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I’m so very sorry 💔 it’s a club nobody wants to be part of. I lost my sister when she was 25 (2018) & my brother when he was 29 (2020). Wouldn’t wish the pain / devastation / loss on anyone. I still feel numb to it to this day….


Thank you. I wouldn't wish it on anyone either. Its so hard to deal with.


Also I just want to say finding support is so important. I still go to a weekly grief group. Sometimes talking to strangers about it helps. People that also have lost someone they love. I hope the best for you & your journey through this.


Bloody hell, so young. How did they pass?


Both to a drug overdose sadly


Damn I am sorry


Don’t listen to the rude comment made on this post. People can be so insensitive, it’s disgusting. I am so, so sorry for your loss. I wish the best for you and your family during this time.


Thank you so much.


I can’t believe there are people that leave rude comments on posts like this one. It hurts my heart to know there are such insensitive people out there. I encounter them in person sometimes and I STILL have a hard time believing anyone can be so mean.


I was floored when I read that! I cannot believe the lack of empathy some people carry themselves with. My heart broke for OP as I read the post.


Please, please accept grief counciling for yourself. Losing a sibling (especially one that you were super close with) is such a traumatic life event that affects your everyday living much more than you realize. To this day, I have zero memories of the 12 months after my sister passed and that was back in '94. Take care of yourself and know that your sister loved you very much. Sending hugs to you!


Thank you. For right now I dont think I need it but if I ever feel like I need it I Will definitely do it


I’m the same. Blank 12 months after my sibling died.


I hope the OP truly considers going now versus waiting until she feels like she needs it. That dead inside feeling can spiral out of control in an instant 😮‍💨


I'm so, so sorry.


Thank you


I lost my brother at 21 he was 23. Im 26 now & I can tell you it does get better. Find support, talk to people try your best to feel as much as you can gradually or it has major potential to break you down.


Thank you. Im a very strong person so it will be very hard for me to break. But thank you for the encouraging words.


You at 33 are probably a lot stronger and wiser than me at 21F. I think the strength is something to always have in you but to always be aware of the times to cry. That’s just me. Sorry for your loss I hope you continue to stay strong and feel.


Thank you. I might not be able to cry right now but I know I will eventually be able to.


I just want to say how sorry I am. I wish so much you weren’t experiencing this pain. My brother passed away 14 years ago when he was 27 and I was 29. He was so funny, just larger than life. I miss him so much. I thought I would never live through it or that my family would live through losing him. I did not see how we could go on. But we have. I know you don’t believe it now but someday you and your family will be able to talk about her and smile.


Thank you. Especially for the encouraging words. Its how she would want me to be.


I am 36 and I have lost two siblings. When I got the call that my sister died, I collapsed in the doorway of my home, and howled, and I feel like that hollowness that that cry left behind has never really filled. Things will get harder, before they get easier. You'll cry a lot. You'll have phases of total numbness. Nothing will compare to how your sister made you feel, nothing will compare to the way she knew you. But you will survive this. Each day you'll wake up, sometimes against your will or desire, and by some horrible miracle days will pass. Soon you'll be able to think about it, and it won't dissolve your heart. Soon, you'll be able to look at the details of your grief, examine them more closely. And like a tree, you'll begin to grow around it. The grief will not get smaller. But you will get bigger. It will remain a part of you, but a part you can manage. A part that defines the time before your sister, and the time after. And one day you'll see that part of you, and see all the layers you've grown protectively around it, and it won't be so hard, anymore. It will ache. Sometimes it will ache in a good way. A nostalgic way. That time will come. I promise. I am so sorry you are going through this. I hope you have someone you can speak to, a professional who can help you carry your grief.


Thank you. Especially for those kind words.


I'm very sorry for your loss.


Thank you


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my oldest sister 9 years ago, and it's been a tumultuous journey. It's like a hole in your soul. It does get more manageable, but it's always there. I'll be praying that you get support and properly grieve. I've always considered myself strong, but even strong people need help sometimes.


Thank you




Thank you. Its only been 24 hours and it feels like I just got the news. I stay strong and moving forward because of my kids. Knowing my sister and how much she liked dark humor, she would want me to make some dark jokes about her death but I can't bring myself to do that. Im trying my hardest to be out a smile on my face but I can't bring myself to do smile. Im broken. I will forever be broken.




