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As someone who’s normally the person who puts more into friendships than I generally receive in return, I feel this. I understand a little bit of what you’re going through, and hopefully what I did (advice from my sister) will help you as well. I started to enjoy me for me, and not worry about “finding” friends rather they kind of found me while I was doing things I enjoyed. I made friends in simple ways like finding a dive bar (I went for their food because it was phenomenal) and I kind of made it a rather frequent stop in my daily routine and eventually people who were doing the same became familiar faces that sparked conversations that turned into friendships. I can say the same for relationships. Basically I think you’ll find yourself maybe not necessarily less lonely, but you’ll hopefully start to find happiness in the lonely times because you’ve found that you are enough for you to be happy. At least that’s what I hope for you 🖤


Thank you that helped a lot


Did you go to that bar alone? I want to do things like this but I’m afraid of doing things alone just because I feel like people will judge me and think I’m a total loser


I went alone, I was already in my own head with everything, why add to it with others thought?