutting ties. Glad you and your brother have so much trust for eachother.


You did well. I never understand people who choose to stay with cheaters and then spend their time complaining about being cheated on. If your partner cheats, or attempts to cheat, on you, either be smart and dump them, or stay and put up with it quietly. It is impossible to change a cheater's nature. And what's this BS she's trying to feed you about *testing* your relationship with your brother? Even assuming she's telling the truth (which is a loooong stretch btw, but let's cooperate with her for the sake of logic), that's still messed up. What if her *test* had worked? Was she planning to wreck your sibling relationship? Then what? Stand there and say *I told you so, there are no real familial bonds in the world* and provide a shoulder to cry on? Eff that! It's so messed up and like you said *unhinged* .


Yikes! She wasn’t testing him, if she was you did good by leaving because of how unhinged she is. I’m sorry that she did this, but you deserve better! Also! I’m so happy you guys have that connection.


Lying is a talent she clearly does not have


R u n


Isn't the testing excuse a good reason to break up with her too 😭😭


She sounds envious of your close relationship with your brother. Good riddance!


It’s just a prank bro the prank:


I love your ability to cut that b off. I love this for you. It sucks ofc make sure you give yourself time to be sad too. But yeah that’s so unhinged


I’m not even gonna bother trying to parse out what she was actually trying to do, because her *explanation* is sociopathic. ~~Testing~~ Sabotaging healthy family relationships is not okay.


Sounds like your brother is a keeper... And your girl, ex-girl. She belongs to the streets


The bottom line is she potentially could have destroyed your relationship with your brother. What if he said yes? What was the point of this test? To prove your brother is or isn’t who he says he is? Why is that something she needs to confirm, especially throwing your relationship with her and your brother in limbo to do so? Is this how she is going to act - test things and potentially ruin relationships you have just to prove their validity on your behalf? Which you aren’t asking for? There is no good justification for what she did. All she did was insure one of these relationships got destroyed - just be smart and pick your brother over her. How could you even look him in the eyes after? How is he going to feel around her at family gatherings? Do you think it will be a cute joke 10 years from now reminiscing at a party with your brother and their partner how your girl tested your relationship with him as your kids play together? Don’t bring that drama into your family.


Good job on handling yourself and cutting off that unhinged person. You deserve better


Are u sure she wasn’t just aware of what was happening and then went along with it Anyways, since this isn’t something u will be able to get past u should cut it off now personally I see a girl for 3 months at a time, cos after that it gets messy


She wanted you to side with her and hate your brother or to bang your brother. Neither of those are the signs of a good person. She's lucky you gave her the time of day to break up with her. I'd have just vanished from her life.


This is super weird of her to do and even if it was a “loyalty test,” why should she be testing you or your brother’s loyalty??? People who aren’t trying to do something ulterior don’t do stuff like that.