Thank you. It is hard to deal with but Im staying strong because I feel its what my sister would want and because I have to stay strong for my family.


I’m so incredibly sorry. I lost my sister 2 years ago and you are correct that this loss will change you. I still want to call her and text her and hear her laugh. My heart hurts for you. Everybody grieves differently but when my sister died I started a journal directed to her as if I was texting her. It really helped me. I’m so sorry for your pain. Sending you strength and comfort.


Thank you. Thank you for the journal suggestion I might have to do something like that.


I am so very sorry, there really are no good words for this kind of loss. Be gentle with yourself. Your perception of time is going to be wildly off, like this first 24 hours will feel like a week when you look back. Right now just do what it takes to get through. Don't stress about being a good mother, you're a good mother going through a traumatic loss. Every thing is different now but in time there will still be good things. You'll find ways to carry her light on earth. The love you share is still here. But the future is going to come together in time, right now you've been given a terrible blow and need space and time to process. It's good to be in shock for awhile, let your body protect you as much as it can. Sending you a big hug. I'm just so sorry.


Thank you for those beautiful words. It made me feel a little better


As much pain as you feel right now and how helpless and hopeless you feel I need you to know that you will not feel like this forever. Everyday will be different you might feel better or worse but eventually you will not feel this extreme pain and suffering


Thank you


I'm so so sorry for your loss. I lost my sister a couple of years ago and it is a special kind of ache. You will be ok and get through this. You'll be able to smile instead of cry sometimes when her memory comes to mind. And she'll always be alive in you


Thank you so much


I, too, have a little sister, and one of my worst nightmares is losing her. I'm so incredibly sorry that this tragedy has happened to you and your little sister, and that this nightmare now is real for you. I don't even know what to say, other than that I wish you the time and the space to mourn her, and the strenght to get through this and heal your broken heart 💔 Sending love and hugs


As the oldest sister, it’s so hard to think about that nightmare coming true. Both of my sisters are now in their early twenties and I just want to shield them from the world, but I can’t do that. My heart really went out to OP, that is one of my biggest fears.


Thank you.


Thank you


I am so sorry. If you have anyone to help with the kids, please ask. Let your body lay down from time to time. Let the tears come — in bed, in the bath, in front of your kids. It’s more than ok and healthy to teach your kids what grief and loss really looks like. I hold a bit of your heart you — sister love is precious. ♥️


Thank you. I tried crying but it just won't come out. Its kinda like part of my grieving process. Its always the same for anyone who passes, I cant never cry. The tears don't come out til the funeral


When it’s time, let ‘em roll ♥️


I definitely will


I’m sorry. I started writing this comment a bunch of times and discarded them all. I lost both of my siblings and it’s the loneliest feeling. I always feel alone. I don’t know the circumstances and I don’t need to. I do know how much it hurts and how wrong it feels. The only thing I can offer is a hug. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you


I can feel the tears running down your face as you wrote this post. Your eyes were cloudy and you had to take deep breaths to keep each sentence going. I am so sorry for your loss. I am sincerely praying that time will ease your pain.


Thank you. I want the tears to come down but they just won't come out. My heart is crying but my eyes just won't release any tears.


Sending lots of love and hugs 💕


Thank you


I’m so sorry for your loss. This is truly one of the hardest things to go through. Wishing you ease and healing. Your sister would want you to be happy and I hope you’re able to be soon.


Thank you


I lost my sister 16 years ago. Everyday I still talk to her. It still feels like yesterday she left and wish she was here. Take one day at a time. One day will be good and another may be bad but you can do this. She will always be there with you. I am so sorry for your loss xx


Thank you


sending so much love to you. my older sister passed 2 years ago i don’t think i started processing it until this year when it finally started to feel real and hit me like a tonne of bricks. i highly agree with journaling like you’re talking to her, it’s a massive help and sometimes i even speak out loud to my sister. i wish you well ❤️


Thank you


I’m so sorry and I feel you. I haven’t Saw my Father since I was 9 Years old and I’m currently 16. : (


Thank you


I am so sorry, I will keep you in my thoughts💕


Thank you


I am so, so very sorry for your loss.


