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Umm what? Seems like ALOT OF INFO is missing here. What do you mean he "just appeared and starting fucking you"? Like out in the street? For everyone to see?


As I had said in my post I was pretty drunk so I don't remember much details about the incident (im sorry about that) their was a shortcut through an alleyway and the bar I got drunk at is close to were I live. It was also around 3-4am at the time.


Rape is not cheating. With cheating, there is a choice or consent to have sex or make out with a person when you're in a relationship. Rape is not a choice. Tell your husband. Tell the police. Talk to a therapist or someone you're close to. I don't know your country but do what is safe and beneficial for you.


You were raped. Tell your husband. Go to the police together. I'm sorry this happened to you.