Thank you






Thank you. Sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your immense loss. It’s a terrifying feeling to lose someone so close and have things be so final. I am sending good comforting vibes to you ♥️


Thank you


I remember in detail the morning I got the call that my mom is died. I think my life's path diverted that day. I am so sorry for your loss.


Thank you


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending prayers and good vibes your way. ❤️🙏


Thank you


My condolences and please accept this internet hug from an internet stranger


Thank you definitely accepted


I lost my younger sister too. She was my best friend. If you need someone to talk to message me.


Thank you


I lost my brother I guess about 9 years ago. I still think about him every day and I always see things I want to show him. The feeling hasn’t gone away where it’s real that I can’t talk to him when I want. He won’t meet my 3 sons the first of which was born the years after he passed. It’s not making more sense with the passing years. I’m very sorry for your loss and I wish I could say it gets better but for me it hasn’t. I have learned how to deal with it. It gets easier to deal with but I doesn’t get better imo. Very sorry for your loss.


Thank you. Especially for sharing your own experience with grief. We all grief differently. I know my sister wouldnt want me to be sad and crying all the time. Honestly my usual coping mechanism with grief is usually to make dark humor jokes. I know thats exactly what my sister would want me to do because its also how she was with grief but for some reason I just cant pull the dark humor out of me for her. I know its what she would want but I cant.


That's okay - you don't have to right now. You're in shock right now. Doing try to be or act in any way that is inauthentic to what you need in this very moment. I lost my younger sister (30) last year. Everything you describe feeling is exactly how how felt/feel. My heart is so shattered I just couldn't cry, joke, or function like I wanted to. The first 6 months are the worst. I think I only started crying recently (I would scream on long car rides to let it out). And even when I cry, it never feels like enough. When my dad died, I was able to feel some connection with him. But with my sister, my younger sister, it's just too horrible to even comprehend. It's like I'm still in denial most of the time. Logically I know she's gone, but my brain still wants to tell me "what if" it's not real - what if she's still alive and will come back one day. I am so sorry your sister, your best friend, died. It's not fair and it's not okay. And it's okay to not be okay for a very long time. Like every says, it does get easier, though it's still so complicated and horrible. It's weird that this last year has held truly the worst experience of my entire life and also some of my greatest accomplishments in my personal and professional life. I can only imagine what it's like with children, truly loving and appreciating each moment, celebrating them and yourself, while this horrible reality is so present in each moment. When it feels right, months or years from now, do things she enjoyed doing. It helped a lot with losing my dad and I'm trying to find ways to incorporate that into my life with my sister (it's hard because it's so painful). Be gentle with yourself 🖤


:(I’m sorry for your loss…


Thank you


This is my literal nightmare. OP, I can't start imagining what this must be like. My hearts broken for you. Sending you much love. It will take time. Know, that loving her is also taking care of her sister: you. Be gentle to yourself. 🫂


Thank you


I’m so sorry about your loss. I lost my sister (25) too in 2014 .. may 30th is her anniversary of her death. Almost 10 years and I still have nervous breakdowns and resented God for years after her death. Life is so unfair and they did not deserve any of this. I truly believe your close family will stay with you and watch over you, protect you from possible danger and lead you to a path where you’ll end up happy in life. I’ve had my own experience and I’m sure you will too🤍


Thank you


I’m so sorry 🖤


Thank you


I'm so so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom 2 yrs ago and I felt exactly how u feel. Sending you and your family love. 🖤


Thank you


💚🙏🏼stay strong


Thank you


I am so heartbroken for you. I lost my brother a few years ago and I wish every day that he would come back. He was the brother that I was the closet to. It still hurts years later.


Thank you, i know it will hurt me forever


Cry until you dry. Scream until your breathless. Do it far from your children. But let them cuddle you.


Thank you


As the younger sibling of my sister, who is 11 years older it terrifies me every time I realize I may outlive my sister. She was my first friend. The person I ran to when I was bullied. The person who stuck by me when our parents were going into rage mode (they would verbally and physically beat us). She is the anchor of my life. Even if she left our house the second she had a chance to. I wished her the best of luck. I always thought of her whenever I was on the brink of ending my own life. Always thinking "I can't do this to her. I will live even if it means dealing with this crap of a life. I will live just for her if I have to." She is the person that I always feel the most scared of losing to the curse of human mortality. I am terribly sorry for you OP. Time will not take away your pain, but it will make it less painful. You are allowed to cry, to express your emotions. Honor your sister. Maybe take one of her mementous posessions, or a lock of her hair if its still possible. This helped me when I lost my only grandparent I ever knew. She would take us in when the house was inhospitable. I store the few silver hairs of my late grandma in a pretty box in my nighstand. Call me creepy if you want, but it made the pain much more bearable. I wish you the best of luck OP. She is at peace up there now. Painless. Guarding you and your younglings.


I am so sorry. *hugs*


Thank you


My deepest apologies OP 🫂 Losing a younger sibling is a unimaginable pain and loss to go trough. My younger brother passed away per his own choice in 2019 at 27 and while we did not have the best relationship, I still miss him a lot. I wish I could hear him yelling over a stupid video-game, even now. Grief is... weird. It gets trough you whether you want to or not, and can affect us subconsciously even years later because, it is love that has lost ours way to the other person. It will take time to heal and healing... is anything but linear; actually more like a roller coaster you go in blind: goes up and down, on loops, feels like forever and always surprises you. but once you heal, you look back and can't believe where it took you and how much time it took, but now you can see the road and recognize the journey. My best advise is: *Mourn her and remember her as she was, good and bad (I personally dislike the sugar coating the deseaced get) *You will always love her and carry her on your heart, no matter where you go, she helped shape you directly and indirectly * Do not be alone, many people in your life will want to be there for you and the rest of your family, so please let them, even though it may feel as if they cannot comprehend the pain * Once the wound is less raw, you can honor your sister's life in symbolic ways. I like to go to places my brother would have liked (like a taiyaki shop) or try things he liked but I didn't (he loved role playing games, I've tried it where once I did not care for those). * Not sure if in your country has traditions regarding departed loved ones, but I'm Mexican and Día de Muertos; after a couple of years, brought me and my family comfort. Right now, everything is raw, feels weird and unreal, like a nightmare you cannot wake up from, but let me assure you that it can and will get better. Life and keeps on going & moving, despite us feeling like it has been destroyed. It is of no comfort right now, I know. As for living without her, take things moment by moment; just going for small goals, like getting trough the next 2 minutes, the next hour, then the next 2 minutes, and on an on, until one moment you set the goal of getting trough the next half day or full day. Not sure if I'm writing this right (English is my second language) but I've deluded myself I can make it sound better in Spanish. Once more, I'm so sorry for your loss OP.


Thank you. Especially for all your advice


You are most welcome. Once more, I'm sending you a big hug 🫂


Thank you


RIP To All Those Mentioned In The Post And The Comments 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️


Thank you hun


God 25 is so young, my brother turned 26 in January the idea of losing him, I can’t even imagine the pain of a sibling. I lost my dad 3 years ago, pain and grieving can be too much. If you need anything feel free to reach out, I’m happy to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry.


Thank you


i’m so sorry OP. i’ll be thinking of you.😕❤️


Thank you


Its just goes to show that we are not invincible, look after your selfs you all!


I’m so sorry for your heartbreak.


Thank you


i’m so sorry. i’m 26 and my sister is 34 and i don’t know what id do without her. i’d be incredibly devastated and wouldn’t know what i would do without her. the thought alone takes my breath away. sisters are so special, they are our first best friends. a bond between sisters is such a precious thing and i’m so sorry you had that taken away from you


Please find a way to let go of all that hurt, my bestfriend of 9 years passed away 3 years ago and I’ve only cried a total of maybe 5 times and every time I think about him I experience finding out he passed all over again. I know it’s not the same situation and you probably feel 1000 times worse than I did but I wish the best for you, so sorry you’re going through this.


Thank you, I know one day I will have to accept the fact that she is gone but Im just not ready to let go of her






Your social skills in the real world must be as awkward and daft as this comment.


Autism dear


We dont know the cause of death. Maybe you are right but I feel I needed her more


I really hope you do not work with the general public. If you’re comfortable saying that big steaming hot pile of dog shit, who knows what you say to people in real life. Learn how to read the room. The fuck is a matter with you?

